Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 943: Refined dog food (2)

Howling Dog: North Brother! What are you doing to me?

Chen Xiaobei: I have encountered several enemies recently. They are very strong. It is a pity to kill them. Moreover, I will go to the island country later ... so I want to ask if you have any extra Tianting dogs. grain?

Xiaotian Dog: I have the dog food in Tianting, but I'm afraid it's not convenient for you ... (Helpless)

Xiaotian Dog: Once, Shen Gongbao stared tightly. Second, I ate with this Erlang Zhenjun. He was an interpreter. In case I give you a red envelope, not only me, Erlang Zhenjun. To be punished ...

Chen Xiaobei: I understand that you are most loyal and loyal, and naturally you will not be embarrassed! Yuanshi Tianzun prohibits private red envelopes, but allows purchase with the Three Realms! How much merit a dog biscuit, I bought directly, they have nothing to say. Ω hunting "Ω 文 网 WwΔW. ΔLieWen. CC

Xiao Tian Dog: Well, if you trade with the Three Realms, it is legal. However, buddy, I suggest you buy Tianting dog food.

Chen Xiaobei: How do you say this? (curious)

Xiaotian Dog: Because for the mortal of the human world, the effect of the dog food in the heaven court is too overbearing, and it can easily break the balance of the human world, so it is set at a very high price! 1o Three Realms of Merit!

Chen Xiaobei: Lying on the grass! Only buy a piece of 1o merit! Explaining such a price makes it clear that I don't want me to use Tianting dog food!

Xiaotian Dog: In fact, they do not target Tianting dog food. The price of one thing is directly proportional to its impact on the human world! The greater the impact, the higher the price!

Howling Dog: For example, some fairy artifacts that can easily destroy the earth have been priced! This is really to protect the human world! Even Hongjun Daozu nodded his head, and the sage of Tongtian said nothing!

Chen Xiaobei: What kind of human world is protected? (Unpleasant) Can I still use Tianting Dog Food to make it impossible for everyone in the world to eat?

Howling Dog: This rule is not just for you!

Howling Dog: Hundreds of millions of universes, the shadow of the flood! Zhao Zhaoxing, the dust of the flood! The earth is just a fragment of the Great Famine 6! You do n’t do evil, it does n’t mean that others do n’t.

Seeing this message, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help looking at it.

I remember that the monkey brother said before that Honghuangda 6 completely collapsed after the first three times of calamity. This was divided into the three realms of heaven and earth, and connected by the fourth realm and fairy realm as a channel!

In other words, on the parallel plane of the earth, there are trillion trillion mortals, and the mysterious earth fairy world.

As Xiao Xiaotian said, Chen Xiaobei will not do things that endanger the human world after receiving the treasures from heaven, but it does not mean that others will not do it.

After all, the forest is big and there are no birds.

Imagine if the golden hoop stick fell into the hands of a heartbroken man, it must be a huge catastrophe!

Because of this, with this law of the Primal Heavenly Deity, everyone who wants to obtain the immortal realm must first punish evil and promote goodness, accumulate merit, and then exchange for immortal.

Those who can punish the evil, promote the good, and accumulate public morals, naturally cannot do anything despondent!

In this way, the original law can really play a role in maintaining the balance of the human world!

It is for this reason that the Master of Heaven has not raised any objections.

Chen Xiaobei: I see. I won't be entangled with this problem in the future. You just said that I wouldn't recommend me to buy Tianting dog food. What should I buy?

Xiaotian dog: I can teach you how to make Tianting dog food. You can spread out and buy the required raw materials, and the price can drop by a hundred times!

Chen Xiaobei: Making Tianting Dog Food? (Both eyes light up) Quick! Teach me! I have to learn this method to kill!

No doubt, as long as you learn to make Tianting dog food, it is tantamount to mastering a secret weapon against the sky!

From now on, if you are upset, feed him a dog food!

Lying! Just thinking about it is really explosive!

Howling Dog: The production method is like this ... you need to use these things ...

In the method of refining Tianting dog food, Xiaotian dog was directly given to Chen Xiaobei in writing, so that no red envelope was needed.

Xiaotian Dog: These raw materials will not have much impact on the human world, the prices are not high, and it is cheaper to buy separately.

Chen Xiaobei: OK, I remember! Thank you very much! (Holding fist)

Xiao Tian Dog: I haven't finished my words, making Tian Tian Dog Food by yourself can leave a lot of Three Realms merit, but it must consume a lot of spirit stones!

Chen Xiaobei: Consuming Spirit Stone? (be surprised)

Howling Dog: Because the power of Tianting dog food is very bad, each dog food needs to be injected with an aura equivalent to 1ooo spirit stones in order to generate the power.

Chen Xiaobei: Lying on the grass! It ’s so much! (Surprised)

Howling Dog: Spirit Stone and Aura are strictly forbidden to be sent to ordinary people. This one can only be earned by yourself. Although it costs 1ooo Spirit Stones, as long as it is used for ideas, it should not lose much.

Chen Xiaobei: That's what it says! The few loyal dogs I am going to conquer are definitely worth the investment of 1ooo spirit stones!

Howling Dog: As long as the value for money! You can make more money when you run out of money! (smile)

Chen Xiaobei: That's right! Without further ado, I'll find someone to buy raw materials now!


Chen Xiaobei went to Shennong, Baicao Xingjun and Qingteng Fairy according to what Xiaotian dog said, and all the raw materials for making Tianting dog food were prepared.

Immediately after, Chen Xiaobei started refining non-stop.

Put the raw materials in the Sapphire Baoding, and then find the red baby and take a spit of Samadhi real fire. After controlling the fire temperature, the rest is waiting.

Within the jade gourd, there is still an aura equivalent to 36oo spirit stones.

However, the raw materials put in this time can make 1o pieces of Tianting dog food.

In other words, Chen Xiaobei has to get at least 64oo spirit stones!

This is not a small amount. Under normal circumstances, Chen Xiaobei is unlikely to obtain it, but this time it is different!

Chen Xiaobei had a plan long ago: "Wool comes out of sheep! Since dog food is made for the enemy, the spirit stone naturally asks the enemy to collect it!"


Great Deal House!

Since the day, there has been a mess here.

Huashan faction master Chang Changkong ~ ~ The sternum was broken, and his heart and lungs were severely damaged.

Qing Cheng sent the elder Su Dongruo, his chest was bombarded by lightning, and his flesh and blood had already been defocused.

Huashan sent the young master Yue Junmo to blew half of his face and bleed, and one eye was almost falling out of the rotten meat.

Xu Changqing, the grandson of Shushan's elders, was smashed half of his face like Yue Junmo.

The four unlucky ghosts were all fatally injured and had been unable to take care of themselves. After being brought back to the dealer, they had been lying in a large house waiting for treatment.

Fortunately, each of them has an elixir, which killed him, but this kind of injury, without a famous doctor, can never get them out of danger!

"Yuejin! Yuejin! Haven't my grandpa's phone been answered yet?"

Zhuang Hao stood outside the big house and kept urging: "Fight more times! More times! I have to ask Grandpa to come anyway today!"

(End of this chapter)

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