Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1003 ? It's All Floating Clouds

Chapter 1003: It's All Floating Clouds

"Brother Jiang!"

Zheng Shangming was also very pleasantly surprised: "I heard that you returned to Linzi earlier, and I went to Xiashan Befu to look for you, but you are not in the mansion. Unexpectedly, I saw you now!"

After another period of time, Zheng Shangming changed even more.

Yu Hezhi, Yu the stranger in the carriage, and Yu Jiangwang have three completely different attitudes, which can be switched freely.

The way of speaking is also very appropriate, mellow, sophisticated, and affectionate, as if he is used to the yamen, dealing with all kinds of teachings and nine streams, and has grown up.

Jiang Wang personally still thinks that when they first meet, the way the other party cherishes words like gold is more real, but he also knows that people will change more or less.

Maybe call it... "growth".

"I'm busy everywhere." Jiang Wang said with a smile: "After I've been busy for a while, I invite you to drink. I haven't thanked you for what happened last time!"

"You went out to sea to do big things, and you handled the case by the way. You are a model of Qingpai. I thank you!" Zheng Shangming said enthusiastically: "When will you be free, tell me, I must treat you! "

Beiya's intelligence capability ranks first in the entire Qi State.

Zheng Shangming knew very well about Jiang Wang's impressive performance overseas. Father Zheng Shi mentioned Jiang Wang's name several times, all of which were praises.

Of course he understood his father's hint and knew what he should do.

His previous arrogance and self-restraint were smashed to pieces by Wang Yiwu in front of the Zhen Guo Marshal's Mansion. After another year of experience in the Metropolitan Inspection Office, the places that could not be let go have long since been let go.

I went to Xiashan Beppu to look for Jiang Wang before, and I had nothing else to do, just to connect with each other. How could he be like this before?

If it was him in the past, he would still deal with the matter of He Zhen's vertical car seriously, but he certainly would not have imagined that he would also appease the people above the street and promote his reputation along the way.

The two chatted enthusiastically, and the coachman of Bao's Carriage and Horse Company listened to him more and more something was wrong.

My surname is Jiang... I live in Kasumi Beppu...

Is this the one surnamed Jiang?

Green card!

That's right!

It's the one who took a carriage ride and extorted a large sum of money from the master's family!

I heard that others are alright, mainly because Mr. Sheng from the Chongxuan family took advantage of it...

But the important point is that the car and horse dealers have long established regulations, and they will never accept the business of Xuan Sheng and Jiang Wang. Why does this person hire our carriage through a middleman?

People from Chongxuan's family are too immoral!

The coachman has mixed feelings here, and Zheng Shangming has finished greeting Jiang Wang over there, and he is going to deal with the case of He Zhen's car in the downtown area.

Zheng Shangming stopped the carriage at first to leave a testimony to prove that He Zhen's carriage had violated the "Yi Zhi Order" and forced the carriage entering the city to avoid the road. This kind of comprehensiveness is the embodiment of the ability to handle things.

But after knowing that Jiang Wang was sitting in the car, he didn't mention it. Because Jiang Wang's status is unusual, it's not good to bother Jiang Wang with such trivial matters. Secondly, if Jiang Wang's name is left on the testimony, there may be some conflicts with the uncle's house. If these incidents happened because of him, it would inevitably leave a bad impression on Jiang Wang.

So he only exchanged pleasantries and didn't say anything else.

"Let's go." After watching Zheng Shangming leave, Jiang Wang ordered.

The coachman wanted to let him get off the car, to show Bao's serious stance, but after thinking about it again and again, he finally dared not.

Just pretend not to guess it... he thought.

"Okay, sit still!" He tapped the whip lightly, and the horse started to walk happily in small steps,

The Yan family's mansion in Linzi is not considered luxurious.

After all, it is in the capital of Great Qi, whether it is a dragon or a tiger, it is necessary to keep a low profile.

Yan Fu was in the mansion, and he was the first one to return to Linzi after the Neverwinter Island banquet. He has had enough fun with the scenery on the sea, and when it comes to various enjoyments, Linzi is still the most prosperous.

Of course, this was not the main reason why he rushed back to Linzi.

After receiving the message from the servant, Yan Fu rushed out to greet him, and laughed all the way: "You wooden man who only knows how to cultivate all day long, how come you came to see me today?"

Yan Fu, who has always been introverted and gentle, with a strong demeanor, can show such enthusiasm, and everyone in the Yan family will naturally know his son's attitude towards Young Master Jiang.

Everyone looked a little respectful.

With Jiang Wang's current relationship with Yan Fu, there is no need to beat around the bush, and said very directly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to see you. I have something to do with you."

Yan Fu smiled, but Jiang Wang didn't show politeness with him, which meant that the relationship was in place. "Why do you have to go there in person? Isn't it enough to hand over a letter?"

He stepped aside: "Come on, come in and say."

Following Yan Fu into the Yan family's mansion, Jiang Wang finally saw what wealth is.

Different from the simple and low-key outside, the mind is all inside.

It's not about piling up gold and building jade all at once, but about pecking at the jade and emerald green on the waist of the corridor, and doing meticulous work on details such as screen corners and cornices.

Like the green bamboo jade hanging from the curtain, when the wind blows, there is a quiet sound, like a spring in a valley.

Like the slate paving the ground under your feet, it has an excellent pedaling feeling and is suitable for warmth and coolness...

Jiang Wang couldn't see the value, but he felt that everything was pleasing to the eye and comfortable.

Now he is no longer that young man in Fengxi Town who has never seen much of the world. He has been to all the famous families in Linzi City, Ruichenghou Mansion and Bowanghou Mansion.

But when it comes to mansions alone, neither of these two marquis mansions can compare to the Yan family.

"How much is enough for such an arrangement?" Jiang Qingyang, who had seen the world, expressed emotion that he had never seen the world.

Yan Fu didn't respond directly, but just smiled and said, "You can go to Bershire with me later, the old house is worth seeing."

The implication is, what is this house in Linzi? There is nothing to say!

Thinking of building the Taixu turret, I had to go to Desheng Merchant to pay the bills, all relying on Chong Xuansheng's investment, to build a mere Zhengsheng Hall in the fief, and Fan Qingqing and Dugu Xiao himself had to dawdle slowly there, between the nails deduct money...

Jiang Wang said sourly: "Tsk tsk, do you know the reason why money is not revealed?"

"There are two kinds of people who are not afraid of revealing their wealth. One is in the country of Qingming, and they are getting rich legitimately, and they are not afraid of people's thinking. occupy."

"Let's talk about business." Then he walked into the hall and sat casually. Jiang Wang said quietly: "Money or something, things outside of the body are like floating clouds."

"You're right, it's just a number." Yan Fu had a sense of a hero's sympathy, and said with a smile, "Come to me for something, even heavy Xuan Fat can't do it?"

Regardless of Chong Xuansheng's reputation, Jiang Wang's circle of friends all recognize his ability. There's very little he can't do.

Jiang Wang said bluntly: "I want to participate in the Yellow River meeting, but I don't know how to get a place."

Yan Fu smiled: "Chongxuan Fatty has a lot of ideas!"

Only Chong Xuansheng, who is familiar with the situation in Linzi, knows who Jiang Wang is most suitable for. So he knew right away that this was Chong Xuansheng's idea.

"As for the candidates to participate in the Yellow River Meeting, in fact, many yamen have the right to recommend and also have the obligation to recommend. For example, the Beiya, the major county guards... In addition, those nobles and uncles who are highly respected... also able to speak."

Yan Fu analyzed: "All these candidates are recommended to the Zhengshitang, and the Zhengshitang will select three of them for presentation to the imperial court. Chongxuanfat can also help you, but for the recommendation of the quota, please ask Bowanghou or Ding It is obviously not worthwhile for Marquis Yuan to speak."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, there is still the factor of heavy Xuanzun.

Yan Fu calmly said, "I'll post a post later, and the matter will be settled. There must be your name in the Zhengshitang."

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