Son-in-law: At present, Daozu has not conveyed the will of Heaven and Tao, so my views on this matter can only stay on the surface!

Chen Xiaobei: You said!

Son-in-law: According to my observations, Zixiao Palace just made a mess completely. You can see that Xun Peng seems to be very important. You must have this chip for me, maybe you can rescue Brother Tongtian!

Chen Xiaobei: I think so too! In addition, Kun Peng is a heavenly chess piece, and also has the mark of the demon fire red lotus! Therefore, the value of this chip is enough to exchange for my Master!

Chen Xiaobei: But I'm afraid that when the substitution is made, Tiandao secretly acts or repents, and kills me and Master ...

Son-in-law: I didn't expect it! Kun Peng turned out to be more important than I expected! As for your concerns, it is absolutely necessary!

Son-in-law: We do n’t know for sure what the heavens are! We do n’t know his means! In case he moves or fights back, the situation will be completely out of our control!

Son-in-law: My suggestion to you is to control Xun Peng first, wait for the timing, and then take him out to negotiate!

Chen Xiaobei: When is the right time?

Son-in-law: For example, when we know the heaven better, when we are more confident! For another example, think of a way to ensure that the heavens are not tricky! This kind of thing needs an opportunity, don't worry!

Chen Xiaobei: I see! I will find a way to get to know the Tao as much as possible!

Chen Xiaobei: By the way, how is Mo Luowutian now? Did he make a statement? Is it a betrayal? Still tight-lipped?

Son-in-law: Mo Luo Wutian obviously doesn't want to lose the mark of magic, so he can't betray magic, and for the time being he hasn't revealed anything about you!

Chen Xiaobei: Does he not know that I have been exposed?

Son-in-law: I don't know yet, he was held alone, no chance to know!

Chen Xiaobei: If the son-in-law has a chance, you might as well remind him to let him know that the news that I am alive has been made public!

Son-in-law: Why is this? (doubt)

Chen Xiaobei: Mo Luo Wu Tian's biggest chip is to know my news! Know the secrets of the Mark of Humanity and the Mark of Magic He didn't want to betray the demon, so he kept his secret!

Chen Xiaobei: But if you let him know, the secrets he holds are no longer secrets! His mindset will begin to change!

Son-in-law: I see! You mean, let Mo Luo know that he is about to lose his use value and may be wiped out at any time! In this way, he may choose to betray the magic road!

Chen Xiaobei: That's right! Anyway, everyone already knows that I am alive, and I am not afraid that Mo Luo will turn to the door! On the contrary, I hope he betrays the magic road quickly, so that I can control the mark of the magic road!

Son-in-law: No problem! I'm looking for a chance to remind Mo Luo Lawless! As for whether he betrayed the magic road, we will not know until then!

Chen Xiaobei: It doesn't matter, there is no eighth new saint anyway, and I am not in a hurry to conquer the mark of the magic road! There is time to wait slowly!

Son-in-law: Don't take it lightly! Although Xun Peng was taken down by you, among others, there are others who can become the new saints!

Chen Xiaobei: Who else! ? (Surprised)

Originally, Chen Xiaobei thought that sanctification was extremely difficult, and she could breathe a sigh of relief when she took down Peng Peng.

Unexpectedly, there are still many new saints.

Son-in-law: Half-step true sacred realm, how precious are you! Zhenyuan Daxian! Minghe ancestors! Red Cloud ancestor! King Peacock! Lu Yadao Jun!

Son-in-law: Those who have great talents and great opportunities, people teach Xuandu division, sword ancestor Lu Dongbin! There are monsters to teach Honghuang Zulong, colorful Tianfeng, and nine-colored unicorn! There are Guangcheng Zi, a real person of Yuding, and a Taoist! In the West, there are the King of the Tibetan Plateau, Guan Yin, and Maitreya!

Son-in-law: In addition, among the reincarnation ancient immortals, there are also four candidates! Emperor Xi Jun! Zu Wu Xuan Ming! Our Lady of the Golden Spirit! Madame Turtle Spirit!

Son-in-law: All of the things I mentioned have the potential to be sanctified! If they are willing to surrender, heaven can naturally choose a new saint from it!

Chen Xiaobei: No ... there are so many ... (headache) It is almost impossible to prevent the eighth new saint from appearing!

Son-in-law: Right! The eighth new saint will surely appear, it's just time sooner or later! Therefore, you must not be taken lightly, you must always plan for the worst!

Chen Xiaobei: I understand! I will be extremely careful!

Son-in-law: Of course, Xun Peng bears the mark of the demon fire red lotus after all, and also has the merit of 99% of the earth. So, if possible, Tiandao should still want to make Xun Peng sanctify!

Chen Xiaobei: I understand what you mean! Although the eighth new saint is bound to appear, I should be safe in the short term!

Son-in-law: Remember the names I just mentioned, if you can unite, make an alliance as soon as possible! This way you can minimize the enemy and protect yourself!

Chen Xiaobei: I understand! I will definitely remember it! After all, among these people, there are people I must protect ~ ~ and also my **** allies, I will go to them as soon as possible and finalize the matter!

Chen Xiaobei: In addition, Xun Peng's physique is extremely arrogant. Although I was seriously injured, but the recovery speed is extremely fast. Is there any way for the son-in-law to suppress him? Otherwise, I can bring a bomb with me at any time.

Son-in-law: I have a way, but if I do, Xun Peng will know that I am allied with you! In case you want to trade with Peng Peng and Tiandao, I will be exposed!

Chen Xiaobei: Since the son-in-law is embarrassed, I'll think of another way.

Son-in-law: Don't worry, I'll ask Brother Junti later to see if he has a solution!

Chen Xiaobei: OK, I'm waiting!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei's peeping heavenly charm comes from the quasi-citizen.

This heavenly saint is very interesting. Although he is one of the two western saints, he always guards Sun Wukong with one heart.

It's even as if the Master of Tongtian guards Chen Xiaobei.

Previously, the reason why the prospective Taoist gave Chen Xiaobei a glimpse of the heavenly amulet was that he hoped that Chen Xiaobei would ensure the security of Sun Wukong in the ancient land.

Sun Wukong's cultivation of nature is not low, but in the ancient land was once the domain of the strongest period of the Wu tribe. The dangers in it are naturally self-evident.

Chen Xiaobei's close relationship with the Wu tribe is the best person to protect Sun Wukong.

Therefore, the prospective preacher selected Chen Xiaobei.

Moreover, regarding the secret of Chen Xiaobei's death, the prospective mentioner was probably the first to guess it, but he kept his mouth shut.

It can be seen that prospective preachers are not loyal to heaven.

At this moment, the son-in-law went to him for help, maybe he could go a step further and establish an ally relationship with him!

Ding——Congratulations! Grab the red envelope of the prospective mentioner and get ...


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