Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1011 ?

Chapter 1011 Prepare for Battle

The business of the Taixu Corner Building exploded, and all the locations, including the most expensive private rooms, were full and there were no seats left.

That's nothing.

Chongxuansheng specially launched a scheduling system, prepayment and advance reservation. And the list of scheduled monks has already been scheduled for one month later!

Not only the monks in Linhai County, even in Qingtou County, monks came here.

Even Fan Qingqing specially wrote to ask Jiang Wang about the Taixu turret.

Of course, the letter also deliberately mentioned Dugu Xiao's practice, perhaps through this kind of treasure land, he can improve so much.

After she arrived in Qingyang Town, she took over the important task of instructing Dugu Xiaoxiu by the way. With her cultivation in the Inner Mansion and her previous experience as an elder in the Five Immortals Sect, of course it is more than enough.

Jiang Wang has always known that Fan Qingqing is not a simple person.

Just one thing. When I just left the offshore area and came to Linhai County. He has no objection to Jiang Wang's statement that the pursuers dare not come together for at least five years. This is enough to show that she did know the identity of Yin Guan and the others. And she never mentioned it, only said that she didn't know who it was.

But that doesn't mean she's unreliable.

Jiang Wang's current identity and status can give her shelter, and the research on the savanna can bring her an opportunity to make breakthroughs in the future.

Just maintain your own jumping speed. This kind of sober person is not easy to do stupid things.

Jiang Wang immediately wrote back and promised. After the Zhengsheng Hall is completed, she can find time to come to Tianfu City to try it out.

No matter how busy the business of the Taixu Corner Tower is, as the owner of the Taixu Corner Tower, he can always spare a few places.

The enthusiastic crowd brought by the Taixu Corner Tower made Lu Zongxiao's smile brighter and brighter.

Chong Xuanpang's casino business is also making a lot of money. Judging from the popularity of the newly built branch of Sanfen Xianglou, the commission at the end of the month is another big sum.

The profits from these two businesses are all included in the name of Desheng Commercial Bank.

Speaking of which, today's Desheng Commercial Bank, with Qingyang Town in Yangdi as the hub, has mastered a border county business route, and the business has already started. Coupled with the completion of the Taixu turret on the Tianfu City side, and the establishment of a good relationship with Lu Zongxiao, the owner of Tianfu City, it will not be difficult to do some overseas business in the future.

Chongxuansheng himself also separates the business of Desheng Firm and Chongxuan's family, strictly draws the line and never crosses it. After all, the relationship between him and Jiang Wang is easy to calculate, but once the interests of Chongxuan's family are involved, it will be difficult to calculate.

Since the beginning of this year, among the several chambers of commerce with the best momentum in Qi State, there must be the name of Desheng Commercial Bank.

Of course, it is only a comparison among emerging chambers of commerce, and it is far from being able to compare with leading chambers of commerce like the Universal Chamber of Commerce.

The reason why Desheng Commercial Bank was unable to take the lead among the emerging chambers of commerce was because of another chamber of commerce jointly established by many small commercial firms——

Hechang Business League.

This business alliance has been established for a very short time, and it can basically be regarded as growing up on the rotten flesh that fell from the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Among them are several commercial banks, which were previously creditors of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, and a large amount of debts were transferred in the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Once the Jubao Chamber of Commerce collapsed, many businesses were directly used to pay off debts.

During the collapse of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, the three most well-fed merchants were the Universal Chamber of Commerce and the Chongxuan Family's family business. Chong Xuansheng also relied on these advantages to firmly bind the elders in the family. The third one is the Hechang Merchant League.

There are as many as fifteen small firms that formed the Hechang Business League. The leader is a mysterious man surnamed Qi who almost never shows his face. Inside the Hechang Business League, he is respected as "Mr. Qi".

Of course, Jiang Wang seldom worried about these things.

It means that those who can do more work mean that everything is left to Chong Xuansheng.

As for Jiang Wang himself, he was naturally practicing diligently and actively preparing for the Yellow River meeting.

Still closing the door tightly, sitting alone and asking questions, his mind sank into the illusory realm.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after the establishment of the Taixu turret, the feeling of entering the Taixu illusion is more natural.

That lofty voice rang in my ears again.

In the past, Jiang Wang had no reason to think about it, but now he has a few ideas.

Is it the mysterious True Monarch Xu Yuanzhi? There are thousands of thoughts, corresponding to every cultivator of the illusory realm? Or is it some kind of Taoism?

The voice ignored Jiang Wang's mood and continued to happen according to the inherent rules.

[The Taixu turret has been established. 】

[Honorary title: Messenger of Taixu. 】

Jiang Wang had a clear understanding in his heart. After the Taixu Tower was built, his identity at this level has been penetrated from the illusion of Taixu to the present world. Until now, he has become the real "Envoy of Taixu".

In the blessed land, on the phantom of the sundial, besides the honorable name [Taixu First Tenglong] [Taixu Liuhe Cultivator], there is another [Taixu Messenger].

And then -

Gong: five thousand three hundred

Law: twenty-three thousand four hundred

Skimming the merits and methods, and casting your eyes on the four characters "Taixu Messenger", you will naturally get a piece of information-you are the founder and owner of the Taixu turret, and you represent the Taixu illusory realm in the world, so you have the corresponding rights and responsibilities. You get the effect of adding a first rank to the podium, and you get the right to predict the changes in the illusory world. The remaining rights and responsibilities are left open.

And if you immerse your mind in the words "the right to predict the changes in the illusory world", you can get new information-after the new round of turrets in taixu is completed, the Hongmeng space will be opened.

The Hongmeng Dimension mentioned by Chong Xuansheng a long time ago!

This primordial space should be a concept that was formed very early in the illusory realm, probably because the relationship between the major forces has never been able to reach an agreement, so it has not been truly opened.

This can also show that the Illusory Realm has indeed been under the supervision of the top forces, and it is impossible to obtain complete autonomy and freedom. In a sense, this is also the prerequisite for the stability and safety of the Grand Illusory Realm.

Until now, with the establishment of this round of Taixu turrets, the grand opening of the Hongmeng space has really ushered in. Jiang Wangxin had a longing, and didn't know what kind of situation it would be.

In the introduction of the honorary title of Taixu Messenger, Jiang Wang also captured a message that while Taixu Messenger enjoys certain rights, he also needs to bear some responsibilities. While nothing has been said yet, something needs to be done. But it undoubtedly shows that there will be a closer connection between the Great Void Messenger and the Void Illusion.

I don't know whether it is good or bad, but under the supervision of various parties, at least this kind of power and responsibility will not be too unbalanced...

The Illusory Realm is such a vast world, and at Jiang Wang's current level, it is impossible to interfere in it. However, at least he still has the right to choose, and he can only wait for the choice.

Back to his own cultivation, Jiang Wang is always examining himself, he knows that the inner mansion is far from reaching its limit.

Not to mention that there are still two remaining inner mansions waiting to be opened, at the level of the three mansions alone, there is also the third inner mansion's instant Taoism that has not yet been engraved.

If you want to engrave the third inner palace, Taoism at the first-class top-grade outer building level is of course the first choice.

But if it wasn't for the extraordinary talent, the extreme fit, or the original creation and innate advantages, the Taoist engraving technique of the monks in the inner palace is limited to the first-class middle-grade or below.

Jiang Wang would not consider engraving Taoism at a level below the middle grade.

Of course, the Chongxuan family will not be short of high-quality Taoism of the middle grade or above, but even with the status of Chongxuan Sheng, it is impossible to take it easily.

After knowing part of the information about the Illusory Realm, Jiang Wang became much less vigilant about the Illusory Realm.

It is a choice to use the lecture platform to deduce Taoism.

But not now.

Jiang Wang's thoughts moved slightly, and he had already stepped onto the stage, roaring in the galaxy.

He is now the tenth in the prefecture of Taixuan.

If you didn't guess wrong, after getting the honorary title of Taixu Five Elements Cultivator, during the duration of the honorary title, the effect of the lecture platform can be increased by another level. And after getting the honorary title of Taixu No. 1 Inner Palace, the Daoist Stage can also permanently increase its effect by one layer.

So when he gets Taixu First Inner Palace, Jiang Wang essentially only has a three-story lecture platform, and he will be able to play the effect of a seven-story lecture platform by then!

Thanks to the book friends who are only waiting for someone to become the leader of this book!

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