Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 963: Far in the sky (2)

Chen Xiaobei was not aware of the dialogue between Zhao Ritian and Jiang Ziya in his room. Hunting Ω text Δ net Ww "W. LieWen. CC

Simple inventory.

Within the sapphire gourd, there is also an aura of 3oo spirit stones.

This is almost the last loss of life-saving. If you encounter any strong enemy again, Chen Xiaobei will have to plan carefully and deal with it carefully!

The first 6oo spirit stone of his own, the 5ooo spirit stone of the Battle of Britain, the 4ooo spirit stone of four enemies, the 27oo spirit stone of the dealer, totaling 123oo spirit stone.

Who ever thought? In the end, there was only one fraction left.

However, despite all this, Chen Xiaobei didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt that the 12ooo spirit stone was worth it!

2ooo spirit stones start the Dragon-Witch Nine Transformations, use the Dragon-Witch power to crush the strong enemies, and keep family and friends safe!

1oooo spirits make Tianting dog food, subdue the four big elephants, plus a Tanaka Takayoshi, and there are 5 homemade dog foods left!

Just looking at these two things, it is already a steady profit.

Not to mention, Chen Xiaobei also harvested a magical weapon, breaking armor! And the rich heritage accumulated over hundreds of years in the banker's treasure house.

Although Lingshi spends a lot more, but also worth the money, Chen Xiaobei's heart is actually quite refreshing.

What's more, the four big celestial beings have hidden value that can be opened!

For example, the treasure house of Huashan School!

When Chen Xiaobei returns from the island country this time, he will definitely go there for a stroll, and pick whatever he likes?

I will ask you! Pleased?

Another example is the secret of the blood race!

In the future, Chen Xiaobei will learn more about the blood family's secrets from Gordon!

Don't forget, a six-pointed star core allowed Chen Xiaobei to increase 7ooo physical strength in one breath!

What if there are ten? How about a hundred? Just thinking about it is really cool! Is there wood?

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei's spirit is really worth it.

Of course, these two things can not be done in a short time, Chen Xiaobei did not consider it, the focus of the moment must be on the island country!

After the inventory was clear, Chen Xiaobei called his confidantes separately.

Lan Mengchen takes care of her grandmother at home. The Lan family has to move to Longdu, and there are still many things to do in advance.

Perhaps Chen Xiaobei returned from the island country, and the Lan family was almost able to reach Longdu.

Wen Jie has been busy filming and she is not as clingy to Chen Xiaobei as before. She simply explained two sentences and nothing special happened.

Lin Xiang practiced in the Tidal Sect, and the phone could not be reached. This girl identified a thing, and it will definitely make 12 minutes of hard work. It is estimated that it will be difficult to contact in a short time.

Song Qingcheng was most reluctant to Chen Xiaobei, but she knew that Chen Xiaobei was going to do her business, and told him to pay attention to safety several times. When she came back early, she reluctantly hung up the phone.

Finally, Chen Xiaobei called Luo Boti.

Her situation is much more complicated, leaving her feelings aside, the whereabouts of her parents have troubled her for many years!

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei had already conquered Yue Changkong, and he asked Luo Boti to go directly to Huashan School. Yue Changkong would do her best to assist her to discover the truth of the year.

However, judging from the situation of that year, Yue Changkong may not know the truth.

I'm afraid I have to wait for Chen Xiaobei to return from the island country before he can continue to investigate. Now he just reassures Lobodhi.


Hanging up the phone, Chen Xiaobei could not help but exhale.

The hardest thing to do with beauty! Without paying attention, he already had so many confidantes.

Want to say that you care? Chen Xiaobei cannot deny it.

But if you don't care, who can you cast out ruthlessly?

These girls are inextricably linked to themselves, they are all in love, they have deep feelings, who do they reject? Who to abandon?

Chen Xiaobei couldn't do it!

There is no way but to carry a fancy curse!

"Even Master said, I am born with peach blossoms, so be careful, at least I will not disappoint any of them!"

Chen Xiaobei poked his lips and comforted himself, but he was a little unwilling: "Speaking back, I only have a husband and wife with sister Qingcheng, and her sister paper is all they kiss me! I have never done anything Things ... not right ... "

When Chen Xiaobei thought about it, a wonderful figure suddenly appeared in his mind, like snow in white clothes, like a fairy!

Among these confidantes, if there is one who Chen Xiaobei really lost, there really is one!

"Sister Fairy ..."

Chen Xiaobei's face faded, especially in his heart.

My first time was given to the fairy sister, and by the way, the other person's most precious first time was taken away.

However, until today, I don't know who the other person's last name is! Do not even know where the other party is!

"Since it is a legendary senior marriage, why should you let the fairy sister be far away?"

Chen Xiaobei sighed, very helpless.

Jingle Bell--

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Caller ID is written with four words-goddess of luck!

"Xuan Xin? Why did you remember to call me so late?" Chen Xiaobei answered the phone and asked curiously.

"I want to call you earlier, but your cell phone is always on the phone ..."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Xuanxin heard a soft, watery voice!

"Eh ... something was just a while ago, I talked with my friends for a long time ..." Chen Xiaobei said.

"Girlfriend?" Liu Xuanxin asked.

"Uh ..." Chen Xiaobei was ashamed. Was this Liu Xuanxin a maggot in his stomach? Can you guess this?

"I just casually said nothing else."

Liu Xuanxin said: "I made this call to you and wanted to say thank you! My grandpa and elder brother apologized to me! Now our family lives in Xuanjianmen, and everything is back to the original state! That ’s great! ... "

"You can forgive them, it is your love and justice, why should you thank me?" Chen Xiaobei said calmly, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As the saying goes, rather than tear down ten temples, don't tear down a marriage.

In Chen Xiaobei's opinion, it would be better to demolish a hundred temples instead of a family!

Chen Xiaobei was very happy to be able to help Liu Xuanxin.

"Thank you! You must thank!" Liu Xuanxin insisted: "If you don't have it ~ ~ the window paper in the middle will not be broken forever!"

"Don't be so polite!"

Chen Xiaobei laughed: "If you have to thank, I have to thank you even more! If you didn't come at a critical moment, I and Xuanzong of Bei Xuanzong wouldn't have thought of going through that disaster!"

"Okay, then we're even." Liu Xuanxin asked softly, "Yes, when are you free? Come to dinner at home? Grandpa and big brother want to thank you too!"

"I'm afraid it won't work in the near future. I came to a far door, half a month, and a few months ..." Chen Xiaobei said.

"Well then, half a month later, I will ask you again!"

Liu Xuanxin's voice seemed to show a slight nervousness, and at the end, he added: "At that time, I will cook myself!"

The second chapter, thank you [brotherhood] brothers, for bringing a reward of anger! Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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