Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3709: Kill the Ring

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei used the power of the night **** dark spirit suit to erupt the power of shoulder god.

However, the night **** dark spirit suit itself has a hiding function, and the tens of thousands of demons on the scene cannot see the mystery in it, only thinking that Chen Xiaobei intentionally hides his strength.

"Brothers! Get into battle !!!"

At this time, many demons cried out.

"If we surrender to the enemy, even if we go back alive,‘ Master Tiansha Demon Emperor ’will not forgive us! At that time, we will only die as much as we can!”

"That's right! Even if the boy hides his strength, it's just a realm of stars and gods! If we form a battle, we can at least carry his attack!"

"As long as we can carry it, our support will come soon! By then, this kid will only have a dead end!"

Obviously, these demons are full of instinctive fear of the Lord Tiansha Demon Emperor. They would rather fight to death than surrender to Chen Xiaobei.

Their calculations are very reasonable. If they are against the ordinary one-star god, they will win the final victory.

Unfortunately, they are facing Chen Xiaobei!

They didn't know at all that Chen Xiaobei's power was not just the power of a star god!

The night **** dark spirit set is an artifact with three abilities!

"Anyway, sooner or later, there will be a decisive battle with the Mozu. Today, I will send them a small gift!"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei's eyes were fixed, the dark mist lingering on his hand instantly became like a metal filament, hard and unrivalled! Even more formidable Xianyuan blessing!

"Uh ..."

In Chen Xiaobei's palm, the Lizard Demon's Primordian screamed, was severely injured instantly, and completely lost his combat ability.

Then, Chen Xiaobei locked the Lizard Demon's Primordial God into Xumi space.

And this also means that Chen Xiaobei will completely let go of his hands and feet, and he will start a fierce fight!

"Wow ... wow ..."

On the other side, tens of thousands of demons are fast forming.

I have to admit that they are well-trained and cooperate with each other to form a battle line very fast. They are indeed the elite warriors in the demons.


No matter how fast they can be, they can't get too fast overnight.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei was like a black ghost of death, wrapped in a black mist like black silk, and rushed into those warriors.

"唰 ... 唰 ... 唰 ......"

I can only see that Chen Xiaobei's arms danced wildly, like a bloodthirsty shadow monster of the abyss, suddenly exploding the black mist around him!

Each of those black mists became sharp and sharp like Ukin under the action of fairy yuan and abilities!

Suddenly it exploded in the crowd. If all the arrows are launched, the power is extremely horrible!

And at the moment.

The tens of thousands of demons can't see Chen Xiaobei's actions at all, and are still desperately trying to form a battle.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

Thousands of arrows were launched, and the body of thousands of demons was punctured in an instant!

Originally, even if the body was punctured, it would only leave some small wounds like pinholes, which was not fatal enough.


In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei's arms suddenly turned and pulled!

Those black mists that penetrated the enemy's body followed the tearing twitch!

Every place where the black mist passes is like a sharp blade cutting, torn apart and split the enemy's body directly!

"Uh ... hmm ... hmm ..."

Suddenly, the tragic sound burst out suddenly, thousands of demons were destroyed at the same time.

I saw the blood spurting like a pouring rain falling down the pit! At the same time, the cut off internal organs, minced meat, bones and bones, and large pieces of remains, all fell down!

Just a blink of an eye, the bottom of the cave has gathered a scene of corpses, blood and sea, shocking!

Of course, this is just an appetizer!


Then, Chen Xiaobei took the Chaos Blood Sword out of the Qingdi Xianhu.

During this time, the Blackwing Warcraft have been urging the Sunlight Box in turn to help the Chaos Blood Sword speed up the upgrade.

At this moment, the Chaos Blood Sword has already reached the realm of Xuanxian.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei took the sword at this moment, not for fighting. The night **** dark spirit suit is already strong enough, and taking out the Chaos Blood Sword naturally has other uses.

"Wow ..."

When Chen Xiaobei changed his mind, the God Eater of Chaos Blood Sword fully opened!

Through the Devouring Heaven Crystal in Luo Yan's red envelope, Chen Xiaobei enhanced the ability of Chaos Blood Sword to the level of Jiuxing Xuanxian.

Once the God Eater ability is turned on, don't even try to escape from any of Chen Xiaobei's palms.

I saw that the thousands of demons whose bodies had been destroyed wanted to escape from the scene.

However, at this moment, these thousands of yuan gods are directly dragged by a **** fairy, just like a huge **** vortex, spinning at a high speed.

All Yuanshen, without exception, were swept up, and all were swallowed by Chaos Blood Sword.

"Booming ..."

Of course, when the Chaos Blood Sword swallowed the Yuan Shen, the rest of the Demon Warriors were not idle ~ ~ The battle array was formed.

Even though thousands of people were lost, the base of tens of thousands of people is still there, and they still have the confidence to fight Chen Xiaobei.


Only a bang was heard, and the war power of tens of thousands of demons suddenly bombarded towards Chen Xiaobei.

Tens of thousands of demon fairy yuan, gathered a huge dark purple array.

From the map, a horrible real element like a meteorite was blasted out! Power, speed, and destructive power all reach the level of one star Tenjin!

The dark purple meteorite pulls out a long afterimage, as if the purple dragon came into the world, spanning the sky, and swallowing all beings!

This is the spirit of the power of the gods!


Very very strong!

If it is against an ordinary one-star celestial body, this battle array is enough to gain the upper hand and support the soldiers. There is absolutely no problem.

However, in such a situation, Chen Xiaobei's heart remained in control without any slight fluctuations.

"Night God! Dark Shield!"

Just listen, Chen Xiaobei whispered, and directly turned on the third power of the night **** dark spirit suit.

"Wow ..."

Suddenly, the black mist surrounding Chen Xiaobei quickly condensed. It seemed like countless silks, forming a cocoon, and directly wrapped Chen Xiaobei's whole person in it.

"Booming ..."

Immediately afterwards, the purple meteorite dragon had already arrived!

The power is impartial, and it completely bombards the black mist cocoon completely!

Until this moment, tens of thousands of demons were still very confident that they could suppress Chen Xiaobei!

However, when the dark purple power disappeared, the demons discovered that they did not even hurt one of Chen Xiaobei's hair.

On the contrary, Chen Xiaobei broke out of the cocoon, like a dark killing god, covering the entire space with killing energy!

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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