Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3616: Essential leap

Fu Tianxiner has made up his mind to share some things for Chen Xiaobei.

Far away, let's start from this war.

But Chen Xiaobei also held her back, and Shen Sheng said, "I know, you can fight beyond the ranks, but that will expose your existence! In case of being discovered by Daozu, the consequences are unthinkable!"

Obviously, Fu Tianxiner is the top-level demon tribe born after the blessing of immortal stones.

Her primordial power is extremely arrogant enough to fight across a major realm.

However, this kind of primordial power has a very strong breath and characteristics of Tiantian Stone. As long as it is not a fool, you can see some clues from it.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei didn't want Fu Tianxiner to make a move, just because she was afraid to expose her identity too early, causing unbearable danger.

"Brother Xiaobei, don't worry! I'm not stupid, naturally I won't show my hole card!"

Fu Tianxiner smiled charmingly, full of confidence in himself: "Just watch it, I can clean up these idiots!"

"Smelly girl! How dare you look down on us! Let's die! We will make you the same as Chen Zhufeng, you must die!"

Those thirty soldiers guarded the gate of heaven all year round and saw a lot of rookies just soaring.

Only they have been bullying rookies. How can any rookie dare to resist them?

Fu Tianxin's attitude made them extremely angry and even felt insulted.

Suddenly, one by one, they inspired the imperious immortal Yuan, holding the war halberd in their hands, surrounded by Fu Tianxiner.

"If you want to kill Brother Xiaobei, you can all die!"

As soon as Fu Tianxiner's eyes were cold, she was a saint's daughter, a top-level demon, and she showed decisive domineering as soon as the war started. She didn't look like a weak girl.


I saw that Fu Tianxiner stood proudly, didn't make any moves, and didn't even inspire Xianyuan, but simply put out a small hand!

And in her hand, she is holding an ace that can ignore the god-like "Luo Bao Da Zhen"!

That's right!

That is the God-level Sunlight Treasure Box!

"Wow ... wow ... wow ... wow ..."

Fu Tianxiner said nothing, and directly urged the sunlight treasure box to release a full thirty-one power aura.

The speed of the artifact is extremely fast. Instantly, not only the thirty heavenly soldiers, but even the far-end giant spirit soldiers were respectively covered by an independent small sunlight field.

At the same time, the power has suddenly burst out!

Although they do not feel pain or itch, or even notice any exceptions, in fact, the time around them has been accelerated madly!

Originally, before Fu Tianxiner had not risen, the acceleration effect of the god-level sunlight treasure box was about one second equal to more than one hundred years!

But at this moment, Fu Tianxin'er has become the Celestial Immortal, and the energy in his body has been transformed from the true Yuan to the Celestial Yuan. Moreover, the Yuan Shen has also been separated from the Yuan Ying and become an independent individual.

By communicating with the God-level Sunlight Treasure Box, Yuan Shen can have a better effect and greatly improve the effect of abilities.

Basically, one second is equal to three thousand years!

At the same time, Fu Tianxiner also used the power of the Tianshen Stone secretly. The sacred tree of life transformed Futian Xiner's fairy into special energy, further strengthening the power effect of the god-level sunlight treasure box.

The effect of this blessing is even more horrible. It can basically be done. One second equals three million years.

"Kill !!!"

At the same time, the enemies didn't even realize the danger was coming, and are still rushing towards this side.


However, two seconds later, a celestial soldier suddenly stiffened and fell straight to the ground, completely severing life.

"Huh !? What happened !? Why did someone fall !?"

The rest of the heavenly soldiers were frightened in an instant, and they stopped charging and focused on the fallen companion.

"Uh ... uh ... uh ..."

However, in the next second, more sky soldiers fell to the ground one after another, their bodies were stiff and motionless, all of them completely lost their lives.

"This ... what the **** is going on !? What magic is that little girl using !? How could it be so powerful !?"

The rest were even more shocked, as if looking at Fu Tianxiner like a hell, with pupils tightening, scalp tingling, and cold sweat.

"Yes ... it's a god-level sunlight treasure box !!!"

At that moment, the giant war soldier finally saw the mystery, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Tongtong ..."

He said nothing, knelt directly on the ground, and hoeed at Fu Tianxiner desperately: "Rao Ming ... Aunt Grandma Rao Ming ... I didn't do it just now ... Please, please be me ..."

"Uh uh uh……"

His words did not fall, and all the remaining soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

It can be seen that the life of ordinary sky soldiers is almost less than 10 million years. Under the god-level sunlight treasure box, they can not live for three seconds.

If you think about it, this is not surprising. First of all, these heavenly soldiers have no aura of heavenly life, and life is not much. Secondly, in the long days of heaven, their lifespan has been consumed a lot.

Because of this, Fu Tianxiner used the sunlight treasure box to easily put the enemy to death, without Chen Xiaobei's shot at all.

"Girl! You are such a clever ghost! You can think of such a way!"

Chen Xiaobei grinned and gave Tianxiner a thumbs up.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei's heart was also secretly amazed. After Fu Tianxin'er reached the realm of heaven fairy, the strength and power all took an essential leap! It can actually greatly improve the power effect of the god-level sunlight treasure box, which is simply too bad!

"Brother Xiaobei, do we have to spare the goods? He can hold up to three seconds!" Fu Tianxiner said.

"Stop it!" Chen Xiaobei raised her eyebrows, and said, "Keep this product, it still has some effect!"

"Good!" Fu Tianxin'er nodded, and recovered the god-level sunlight box.


If the spirit-collecting warrior was pardoned, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole man was paralyzed on the ground weakly.

He was soaked with cold sweat all over, as if walking in a ghost gate, lost his soul, and did not return for a long time.

Fortunately, he is a two-star Tianxian, otherwise, he would be dead like everyone else ~ ~ Medical Book, and redeem a super heavenly dog ​​food! "

When Chen Xiaobei moved, he immediately proceeded to the next step.

To treat the enemy, Chen Xiaobei's attitude has always been very clear, either to be fully surrendered or to die completely!

Ding-merit reward, 10 million points deducted after successful redemption!

Ding——Currently, the merit of the Three Realms is 208.4804 trillion points (charm value: 204.844 billion, luck value: 204.844 billion)!

Obviously, Super Tianting Dog Food is not uncommon in Tianjie. The exchange price suddenly dropped from 500 million to 10 million, which is really crooked.

"Open your mouth!"

Chen Xiaobei walked over and ordered coldly.

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