Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1021 ? Zeng Ji Sanfen Incense

Chapter 1021 Zeng Ji Sanfen Incense

Jiang Wang is no stranger to Sanfen Xianglou.

As early as in Fenglin City, it was considered a place of bliss by many Fengyue regulars.

At that time, Zhao Rucheng often treated guests to drink flowers and wine, and except for Ling Heduan, the other brothers did not miss it. Of course, it's just drinking. They are all promising people in the city daoyuan, and no one is really reduced to worldly desires.

In Linzi, the Sanfenxiang Building is lower than the four famous restaurants, but it is not because the Sanfenxiang Building cannot display the same level of specifications. But in a place like Qi, Sanfenxianglou must bow its head in the face of local snakes.

Jiang Wang has been to Sanfen Xianglou many times.

From Zhuangguo to Heguo to Qiguo, from Linzi to Tianfu City, the decoration of Sanfenxianglou is in line with the local customs while retaining its unique characteristics.

The mind and strength embodied behind this is naturally extraordinary.

"I said why the magpie is calling so early in the morning, so Master Jiang is coming!"

As soon as Jiang Wang stepped into the building, a bustard who still had a charm came up to him.

Unlike many procuresses in brothels who used heavy makeup to cover up their blemishes, the procuress in Tianfu City's Three Fragrance House had a plain face. Although it is not bright, it is refreshing and not too greasy.

Of course, it can't be compared with the peach lady in Wen Yushuixie.

She looked at Jiang Wang with a smile, and didn't come up to make out with her hands and feet, but kept her sense of proportion: "Do you have a girl you like?"

Jiang Wang was not surprised, how could he be recognized.

In any one place, want to expand the business. Remembering the appearance of local prominent figures can only be regarded as a basic skill.

The most eye-catching thing in Tianfu City now is of course the Taixu Corner Tower. Even this branch of the Sanfen Xianglou came from it. And the owner of Taixu Corner Tower is Jiang Wang.

Now Chongxuanzun is in the Jixia Academy, Wang Yiwu is in the death row camp, the most dazzling arrogance of the younger generation of Qi, he will do his part.

Combined with these, Sanfen Xianglou is in the upper echelon of Tianfu City, and anyone with a bit of brains will not ignore him.

"I'm not looking for a girl." Jiang Wang didn't waste time, and said straight to the point: "I heard that there are experts from your main building?"

The old bustard looked a little wary, but still smiled affectionately: "It's just that the adults in the building came to inspect, and by the way, they also dealt with some troubles that we can't solve in separate buildings."

This explanation is reasonable and there is nothing illegal.

If he really discovered the violation, Chong Xuanpang would have taken action long ago. He won't get himself into other people's troubles just because he has such a small cooperative relationship.

Jiang Wang said softly: "You know the rules of Qi. The only thing I want to remind is, don't make trouble for me and Chongxuansheng. The high-level inspectors of your main building will inspect, and leave as soon as possible after the inspection, don't be in Tianfu City dawdling, I say that, do you understand?"

"It's natural." The old bustard's attitude is very gentle: "We do business all over the world, and we can do business for such a long time, relying on obeying the rules. Don't worry."

At the same time, these words can't help implying the strength of the three-point Xianglou.

But it's not important, Jiang Wangben just came to warn.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay any longer.

Turn around and leave: "Okay, I won't disturb your business."

As for the matter of collecting the bill now, he is really not that embarrassed...

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, wait a moment." The old bustard said suddenly.

Jiang Wang turned his head and asked with his eyes.

"Our boss wants to see you." The old bustard said.

"No need." Jiang Wang refused.

The madam obviously didn't expect this answer, and was a little surprised: "You may have misunderstood, it's not the owner of our branch building, but Master Tianxiang from the main building."

In her opinion, the heavenly fragrance and heart fragrance in this sect are all peerless in the world. No man will not be tempted. From the west to the east, there are countless bees and butterflies who spend money like money in order to meet each other. The reason why Jiang Wang refused was because he didn't know who wanted to see him.

But for Jiang Wang, no matter what kind of incense it is, he doesn't know it, and he doesn't feel the need to deal with it.

The Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom, who aspires to go to Guanhetai to display the flag of the country, and a high-ranking sect that spans all countries, what is in his mind? Do you dislike that your foundation in Qi State is too solid, and you are too trusted?

Jiang Wang didn't want to be too indifferent, so he just smiled warmly: "It's mainly because of mundane affairs, so I can't be free. So let's stop here today?"

The old bustard is a sensible person, so naturally she won't force her anymore, and said politely, "Please go slowly."

Jiang Wang raised his foot and wanted to leave, but suddenly remembered something, stopped and asked: "By the way, you are divided into three fragrance buildings, and the buildings are all over the world. The intelligence capabilities are naturally one of the best. Do you know the way of bones?"

The woman on the Bone Road once lived in the Sanfen Fragrance Building in Zhuangguo...

"My lord is just joking." The old bustard said with a smile: "We do business according to our duty, abide by the rules, and never involve any sects or sects."

Looking at her like this, one must know what organization the Bone Path is.

Jiang Wang ignored her excuses, and just took out a Dao Yuan stone and put it in her hand: "There is news about the Bone Road, go to the Taixu Corner Tower to contact the people from Desheng Firm. Calculate the money according to the weight of the news, never You will be treated badly. Here is the deposit."

Without waiting for her to say anything else, he left.

It's not that he thinks there is any connection between Sanfen Xianglou and Bone Road, but that he hugs the grass and beats the rabbit, by the way.

There are still some remnants of the Bone Road, which used to be too busy to take care of themselves, but now they are slowly getting some business, it's time to find them.

When he returned to the tea room, Chong Xuansheng hadn't finished his pot of tea yet.

"So fast?" He deliberately smiled.

Jiang Wang ignored him, this fat man can only enjoy it verbally now, there is no chance to go to places like Sanfen Xianglou.

He only said: "I sent the warning, I think they are still awake, and they shouldn't be stupid."

Chong Xuansheng wanted to make some more jokes, but he glanced at Shisi standing like a sculpture, and calmed down: "It's best to be sober. It's really unlucky to say it. The three-point Xianglou used to be honest, but I With this cooperation, they will change."

"Probably there is a reason." Jiang Wang was not very willing to continue talking about the three-point fragrance building, so he asked, "I was rushed to do things as soon as I left the customs, and I haven't had time to ask you. The matter of the Yellow River meeting is settled." ?"

"What's the problem with the big dog submitting the post? Although the final list has not been submitted to the imperial court, it is almost settled." Chongxuansheng smiled gloatingly: "He is not good at handling feelings, and he still has trouble dealing with such things. single-handedly."

Jiang Wang covered his face with his hands: "I don't remember that I told you about Yan Fu."

"You and Yan Fu went to Fufeng Liu's to bully others, the news has already spread." Chong Xuansheng sneered: "You still want to hide it from me?"

Jiang Wang only felt a headache.

He didn't let go of a single harsh word from the beginning to the end, so why did he become a bully?

Moreover. Yan Fu is indeed rich and powerful, who shall I fight for?

This rumor may be related to Liu Yingqi, or it may be someone else. There must be many people in Linzi who wanted to disturb Huang Yanfu's marriage... But Liu Xiuzhang promised to deal with this matter well at the time, and when she came forward, all the rumors would disappear...

Forget it, let Yan Fu get rid of the headache.

Jiang Wang turned to ask: "Which ones are from the Inner Palace?"

Probably out of displeasure at Jiang Wang for not revealing the "secret about Yan Fu" to him, Chong Xuansheng answered indifferently and briefly——

"You, Lei Zhanqian, Cui Zhu."

Thank you book friend Bili for being the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend Gou Shengmen for becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend Morning Overlord for becoming the leader of this book!

Plus a monthly pass...

I paid back one shift, and owed three shifts backhand...

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