Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 480: Qi to vomit blood (4)

"Wo Ri! What about Hetian Yupei from my family? How did he become Du ... Du ... Du ..."

Bai Zunyu's words were inexplicable, and his face turned into a pig's liver color, and he wanted to vomit blood!

On the big screen, Ye Tianling's face was already dark and very unpleasant.

at this time.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted and screamed, "I lay a big grass! Mr. Bai! Your family is also yak fork! It is actually a family heirloom with Durex! It ’s crazy and crazy!"


Bai Zunyu was already depressed enough. He was in a hurry to attack his heart, and an old blood spurted out.

This is really too hard to jump into the Yellow River!

At the same time, the stunned crowd also slowed down and issued a tide-like exclaim.

"Bai isn't crazy all the time? Actually, Durex is displayed on this occasion! It's really awesome and cool ..."

"Yeah! Miss Lin is a well-known lady, and Mr. Bai dared to send Durex, she just made a new height for death!"

"General Bai! Yes! Colored heart and bold! I respect you for being a man!"


The crowd exclaimed, all looking at Bai Zunyu with the same look as Qihua.

Bai Zunyu himself was still stupidly kneeling on the spot. At this moment, he almost wanted to find a place to drill into it!

Ever since I was young, I have never been more ashamed!

At this time, the voice just snarled again: "Mr. Ye! You just said aloud, Bai Zunyu has good character! And you are the facade of Lingtian Group! Feelings you just use Durex as the facade? No wonder you can do it How big is spicy! High! Really high! "

As soon as this word came out, the audience was exclaimed again.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking for the one who talked.

That guy is so bullish! After playing Bai Zunyu's face is not addictive, he dared to hit Ye Tianling!

One word-cow!

Of course they didn't find the target.

Because it is Chen Xiaobei who speaks, he uses the wonderful sound to perceive, so that the sound spreads, and he cannot hear the specific position.

Only Lin Nan knew the truth.

The boy laughed and clasped his stomach and laughed, and he almost rolled on the ground: "Great! My brother-in-law! You are simply a god! How did you do such a great trick?"

"What did I do? Why don't I know?" Chen Xiaobei's smile was innocent, hiding his strength and reputation.

Everyone around looked for a while, and couldn't find the target, then they all stared at the big screen.

Lin Xiang stood in front of the crowd, facing Ye Tianling, and questioned: "General Ye! My brother and I came to Longdu. The first person I knew was you! I only met the rogue Bai Zunyu after your introduction! If you do n’t give me Explain, that's all for our friendship! "

Ye Tianling frowned, weighed the pros and cons, and immediately said seriously: "I was also very surprised that this happened! I never imagined that Bai Zunyu would be a decent Swen scum!"

"His shameless behavior offended Miss Ye! It also shamed us Lingtian Group! I officially announced in front of everyone and immediately fired Bai Zunyu! Never hire!"

With this remark, Bai Zunyu's tears fell down.

"Leaf younger! President Ye! You can't fire me! Do you forget that we are young and you said you would give me an iron rice bowl!"

Bai Zunyu kept gimmicking directly to the big screen: "Please ... don't fire me ... demote! I'm willing to demote my salary ... don't fire me ..."

The tears of this goods fell down, and they mourned.

The people around me couldn't help but sigh, Ling Tian Group's financial director is really a fat, and firing Bai Zunyu is definitely more cruel than killing him!

"Less nonsense! No one can change my decision!" Ye Tianling sighed angrily.

On the surface, he was selfless, under the control of an iron hand.

But everyone with a good eye can see that his heart is also very unhappy, and firing Bai Zunyu is completely helpless.

The dazzling dragons are four-leaf Tianling, and they were forced to this step. It is strange that they are not depressed!

"Miss Lin, are you satisfied? If you are satisfied, I will leave first, and there will be a meeting later!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

"Ye always go! I'm leaving too!" Lin Xiang said indifferently, turned and left: "Linnan! Stop playing! Let's go home!"

"Sister! Look who's here!" Lin Nan got out of the crowd.

Behind him, Chen Xiaobei walked slowly, smiling, staring, and walking towards the beautiful girl.

"Oh ~"

Lin Xiang snorted involuntarily. When she saw Chen Xiaobei, she was stunned.

A subtle sensation of unclearness sweeping through the body, as if evacuating all her strength, making her body crisp and soft, as if to melt!

I want to melt in his arms!

There was a voice in Lin Xiang's heart.

Timidity and weakness are all left behind, and the surrounding vision is also ignored!

Lin Xiang exerted his last strength, ran quickly, and buried Chen Xiaobei's arms, warm, thick, and full of security!

This is the harbor that Lin Xiangchao has been thinking about!

"Sorry, hurried to come, no gifts." Chen Xiaobei gently stroked Lin Xiang's hair, said softly.

"You are here, it is the best gift!" Lin Xiang raised his small head, and in the beautiful eyes, the stars were shining, showing endless tenderness.

Seeing the scene in front of me, the surrounding crowd exploded again.

"My God! Who is that kid? I took Miss Lin as soon as I got off the horse!"

"I heard that Miss Lin has a boyfriend long ago, it must be this kid!"

"This kid is really lucky! She can capture Miss Lin's heart! Not only can she be beautiful, but she can also get great wealth!"

"Isn't it? It's almost 10,000 times as lucky as the lottery ticket! Envy, envy and hate!"


In the envious eyes of everyone, Chen Xiaobei took Lin Xiang away and left the scene.

After they walked away, the big screen turned black ~ ~ At the same time, Bai Zunyu's cell phone rang.

Ye Tianling's voice came from the other side of the phone: "You idiot, you have ruined the situation that I had to manage!"

"Ye Shao ... don't fire me ... I must do my best to remedy ..." Bai Zunyu begged.

"I don't want you to remedy, I want you to stink Lin Xiang's reputation! Let her be excluded in the circle!" Ye Tianling said.

"Why is this?" Bai Zunyu wondered.

"You pighead, you do n’t understand what you said, just do it!" Ye Tianling didn't feel good.

"Yes, yes ..." Bai Zunyu nodded again and again, after the phone hung up, he called the housekeeper in front of him and asked, "Are the woman with the last name Wang still?"

"It's still out there! If you don't see you, don't leave." The steward said.

"Okay! Call her to the study!" Bai Zunyu said coldly.

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