Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 55 Red Scale (Part 2)


The scroll fell from his hand.

The scarlet signature is so eye-catching and so clear.

The cold wind was still biting outside the Giant's Mouth Cave, and heavy snow fell one after another, causing all the family members to shiver with cold, and white mist would emit when they exhaled. But the cave was still as warm as a furnace.

But at this moment, Alger felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and collapsed on the ground.

His oaths, his beliefs, the training and education he had received over the years, everything he pursued, collapsed at this moment.

He conducted combat training day and night, running in with the giant eagle, but eventually became an accomplice in sacrificing his life.

He swore allegiance to Duke Brad, but he didn't expect that the man in front of him who taught him the sword would be his biggest enemy in his life.

He received education from the instructors in his family, but he became a hawk dog controlled by others.

His sacrifice of fighting and sacrifice was finally dedicated to his biggest enemy in life. This is almost like a tragic figure in some operas.

——And this is undoubtedly the most complete denial and the most bitter irony of his life.

Alger used to use hatred to cloud his thinking, so that he could carry out tasks regardless of what was right and wrong.

But when this last fig leaf was lifted, all that was left in his heart were bloody wounds and endless regret.

Alger knelt on the ground.

The scene of that tragedy appeared in front of him again.

Surrounded by burning buildings, people held up torches and cheered, following behind him, shouting slogans of "exorcise the devil" and "defend the citizens". However, the tiefling mother was unarmed and just held her child tightly in her arms. She knelt before him with tears in her eyes, begging for mercy.

And he also remembered what his mother said to him before she died——

"Please, let my child live."

But at that time, he was blinded by hatred and still waved the Eagle's Silver Sword without hesitation.

With a signature crisp eagle cry, he brutally killed it.

He killed mothers and children.

With his own hand he set fire to their settlement.

What he did was no different from that of the person he hated, and could even be said to be his accomplice.

He is not an Avenger.

Nor is he a fighter for justice.

He is just an ignorant person being taken advantage of by his enemies.

An executioner who massacres civilians.

A wretch who doesn't know who he is.


His voice trembled.

I don't know if this apology was to Metrorash or to the dead tieflings.

There was no fluctuation in Metrolash's pure black eyes. He just stood with his hands behind his hands and stared at him indifferently.

"Alger, it's too late."

"This has all happened."

"And your apology means nothing to me and only makes me sick."

Alger did not raise his head, but responded tremblingly:

"kill me."

Metrolash sneered and responded softly:

"If I could decide your life or death, you should have been tortured to death in the dungeon."

"But look at how you look now. You really look like a lost dog. It's not bad for you to live in pain."

This former paladin did not hesitate to use vicious words towards the enemies he recognized in his heart.

Alger hit his head on the ground again and again.

Blood streamed from his forehead.

He suddenly burst into tears, and the tears and blood were mixed together, and his vision was blurred.

He repeated again:

"Please, kill me."

Metrorash looked at him coldly, and then said:

"You want to achieve your own salvation by being killed by me, don't you? The murderer killed by the Avengers is a clichéd drama."

"You always take it for granted."

"Just like you take it for granted that the bloody Duke is a magnanimous good man and put the crime of killing your parents on our heads, just like you take it for granted to massacre our ethnic group's residence."

Metrolash stepped forward, grabbed Alger's head and lifted it up forcefully.

He leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Alger, your life and death are no longer under your control."

"The only reason why you are alive is that you are still valuable to Lord Cassius."

Alger was thrown heavily to the ground.

After Metrolash finished speaking, he stood aside and watched.

This tiefling paladin has not been swallowed up by the hatred in his heart. Now he only cares about how to let his people survive. Alger's life and death are not important to him.

Cassius looked at Alger condescendingly, with no so-called pity in his eyes.

"I have already said that there is no need to deceive you, I just want you to witness the truth."

"You should have known all this."

Alger knelt on the ground, blood dripping continuously.

"I should have... known."

he muttered.

The flowing blood seemed to wake him up.

Alger finally regained his composure from the extreme collapse, and his eyes became clearer.

He can't die yet, he hasn't solved the culprit of all this, he hasn't truly avenged his parents, and he hasn't completed his own redemption.

Once dead, there is no chance of redress.

The face of Duke Brad Luckman appeared in his mind.

The face looked about fifty years old, pale, always with two delicate beards, and silver-rimmed eyes. The hair and pupils were pure black, with only a touch of scarlet showing through occasionally. .

He always speaks slowly and with a strong aristocratic accent, but it doesn't make people feel artificial.

When Alger thought about this face, he would feel deep admiration and gratitude.

But now, there is only endless hatred in his heart.

Thinking of this, Alger said in a deep voice:

"I want to live and kill him."


There was a hint of amusement in Cassius's golden eyes, and he asked knowingly.

"Brad Luckman."

The familiar name came out of Alger's mouth, but this time he said it very firmly, with a certain determination.

"You can't do this alone."


Alger suddenly fell silent.

After a long silence, as if he had gone through deep thinking, he finally slowly put his forehead close to the ground, without caring about the dust on the ground, his eyes were extremely firm.

"Lord Cassius, I swear allegiance to you."

"I am willing to lay down my life for you. I am willing to be your most loyal slave and serve you with all my heart. I will become the dagger in your shadow and the hidden sharp blade in your hand to remove all obstacles for you."

"As long as you allow me..."

"kill him."

Kai Xiu nodded slightly and said:

"I don't need you to become a so-called dead soldier. That's meaningless. I need you to help me conduct an experiment."

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