Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 997: Talks between Master and Disciples (4)

Run with anger, turn into a dragon, and continue to walk along the veins of Chen Xiaobei in the special way of "Yuanyuan Yimin Jue".

Every time you swim on a Sunday, the strength of the dragon can increase.

As the master's teaching of the masters of the Tongtian religion, "Yunyuan Yimin Jue" has two advantages against the sky.

The first is to increase the speed, which can be said to be extremely fast.

The second is the true attribute, which is both intangible, phaseless, and all-encompassing!

These two advantages are not only against the sky, but also extremely practical.

The first point is very helpful to cultivation. Others practice for several years, even less than Chen Xiaobei's practice for several hours!

The second point is very helpful for combat. In the same realm, if the energetic attribute can restrain the opponent, you can increase the chance of winning at least 30%!

Because of this, although Chen Xiaobei has a so-called "cultivation plug-in", he can't relax himself in the practice of "Determining the Blind Yuan". If he has time, he must take both into consideration.

Moreover, strictly speaking, "Yunyuan Yimin Jue" has the third major advantage, which is to communicate with the main **** of Tongtian and get in touch.

Because the Luo Clan Demon Clan is about to move, most of the time, the Master of Heaven must go to the ancient land, try to find the end of the ancient Clan, and panic the Demon Clan completely.

The Three Realms Fairy Network does not cover the ancient land.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei can only contact the Tongtian leader after he has been finalized through "Yunyuan Yinian Jue".

Don't underestimate this!

Chen Xiaobei contacted the leader of Tongtian several times before, and he received important instructions and tips, even the key to turning things around.

As time passed, Chen Xiaobei unknowingly reached the state of being settled again.

"Xiaobei ... Xiaobei ..."

I do not know how long it has passed, a familiar figure of Jun Yi appeared in Chen Xiaobei's mind.

It was a young priest who looked about twenty-seven years old, with a handsome appearance and outstanding temperament!

The bridge of the nose is tall, and the lips are moderately thick. There seems to be some sloppyness between the eyebrows and some laziness.

But those dark eyes that are as deep as the universe are revealing the light of wisdom that people dare not underestimate!

Apparently, the leader of Tongtian contacted Chen Xiaobei again.

"Master, finally see you! Disciples meet with Master!"

Chen Xiaobei was excited, saluting Master in his mind.

"I haven't been in contact for a long time, you must have a lot of questions to ask, right?" Tong Tianjiao's temperament was indifferent, and he was ready to answer questions for Chen Xiaobei.

"Yeah! A lot has happened recently!"

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, "First of all, Jiang Ziya! This old guy, like Shen Gongbao at the time, came to me to be undercover!"

"You have seen him through. You are better than a teacher!" Said the leader of Tongtian faintly.

"Master is humble! That's because the amount of calamity came and the chance didn't show up, you will be deceived by Shen Gongbao!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"I don't need to mention the things of that year, but let's talk about yours!" Said the leader of Tongtian.

"The second thing I want to say is the six-eared macaque!"

Chen Xiaobei said: "The disciples have overheard that this big demon is the vacancy of the primitive old man's reincarnation law, so that he can live again! If this is brought to Hongjun Daozu, he can cure the original old man's crime!

"In addition, the Shen Gongbao secretly gave a red envelope to the six-eared macaque, knowing the law and breaking the law! If the matter broke, you can get rid of the Shengong leopard!"

Hearing that, the leader of Tongtian did not express his position, but asked: "I want to hear your intentions for the teacher! Since you have known these things for a long time, but have not disclosed them early, it means that you have your own thoughts in your heart!"

"Master Shengming!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "The disciples think that these two things can be held down first! When they are critical, and then burst out, they can become important chips in Master's hands, forcing the primitive old man to make some major concessions!"

"The one who knows me is worried, but the one who doesn't know me is what I ask?" The leader of Tongtian showed a smile of relief and nodded again and again.

Chen Xiaobei looked a little bit surprised, and said, "The disciples have the same thoughts as Master?"

"Yes! What you said was what the teacher thought!"

The Tongtian master nodded and said, "The two things you said can be big or small! If they are revealed now, it will be trivial! But if it comes to the amount of calamity, then it will be a big thing!"

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, "When you talk to the original old man about the conditions, you won't be afraid he won't agree!"

"Right, that is it……"

Tongtianjiao's tone was a little low, saying: "I only blame the last time I was robbed of my confession and suffered heavy losses. In the heyday of the Wanxian Dynasty, until the last death, I was scattered. Only a teacher and a green cow ... So, you This chip created is extremely important! "

The master of Tongtian's face sank and said calmly: "If it is not the case, the teacher will never let you suffer from this birdishness!"

"Master respects you!"

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, "Although the disciple is angry, the six-eared macaque's bundled immortal cord has been collected by the disciple, and the old man Jiang has been cleaned up by the disciple! They have already calculated the disciple's birdishness!"

"You are wide-hearted!" The Tongtian leader also smiled slightly, the indifference dissipated, and asked gently: "Why not kill them? Are you afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain?"

Chen Xiaobei said: "Although the six-eared macaques are enemies, they are not constrained by interpretation and morality, and they are very moral. The disciples plan to imitate Zhuge Liang's" Seven Capture Meng Gao "and play slowly to see if they can collect this splash. monkey!"

"This is a good idea!"

Tongtian taught: "If you can conquer the six-eared macaque, bring him back to heaven, and return his spirit to the corpse of the previous life, he will be able to exert the same strength as Sun Wukong ~ ~ Come to you Say, it ’s definitely a powerful boost! "

Chen Xiaobei said excitedly: "Yes! The disciple just heard that the six-eared macaque had no victory or defeat with the monkey brother, so he even wanted to recruit him to his Majesty!"

The Master of Heaven said: "This is a reminder for the teacher. Don't treat the six-eared macaques with dog food in the heavens! This kind of thing is too overbearing, it will wipe out the human heart, and it will wipe out the Tao heart! As soon as it is gone, the way of preaching is broken! "

"Disciple understand."

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "The disciples use Tianting Dogs are never the enemy of friends! As long as they have a little bit of potential to become friends, the disciples will never erase their true heart!"

The Master of Tongtian smiled slightly, revealing a deep smile, and asked, "So, you didn't give Jiang Ziya to eat Tianting dog food. Are you planning to save Jiang Ziya also?"

"Master Shengming!"

Chen Xiaobei affirmed: "Jiang Ziya is a rare talent. Moreover, he has protected his disciples' family and friends. From the heart, the disciple really wants to turn him back and become his own!"

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