[Internal testing is about to start, data is being obtained...]

[Data acquisition completed, internal testing time: 365 days]

[Countdown to the start of the closed beta: 3 days]

"Internal beta."

"It's finally here."

Cassius stared at the information on his panel and breathed out a breath of fire in anticipation.

He vaguely remembered that there was a closed beta event in his previous life, but he didn't know the specific time because he was not one of the lucky ones to get a closed beta account.

Moreover, "Erezegai" was completely unknown at the beginning. The official did not carry out any commercial promotion. They only uploaded the purchase URL of the game store on the official website. Later, it was able to be released because of the excellent quality of the game, and it eventually became a global hit. .

This internal beta version is also called [Starfall Origin]. There are only 1,000 places. Players were born in tiefling refugee camps. There is no main mission. They can freely choose their camp or help tieflings. , or go to Luckman, or go to other countries in the North.

The final ending ends with the player exposing Duke Blood's conspiracy and the tieflings returning to Northwind Castle under the leadership of Metrolash.

And this is why Cassius deliberately took in tieflings.

In Cassius's view, Metrolash was a complete pragmatist, which suited Cassius very well. After the player appeared in his previous life, he quickly realized the power of this emerging force and took advantage of it, using it to expand his own strength and fight against the prosperous Luckman family.

But Cassius clearly remembered that within a few months of the end of the closed beta, "Erezegai" started an open beta, which was not at all the time written on his NPC panel.

"Erezege's time is not the same as Earth's."

"Only when the player enters, the two sides will synchronize, and the time flow rate in Erezegai is four times that of the earth."

"Players returned after the first major update in the previous life, and more than ten years have passed since Erezagai."

Cassius thought to himself.

But no matter how good this is, he can't sleep as a giant dragon for decades. When he wakes up, the player has stepped onto the legend and is dressed in a divine costume waiting to slay the dragon. Wouldn't that make him embarrassed?

[Getting data. Completed getting data. ]

[Unlock player interaction templates. ]

Obviously, this is a template that can communicate and interact with players. Although players have not yet arrived and the functions cannot be implemented yet, Cassius should be able to issue tasks to players, sell goods, teach skills, grant professions and even adjust the benefits to players. Sensitivity.

Cassius knew this very well.

When you faced those moody NPCs in your previous life, it was normal for them to have a good impression of you one second, but then the next second they heard a wrong remark and their favor was completely wiped out, and they even turned swords on you.

[Unlock the force camp template. ]

[Unlock player forum. ]

"Is this thing open to me too?"

Cassius was a little surprised. The player forum was used by players to communicate and have fun in their previous lives.

When players are waiting for resurrection, they often choose water forums to talk nonsense such as "being stoned to death does not count as death" and "what is being killed, I call it resistance to damage", or to seriously discuss career building and equipment selection.

You can watch the fun in the forum, or you can choose to stand up and be the fun yourself. There were even posts about clowns confessing their love in the game, which attracted a lot of laughter from onlookers.

Cassius clicked into the forum, and it was empty, with nothing in it.

"As expected, we have to wait for players to enter."

"But before that, I have to talk to them first."

Thinking of this, the red dragon walked out of the cave, preparing to give instructions to his relatives and teach them some techniques for taming players.

The main theme is "lure them with benefits, threaten them with threats"

Commonly known as the carrot and stick tactic.

As for "knowing with reason and moving with emotion"?

Don't think about it at all, it's impossible to do, but it will inspire some players' rebellious psychology.

When a player enters for the first time, there will definitely be a lot of unpleasant things happening. Cassius knows these lawless guys very well. After all, he was like this in his previous life. He would stab them here and there and chop them here and there, and he would unknowingly draw out all the hatred. full.

Afterwards, he asked questions on the forum with an innocent attitude of "I didn't do anything, why are all the NPCs in the town chasing me?", which is really hateful and infuriating.

[Nickname: I eat a steamed bun]

Mantou is a game area up owner, and his video content is mainly about the live experience of new games.

He is half a rich second generation. He has no worries about food and housing. He has more than a dozen of the latest game consoles at home. His daily job is to find new games online to experience, such as My Virtual Girlfriend, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, and King Kong vs. Qin Qiong. , garbage picking simulator.

Regardless of the quality of the game, as long as the traffic is full, it will be fine.

"Alas, this is an age of overwhelming materialism."

In this era of fully immersive games, all kinds of games emerge in endlessly, but Mantou already feels a little electronic.

Even if an interactive beauty is placed in front of him, he remains indifferent. He can no longer find the pleasure he had when he was a child rubbing his hands together on his mobile phone.

By chance, he came across a promotional video for "Erezegai", or a live game. There was no extra line in it, but it clearly showed a real world of swords and magic: "The dragon is in the sky. Soaring in the sky, the knight holds his sword high.”

This reminded Mantou of his original intention of playing the game - fantasy.

Everyone wants to be a hero who saves the world.

So he placed an order without hesitation, and got a brand new game cabin and an account balance of -8000.

"Alas, can't you pinch your face?"

"It's actually a face scanning mechanism, which will discourage many players who like to pinch their faces."

"Maybe there are still some players who like to use transsexual accounts to play online love, um... don't ask me how I know."

In this era of full immersive games, the water of online love is really too deep.

It is impossible to distinguish between men and women by actions, sounds, and appearance. Mantou has a deep understanding of this, and can't help but recall a bloody experience of his own that is unknown to others.

"Since it is a face-swiping game, we can't pinch the body of the ancient god."

[Connecting to the nerve center]

[Scanning your body data]

[Building a character for you]

[Character construction is complete. ]

[I'm going to eat steamed buns]

(Note: the attribute value of a standard human is 10)

Strength - 10

Agility - 10

Constitution - 11

Intelligence - 12

Perception - 10

Charm - 9

"Although I am very grateful for your affirmation of my wisdom"

"But why is my charm only 9--"

The steamed bun in the game cabin burst into tears again, thinking of an experience in which he was blocked after a love photo was leaked online. Maybe this game cabin is really not wrong, but he is wrong.

"The sense of substitution is gone now."

The steamed bun complained conscientiously.

[Confirming your birthplace. Confirmation completed! ]

[Initial location of the internal test, coordinates 17834.4524.455, Batto City. ]

[Preparing for birth]

[Hello, welcome to Erezega! ]

The player finally appeared, and I referred to the basic leaker.

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