Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3712: Encounter an old man

Obviously, the information in the memory of the lizard demon brought great confidence to Chen Xiaobei.

Since both Mo Luo Wutian and the Demon Saints cannot escape, then as long as Chen Xiaobei can recover the Yuanshen and accumulate enough life, it will be enough to overwhelm the entire area north of the Long Que Mountain.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei only had the last two moves to take full control of the situation. Naturally is full of confidence, full of energy!


Chen Xiaobei absorbed some of the aura in the spirit storage bag to restore his fairy.

Then, Chen Xiaobei let the six-eared macaque use the aura to become Gonggong and Zhurong, respectively. Although these two guys were reincarnated as ancestors and witches, their cultivation was very low, so they did n’t have much aura.

After transfiguration, the six-eared macaque was sentientated twice, and the positions of Gonggong and Zhu Rong's bodies were determined respectively.

Both corpses are not in the ancient land, and are extremely far away.

I am afraid that the cracks in the space were torn open during the war, and many corpses were drawn into the turbulent space and passed to different places.

Of course, at the moment, Chen Xiaobei's goal is very firm and he has no time to take care of him. So, just let the six-eared macaque keep those two positions in mind and go forward as soon as possible later.

After you're done.

Chen Xiaobei still let everyone stay in Xu Mi space to stand by, but he embarked on the journey again.

This time, Chen Xiaobei chose another route to avoid the burrow where Dijiang's body was located, so as not to run into the demons who came to check.

At the beginning, the journey was very smooth.

Chen Xiaobei turned on the hidden ability of the night **** dark spirit suit. All the way north, he encountered some sentiment scouts of the demons, but the repair was not high, and Chen Xiaobei could not be found at all.


Soon after, Chen Xiaobei had to stop!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have imagined that on the road of Chen Xiaobei, there would be a magical army camp like the mountains and oceans.

Not to mention the number of Demon Warriors, there are tens of millions in the barracks alone.

These barracks are lined up, and there is no end to the left and right, like a steel torrent that directly traverses the entire continent.


Extraordinary horror!

Such a huge force is simply an astronomical figure!

More importantly, these fighters need to be equipped with weapons and equipment, and issued military puppets. The consumption of each day is probably hundreds of thousands of times of astronomical figures!

It can be seen that after the magic Luo took control of the demons, it really brought unprecedented prosperity to this race!

population! wealth! Fighting power! Details reserve! Everything is so incredible that you can even compete with heaven!

No wonder!

Without such a thick family base, how could Mo Luowutian dare to move against the sky?

"It's troublesome now ..."

Chen Xiaobei stood on a hill far away and looked at the Demon Barracks that traversed the continent in front of him.

"If you go around the road, I don't know how much time to delay, or if I can't get there, the body of Zhu Jiuyin is gone!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, "But if you don't spare the road, you must run through these barracks at the risk of being found ..."

Obviously, although Mo Luo Wutian and the Demons quasi-sages are not present, most of the barracks are demons-level demons, and even the strongest high-level Xuan Shen will be in the barracks.

As long as the existence of the **** level or above, release the realm of the realm, you can directly ignore the ability of the night **** dark spirit suit, and discover Chen Xiaobei's whereabouts.

This is obviously a dilemma.

However, Chen Xiaobei's calm head quickly made a decision: "Go straight through! Now, Zhu Jiuyin's corpse is very important, and absolutely must not be lost!"

"Secondly, I have to sneak into the core of the Demon Clan to rescue the two Warchief Warchiefs. This can't be avoided! I just entered their army camp now and I am familiar with the environment!"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei made this decision with long-term consideration, and he would not go straight into it.

"Wow ..."

Chen Xiaobei straightened himself out.

Due to devouring the blood, Chen Xiaobei's body is exactly the same as the deity, and it is in a physical state. No flaws can be seen under the heavenly saint.

Then, Chen Xiaobei wore the night **** dark spirit suit and put it on the Fa body.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei can first hide with the night **** dark spirit suit. If he is found, he can use the power of the body to directly demonize the body, and he can lie that he is a demon, at least there is still room to speak. , Will not be directly sieged by the enemy.

From this we can see that Chen Xiaobei wanted to penetrate the enemy's barracks, not by rushing his forehead and impulse, but by having sufficient calculations and preparations.

But then again, there are still risks in doing so.

That's Chen Xiaobei's Yuan Shen Trauma!

Once the magical power is used, the trauma of Yuan Shen will be aggravated, and Chen Xiaobei is completely unsure whether he can hold it up.

However, no matter what, things have come to this point, and there is absolutely no possibility of turning back.

Chen Xiaobei settled down ~ ~ to send the flesh into the Xu Mi space, the Fa body immediately entered a state of concealment, and went straight to the Demon Army camp.

At first, it went smoothly. Ordinary soldiers could not find Chen Xiaobei.

If you consciously avoid some large accounts of the commander in chief, they will basically not be found.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei himself was not at all relaxed, and while advancing carefully, he had to observe the situation inside the barracks.

The layout, the strength, the patrol guards, the levels of the strong ... Chen Xiaobei must write down everything.

One is to go to the core barracks to be able to rescue the chief warrior Xuan Yu and the war chief Yan Yan safely.

The second is to prepare for the future war seat. Even if the passage between the demon world and the ancient land is cut off, this vast army of demons is still there. A final battle is absolutely inevitable!

"Well? That's ..."

Suddenly, when Chen Xiaobei went north to the middle of the barracks, suddenly his eyes brightened, and he actually saw two familiar figures!

Both of them have very high face values.

One of them had a faint look, skin, long hair, and eyes, all of which had a faint purple color, wearing a set of lilac battle armor, and a silver long bow on his back!

This person is Witch Garo!

The other person had a clean face, wearing a simple monk clothes, very simple, even a bit shabby, but even so, she couldn't hide her perfect figure and dusty temperament!

That's right!

This person is Yun Fanqing!

However, at this moment, she has grown out of pale short hair, and her eyes are even lighter in color!

"Fan Qing ... how did this happen !?"

For a while, Chen Xiaobei's heart was like overturning the Wuwei bottle, and the taste was extremely complicated.

"No! I have to figure it out!"

Chen Xiaobei is most affectionate and righteous.

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