Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 79 The Adventures of the Magic Coin

In addition to the battle within Baator City, players have even expanded to other areas of the Anzeta Wilderness. Some players have already planned to go to the headquarters of the Ember Nest, the most dangerous and richest place in the eyes of adventurers. ——Dragon Valley.

In the past five years, a simple road has been laid between the Dragon Valley and Baator City, which is called the "bumpy road" by the goblins, making it easier for the monster relatives to go to support.

But now on the bumpy road, a group of players are moving forward.

They all came from the famous legal guild [Magic Coin] in later generations, but at this time it was just an unknown small guild with only more than twenty members. The president of the guild is [Charlotte], one of the few mage players who is sticking around at this time.

In this version where you can't get the magic scroll, the mage has become a "law son" who knows nothing due to his deceptive meter reading requirements, while the warlock has taken up the banner of the legal profession and is called the "real "Master".

Even within the [Magic Coin] guild, there are only a few who insist on the mage profession, and most of them have become warlocks.

At this time, there were five players who came here, all of whom were guild elites who had reached level three.

"President, are you sure you can get the spell here?"

The female player with the ID "Flying Witch" asked.

She is a wild warlock. Although she is a warlock, she is known as one of the sub-classes that is most likely to deceive teammates. The wild warlock's natural magic comes from the power of wild chaos lurking under the created order. , casting spells often unleashes untamed surges of magic.

Charlotte looked at the simple parchment map in her hand, pointed at the crooked skull icon and said:

"This is it, the Tower of the Great Wise One."

"This is the map I got after spending eight gold coins to ask the Ogre Overseer to finish the inventory in the tavern. There should be nothing wrong with it. I think they are quite honest and honest."

Vice President Mingyue on the side was a little uneasy: "But I heard those ogres said when they were drunk that their boss was also an ogre. Are you sure these big ogres can be mages?"

Charlotte remembered the ugly behavior of those ogres lying on the ground drinking while shouting "Meat! Meat! Meat!", and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly:

"It should be okay."

He didn't have any confidence in his heart. When he came to Dragon Valley this time, he was prepared to make a futility. Anyway, 8 gold coins were very easy for the entire guild to get together.

"At least we gotta try."

"It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the mage!"

There was perseverance in Charlotte's eyes. He was the mage player's last hope.


Mingyue was particularly moved.

[Magic Coin] is a guild composed of mage enthusiasts. Although most of them have now changed careers to become warlocks, they still have faith in the mage in their hearts.

Soon, the group from [Magic Coin] saw the outline of the rock fortress in the distance.

"Holy shit, so big?"

"This fortress is quite impressive."

Dragons roared in the sky, hobgoblins patrolled back and forth outside the city walls, and menacing roars came from the fortress - it was the army of the Burning Nest practicing.

After observing for a while, Charlotte came to the conclusion: "This fortress should not be accessible from the front. Officials probably won't let us get the spell so easily."

"I think they discriminate against mage players."

"Yes, I think so too."

The Flying Witch was filled with hatred.

At this time, Mingyue keenly noticed that there was a huge rock on the hillside not far from the fortress, and there seemed to be a passage behind it, so he pointed in that direction:

"Captain, we can hide there and sneak in."

"good idea."

Charlotte applauded.

So, the five [Magic Coin] players sneaked behind the giant rock.

However, they did not know that they had made a mistake that all adventurers would make. This rock had witnessed the death of countless adventurers, and they would become the next case.


As soon as Mingyue stepped in, she felt something was wrong.

"Wait! Don't come here!"

The complex and sophisticated magic circle under his feet suddenly lit up, a raging wave of magic power set off, and Ming Yue's eyes suddenly reflected flames.

"Holy shit."


With the sound of flames burning the air, Mingyue was engulfed in the fire of the explosion of the guard inscription runes, turning into a charred corpse and giving away his precious blood.

Although Charlotte did not step into the range of the magic circle, his face was still blackened.

"There is an ambush, please be careful!"

"Ming Yue is dead, we can no longer die in battle."

He noticed that in addition to the guard inscription, there was a spell in the corner, but he could not see its effect.

However, the hobgoblin guards on the rock fortress had noticed the movement here. They approached in a familiar manner, and were even chatting about "Another stupid adventurer has fallen into the trap", "Guess how many of them there are", "They will die this time" how much".

Charlotte looked at the approaching hobgoblin guards and said to everyone: "No, we have to leave, otherwise we may be destroyed here."

"Everyone, go through this passage. Can any of you give me a mage armor? I don't have the ability to protect myself for the time being." Charlotte commanded.

The Flying Witch said quickly: "Oh, okay."

"Mage Armor!"

A magical aura appeared on her hand, and she reached out to touch Charlotte's body.

However, the magical power around him suddenly became chaotic and crazy.

[Your spellcasting creates untamed waves of magic, creating unknown magical effects! ]


Just heard an explosion.

Charlotte was turned into a docile and well-behaved sheep by a spell randomly cast by the wild magic wave effect.


The sheep Charlotte turned into made a cry, and even through the cry, you could hear the tears in his heart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it triggered a wild wave..."

The Flying Witch quickly bowed and apologized to the sheep, but when she saw the president's cute appearance, she couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, let's retreat first."

"If we continue to stay here, the losses will be even greater."

The team member next to him reminded.


Charlotte also let out a sheep cry of approval.

So the Flying Witch and the remaining two team members quickly got into the passage and prepared to escape along the passage.

"Why are there still more!"

"what is this?"

However, one of them triggered the spider web spell and was stuck by the sticky spider web that was ejected.


Huge rocks rolled from the end of the passage, mercilessly crushing the trapped people.


Charlotte, transformed into a sheep, let out a desperate sheep cry.

"The official is definitely targeting us. They are so evil. Why the hell is there a trap?"

He roared silently in his heart.

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