Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 484 Guild Competition

Compared with individual competitions, major wealthy guilds and clubs pay more attention to guild competitions.

Compared to individual competitions, which are more honor-oriented, the prizes in guild battles are much more substantial.

The victorious guild will not only win the golden title of [Champion Guild], but also get priority in various special tasks! They will even receive direct treatment from the empire.

Due to the requirements on the number of participants, those small guilds are not eligible to participate in the competition of the guild competition.

Therefore, the guild competition became extremely cruel from the beginning of the qualifiers, and only ten teams were able to enter the finals.

In this grand event, the most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the wealthy families - Royal Power, Mechanicum, Magic Coin and Sword Pavilion.

They are collectively referred to as the "Four Giants" by forum players.

The first three are all established guilds that have emerged during the closed beta period, and each has the support of real forces behind them.

Jiange suddenly emerged after the open beta. With its unique "martial arts style", it attracted a large number of Chinese players and shined in the Northern War.

Its president [Tian Xingjian] was even named an earl for his outstanding military exploits.

It would be extremely unfortunate to meet these wealthy guilds.

To this day, the four major clubs have maintained a 100% winning rate in the qualifiers, and almost every game is a crushing victory.

The earlier a guild starts, the more advantageous it will be in the competition for resources. This is an indisputable fact, but there are also many dark horses that have suddenly emerged in the guild competition.

For example, the new guild [Roman Era] led by the player [Augustus] has thousands of players, and its members are basically Jingluo elements.

It is said that their original guild was named "Roman Empire", but it was changed to its current name after being interviewed by the imperial officials.

The red side of the ongoing guild war is the [Roman Era].

The commentator's voice sounded:

"The red side is the guild that everyone is familiar with - the Roman era. You can see that they perfectly reproduced the image of the Roman legions."

At the venue, [Roman Era] players wore steel helmets decorated with red horsehair tassels, red or white tabards, and segmented breastplates.

They were armed with short swords, spears and rectangular shields with eagles on them, and wore military slippers.

The eagle flag surrounded by golden garlands fluttered at the venue.

"Long live Rome! Long live Caesar!"

"Liberty, equality, law! Glory to Rome!"

At the forefront of the military formation, [Augustus], as a centurion, raised the eagle flag and shouted slogans.

The players behind them were armed with square shields, heavy javelins, daggers, spears and other weapons, and lined up in three neat rows, looking quite impressive.

They perfectly reproduced the Roman phalanx and even applied it to the battlefield. It is simply the top cosplay.

After talking about the Roman era, the commentator began to introduce the other side of the battle:

"And on the red side is the Shushan Immortal Sect. Their slogan is 'The hall is full of flowers and three thousand guests are drunk, and one sword is frosty in fourteen states'."

"They are also determined to win this game."

Shushan Immortal Sect, you can tell the style of this guild just from its name.

Like [Roman Era], [Shushan Immortal Sect] is also a cosplay-style guild that focuses on a sense of substitution, focusing on an Eastern style of cultivating immortals.

It is also a dark horse guild that emerged after the public beta.

But the strange thing is that since there is no immortal cultivator profession in "Erezegai", most of the members of this guild are warlocks or mages.

They used Tan Sen's floating disc technique, advanced magic weapons, light technique and other effects on their "immortal swords" to show the effect of the sword fairy.

The president [Tai Qing Zhenren], who had dyed white hair and wore a white robe, looked at the Roman phalanx opposite, twirled his fingers and smiled: "Hmph, there is nothing to fear from the mere Western barbarians."

"Wait for us to kill him with our fairy sword!"

"The president is mighty!"

"What president? Mr. Taiqing is the head of my Shushan Immortal Sect! You should say that the head is mighty!"

"The leader is mighty!"

"We, the Immortal Sect of Shushan, will surely be victorious and win the first prize in one fell swoop!"

"The hall is full of flowers and three thousand guests are drunk, and fourteen states are frost-freezed with one sword!"

The players of [Shushan Immortal Sect] stepped on a "flying sword", suspended in mid-air, and looked down at the Roman phalanx opposite.

The players of [Roman Era] were not to be outdone. They held square shields and looked up at the enemies in mid-air, with fighting intent in their eyes.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, but the duel between the "Sword Immortal" and the "Roman Legion" seemed strange.

It feels a bit like "Guan Gong vs. Aliens".




"Game start!"

The referee's words fell, and the battle was about to break out.

"Long live Rome!"

"Prick these crispy skins through!"

[Roman Era] The first row of the phalanx advanced first. They charged with square shields and threw heavy javelins.

The players of [Shushan Sword Sect] quickly cast protective spells, and a series of shimmering shields appeared in mid-air, blocking the heavy javelins.

No, it can’t be called magic. According to them, it should be called “Tao method”.

"You little kid!"

[Master Taiqing] snorted coldly, recited the spell in a pretentious manner, and successively used Tan Sen's Floating Disk Technique, Acceleration Technique, and Advanced Demonized Weapons.

No, it should be called sword control.

Several flying swords flashing with cold light attacked from mid-air, turning into sword lights, slashing directly at the players of the Roman Era.


The square shield was cut open, and the Roman players behind it were also beheaded.

"Shua! Swish! Swish!"

Flying swords danced in the air, and the sword lights crisscrossed, causing many casualties to the players of the [Roman Era].

But the players in the back rows of the square also threw javelins, stabbing many [Shushan Xianzong] players who had not practiced magic.

Those players fell from mid-air with wailing, and were easily killed by the [Roman Era] short sword soldiers who were charging in front.

This fierce battle is still going on.

But [Shushan Xianzong] is not a real cultivator after all, but a group of magicians and warlocks cosplaying.

Many players are not of high level and cannot maintain the levitation for a long time, falling from the sky.

And the players of the [Roman Era] charged and retreated one after another according to the plan that had been set long ago.

Their tactics were quite simple. They took turns to rest and cover each other, and achieved good results with less consumption.

One by one, the "Sword Immortals" fell from the sky, and [Shushan Immortal Sect] gradually lost.

"This is the will of heaven, not the fault of war!"

Finally, with the wail of the player [Taiqing Zhenren] and the battle cry of the players of [Roman Era], this guild war ended.

"The winner of this game is——[Roman Era]!"

"Long live Rome!"

"Jing Luo is crying!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

In the audience, Mantou looked at the fierce battle below the stage and couldn't help but sighed: "Strange, it's really weird!"

"The styles of these two guilds are weirder than each other. When they fight, I have the illusion of entering a game of stitched monsters."

The natural warrior who had just returned from the player's seat wiped his bald head and smiled: "This is "Erezaigai", the game with the highest degree of freedom. It's normal for these people to do anything."


Mantou nodded with deep understanding.

This group of crazy guys can even make something like a fire dwarf loli, what else can't they do?

The most capable ones are the group of people in the Mechanicus, who have taken cosplay to the spiritual level and have indeed put the doctrine of "omniscience and exploration" into practice.

Even the president [Iron Frenzy] doesn't know how far the big guys in the guild have climbed the technology tree.

It is said that some people have seen drawings of tanks, fighters and even intercontinental missiles in the armory, which is really a bit outrageous.

Thinking of this, Mantou asked curiously: "Which guild do you think will win the championship?"


Singo and Tiansheng Zhan Kuang answered in unison.

Mantou was suddenly a little surprised: "Are you so sure that even an old-fashioned giant like Wangquan has no chance of winning the championship?"

"Absolutely not."

Singo waved his hand and said decisively.

"Why? I feel that the group of people in Wangquan are not weak either. The rich president uses real money as a reward."

Singo said mysteriously: "Do you know who is behind the Mechanicus?"

Before Mantou answered, he said to himself: "It's the Empire! It can even be said that it is the emperor himself."

"As far as I know, the Mechanicus has access to the highest level of technology and secrets of the Empire, and has a lot of privileges. Many high-level Mechanicus members hold important positions in the Empire's Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Military Affairs."

"And the Mechanicus has such top resources, which can also attract the most high-end talents. Many bigwigs in reality have been poached by them."

Singo said in a flat tone: "Let's put it this way, the Mechanicus doesn't need to go all out for this guild competition."

"They only need to take out something from the arsenal to crush the other so-called "rich families" and easily win the championship."

"Oh my god, so awesome?"

Mantou was a little surprised. On the forum, the "four rich families" have always been evenly matched.

I didn't expect that there would be such a big gap in strength between them according to Singo. Professional players really have information gap with ordinary players.

"And among the current wealthy families, Wangquan is already shaky and it is difficult to maintain its current status."

Tiansheng Zhan Kuang added with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Mantou was even more surprised. In the discussion posts of forum friends, Wangquan has always been a strong competitor for the strongest guild and has a large number of fans.

Tiansheng Zhan Kuang said: "In the early stage of the game, when there were not many people, their way of using money to open the way and the whole guild serving the local tyrants could still have some effect."

"Now, "Erezagai" has more than 400,000 players, and those wealthy guilds have a scale of thousands of people."

"At this time, the shortcomings of Wangquan's system of inefficiency, strong individualism, and uneven distribution have gradually been exposed."

"No matter how much money their local tyrant guild leader makes, there is not much left after dividing it among thousands of people. Now Wangquan is a paper tiger supported by money, and its decline is predictable."

"So that's it."

"Good man, is this the world of professional bosses?"

Mantou nodded thoughtfully.

Singo suddenly turned around and said with a smile: The preliminaries are about to end. There are only a few guilds left, including the Mechanicus. It seems that there will be a good show next. "

"Huh? Is the next game starting so soon? "

"Red side, Roman Era."

As he spoke, the next game was about to start, and the red side was still [Roman Era].

They had just won a big victory and were full of morale and spirit.

The president [Augustus] actually applied directly to the official and skipped the halftime break.

He wanted to take advantage of the momentum of the big victory just now, and defeat the next opponent in one go, and directly advance to the knockout round.

In addition, the players of [Roman Era] also took some kind of elixir that stimulated fighting spirit and made people more courageous. They did not want to waste this precious effect.

"Long live Rome!"

"Glory to Rome!"

Augustus waved the eagle flag and stood at the forefront of the square formation, his eyebrows flying.

"Blue side, Mechanicus. "

The referee's calm announcement echoed on the battlefield.


The smile on Augustus's face suddenly became a little stiff, but he still held up his strength and said with a stiff face:

"Dear Roman warriors! Don't be afraid of this seemingly powerful enemy. Remember how you swore to each other in front of me: You will never leave the battlefield unless you win!"

As a Roman elite, even if you die, you must continue cosplaying!


"Boom! Boom! "

Several tall armored vehicles appeared on the opposite side, advancing like a wall made of steel.

Behind the armored forces, players pushed heavy cannons, and the black muzzles made people's scalps numb.

Further back, there were lightly armed infantry. Those players of the Mechanicus wore heavy protective clothing, holding machine guns and flamethrowers, and their faces covered by glass covers had relaxed expressions.

The two sides faced off, but it seemed that there was at least a thousand years of equipment gap.

"Damn it."

"President, how about we surrender? Losing to the Mechanicus doesn't seem to be shameful. "

Augustus gritted his teeth and stuck the eagle flag in his hand into the ground.

"No, the Romans will never surrender! Even if we lose, we must die in battle!"

"The game begins!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, the players of the Mechanicus loaded the shells and fired directly.

"Boom! "

The cannon roared and the ground shook.

A huge explosion occurred above the square formation, and the flying shrapnel and flowing flames killed more than a dozen players of [Roman Age] in an instant.

The special square shield can block arrows, but it can't block bullets.

The arcane armor in the front row of the Mechanicus army also began to advance rapidly, like a group of steel behemoths, rolling over aggressively.


"Flesh and blood are weak, and machinery ascends!"

"The big bell once! Push the lever to start the piston and pump... Ring the big bell twice! Press the button, the engine ignites, ignites the turbine, and injects life... Ring the big bell three times! Sing in unison, praise the God of All Machines!"

The battle has just begun, and under the firepower of the Mechanicus, [Roman Age] has lost more than half of its troops.

There is no way to fight.

This is a complete equipment crush, it is simply a modern army fighting primitive people, and the Trisolarians fighting earthlings.


"I, I want to surrender! "

Augustus suddenly shouted amid the roar of artillery fire.

Someone in the audience deliberately asked: "Didn't the Romans never surrender?"

"Yes, why did they surrender so quickly?"

Augustus retorted: "This is just a strategic retreat."

"Everyone in the Roman era, don't be discouraged, we will return like lightning!"

He whispered again: "Isn't Italy also Rome? Surrender is normal."

It seems that this [Augustus] is not a loyal fundamentalist. (End of this chapter)

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