Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3622: Red envelope 5 kills

"What !? Can't go to heaven !? Why didn't Jade Emperor tell me !?"

Chen Xiaobei's eyebrows were wrinkled tightly, and his face sank instantly: "You talk about it carefully, what are the rules for going to a higher level !?"


Gan Turang settled down and explained: "At the heavens, cultivation is mainly divided into realms, true immortals! Xuanxian! Jinxian! Da Luo Jin Xian!

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help looking at it.

As a celestial person, Gantulang knew only the Sixfold Realm.

And the three major realms mentioned by Anwar before, Gantulang didn't even know it!

And the last three major realms are Chaos Promise Golden Immortal! Chaos Heaven! Chaos Supreme! "

Of course, Anhua also just listened to the Tong Tianjiao casually mentioned that even the connected Tianjiao could not be completely sure.

Therefore, most people in the immortal world will naturally not know that these three major realms exist.

In this regard, Chen Xiaobei was only a little confused and did not interrupt Gan Turang.

Gan Turang went on to say: "Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is a saint in heaven, and all thirty-sixth heaven can come in and out freely, so naturally, there is no need to say more!"

"The mixed Yuan Jinxian is commonly known as the quasi-sacred! Except for the upper quadruple heaven where Daozu and Sanqing saints are, the remaining thirty-two heavens can be freely entered and exited!"

"Da Luo Jinxian, commonly known as the deity, can come and go freely from one to the 28th heaven!"

"Jinxian, commonly known as the Lord of Gods, is free to go in and out of the 24th heaven!"

"Xuanxian, no common name, you can go in and out of the eighteenth heaven!"

"True immortal, there is no common name, but it is actually called the heavenly immortal in the human world, and you can go in and out of the ninth heaven!"

Ganturan's explanation is very detailed and makes people understand at first sight.

Chen Xiaobei said: "That is to say, one star Tianxian can only be active on the first day, not the second day!"

"That's the theory! But there are exceptions!"

Gantulang said: "For example, if you are called by a higher level of the immortal, or if you worship a higher level sect or join a certain force, you can go to the corresponding level! But every time you go in and out It is very troublesome to show the corresponding vouchers or tokens, not free at all! "


Chen Xiaobei nodded, but he was relieved.

At that time, as long as the Jade Emperor summons himself to go to heaven, there is no need to worry about being unable to go.

After reassurance, Chen Xiaobei asked questioningly again: "According to what you just said, the true immortal is the celestial being called by the human world. So, is the classification the same?"


Gantura nodded and said, "The true immortal is divided into one to nine stars, exactly the same as you knew before!"

"So, what about Xuanxian?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

Gan Turang said: "Xuanxian is the same, in fact, all realms of heaven are divided into one to nine stars, there is no special existence!"

When Chen Xiaobei heard the words, he had a new doubt in his heart: "According to you, there is a realm of Xuanxian between Tianxian and Jinxian. Why have I never seen Xuanxian or Xuan Where's the fairy? "

"It's not surprising!"

Gan Turang said: "The gods can't appear in the human world! The strongest magic weapon is only one-star celestial! Of course you can't see Xuanxian, let alone Xuanxian!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned: "However, I have artifacts and I have received many artifacts! How can this be explained?"

Gan Turang laughed: "Most of your artifacts were sent by the heavenly saints. A few were snatched from the red envelope group of the Three Realms. They are not human things!"

"In addition, the gods you got should be directed by the Saints to get you! In other words, there are Xuanxian-level items in the human world! But you ca n’t use them. The Saints did not let you go!"

This explanation makes sense.

Chen Xiaobei's doubts were also eliminated.

As for Hongmeng Demon Realm and Taixu Universe, there must be Xuanxian in it.

It's just that Chen Xiaobei hasn't been in those two places for a long time, and he hasn't touched the core forces, so it's normal to haven't seen Xuanxian and Xuanxian.

"Then how to divide the level of the artifact?" Chen Xiaobei asked again.

"Jinxian Realm, which is commonly known as the **** level, is the same as the **** level recognized before!"

Gan Turang said: "And on top of Jinxian, there is another Da Luo Jinxian realm! The magic weapon of this realm is called Xuan Shen level in heaven!"

"Xuan ... Xuan Shen !?" Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, his mind was mixed.

"Make it!"

Gan Tulang said: "To sum up, the magic weapon classification is: Tianxian, Xuanxian, Tianshen, Xuanshen, Zhunsheng, Zhensheng! Each level is divided into nine stars!"


Chen Xiaobei nodded, and finally had a clear concept in his heart.

Next, what Chen Xiaobei has to do is wait for the emperor's actions.

Of course, during this waiting period, Chen Xiaobei was not idle.

First, Chen Xiaobei took out the messenger Yufu and contacted Lord Yan, and then he sent a message to his companion who had soared before and wanted to get in touch as soon as possible.

Among them, Lord Yan replied the information in seconds, but the others did not move.

King Yama: That's great! Xiaobei, you have finally ascended to heaven! I look forward to this day, for a long time!

Chen Xiaobei: Haha! Can my brother come to heaven? Spicy strips fill up!

King Yan: I want to come too! But my job is special, I can't go to Heaven unless I am called by the Emperor!

Chen Xiaobei: Well, then we will look for opportunities to meet again in the future!

Chen Xiaobei: Today I want to ask your brother something!

King Yan: I don't know if you say it! Do you want to upgrade Ghost War Eyes?

Chen Xiaobei: Right! Brother still knows me! The level of Ghost Eye is too low. I want to check the lifespan, so I want to upgrade as soon as possible!

Ding——Congratulations! Grab the king's red envelope and get a piece of mysterious gold, which has been deposited in a treasure chest!

Ding——Congratulations! Grab the king's red envelope and get a piece of Diyuan Hanyu, which has been deposited in a treasure chest!

Ding——Congratulations! Grab Yan Wang's red envelope ~ ~ and get ...

Ding——Congratulations! Grabbed Yan Wang's red envelope ...

Ding——Congratulations! Grabbed the king ...

Chen Xiaobei: Lying on the grass! Brother! What are you doing at this time? Five red envelopes? (stunned)

King: Haha! Before Yuanshi Tianzun banned the immortal from sending red envelopes to the human world, my brother has been unable to help you! Now that you have reached heaven, red envelopes are indispensable!

Chen Xiaobei: But this is too much!

King: No more, no more! This is a gift to congratulate you on your ascension to heaven!

Chen Xiaobei: Then I would like to thank my brother! (Smiles)

Chen Xiaobei: In addition, I look at these things, the level is not low, how many levels can you upgrade the ghostly war eyes?

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