Son-in-law: I have calculated this carefully! There are two possibilities to break the game!

Son-in-law: The first one is to find a way to prevent Kun Peng from gaining a perfect and infinite morality within nine days! However, this approach is extremely dangerous!

Son-in-law: Because Kun Peng is heavenly, no one dares to help you in this matter! You can only rely on yourself to face Kun Peng, who is in the highest quasi-holy realm! The odds are almost zero!

Chen Xiaobei: I understand ... Tiandao can't figure out my whereabouts, but anyone who helps me will be figured out by Tiandao and cause the death!

Chen Xiaobei: But do n’t look down on me too much, I will be dismissed by Mo Luo Wutian, Xun Peng may not be invincible!

Son-in-law: No! Kun Peng and Mo Luo are infinitely different! Mo Luo Wu Tian is for sanctification, so he will be extremely fancy to the ancestral witch's body, and will be counted by you!

Son-in-law: But, Peng Peng has become sanctified, nailed by iron! He doesn't need you at all and will never trust you! It's almost impossible to calculate him!

Chen Xiaobei: The son-in-law said it makes sense, then, what is the second way to break the situation?

Son-in-law: The second method depends on whether Mo Luo's lawlessness is firm enough!

Chen Xiaobei: Mo Luo's lawless will! ? Against the sky! ?

Son-in-law: Right! The ultimate goal of Mo Luo Wu Tian is to overthrow the Tao of Heaven and establish the Supreme Magic Tao! If his will is firm enough, he will never submit to heaven! Maybe I won't betray you!

Chen Xiaobei: You mean, seeing that Mo Luo Wutian hates me, can he cover up his adherence to the magic path? If hatred is better, he will pull me to be buried! If the faith is firm, he will not cooperate with heaven!

Son-in-law: Exactly! I mean that! This method is relatively safer! Of course, the risks are greater! After all, the outcome is five or five, and no one can be sure how Mo Luo Wutian will choose!

Chen Xiaobei: When you say that, you wake me up!

Son-in-law: How do you say that?

Chen Xiaobei: You may not know much about the characteristics of Humane Marks and Magical Marks!

Son-in-law: I do n’t know, I do n’t know at all! Of these two marks, in the realm of the heavens, only you and Mo Luo Wutian have contacted, others have never seen before, I do not know the details!

Chen Xiaobei: Let me tell you! These two marks will give a severe test several times when confessing the Lord! Only after passing the test can the Tao heart be determined enough to be recognized and become the mark of God!

Chen Xiaobei: My humanitarian heart! Mo Luo's Lawless Heart! Have passed the ultimate test of life and death! Already detached from life and death, extremely firm and unshakable!

Son-in-law: Do you mean that Mo Luo Wutian will not betray his Modaodao heart? Won't betray you?

Chen Xiaobei: I hope he can betray me! In this way, he betrayed the magic path and would lose the approval of the magic path mark! At that time, the mark of the magic road will be truly unowned!

Son-in-law: Yeah! !! !! (Suddenly realized)

Son-in-law: With your determination to go against the sky, you will be recognized by the Mark of the Magic Road! At that time, you can become the new owner of the Mark of the Magic Road! The combination of the two marks of man and monster, even if Xun Peng is sanctified, there is nothing you can do!

Chen Xiaobei: So, I hope Mo Luo Wutian can betray me! However, after all, it still depends on how he chooses!

Son-in-law: Mo Luo Wu Tian is a smart man! And, you also know the characteristics of the magic mark! Therefore, you can think of these things, Mo Luo Wutian must also think!

Chen Xiaobei: Yeah ... he must know that if he wants revenge, he must betray the magic path and lose the mark of the magic path! You can't betray me without revenge! In general, no matter how much he chooses, it will be in my favor!

Son-in-law: Right! If he chooses revenge, you can subdue the mark of the magic road! If he chooses Yin Ren, no one knows that you are still alive, even if Peng Peng is sanctified, he will not calculate you!

Chen Xiaobei: So we don't have to worry about Mo Luowutian now! What's more, the old thief of Yuanshi went to catch him personally, I don't want to care about it!

Son-in-law: What do you mean, you want to start with Kun Peng?

Chen Xiaobei: By coincidence? I am now in the ocean! Moreover, the sea water was cold and biting, and no living creatures were seen around!

Son-in-law: You are in the North Sea Youyou! ?

Chen Xiaobei: I don't know if it's Beiming Youhai? However, I was brought by the turbulence of space, and in the midst of it, this may be luck, and the yin and yang sent me here!

Son-in-law: You hide yourself first! Then dive down to the bottom of the sea. If you can see a black castle, it is the Beiming Youhai!

Chen Xiaobei: Black Castle?

After setting his mind, Chen Xiaobei immediately opened the golden eyes of the fire, blessed Yuqing Shenguang, and looked down.

What a coincidence!

In the middle of the bottom of the sea, Chen Xiaobei really saw a boxy dark shadow, with sharp edges and corners, and a careful layout. Isn't it just an undersea castle?

Chen Xiaobei: I see ... this is indeed Beiming Youhai!

Son-in-law: Kun Peng is in the core of the castle! During this time, he is doing his best to devour the merits of Houtu, and he will never leave half a step!

Chen Xiaobei: Is there anyone else in the castle?

Son-in-law: Of course! Xun Peng hid in the Beiming Youhai. On the surface, he was timid, but in fact, he has been cultivating his own power in the dark! In that black castle, there were his army and his ancestors!

Son-in-law: As far as I know, the disciples who Peng Peng has personally adjusted are in public, and some people have reached the quasi-holy state! Once Xun Peng is sanctified, his ancestors can immediately rank among the saints' religion! Beiming Youhai will also reach its peak!

Chen Xiaobei: Really worthy of being an ancient monster! It's so amazing! No wonder then and now, Tiandao will choose him for dark chess!

Son-in-law: Yeah ... Peng Peng's wisdom ~ ~ Absolutely no worse than anyone! I even suspect that the monster you mentioned to me who wanted to replace me is Kun Peng!

Chen Xiaobei: That's right! It's really possible! With the wisdom of Kun Peng, he is absolutely capable of doing anything before! In addition, he has been lying for years and his ambitions have swelled countless times!

Chen Xiaobei: No! I must prevent Kun Peng from being sanctified! If he succeeds, he will definitely threaten you more seriously! At that time, he will be even more reckless, and will even lead to the split of the demon tribe!

Son-in-law: I know, you are good for me! However, I suggest that you do not touch Kun Peng easily! Originally, the threat of Mo Luowu has been ruled out, and it will only expose you if you get into Peng Peng!

Chen Xiaobei: Of course I will not see him in true face! Even if things were exposed, it would not make him think of the three words of Chen Xiaobei!

Son-in-law: Anyway, you must be very careful! Rather than go, don't take risks!

Chen Xiaobei: I have my own share in this matter. In addition, I still have something very important. I want to ask my son-in-law to help me see it.

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