Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 91 The Road to Red Scale (4)

Alger led the two of them to the entrance of the Giant's Mouth Cave. Singo landed gracefully on a flying dragon, while Mantou arrived belatedly.

"This is it. I will take you to meet the master."

When they walked into the cave, they felt that it was steaming inside and filled with the smell of sulfur and pumice, like a volcano about to erupt.

Steamed Bun still had lingering fears: "There won't be any more trials, right?"

Singo said calmly: "No, I guess this may be the residence of our camp leader, the red dragon. Have you noticed the strange smell and unusual temperature?"

"According to the information I received, the dragon can even change the environment around it."

Steamed Bun clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "If this becomes a boss, not a world boss, a lot of people will die."

Mantou didn't know that his guess was correct.

Walk along the long and narrow rock tunnel.

Soon, something suddenly opened up in front of them, and the two of them saw the owner of this place - the red dragon.

What comes into view is a huge body sixteen meters long, with thick muscles all over the body, covered with dark red hard scales, with a metallic luster on the edges.

On the ferocious and huge head, the golden vertical pupils are full of power, shining like lava, and the two thick bone-white horns swept back are like a crown.

This red dragon lies in the center of the cave. Its huge mountain-like body rises and falls with its breathing. White smoke comes out from its body from time to time. Just by looking at it, you can feel the burning heat of its body, as if it is like a tower about to erupt. volcano.

This was the first time they had seen the true form of the camp leader.

Steamed Bun couldn't help but exclaimed: "Holy shit."

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with any description given his cultural level, so he could only scribble one sentence.

"It's so big!"

And the two half-sized flying dragons were directly frightened by the powerful bloodline pressure and fell down. Their bodies were pressed tightly against the warm ground, and they made a "gurgle, gurgling" sound from deep in their throats. No matter how much the steamed buns were slapped, Reluctant to raise his head even a little bit.

Seeing someone coming, Cassius stood up slowly, his golden vertical pupils looking down at them from a height of seven or eight meters in the air.

"We meet again, Starfaller."

"Are you - ready?"

Alger half-knelt on the ground, his head lowered, and reported: "Master, they have completed the trial you set."

Cassius narrowed his eyes slightly and lowered his head slightly: "Very good, this is beyond my expectation."

As he spoke, the two of them could almost feel a sulfur-smelling hot breath blowing onto their faces. Just the pressure from the huge creature in front of them made them feel a little panicked.

The red dragon continued: "The red-scale conquerors will be the sharp blades of my hands, and from now on, you will shed this weak and powerless human shell and become the most loyal minions of the Ember Nest."

Steamed Bun muttered in a low voice: "It's a pity that my handsome appearance has to be damaged by this."

Singo cursed in a low voice: "Do you still want to lose your favorability? If you don't want to, just stop talking nonsense."

Cassius ignored them and just said calmly:

"Alger, get ready to start."

The half-dragon knight took a step forward and read out the oath he had prepared: "In front of the Lord of the Embers, the great red dragon Cassius, are you willing to swear allegiance and spend your whole life to be a loyal minion of the Ember Nest? , no matter good or evil, no matter what is right or wrong, use your fire to conquer everything for the master?"

"Are you willing to become the Red Scale Conqueror?"

The task information on the panel is refreshed.

[Do you accept the camp sub-professional [Red Scale Conqueror]? If you accept, please follow the ceremony. ]

[Note: After selecting the camp sub-profession, you will be locked into the camp and cannot switch at will. ]

A string of oaths appears below the panel.

"I, Singo, swear allegiance to my lord Cassius Crowber, Noricius, and am committed to loyalty. I will be the pioneer of the king, burn my enemies, and conquer everything."

The two players knelt on one knee and said in unison.

"Very well, please come with me."

Alger covered their eyes with red cloth and led them and the flying dragon deep into the cave to the hidden cave.

"The gift of blood——"

"Half-dragon transformation."

Cassius thought silently in his heart, and several drops of hot dragon blood floated in the air with his will, and then merged into the bodies of the two players.

When the dragon's blood came into contact with the fragile flesh, it immediately made a "sizzling" sound, and even white smoke came out.


Hot blood entered his mouth, and Steamed Bun couldn't help screaming and rolling crazily on the ground.

"Holy crap, the pain threshold has been adjusted to 5%. Why does it still hurt so much?"

"I'm going to turn off the pain!"

Singo couldn't help but breathe faster and his whole body turned red.

White steam spurted out from the pores and spread all around.

Under their skin, the joints on their elbows, knees, backs, etc. protrude crazily, piercing the skin and clothing, turning into sharp bone spurs.

Red scales grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, appearing all over the body, on the chest, arms and even the face, tearing the skin apart.

The faces of the two people that were originally scanned from reality were also disrupted by dragon-like bones and scales. Only a few traces of the original ones could be seen, but now they looked more like ferocious dragon heads.

Even though the pain system was shut down in time, Mantou was still frightened, and information kept refreshing on his panel.

[Getting data...]

[You get the special race template [Half-Red Dragon]]

[Note: This racial template is a permanent template and will be based on this template when resurrected. ]

[Your attributes are greatly improved, and you gain natural armor, fire breathing and other half-red dragon abilities...]

The blindfolded Mantou, who was still undergoing transformation, stared at the information that was constantly being refreshed, and felt a sense of joy. If he hadn't been unable to control his body and speak now, he would have been able to say "awesome".

The bipedal flying dragon "Noodle" next to him was also undergoing transformation. It kept screaming and struggling. The red scales covering its body became harder, its slender body became stronger, and its body became larger.

Basal blood vessels began to form in its flesh, and hot elemental power emitted from the blood.

And there is an even more unknown change taking place...

[Dataization in progress...]

[Digitalization completed! ]

[Verifying various parameters...]

[Parameter detection completed! ]

[It is detected that the bipedal flying dragon [Noodles] is your special sub-professional mount. It will be regarded as part of the player's professional system. Therefore, when the mount dies, you can resurrect it from the ancient magic circle, but it will need to consume items of corresponding value. . ]

"Can the mount be resurrected?"

"Holy shit!"

"This profession - invincible!"

Mantou browsed the panel information in the darkness and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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