Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 910: Lord of the North Xuan (1)

"What ???? Not for Huashan faction ?????"

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobeiyun's light and light sentence caused 10,000 times critical damage to the hearts of tens of thousands of people at the scene!

For the vast majority of people at the scene, joining the Hidden World is definitely a dream!

Joining the Huashan School is even more beautiful dream that you can wake up asleep!

But it ’s better, Chen Xiaobei rejected it directly?

"Lying grass! This guy is too pretentious! We have exhausted opportunities that we have never had in our lives, and he just gave up!"

"Isn't it? If I can join the Huashan Pie, it will suffice me for ten years!"

"Cut! I'm still willing to give up my life for 20 years! But Chen Xiaobei can't even look at me!"

"It's called, I'm hungry! I'm hungry! People are more deadly than popularity!"


The audience screamed again and again, but had to take it. "" Ω "Ww" W. LieWen. CC

As the saying goes, I am proud!

Chen Xiaobei has unparalleled talents, and naturally has proud capital.

"Chen Xiaobei! Are you kidding me?"

At this time, Yue Changkong's face was all green, and 3ooo spirit stones were given to Chen Xiaobei, but he was rejected by Chen Xiaobei!

This sourness instantly made Yue Changkong's small heart hurt by a million times critical strike!

"Yue Zongzhu laughed!"

Chen Xiaobeiyun said lightly: "The tens of thousands of people at the scene are heroes on the rivers and lakes. I can't be a joke in words and deeds! I don't join the Huashan faction!"

"you you you you……"

Yue Changkong's chest was sullen for a while, and there was a strong urge to vomit blood.

I never expected that Chen Xiaobei did not intend to join the Huashan faction at all.

At present, the results of the Battle of the British Army have been finalized, and the reward has been lowered. If Chen Xiaobei cannot be collected, it will be a real loss of money.

With a cold face, Yue Changkong said calmly, "Have you ever thought about it? What would happen if you were not as good as the Huashan School?"

As soon as this statement is made, anyone who is not stupid can hear it. This is the threat of Chiguo!

If Chen Xiaobei does not join the Huashan faction, 100% will be retaliated by Yue Changkong!

"Mr. Chen! I wonder if you are interested in joining my Qingcheng pie?"

If Su Dong saw the opportunity, he said: "With your natural talents, you can directly become the disciple of the suzerain. From now on, Qingcheng Qijie will be changed to Bajie! Who dares to trouble you, I Qingcheng Pie will defend you! "

With this remark, Yue Changkong's face was black! Furious, as if to eat Su Dongruo!

At the same time, the scene again exclaimed!

"People are in rivers and lakes, strength is the last word! Chen Xiaobei is very young, and the strength group, even the hermits of ancient times are rushing for him!"

"Yeah! In order to win over Chen Xiaobei, the Qingcheng faction even kept working with Huashan Party!"

"We cried and shouted that we were not qualified to enter the hidden world, but Chen Xiaobei was scrambled by the hidden world, envying the dead is not worth it!"

"It seems that Chen Xiaobei is going to join the Qingcheng faction! Otherwise, wouldn't it have hit the faces of the two hidden ancient factions?"


In these exclamations, Chen Xiaobei gave an answer that no one had thought of.

"Sorry! I don't plan to join the Qingcheng faction!"

Chen Xiaobei stands proudly, speaking in a very plain tone, but revealing his domineering spirit.

As soon as this statement came out, Su Dongruo's old face suddenly became red.

"Becoming a suzeraint disciple is the highest honor for newcomers to get started!"

Yue Changkong was weird with yin and yang, saying, "Elder Su, you are so sincere, and you have even been rejected ruthlessly! This is hitting your Qingcheng faction!"

"My husband knows!"

Su Dongruo's old face blushed for a while and green for a while.

"Lying a big grass! Rejected again! Chen Xiaobei sent Qingcheng back again!"

"My God! This kid is too crazy! It seems that he is not picking fat and leaning, but he doesn't like Huashan and Qingcheng at all!"

"There should be a limit to being young and frivolous! Too much arrogance makes you proud, but it pretends! This will not have good results!"

"Yeah! The Qingcheng faction and the Huashan faction have offended, and sooner or later they have to pay a painful price!"


The crowd exclaimed again and again, unable to understand why Chen Xiaobei made such a decision.

But they did not know that there was a shameless shameless father and son in Huashan, and Chen Xiaobei could not enter Huashan naturally!

In addition, Qingcheng has the so-called Qijie, and the old Qixia Dingxi was obliterated by Chen Xiaobei.

At that time, Xia Dingxi threatened Huo Yuanba with Qiaoer, colluded with the bloodline, and led hundreds of people to siege the poisoned Liu Xuanxin.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right!

Looking at Xia Dingxi, it is not difficult to judge that the senior members of Qingcheng are not good.

Chen Xiaobei was not interested in having anything to do with them!

Of course, these inside stories, Chen Xiaobei cannot say in front of tens of thousands of people, but can only explain otherwise.

"Everyone! Let me explain!"

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently, "I rejected Master Yue and Elder Su, not because I pretended to be arrogant, but because I already have my own ancestors! I have a teacher and a disciple! I naturally cannot switch to another Zongmen! "

"What? You already have a gate?" Wen Yan said that everyone at the scene was apprehensive.

If this is the case, Chen Xiaobei's rejection would be reasonable.

"Which school are you from? Who are you studying under?" Yue Changkong and Su Dongruo asked in unison.

Neither of them was stupid, and they knew that being able to bring up the ancestors from Chen Xiaobei was an extraordinary existence. Master Chen Xiaobei was afraid of being a top-level existence in rivers and lakes.

Before asking clearly, it was really bad to tear up his face with Chen Xiaobei.

Obviously, their judgment is correct.

Chen Xiaobei is a disciple disciple, and he studies under the guidance of Tongtian! Looking at the three realms, this is the most top-level background.

However, it is impossible for Chen Xiaobei to tell this secret, and no one will believe it.

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently, "The Baishou Mountain ~ ~ the old site of Baishoumen in the eastern suburbs of Longdu has been converted into the Northern Xuanzong, and I am the Lord of the Northern Xuan!"

"What? Bei Xuanzong?" Yue Changkong frowned, dismissing: "What sect is that? I haven't even heard of it!"

Su Dongruo even despised his face and said, "What kind of garbage gate is that? Is it worthy of being compared with my Qingcheng school?"

Liu Xiyuan introduced: "The two are unaware that Bei Xuanzong is a new ancestral gate just established last year! Almost no one knows Longdu's rivers and lakes, but they are not well-known outside ...

"Hum! This year, any cat or dog occupies a small piece of land, and dare to claim to establish a sectarian gate, it's ridiculous!" Su Dongruo said.

"Since Chen Xiaobei doesn't know how to do anything, we naturally won't stick my face to my cold butt!"

Yue Changkong turned his eyes to Tai Yi Tan, and his tone eased: "Yi Tan! You can worship me under the Huashan faction! I will take you as a disciple and carefully cultivate to ensure your future!"

With this remark, tens of thousands of eyes focused on Tai Yitan.

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