Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1024: Who counts who? (four)

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The contemporary island emperor Hikawa Universe is almost the most powerful of all the emperors of the past. He has soaring power and never giving in to others!

But today, in order to retain Chen Xiaobei, he took a big step back!

This is unexpected to everyone!

You know, if you pay an extra 1,000 spirit stones, even for the island royal family, this is by no means a small sum!

Previously on Paradise Island, in order to buy a 10,000-year-old Dragon Yanxiang, Sun Xiaogang pitted 8,000 spirit stones.

This spirit stone, from the island treasury and the treasure house of the emperor, almost emptied their old base.

Now I have to pay another 2,000 spirit stones. I am afraid that there are not enough spirit stones in the treasury of the island country. I have to borrow some from the **** emperor.

At this step, the Suncheon Universe really showed great sincerity.

However, even if everyone's brains were wide open, he would never have imagined that Chen Xiaobei didn't appreciate it, but instead took a step forward.

"3,000 spirit stones, one less is free!"

Chen Xiaobei's tone was flat, but he showed an unquestionable hegemony!

"What? 3000?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around them had a bold and bold face, and couldn't believe their ears.

The Emperor's concession was already an absolute thing.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaobei dared to get in! This makes it clear that he is provoking the imperial power of the Suncheon universe!

Sure enough, a person like Hikawa Universe who couldn't hide his emotions couldn't help showing his anger, saying, "Chen Shenyi! Sitting on the ground and starting a price, robbery while on fire, this is probably not a gentleman's behavior!"

"I'm not sitting here to start the price! It's the price!"

Chen Xiaobei shrugged and said, "It ’s 2,000 spirit stones for your crown prince, but I just saw two more patients just now. I only received 500 spirit stones from them. But Separate it? "


Richuan Universe was speechless, just like eating people, and stared at Richuan Taidi and Richuan Jing Bayi fiercely.

Blame these two idiots so that they have to provoke Chen Xiaobei if they die.

At this time, 1,000 spirit stones have been turned into 3,000, and even if you go to the God Emperor to borrow some, it may not be enough!

Hikawa Tachi and Hikawa Kachihachi feel like they are being stared at by a beast. They may be swallowed at any time. The small heart is drawn cold, and the atmosphere is afraid to breathe.

"Chen Shenyi, the emperor only needs you to heal the prince, these two goods, the emperor does not care!" Suncheon Universe said very coldly.

"What? Dignified Oshima Empire, can't you even take out this spiritual stone?" Chen Xiaobei squinted and asked mischievously.


The corners of Suncheon's mouth twitched twice, and his cheeks were hot, feeling like he was being sucked by invisible slatter.

The emperor couldn't be more indulged in doing this.

"Dwarf oil, I guessed it right? You really can't get it?"

Chen Xiaobei looked with contempt, and originally wanted to find a chance to sweep the treasure trove of the island country. I never expected that there was no spirit stone in it.

In this case, let's squeeze it out completely.

Chen Xiaobei said lightly: "In this way, if you give out your 2,000 spirit stones, if they both want to heal, they will each send me 500 spirit stones. Their private treasure house can't be without spirit stones, right?"

"They don't care about the emperor, let them live and die!"

Suncheon Universe said, "The spirit stone on the side of the emperor can be delivered within an hour!"

"I'm willing to pay out of my own pocket ... I'd like to ... we'll send someone here ... this is coming ..."

Hikawa Tachi and Hikawa Kanabe dare to talk nonsense. For the future happiness and sexual well-being, this spiritual stone cannot pay!

"Okay, that's it. I'll see the patient's condition first. When the spirit stone comes, I will give you a good treatment!"

Chen Xiaobei said lightly, went into the ward, and began to check on Hikawa Okazaka.

That, of course, is a fake check!

Don't forget, Chen Xiaobei is a professional actor with outstanding acting skills.

In the ward, a spurt of acting skills, a very careful look, deceived everyone.

Facing these despicable enemies, Chen Xiaobei will not preach morality to them.

Collected their spirit stones, but not to do anything for them, is to kill them alive!

After almost an hour.

The spirits were delivered in full, and Chen Xiaobei opened two pictures casually. They could not cure the sick and could not cure the disease, and they were given to Hichikawa and Hachikawa.

Then he gave a few acupuncture treatments to Hikawaokasaka casually.

"Ahhh ... Mr. Chen! Your medicine is really god. Your majesty is much more comfortable! Thank you so much ..."

The whole person's spirit in Hikagawa Okazaki is a lot better, and naturally he is grateful to Chen Xiaobei.

However, what he didn't know was that Chen Xiaobei only helped him to activate the bloodline, so that the blood stasis could run more smoothly, in fact, there was no treatment effect.

Moreover, Chen Xiaobei will never come again.

"Well, this is your new injury. Let's do it today, and we will continue to treat the same time tomorrow!" Chen Xiaobei said casually.

After that, he left the hospital with a car carrying 3,000 spirit stones.

As soon as he walked forward, Tensuo Yuhiko and Tensuo Xueji were also taken away by Hikagawa Okazaka.

The few people in the ward suddenly changed their faces.

"His Majesty, that little hybrid is too dark, and dare to ask us 3,000 spirit stones! Never let him go like this!" Hikawa Kyobachi said with gritted teeth.

"That's right! I'll tell someone to follow him and take back the spirit stone!" Suncheon Taidi fisted his hands, wishing to grab the stone back immediately and hang Chen Xiaobei to death.

"Shut your stinky mouth! You got the prescription, but I'm still hurting!"

Hikawa Saka said angrily: "Wait until I successfully complete the big wedding, and then grab the little **** back and smash the corpse! Chop the ghost dog! A Chinese boy, dare to be arrogant in our island country! He will never let him have Good end! "

Suncheon Universe nodded ~ ~ said: "You will think so, it means that you have grown up, good!"

Listening to these conversations, Yamaguchi Dabao Jianhan came down.

This is the person of the Hikawa family! Two sides and three knives, insidious and spicy, you will laugh at the first second, and the knife will be given to you in the second!

such a pity!

They thought that Chen Xiaobei was dead, but they never dreamed of it. Chen Xiaobei has now sucked all 3,000 spirit stones into the blue jade gourd, and the car was thrown directly on the roadside, driving into the mountains with somersault clouds!

Moreover, Chen Xiaobei will never return!

They received 3,000 spirit stones, but the three funny diseases were not cured.

The fact is, Chen Xiaobei had already calculated them as idiots.

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