Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1034 Hiding the knife for ten years, seeking a kill

The effect of the non-light supernatural power dissipated.

The square in front of the Taimiao was once again bathed in sunlight.

Once again, everyone saw two rounds of scorching sun at the same time.

A round hangs in the distant sky, emitting endless light and heat.

Another round, hanging in front of Bob Zhao who was lying on his back.

In the distance, General Chaoyu of the Winter Mute Army was propping his hands on the ground, struggling to get up.

A little farther away, Xie Baoshu, who was once in high spirits, was still lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

There was no sound.

Although before Bob Zhao's non-light supernatural power dissipated, many people already had the psychological expectation that Chongxuan Zun would win the final victory. After all, in the previous confrontation, Xie Baoshu was defeated so simply, the incomparably powerful general was directly smashed to death... Chong Xuanzun always had the upper hand.

But when the moment actually comes...

In addition to shock, it is still shock!

The three outer building powerhouses who were beaten up and down on the field were not some outer building monks who made up their numbers. It was selected by the Daqi Zhengshitang, who was going to be sent to the Yellow River meeting to compete with the Tianjiao of other countries!

Of course, they are still very young, far from growing to their peak state in the outer building. It may not be comparable to some older outer monks.

As a powerful country in the world, Qi State is also embarrassed to send the elderly Wailou monks to the Tianjiao gathering. How can a Wailou cultivator like Beiya Duwei Zheng Shi, who can come at any time but deliberately suppress the realm, not be strong in the Wailou realm, but Wailou at this age... how can he be called a proud man?

Qi State naturally has the style of a big country.

But Bao Bozhao, Xie Baoshu, and Chaoyu, who can say that they are not strong?

Bao Bozhao demonstrated at least three supernatural powers, and Xie Baoshu, with supernatural powers and mirrors, accompanied wild songs, and Confucian secret techniques, his combat power must not be underestimated. As for Chaoyu's "Hiding the knife for ten years, get a kill", how many people dare to say that they can stop it?

Yet they all lost.

They teamed up to besiege their opponents, but they were still defeated.

Especially respecting Xuan Zun, it is only today that I can step into the realm of the outer building!

This battle will be passed on to the world!

Almost everyone's eyes, whether eager or expecting or vigilant, fell on the man in fluttering white clothes.

But Jiang Wang, who witnessed all the details through the red makeup mirror, couldn't help but fall on the dazzling sun, and for some reason, his forehead felt a dull pain...

This Chongxuan Zun really likes to hit people's foreheads with the sun wheel!

But this battle was really exciting. Every choice in the battle is remarkable, especially Dongji Jun Chaoyu's "ten years of hiding the sword, seeking one kill", and his own sword of fame and fortune have a lot in common...

The Prime Minister of Great Qi didn't speak any more, and almost all the viewers were still immersed in shock.

So the square is quiet.

The silence lasted quite a while.

"You won."

In front of the hovering, blazing sun, Bob Zhao couldn't help but speak.

Chong Xuanzun lowered his eyes and looked at him.

"I admit that you are more qualified to represent Qi State in the Yellow River Conference. Even I am not your opponent." Although he was lying down, Bob Zhao said very gracefully: "The younger generation outside the building, we From then on, I dare not be called the first.”

Chong Xuanzun looked at him quietly for a while, put his five fingers together, and put away the sun wheel.

At the same time, he moved his feet away from Bob Zhao, and silently walked two steps towards the center of the square.

Bao Bozhao got up, unwilling to lose heart in the end, looked at his back and said: "You won today, but it will not be me who lies on the ground forever. The road is long, and you and I will still have a fight in the future." .”

Chong Xuanzun didn't look back, but said in a low voice: "I think you may have misunderstood. I kept you until the end, not because of how strong you are. But thinking, my grandpa might like to see, I step on you more For a while."

He didn't have any excited expression and tone, so he seemed to be telling the truth: "You have no right to fight with me."

Bob Zhao endured the blood for a long time, and spewed out in one gulp.

But not too many people care.

Only the fat on Chong Xuansheng's face trembled. In his opinion, Chong Xuanzun's words were more lethal than his previous battle.

Mr. Chongxuan did not attend the ceremony today, and he rarely attended such occasions. But in today's scene, Chong Xuanzun's words will inevitably reach the old man's ears.

And the old man...will definitely be very happy.

There are only two people with the surname Chongxuan on the high platform.

Even though Chong Xuansheng had expected it, it was hard for him to feel better. As for Chongxuan Mingguang, the father, he was in high spirits, scanning left and right, looking forward to himself. In the end, he stared at the square, raised his chin lightly, and half pursed his lips, that was a reserved and confident person: "It's quite like a father!"

Chong Xuansheng silently rolled his eyes—I really hope that what Uncle said is the truth!

Several young eunuchs bowed and ran into the square to carry the injured out of the field.

No one from the army or from the Bao family or Xie family came to the square to check on the injured.

If you are injured during the ceremony of the master, the imperial doctor will deal with it properly.

Restricted by the etiquette system... the family and friends of the injured can only visit after the ceremony.

Xie Baoshu, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, was carried away.

However, Chaoyu held up his palms to stop the little eunuch who was about to come to help him, put his hands on his knees, took a breath, and then stood up straight.

There was still blood on her head and face, but her eyes were calm, and she didn't cry out in pain.

She insisted on walking out of the square by herself, but stopped after walking a few steps, turned her head slowly, and looked at... the handsome young man with a sword standing on the edge of the square.

At that time, Jiang Wang was repeatedly feeling Chaoyu's two swords in his mind. The red makeup mirror allowed him to see the details of this battle clearly, and it was these two swords that touched him the most.

Chaoyu's knife is a straight line, dividing life and death.

And the famous scholar's down-and-out sword is also unrestrained and unrestrained, dividing the world.

Chaoyu is "hidden swords for ten years, seeking one kill".

As for the famous scholar Xu Fang of the Sword of Frustrated was 18 years later that he stabbed himself with a dagger in the Qingshi Palace and cut his heart open. This dagger directly avenged his blood.

Chaoyu's "Hiding the sword for ten years, seeking a kill" and the famous scholar's down-and-out sword naturally have something in common.

So Jiang Wang benefited a lot from it.

Following Chaoyu's gaze, many people also noticed Jiang Wang.

Some of the strong men even felt the hidden sword intent on this young man.

For a moment, I don't know how to describe my mood.

...Learning a sword in battle?

Jiang Wang was still entangled with the sword style, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he raised his eyes and saw that Zhao Yu, whose face was covered in blood, was walking towards him.

Is this Xingshi's questioning?

Jiang Wang was a polite person, so he hurriedly took a step forward and said, "Thank you, General Chao, for your guidance."

For a moment, Chaoyu didn't know what to pick up, and even forgot why he came here.

Nod. Turned around and left.




(Since everyone is so hardworking and has reached the eleventh, then I... want to make it to the top ten.

Please ask for a monthly pass. If you can enter the top ten at the end of the month, I will write a special episode and post it in the full booking group.

This episode, it can be Zuo Guanglie, it can be Dong A, it can be Chongxuan Futu, it can be Zhuang Chengqian...all those dazzling, complicated, dead, and people still have regrets, and want to see their glory, Without affecting the reading of the main text, I will write a side story for that person, a story that that person has not had time to unfold in the future, the light that should have shined across the sky.

As for who to write specifically, it will be determined by voting in the all-subscribe group.

Above all, please do your best! Ask for a monthly pass! )

Thanks to the book friend Mian, whose surname is Yan, became the silver leader of this book!

Thanks to book friend Yan Shaofei for becoming the silver leader of this book! (This is Yanmeng Trumpet)

Thank you book friend Yan for becoming the silver leader of this book! ! (Yes, it’s still Yanmeng Trumpet)

Mrs. Yanmeng is so cruel!

Thank you for another alliance between the alliance masters! Make up the number of brothers.

Thanks to the husband of book friend An An for becoming the leader of this book! (This is still my brother's trumpet. Your trick is likely to be beaten to death by Jiang Qingyang...)

Thanks to my book friend, Ben Deng's apprentice, for becoming the leader of this book! (An old book friend who has been with me for a long time, thank you for being with me all the way...)

Thanks to the lord of the white light for another alliance! (Are you teamed up?)

Thank you book friend A Sao Trumpet for becoming the leader of this book! (I think everyone can see who this person is)

Thank you book friend Yunshang Lingxiao Ye Qingyu for becoming the leader of this book! (This is the trumpet of Bili Eight Yalumeng...)

The bosses have several alliances per capita! !

Thank you book friend Liang Jiu for becoming the leader of this book! (Has the swallow given you a holiday?)

It is said that I owe more than a hundred more now... O, O

I am obviously paying off my debts every day! ! !

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