Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 75 Red Dragon’s Ambition

Cassius lay lazily in the cave, observing the hard-working players in Baator with the help of Rumple's magic mirror.

"Come on and work, my dear leeks."

In just one month, the originally crude city of Bator has shown a new look. The city walls have become much taller and thicker. Buildings with unique styles have risen from the ground. The city has also become more crowded due to the coming and going of players. A bit of life.

It was not an accident that I went to eat steamed buns, Singo, Xia Ye Qiuyu, and Tiansheng Zhan Kuang were able to get that mysterious invitation letter, but it was a deliberate arrangement by him.

These people have their own traffic in the gaming circle. Once they discover the purpose of the camp's contribution, the entire player group will take it seriously.

For example, now, although Singo has not yet announced the strategy information, his loyal followers have already analyzed it and began to suspect that camp contributions are of great use, and are trying to accumulate camp contributions. I believe that those big guilds will soon start Seize contribution tasks.

By that time, Cassius's mission would be considered a success.

After that, he will add another powerful medicine - the camp position system, which allows players to obtain certain positions in the city based on their camp's contribution, such as: inspector, tax collector, judge, investigator, and even It wouldn't be a bad idea to capture human cities in the future and make them mayors or even mayors.

As for salary, of course it is mainly based on the camp's contribution, supplemented by money.

While allowing players to reap the pleasure of power, Cassius also enjoys the pleasure of someone working for him in vain. This is a perfect win-win policy.

I believe players will understand his behavior and be grateful.

He was watching enthusiastically when the great goblin Doro came to report.

After several years, this dragon-veined hobgoblin has become more experienced, commanding tens of thousands of goblin-like creatures, and is familiar with various military affairs in the Ember Nest.

"Master, the Wolf Cavalry recently discovered traces of the Eagle Guard at the border of Storm High Slope."

Cassius's golden eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh? Haven't they come to provoke me for a long time?"

Doro continued: "While you were sleeping, we took in a dozen pure-blood snakemen and sent them to Beifeng Castle to collect intelligence."

"It's a good decision, but snake teeth are poisonous."

"Don't trust them completely. It's best to treat them as disposable tools." Cassius said meaningfully.

Snake people are always plotting to supplant and dominate other races and then declare themselves gods.

Pure-blood snake people are the lowest level of snake society. Their appearance is very similar to humans, but they cannot pass the strict scrutiny of humans.

Because there are always some natural features that are exposed, such as scaly skin, snake-shaped eyes, sharp snake teeth or a forked tongue. Wearing cloaks and hoods, they disguise themselves as humans and infiltrate civilized lands to gather intelligence, kidnap captives for interrogation and sacrifice, and even make deals with others to further their endless conspiracies.

"Following your instructions, Master, this is what we do."

Doro continued.

"Recently, these pure-blood snakemen seem to have received news that the Luckman family will cooperate with the 'Northland Lion' Bosk family in the south and the 'Double-Headed Eagle' Nott family in the northwest to form a joint army. And the target of their three-sided encirclement is very likely to be us - the Burning Ember Nest."

"With all due respect, my great master, the expansion of the Ember Nest in recent years has aroused the vigilance of the northern countries. They covet our gold and fear our retinue, but we have not yet obtained the real... The experience and proof of blood and fire.”

Cassius stood up slowly, his golden eyes looking condescendingly at Doro: "So you mean we need a war?"

Doro knelt down on one knee and lowered his head respectfully: "I think so, Master."

"War, and only war, can make these miserable, short-sighted humans realize how powerful you are."

"Rump, what do you think?"

Cassius looked at the magic mirror. These mirrors were naturally connected to Rumple's "Mage Tower". They followed the red dragon's will and would only be opened when he needed it. .

Rumple's ugly and ferocious face appeared in the mirror. He put on his gold-rimmed glasses again and held several magic scrolls in his hands.

"Master, I also think that the Burning Nest needs a war. According to my statistics, the number of goblins in the nest has reached 13,457, and there are 10,341 kobolds. Our food supply is no longer enough to fill these guys’ bellies without continued, large-scale war consumption.”

Trump deliberately pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said "accidentally": "And with Doro's leadership, the breeding system, which is rudimentary and even primitive, can only make up for a small fraction."

Faced with Trump's intentional or unintentional sarcasm, Doro's already red face suddenly turned red, but because the red dragon was right in front of him, he did not dare to react.

Cassius ignored the intrigue between the two and just asked:

"How long will it take for their so-called 'coalition forces' to be assembled?"

Doro quickly replied: "The Dukes of the Northern Kingdoms do not have complete control over their lords. These humans are prevaricating, fighting for power, and are very inefficient. They want to gather such a coalition of tens of thousands of people." , at least three months, I’m just conservatively estimating.”

"Very good, three months is enough."

There was a hint of danger in Cassius' golden pupils.

"Master, are we going to war?"

Doro's expression showed incomparable excitement. Creatures like hobgoblins are born with a love of war, which makes most of them not live to die. After acquiring the blood of the red dragon, the cruelty and desire for blood and fire in his nature were revealed. Even more so.

"Doro, don't worry, let those snake people keep an eye on the situation of the Northland coalition forces, and make your troops well prepared for war, including weapons, drills, and tactics. You should know these things better than me. "

"After have been looking forward to it for a long time, haven't you?"

"Yes, Master."

Doro quickly knelt down on one knee, and was so excited that he blew out white smoke from his big red nose. He seemed to have imagined the sight of the enemy's blood smeared on his claws.

"Rump, you start preparing the logistics and use the magic you have developed over the years."

"Yes, Master."

“If they want war, then we will give them war.

"It's just not up to them to decide when it will end."

The two family members accepted the order and went back to work.

The hobgoblin soldiers began to polish their long-idle weapons and armor, conduct pre-war drills, and discuss tactics.

The ogres cheered for the coming war, and after learning that the enemy's corpses could be used as military rations, their morale became even stronger and they celebrated around the bonfire.

The goblins sent the food deep into the Dragon Valley and stored it for use in war.

The kobolds began to make simple weapons such as stone ropes and bows and arrows.

The red dragon stood at the highest point of the valley, overlooking the busy family members from a high position, its golden pupils seemed to reflect the blazing flames.

"It's time to get this huge war machine going."

There are still - three months until the war.

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