Just after watching the military drill, Cassius returned to the cave, and the hobgoblin presented another secret report.

He browsed carefully.

The title of this report is "Notes on the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces in the North."

“In terms of intuitive strength comparison, the Principality of Bosque is obviously far superior to the sum of the Principalities of Lakman and Nott.

Bosque was the victor in the internal struggle of the United Kingdom of Northland. He had achieved a special status in the Lionheart Alliance a hundred years ago. As the nominal controller of the United Kingdom, he was entrenched in the southern part of the Anzeta Wasteland.

But their relationship with other principalities has always been subtle and distant. The current Grand Duke of Bosque has a dream of a unified and united kingdom, so he will not do his best to help any country, but is happy to see them neighbors have been weakened.

Among the so-called 30,000-strong coalition, there are less than 5,000 troops from the "Lion of the North" Principality of Bosque, and they are all insignificant border guards. Although the "Double-Headed Eagle" Nott family needs to rely on Luckman as a barrier and is willing to do its best to help, they are limited by their own strength and can only send three thousand troops.

The largest number of the so-called coalition forces is the army of the Principality of Lachman. After all, this is a matter of survival, and they can be said to have turned out in full force this time.

This compilation of my notes is also intended to record the military situation of the Principality of Lachman.

The lowest level and most common soldiers in the army are conscripted civilian men. Before the war, they may have been farmers in the fields and have not experienced any systematic military training. Except for inferior weapons, there is almost no armor and equipment. In other words, their main job is not to fight, but to feed the horses, transport baggage, or serve as cannon fodder before the elite troops are dispatched.

In the Principality of Lachman, they were often tenants and serfs under the squire and landlords. They were poor people without personal freedom and were not even qualified to own trophies. Their military exploits and trophies were often recorded in the names of their masters.

Slightly better, the second level of soldiers may be those who join the army as free persons and obey military service. They can keep their spoils of war. Although their financial resources are limited, they often fight with weapons passed down from generation to generation.

In principalities, they were often yeoman farmers gathered under the lord under military service. Military service and combat were their obligations to their lords. In theory, they had the same status as squire and landlords. After all, these people were just yeoman farmers with more land and no need to personally participate in production.

The third level of soldiers, that is, professional soldiers in the true sense who have close ties with the lord himself. Their combat enthusiasm is far beyond that of conscripts. They are often the lord's retainers or local squires and landlords. Whether it comes from the salary given by the lord or the land under their own name, they have enough wealth to purchase good enough weapons and equipment, and obtain more benefits through war.

In fact, there is another kind of soldier between the second level and the third level. They are mercenaries. Although they do not have as much real estate as squires and landlords, due to long-term combat, mercenaries tend to convert their existing wealth into Transform yourself into better weapons and equipment to save your life on the battlefield and gain more results.

After receiving the spoils of war, conscripts from peasant backgrounds often use them for daily consumption. Although mercenaries cannot receive systematic military training like third-level soldiers, year-round combat is the best military training. Of course, That's assuming they survive it.

The fourth level is also the top soldiers. Not only do they have enough wealth to buy the top weapons and equipment, but they also have enough military education to qualify them for the positions of low-level officers.

And only this group can produce large-scale cavalry. They were often knights serving the lord or low-level nobles such as barons. The representative among them is the so-called "North Wind Eagle Guard" Knights. "

The last signature is "Your loyal servant you have never met, the humble pure-blooded snake-man, Dalena."

"It's a bit interesting..."

Cassius stared at these words and thought to himself.

What kind of military situation report is this? It is simply a summary of the social conditions of various countries in the North, or it is more like a letter of nomination to demonstrate one's abilities.

No matter what Dalena's purpose was, he successfully aroused the red dragon's interest.

After thinking for a moment, Cassius ordered: "Dolo, bring the author of this report here."

Doluo said quickly: "Master, the snake man has been waiting for you at the door for a long time. I wanted to drive her away..."

"Let her in."

"Yes, Master."

After a while, Doro brought her up.

Cassius looked at the pure-blood snake man carefully. She was wearing a thick headscarf and a purple robe that showed her beautiful figure. For the time being, she could not tell any difference from humans.

Facing Cassius' scrutinizing gaze, Dalena took off her headscarf, raised her head without hesitation, and showed a seductive smile.

Her face was beautiful, but she exuded a dangerous aura. Her snake-shaped vertical pupils, sharp snake teeth and forked tongue still reveal her identity as a snake.

"Lord Cassius, I have known your name for a long time, and I knew you would let me in."

Her voice was charming, but with a hint of snake's hoarseness.

Cassius stared at her condescendingly.

"You can write such words. You are very capable. You should be able to do a good job among humans. Why do you come to my Burning Ember Nest in the wilderness?"

A flattering smile subconsciously appeared on Delena's pretty face, and she said coquettishly again: "Lord Cassius..."

However, she was interrupted before she could say anything.

"Don't use your despicable methods of charming humans - on the noble dragon."

Cassius's tone was quite dangerous, and he exuded a faint aura of dragon power.

Only then did she truly feel that the person in front of her was a real and brutal red dragon, not some fat-bellied human lord.

Under this heavy pressure, Dalena felt instinctive fear. She trembled all over and lowered her head, kneeling on the ground.

"Me, my identity..."

"I am the lowest-ranking scoundrel in snake-man society. In human society, I am unable to display my talents because of my bloodline, so I came here..."

Cassius said calmly: "Isn't this a good way to talk?"

"I always like to speak directly. To be honest, what do you want to gain from the Ember Nest?"

Dalena hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said:

"Power, status."

After saying that, she knelt on the ground and remained silent.

The air was almost stagnant, and beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, waiting for the final verdict.

Cassius glanced at her, a faint light of mana flashing in his golden pupils.

【Detect lies】

The spell showed that she wasn't lying.

Cassius's calm voice sounded again.

"Very good, you didn't lie to me, otherwise you would have turned into ashes by now."

Dalena suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our Burning Nest has always welcomed capable people. I don't care about your ambitions, and I even encourage them, as long as you can let me see your usefulness..."

"do you understand?"

Dalena quickly nodded in agreement.

"Go to that ugly tower and find my butler Rumple. He will arrange a suitable job for you."



I really don’t have the energy to write the first chapter of Shui. The plot will start to explode after the exam is over on the 18th.

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