Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1000 ? Strong Demeanor (Add 5/6 for the leader Chen Zeqing)

Chapter 1000 The demeanor of a strong man (add 56 for the leader Chen Zeqing)

"Just gossip!"

Chong Xuansheng was so angry that the fat on his face trembled three times: "Isn't Taixu Jiaolou your business, Jiang Qingyang?!"

"Calm down, calm down." Jiang Wang stroked his back with his hands, and quickly comforted him: "You have worked hard these days, and you have paid too much! Thanks to Brother Sheng, you are wise and brave, dare to take responsibility, diligent and enthusiastic Unrestrained, I can spare time to fight for our turret in the illusory realm of emptiness.”

Among these beautiful words, the enthusiasm seemed a bit abrupt.

But Jiang Wang's expression was very sincere.

"Hehe." Chong Xuansheng was naturally not so easy to be coaxed, and said with a sneer, "Did you forget where we met? Think I don't know what's going on in the Illusory Realm? Even if you break it inside In the sky, is there a relationship with Taixu Jiaolou?"

"Oh, my brother, you don't know."

Jiang Wang let out a long sigh, took advantage of the situation and sat down on the chair next to him, with a sad face on his face: "Before the people from the Taixu Sect left, they made all kinds of explicit hints that I must get the honorary title of Five Elements Cultivator as soon as possible. You said that if I get If not, will the envoy of Taixu's jade tablet be taken back?"

Chong Xuansheng squinted at him and said nothing.

"Really!" Jiang Wang quickly pointed to his eyes to prove himself: "I haven't closed my eyes for the past few days, except for cultivation, it is fighting."

"The jade card of the messenger of Taixu, send it out as you want, and accept it as you want." Chong Xuansheng snorted from his nostrils: "This Taixu faction, isn't it a little too hasty?"

"Who says it's not! But people have to bow their heads under the eaves." Jiang Wang responded a few words, and quickly changed the subject: "I almost forgot about the big things, I really have something to ask you!"

Chong Xuansheng deliberately scolded a few words, and asked him why the Taixu turret was not a big deal. But after thinking about it, he gave up. After all, Jiang Wang's expression was indeed a little tired, and he couldn't say that he was lying to himself.

According to his speculation, this statement should be half true.

"Ask." He said angrily.

"What do you know about the meeting of the Yellow River?" Jiang Wang asked straight to the point.

Without raising his eyelids, Chong Xuansheng said casually, "Several big brothers sat down to chat and divide up the territory."

Jiang Wang waited for a while, but did not wait for the next sentence: "No more?"

"Otherwise?" Chong Xuansheng asked back.

"It's that simple?"

The famous meeting of the Yellow River, said by Zhong Xuansheng, how could it be the same as the negotiations with those green-skinned gangsters on the street.

"It's complicated, it's very complicated. After all, it's something that affects the entire world. It's intricate and entangled. But it's also very simple. The reason for the Yellow River meeting is those big people. Simplify things."

Chong Xuansheng explained a few words and asked, "Do you want to go?"

Looking Jiang Wang up and down, he said again: "You are indeed qualified to go now. Jiang Qingyang, the number one in the Inner Palace near the sea, is amazing."

These words are derogatory with praise, and with praise with derogation, which is very much his mysterious and fat language style.

Jiang Wang did not hide his thoughts: "I want to meet the heroes of the world for a while to see where I am. Of course, more importantly... I heard that there are many benefits to participating in the Yellow River Meeting, which can make me stronger and faster. become stronger, I don't want to miss it."

Chong Xuansheng twitched the corner of his mouth and sighed: "You are already very strong now."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "Not enough."

"The time for the meeting of the Yellow River has always been determined according to the water level of the Yellow River section. Between the first and fifteenth day of July, it will never be later than August."

Chong Xuansheng said seriously: "If you really want to go, now is the time to prepare."

Jiang Wang smiled, and flicked his fingers lightly on the sheath of Shenlong, which caused Chang Xiangsi to groan softly.

He laughed and said, "It also wants to see if it is a famous sword in the world!"

"With your current strength, you are definitely qualified to participate in the Yellow River Conference. But in the end, there can only be one monk from the inner palace who can represent Daqi in the battle. There are many people fighting for this spot."

Chong Xuansheng pondered and said: "You know, at the top level, who is strong and who is weak is in between. It is not a life-and-death fight, and the winner cannot be determined. So who will get this quota in the end will be determined by It depends on many factors.”

Of course Jiang Wang could understand this.

He will not be so arrogant as to think that the huge Qi country is indispensable. On paper, Qi Guo can pick too many monks who are not weaker than him. And representing Qi to fight is an honor in itself, which shows that at least within Qi, you are regarded as the number one in Qi. Who wouldn't want such an honor?

But who will get it in the end?

Unless you have overwhelming and invincible combat power, far surpassing monks of the same rank, and undisputed like Wang Yiwu's first heaven-reaching state in history, otherwise, factors other than combat power are also important.

The strength of Chu is not weaker than that of Qi, and the monks from the inner palace who will fight in the Yellow River meeting have not been determined until now, and it is for the same reason. It is impossible to say that in order to participate in the Yellow River meeting, let this level of Tianjiao fight to the death. A group of Tianjiao killed only the last one before they went to participate in the meeting of the Yellow River. That's self-destructing the Great Wall, and the brain is flooded.

Of course, Jiang Wang will not underestimate himself. Perhaps there are many monks who are not weaker than him on paper, but in a real life-and-death fight, he is confident that even in a powerful country like Qi, there are inner monks who can match his life and death. , no more than ten.

This is a life-and-death fight after another, and the accumulated self-confidence.

Many opponents who were stronger than him died under his sword. Countless life and death brinks, and in the end he climbed back by himself.

He was really confident and fearless.

"Since I have this qualification, I want this opportunity." Jiang Wangsurong said.

As usual, I am determined, I don't hide my desire to win, and I don't avoid my obsession to become stronger.

Perhaps this is the heart of the strong...

Chong Xuansheng thought to himself, and murmured: "This matter, you have to ask Yan Fu for help."

Jiang Wang was taken aback, and lost his demeanor as a strong man: "Can this also be bought with money?"

Chong Xuansheng's forehead was throbbing with veins: "It is said that you, Jiang Qingyang, are smart and courageous, why do I become more stupid the more I look at you?

The number of candidates for participating in the Yellow River Meeting will be drawn up by the Political Affairs Hall, and then submitted to His Majesty for appointment.

What is the political hall? With Xiangguo as the leader, nine court officials discuss politics.

Who is Yan Fu? Yan's eldest son! His grandfather was the former Prime Minister, so if he said anything, the Zhengshitang would have to save face. And his father-in-law, Wen Yanyu, is one of the current court officials! "

The fat man finished speaking in one breath, looked at Jiang Wang with an expression of "you made me laugh stupidly", and asked loudly, "Come on, tell me now, why did you find him?"





happy New Year to all! ! !

I love you all! I love you all!

May the new year have a new atmosphere!

In the new year, let us work together, and the Chixin Sky Survey will rise! (Why is the slogan somewhat shameful... In short, come on! Work hard! Struggle! Be happy!)

Thanks to the book friend adminnest for becoming the leader of this book! This is the trumpet of the leader of adminnet, I love you!

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