Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 917: The purpose of 6 ears (4)

That's right! The real Zhao Ritian had already died in the ravine!

The fake in front of him is the change of the six-eared macaque using the power mirror magic mysterious shadow. Δhunwen "network www. ΔLieWen. CC

This power, even the Guanyin Bodhisattva and the golden eyes of the fire eye, can't see through it. I thought that it was only when it came to Rugao Buddha that it was seen.

The few of Chen Xiaobei were just ordinary people, and naturally they didn't see any flaws.


Lobodhi returned to his home.

Chen Xiaobei and his party returned directly to Bei Xuanzong.

As for Tanaka Gaoji, Chen Xiaobei didn't kill him directly.

After all, it is a strong man who is the pinnacle of Shinji.

Chen Xiaobei wondered if he could find Xiaotian Dog to point to Tianting Dog Food, and turn Tanaka Gaoji into the security of Bei Xuanzong.

Like Aoi Kuai, it is also great to care for the house.

Arrive at North Xuanzong.

Everyone returned to their room to rest, and Feng Qingyang arranged a room for Zhao Ritian.

Chen Xiaobei also immediately returned to his room, took out the water-cutting knife with anticipation, and laughed: "Little two! Pickled cabbage!"

"Come here! Come here! Brother Bei! Is there something delicious again?"

Xiao Er drilled out of Chen Xiaobei's pocket, and his small eyeballs slipped and he immediately locked the water-cutting knife. He was pleasantly surprised: "Kwai Shui Xuan Tie! This is also a rare spirit on the earth!"

"Kwaishui black iron?"

Chen Xiaobei asked, "Which is more beneficial than Windweave Mithril?"

Xiao Er said: "In the case of a single round grade, sunflower water black iron is higher, but last time the wind pattern Mithril wins a lot, so the benefits brought by the two are actually similar!"

"Okay! With your words, I can rest assured to eat boldly!" Chen Xiaobei moved to borrow the power of the second child directly.

Xiao's ability can devour six things and **** the essence out and use it for his own use!

This effect is very bad!

But there is a problem that after swallowing things, you need to go to sleep to digest and absorb what you eat.

For the first time, after eating Migraine in Wind Pattern, Chen Xiaobei slept for one day and one night, which improved his physical strength by 1ooo.

For the second time, after eating the six-point star core, Chen Xiaobei slept for seven days and seven nights, improving the physical strength of 7ooo.

This means that the higher the level of what you eat, the more benefits it brings.

But correspondingly, the more time to sleep.

All the food I eat now is only low-level spirits. Imagine if Chen Xiaobei swallowed a fairy, I would not be able to wake up for a year and a half.

At this point, Chen Xiaobei resolutely made no joke!

He only had a one-year life span, and he ate too high-level things, so he couldn't sleep for a while!

The material of the water-cutting knives is similar to that of wind-printed Mithril.

Chen Xiaobei said nothing and started eating immediately!

"Give me ... leave me a bite ..." Xiao Er's ability was robbed, and he was instantly relieved. He could not forget a delicious bite before he collapsed.

Sure enough, it is a hall-level snack!

"Know it!"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes were shining straight, as if starving to death, his mouth began to choke off the water knife.

"Lying grass! Lying grass! Lying grass!"

The chewing of the metal in the mouth was "ga ga ga", Chen Xiaobei repeatedly praised, his face was full of intoxicated expression: "This is really refreshing! It's like watermelon peach peach mango ... numerous fresh fruits A collective! Delicious to explode! "

"Give ... Leave me a little ..." Xiao Er looked at him stunfully, his soul was gone.

Chen Xiaobei made a big determination, and barely restrained the tapeworm, leaving a small piece for Xiao Er, and the rest was eaten by him.

"Well, I'm going to bed, you can eat it by yourself!" Chen Xiaobei changed his mind and returned the ability to Xiao Er.

He lay on the big bed and fell asleep.


At the same time, Jiang Ziya's room door was gently pushed open.

"Heavenly tiger!" The man outside whispered.

"Chicks stew mushrooms!" Jiang Ziya said immediately.

The comer walked in from outside the door and locked the door to prevent a third person from entering.

"Six ears! Are you six ears?" Jiang Ziya asked excitedly.

"Crap! If it wasn't for me, the fool would have such a mentally weak code with you!" The six-eared macaque who came to be Zhao Ritian.

Ginger teeth are ashamed.


The six-eared macaque glanced at Jiang Ziya and sprayed it with a smile: "Ging Ziya! What's your incisor? Why was it panda eyes? Alas! Hahaha ..."

"Don't laugh! You splash monkey! What's so funny!" Jiang Ziya was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and his speech was still leaking.

"Jiang Ziya has no incisors! Which man is this? It's so funny! Hahaha ..." The six-eared macaque is a demon, and he has no awe for Jiang Ziya, and smiles very hilariously.

"Splash the monkey! You dare laugh! Believe it or not, I'll find Shen Gongbao now to clean up you!" Jiang Zi's teeth were straight and stomped.

"Okay! You cow! Is it okay if I don't smile?" The six-eared macaque sank, and put a smile on his face, staring at Jiang Ziya coldly.

"A demon is a demon!

Jiang Ziya gave a six-eared macaque with a nasty look, and Shen said, "The agreement between you and Shen Gongbao is to seize Chen Xiaobei, and ask where the deity of Su Shiji's reincarnation daughter is! What's going on when you come to Beixuanzong? "

"Do you think I want to come?"

The six-eared macaque said coldly, "I have drilled the law of samsara to repay the soul with my corpse! My path is completely zero, and the existing strength is only the same as a mirror!"

"If I tied Chen Xiaobei directly with a bundle of immortal cords, the other people around him would tear me alive!"

"What's more, there were still people who wanted to arrest Chen Xiaobei. If I tied Chen Xiaobei, it was tantamount to making wedding dresses for others!"

"Instead of making others cheaper, I might as well tie that person in exchange for Chen Xiaobei's trust, and then look for opportunities to act!"

Hearing that, Jiang Ziya nodded and said, "This explanation makes sense! What are your plans for the next step?"

"What can I do?" Six-eared Macaque said: "I'm a hot chicken now ~ ~ I can only protect myself, stand firm and talk later!"

"That won't work!"

Jiang Ziya said in a hurry: "Su Shiji was the key figure of the last calamity, and has a great connection with the son-in-law, and we must educate her to be her own!"

"Stop! I'm not your evangelist! It's not easy to live again, I won't take my own life to risk it for you!"

The six-eared macaque said, "Either you try to make me stronger, or just listen to me and wait for the opportunity!"

"You are turning your face and not acknowledging it!" Jiang Ziya said angrily: "When you negotiated, you said to yourself that you would do your best to help us get things done in the shortest possible time!"

The six-eared macaque dug out his ears, with an indifferent expression on his face: "It will be outside, the military order will not be affected!"

(End of this chapter)

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