Chen Xiaobei walked out slowly.

Demonized posture of the Dharma body appeared in front of everyone.

The dark skin, blood-red eyes, crown-like horn spurs on the head, a pair of pterosaur-like wings grew on the back, and the fingers produced sharp claws like daggers.

What's even more weird is that on the skin and wings of the ink color, there are special red lines that look like bloodstains! Among them, the red aura is constantly flowing, and it is very, very cool.

"Holy ... holy ... holy !!!!!"

For a moment, almost everyone at the scene exclaimed hysterically.

Some ordinary soldiers even knelt down on the ground to face Chen Xiaobei, and even fell to the ground without even daring to lift their heads.

A group of young demons headed by Yuan Shesha was stunned directly in place.

Eyes were staring one by one, mouths were wide, scalp tingling, and sweating all over, all of them were more thrilling than being alive.

"Holy demon! This is a true holy demon! Hurry ... kneel down!"

Gallo trembled physically and mentally, as if a devout believer, saw the Supreme Deity of his faith, and immediately fell to his knees on the ground.


Seeing the scene in front of them, Yuan Shesha's group did not dare to hesitate, hurried to kneel, and performed a five-body throwing ceremony.

For a moment, only Yun Fanqing was still standing there, his eyes slightly bloody, staring at Chen Xiaobei.

Yun Fanqing knew very well that he had never seen this holy demon before him.

However, it is inexplicable and indescribable that he has a very familiar and intimate sense of this holy demon, as if he knew each other long ago, and has an extraordinary relationship.

"Fan Qing! Hurry! Kneel down!"

Gallo quickly dragged Yun Fanqing's sleeves and whispered, "If you see the holy demon, see the demon ancestor! You must get a five-body gift!"

Holy demon!

Chen Xiaobei knew for a long time that since he devoured the marrow of the world, he had the sacred demon posture, and his future achievements may reach the level of the magic and lawlessness.

However, Chen Xiaobei did not know that Gala and Yun Fanqing also absorbed the marrow of extinction, except that the amount absorbed by the two was half that of one person.

And just now those young demons also said that Yun Fanqing has a quasi-sacred posture!

Holy demon! Quasi-holy!

With only one word difference, Jia Luo knelt down on the ground, while Chen Xiaobei stood tall and proud, and the gap between them was like a cloud of heaven and earth.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei didn't know about Yun Fanqing and Gallo absorbing the marrow of the world.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei did not expect that his demonized body could bring such great convenience.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei just wanted to hide his identity. In order to protect Yun Fanqing, he was ready to fight with each other.

But it is good, as soon as the divine magic body appeared, it directly shocked the audience.

According to Gallo, not only Yuan Shesha, even if he came, he had to kneel obediently and give a gift to Chen Xiaobei's five bodies!

This result was completely unexpected by Chen Xiaobei, but it was completely reasonable.

Demon worships the strong!

The holy demon is the best and most promising existence among the demons.

Even though Chen Xiaobei is still very weak at this moment, as long as he possesses the posture of the holy demon, he can get the attention of the magic Luo! You can even get the same treatment as Mo Luowutian!

the reason is simple!

As long as the demons with the sacred devil's posture grow up healthily and peacefully, they can add a super-powerful superpower like the magic Luo, and bring more benefits to the entire race!

The greedy demons take interest very seriously.

Because of this, the vast majority of people will abide by the rules and give the highest respect to the person of the holy demon.

"Fan Qing! Don't hesitate! Rules are set by the godless ancestors, not kneeling is a death penalty ..." Galo was very flustered, desperately pulling Yun Fanqing.

However, Yun Fanqing seemed to be in the magic of petrochemicals, always stiffened in place, his eyes staring at Chen Xiaobei, without blinking.

"She doesn't need to kneel!"

Chen Xiaobei uses the wonderful sound to perceive, making his voice very deep and full of coercion.

This is still done to hide identity.

If you let Mo Luo know that Chen Xiaobei is still alive, the consequences are simply unthinkable!

In fact, the reason why Chen Xiaobe changed his name to Chen Xuanbei in the ancient land was also to cover up the fact that he was not dead.

Otherwise, there is no impenetrable wall in this world. Once the two names, Chen Xiaobei and Chen Zhufeng, have been transmitted to the heavens, the results will be known by their toes.

Don't kneel! ?

This has broken the rules that the Demons have never broken for hundreds of years!

Gallo couldn't help feeling envious.

Yuan Shesha's gang was frightened and his scalp was numb.

It seems that this sage is fancy Yun Fanqing.

But it ’s good. They just wanted to harden Yun Fanqing. If the Lord Saint blame it, is it okay? ? ?

"You, accompanied me to places!"

Chen Xiaobei looked at Yun Fanqing and said in a commanding tone.

"it is good!"

Yun Fanqing hardly hesitated ~ ~ directly went to Chen Xiaobei.

"Don't ask me where to go? Don't ask what to do?" Chen Xiaobei looked a little in a look.

"Don't ask! I just want to go with you!" Yun Fanqing said calmly.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Chen Xiaobei took Yun Fanqing, flew directly into the sky, passed through the entire military camp, and headed for a safe area.

"its not right……"

At this moment, Yuan Shesha slowly raised his head, looking at Chen Xiaobei's back, with a surprised expression on his face, "Is the speed of this holy devil too slow? It seems that the realm of Xuanxian is not ..."

"Brother, haven't you just glimpsed the practice of Lord Holy Demon?" The young demons next to him whispered.

"How dare I? That's disrespectful!" Yuan She squeaked his lips, not feeling good.

"No! We may have been cheated!"

A young Demon youth frowned and said, "Why is there a sacred demon who comes out for nothing? And I have never seen such a demon, and I have never heard of it!"


Yuan Shesha looked for a moment, and suddenly realized that "everyone with the posture of the holy demon will be highly valued by the godless ancestors and accepted as a disciple! How could it be so weak !?"

The young Devil patted his thigh, annoyed, "We are all seeing the Holy Devil for the first time. We were nervous for a while, and even ignored these most basic issues! That was a fake! We deceived us all!"

"Don't stop talking nonsense!"

At this moment, Galo stood up directly, and said solemnly, "Follow me to rescue Fanqing immediately! If she has any shortcomings, all of you must be buried! Including me!"

"Funeral? Who do you think you are?" Yuan She dismissed.


Gal's eyes condensed, and he said almost word by word, "I am the secret messenger of the godless ancestor! Gal! Luo!"

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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