"I'm going to eat you!"

An excited roar came from the hillside.

He has a tall body of more than five meters, with rough brown skin. He is carrying a large tree that has been pulled up randomly and still stained with soil as a weapon. He is wearing untanned animal fur, simply connected with hair and leather strips. , the sweat on the body dripped on the rancid animal skin, emitting a strong smell - that was the hill giant.

Hill giants are selfish and dull savages who often live in hills and valleys everywhere, and often gather in lumberyards or lath houses in the mountains.

They hunt, forage, and rob everywhere just to get more food. They cross mountains and woods to hunt prey with all their strength, bullying the weak. If it weren't for their huge bodies and endless strength, the lazy and slow hill giants might have become extinct long ago.

But now, food seems to be coming to you.

The hill giant licked his lips, and smelly saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Ever since the surprisingly large ogre drove the hill giants away from the valley with a group of monsters, they wander around the edge of the storm slope every day, picking up rotten food or devouring passing humans.

The ravenous hill giant hasn't had a good meal in a long time, and now is an opportunity.

[Based on your own strength, you can observe the following information. ]

【Greedy Hill Giant】

Colossal Titan, Chaotic Evil

AC: 13 (natural armor)

HP: 105

Strength - 21

Agility - 8

Physique - 19

Intelligence - 5

Perception - 9

Charm - 6

Senses: Passive Perception 12

Actions: Multiattack, club attack, rock throwing, bite

Challenge Level: 5 (1, 800 XP)

Steamed Bun sighed: "This monster is a bit strong, can you really defeat it?"

Singo said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? With our configuration, it can be run over by just level A. This time I am here to gain experience for you. If you hadn't reached level 4, believe it or not, it would be dead by now." ”

"Okay, just don't get wiped out by the slapping group later."

At the foot of the hillside was the "Dragon Vein Four". The strength of their team had greatly improved, so they took on the most difficult task [Defeating the Hill Giant that Destroyed the Farm]. This task had an official recommended challenge level of five.

You must know that professional players like Singo can barely reach level 4 now. This is still the result of constant exhaustion day and night, and more people are stuck at level 1 or 2.

Watching the hill giant rushing down from the hillside carrying a big tree, Singo did not panic at all: "Brother Zhan Kuang, you and Qiu Yu are here to contain it, while Mantou and I will attack from the air."

The born warrior nodded simply: "Okay."

Immediately, Singo and Mantou turned over and mounted their mounts, riding the two-legged flying dragon into the air.

Born to be a war mad man, he stepped forward to fight without hesitation. He showed no fear in the face of this enemy who was far taller than him. Back then, he had even chopped down interstellar beasts. In his eyes, such a giant was nothing.

He chose the path of the barbarian berserker.

For the savage, rage is a way to reach the extreme - the ultimate in violence.

The berserker path is one of blood and unbridled rage. When players enter the berserker's rage, they will tremble in the chaotic pleasure of battle and forget about their own safety.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Born to be a war mad man, he raised his head and roared, turning on his rage.

Suddenly, his eyes were red, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, veins popped out, and a blood energy emanated from his body.

Turning on the violent natural warrior, he rushed to the hill giant excitedly, jumped up, and raised the giant ax in his hand.

"Frenzy Strike!"

The giant ax carried strong power and slashed through the air.

But because the hill giant opposite was too tall, the giant ax could only barely reach the chest.

Even the hill giant was startled by this menacing "little man", but soon it realized that it was frightened by this little creature and that the other party was not afraid of him. A ferocious look appeared on its ugly face. furious.

"I-I'm going to smash you into a pulp!"

The hill giant used a big tree in front of him to block the giant axe, and swung it with all his strength. The huge force caused the natural fighting madness and the giant ax to fly backwards.

The naturally war-mad man fell heavily, and the battle ax was inserted into the ground beside him.

After being knocked away, he showed no sign of flinching. Instead, his red eyes showed a hint of joy and enthusiasm as he met a powerful enemy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The natural war madman pulled out the giant ax that was deeply embedded in the ground, and rushed forward again with red eyes.

"Just give me a moment—"

A clear female voice came from behind, but the naturally war-mad man continued to charge as if he didn't hear it.

Xia Ye Qiuyu held his forehead behind him and sighed. The berserker profession is good at everything. He can fight and resist. But when he activates berserk, he doesn't listen to anything and becomes reckless.

Fortunately, she followed him and cast a spell on the natural war madman.

[Giant Transformation Technique]

The size of the natural war madman suddenly expanded, from nearly two meters tall to nearly four meters tall. Even the weapons in his hands and the animal skin clothing on his body also grew larger. He looked only slightly smaller than this hill giant, but It can already be said to be at the same level.

The naturally war-mad man felt that his field of vision had become higher, laughed loudly, and jumped up high again, but this time the jump hit his head instead of his chest.

The dull hill giant didn't understand magic, but he also knew that the "little man" had grown bigger and could pose a threat to him.

Then the hill giant roared angrily and slammed it with both arms.


The giant ax with a dull blade was pressed against the big tree, trembling slightly, and the natural warrior fell to the ground with a crash.

But the hill giant still had an absolute power advantage, pressing down the giant ax and his naturally war-mad body bit by bit.

"Aganatha's Fire Breathing Technique!"

Xia Ye Qiuyu opened her lips lightly and sprayed out a linear stream of raging fire, taking advantage of the hill giant's stalemate to hit its huge body directly.

The hill giant's right shoulder was burned black, causing it to open its smelly mouth and let out a painful cry, and its hands holding the big tree became a little loose.

It was this trace of relaxation that allowed the born warrior to seize the opportunity.

He knocked open the tree in the hill giant's hand, and slashed down on the hill giant's shoulder with the three-meter-long giant ax in his hand.


The giant ax chopped off the entire right shoulder, which had been burnt black, and the arm as well.

The thick and huge right arm fell to the ground.

The warm, viscous blood splashed onto the face of the natural war madman, but he didn't dislike it at all. Instead, his expression became more excited.

"Ahhhh-I'm going to kill you!"

The giant raised his head and let out a painful cry, becoming furious and even delirious because of the loss of his right arm.

He directly grabbed the giant ax that had cut into the flesh, threw it more than ten meters away, and rushed forward to engage in the most primitive and brutal close combat with the natural war madman.

The two "giants" struggled with each other, using their knees, fists, heads, and even teeth to do whatever they could.

In the sky, Singo overlooked the battle situation on the ground and said to Steamed Bun: "Let me tell you, if you don't take action, this hill giant will be beaten to death by Brother Zhan Kuang. He never listens to others after he goes berserk. Just care about playing well.”

Steamed Bun looked at the born warrior who was fighting bloody battles and wanted to eat the hill giant. He exclaimed: "Damn, Brother Warrior is really fierce."

Singo said simply: "Stop talking nonsense and prepare to charge."

Steamed Bun said: "Okay."

Then he skillfully controlled the flying dragon and prepared a dive stance.


There were roars of flying dragons in the sky.

The hill giant, who was pressing the natural war madness under him and hammering wildly, ignored the strange sound and just continued to vent his anger at losing his right arm.

Even though his body size has increased, the strength of the natural war madness is still far inferior to that of the hill giant, and his rage has ended and his whole body has entered a state of exhaustion.

It is difficult even for a professional player like him to defeat monsters with higher challenge levels by himself.

What's more, he still has a backup plan.

And his goal is not to let himself kill this hill giant.

The naturally war-mad man had been beaten to a bruised nose and face, but when he lay on the ground and saw the flying dragon in the sky, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The flying dragon swooped down, and Singo drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

A complex purple rune appeared on the arm of the hill giant, which was the hunter's mark.


A sharp arrow pierced directly into the mark on the hill giant's left arm at high speed, and a blood-stained arrow penetrated from the other side of the arm.

Under the influence of the purple rune, an unusually large amount of blood spurted out from the hill giant's wound.

"who is it!"

The irrational hill giant was attacked from behind. He raised his head and roared, turned his head, and stared at the flying dragon knight in the air with his red eyes.

"Suffer death!"

The hill giant picked up rocks on the ground and threw them at Singo. The huge force made these rocks that were difficult for ordinary people to move easily fly to the enemy in the air.

However, Singo controlled the flying dragon and rolled sideways in the air, avoiding this dangerous attack.

The stone drew a beautiful arc in the air and was about to fall to the ground.

Singo shouted: "Steamed buns!"

It turns out that Singo was just feinting this time!

And the real killer move is still behind you!

Due to the excessive force used, the hill giant still maintained the posture of throwing stones just now, and a loud dragon roar came from behind him.


The steamed bun swooped down from behind the hill giant at an extremely fast speed, and the wings of the flying dragon beneath him tightened.

He leaned down slightly and clamped the six-meter-long lance tightly with his arms. He could even feel the whistling wind beside his ears.

At high speed, Mantou's heart was beating fast, and he was filled with an extremely excited emotion.

"Come and die!"

Steamed Bun roared.

[Dragon Roar Charge] is activated, and the lance goes straight into the back of the hill giant's huge head.

Under the powerful kinetic energy of the flying dragon knight's dive, huge power was transferred to the tip of the spear, and it was even covered with red dragon aura.

In an instant, blood splashed.

The lance pierced the hill giant's tough skin, pierced its hard skull, pierced its dirty flesh, and penetrated from its ferocious open mouth.

The hill giant's roar stopped abruptly, and its huge body fell to the ground.


And Mantou threw down his lance coolly.

The bipedal flying dragon "Noodle" under his seat suddenly opened its wings to buffer the speed, and quickly climbed up again along with the airflow.

Information is refreshed on the panel.

[You killed [Greedy Hill Giant] and received 1800xp]

[Your career level is increased to level 4]

Steamed Bun's heart had not yet calmed down and was still a little excited. He raised his head in a pretentious manner: "The wine is still warm, and the enemy general's head has been taken off."

He circled in the air several times before landing on the ground.

Steamed Bun began to look proudly on his face: "Xin Gou, let me ask you if you are handsome!"

Singo poured cold water on you and said, "If you hadn't been a loser who hadn't reached level 4 yet, my arrow would have hit your head, and Brother Zhan Kuang's ax would have hit your neck."

Steamed Bun was immediately dejected.

The born warrior got up from the ground and touched his bald head: "This monster is really strong. I feel like I can't beat him in a one-on-one fight."

Xia Ye Qiu Yu stared at the devastated ground and nodded with lingering fear. Her physique is not very high, and she will die if she is hit by a hill giant.

But soon she asked: "Singo, you... what are you doing?"

I saw this guy holding the smelly arm of the hill giant as if he had found a treasure. He even smelled the smell and wanted to take a bite.

Singo said matter-of-factly: "This is a good thing. The fingers of the hill giant can be made into a hill giant elixir that increases the strength to 21 points."

"Blackjack? So awesome!"

The naturally war-mad man immediately became interested and joined Singo, studying the stinky giant's body without any disdain.

Even the flying dragon hovering in the air landed aside curiously, but it was not here to study.

"Hey, Feilong, please stop talking, this thing is a waste for you to eat!"

Xia Ye Qiu Yu: "..."

By the time they finished cleaning up, the ground was already in a mess, and Singo's backpack was bulging and his expression was excited. It seemed that he had returned home with a full load.

It was just that the strong stench on his body, as if he hadn't bathed in several years, made Xia Ye Qiuyu couldn't help but quietly take a few steps away.

Singo suddenly said with a mysterious face: "Do you know what the next main task is?"

Steamed Bun scolded: "Xin Gou, stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

Singo slowly spit out two words:


Xia Ye Qiuyu asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Singo explained: "I stayed in the Dragon Valley, the headquarters of Burning Nest, for three days. Unlike Steamed Bun, who just finished the task, I also noticed the situation in the valley."

He paused and continued: "Almost every day, those hobgoblin and lizardman armies are training. In such a place where the productivity is close to that of the Middle Ages, it is very unusual to train the army every day.

Steamed Bun also quickly echoed: "I heard those sounds too."

The natural war maniac said: "So you are saying that our next main plot will be a war?"

Singo nodded: "Yes, and the scale will definitely not be small. As the camp's sub-positions [Red Scale Conqueror], Mantou and I should play a big role in it."

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