Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1042 Palace of Protecting the Nation

No wonder Jiang Wang was so surprised.

Then Cui Zhu was able to walk to the Taimiao and throw that spear at Emperor Qi. This is not something simple forces can do.

Take Hell Without Door as an example, today's Hell Without Door can be regarded as a well-known killer organization in the Eastern Region. But there is absolutely no Yan Luo who has the opportunity to walk in front of Emperor Qi.

Not to mention the assassination, there is no chance of getting close to Emperor Qi.

It is only possible to achieve this step if he has been cultivating deeply in Qi country for many years.

Once such a force makes a move, it must have already thought about the beginning and end, so as not to leave any obvious tell's foot and be caught so quickly-it is so simple, then Cui Zhu has long been thrown into prison by the blue cards .

"That's not true." Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "Even if there is any progress, the Beiya will not leak any news until there is a definite breakthrough. This is a big head-scratching event."

Jiang Wang was a little puzzled: "Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Let me ask you." Chong Xuansheng said with a serious face: "Before today, have you seen Cui Zhu?"

"Where am I going to meet you?" Jiang Wang shook his head: "I even knew this name only after participating in the Master's ceremony this time."

Chong Xuansheng breathed a sigh of relief: "If you can be sure, then it doesn't matter. Otherwise, I'm worried that someone will make a fuss about Cui Zhu talking back to you in the end."

Jiang Wang didn't ask why someone would make a fuss about it.

Or he blocked someone's way, or it was just jealousy, there were too many reasons.

He has long realized that in this world, people are different.

As he said when he remonstrated with Emperor Qi, "If they are mixed into one body, loyalty and treachery will always exist."

And if someone really makes a fuss about this matter and finds evidence that Cui Zhu and Jiang Wang met, they can really pour a basin of dirty water on Jiang Wang, saying that Cui Zhu regards death as an order to lift Jiang Wang up. step.

That's why Chong Xuansheng asked this question. If Jiang Wang had met Cui Zhu and where, Chong Xuansheng could deal with it in advance. If it is true that they have not seen it, then it is impossible for people to have the opportunity to pour out this basin of dirty water with Xuansheng's method.

But when it comes to Cui Zhu...

The seemingly meaningless stabbing before his death, and all the efforts to disintegrate the life of the body and soul, it is hard not to touch the hearts of those who face this scene.

Jiang Wang was cutting the miscellaneous threads with his sword at that time, so he reacted immediately. Afterwards, he could not help thinking, what kind of reason would make such a person with a bright future in the army go mad and die?

"Before Cui Zhu died..." Jiang Wang said, "I have no regrets."

Cui Zhu's words were silenced by him on the spot. Some strong people might still be able to hear it, but Chong Xuansheng obviously didn't reach that level.

Hearing this, he also paused.

Can't help discussing: "Which faction do you think Cui Zhu came from?"

This is indeed one of the things that people are most concerned about in the current state of Qi. In terms of the degree of attention, it even exceeds the Yellow River Meeting, but it is not convenient for public discussion.

When Jiang Wang remonstrated with Emperor Qi, he said that Cui Zhu's assassination was definitely not because some people in the country wanted to usurp the throne. Because looking at the whole country of Qi, there is indeed no one who has the strength to change the dynasty, and the Jiang family firmly holds the supreme power. Conspiracies such as seeking to usurp the throne have no basis at all.

This view is naturally persuasive.

But if you want to trace the root cause and find out the mastermind behind Cui Zhu, it is not possible to do it only by speculation.

"How do I know?" Jiang Wang shook his head.

"Could it be that he is really from the Xia Kingdom?" Chong Xuansheng asked himself.

The words Cui Zhu yelled in the square at that time were heard by everyone present, and it is feared that it has spread to Linzi by now.

That sentence said - "Shenwu thirty-one years. Cui Zhu assassinated Jiang Shu."

The Jiang Shu in this sentence is the real name of the current Emperor Daqi.

As the emperor of the overlord country who holds the supreme power in the world, no one dared to call him by his name for many years.

And Shenwu is the year name of Xia Kingdom. Since the 3888th year of the Dao calendar, the Qixia War ended with the complete withdrawal of the Xia Kingdom from the Eastern Region. The Xia Kingdom, which was defeated and returned to the Southern Region, changed its year name to "Shenwu", which has continued to this day.

Even if Jiang Wang didn't know what the "Shenwu" year name represented at the time, he should know now.

He asked with some confusion: "But if it's a native of the Xia Kingdom, what's the point of such an impossible assassination? A mere cultivator in the inner mansion couldn't even pass my level. How can you assassinate the Son of Heaven?"

"It doesn't matter what force it is. Since the assassination has no possibility of success, it means that their goal is not to successfully assassinate..." Chong Xuansheng said: "It's the assassination itself."

Even with Zhong Xuansheng's wisdom, in the case of complete loss of information, the truth cannot be touched. But he also quickly drew a certain range.

"So? This assassination was only to trigger another war in Qixia? The assassin was not from Xia, and the mastermind behind the scenes wanted to make a profit?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It doesn't matter if the assassin is from the Xia Kingdom..."

Chong Xuansheng shook his head suddenly, and said, "The important thing is that you may be in trouble. Have you ever thought about why Cui Zhu chose to die today?"

He explained: "There are so many masters in the army, and the nine soldiers of Qi are all elite. Because Wang Yiwu was trapped in the death row camp, Cui Zhu was able to win the opportunity to participate in the gift of masters and come here to compete in front of the imperial court.

And the duel between you and Lei Zhanqian made him see clearly that he will definitely not be your opponent in the future, and he will not be able to get a place to participate in the Yellow River Conference.

The time for the meeting of the Yellow River depends only on the water level, and it can be as short as ten years or as long as fifteen years. He will never have another chance.

Therefore, this may be the only chance he has had in recent years to get close to Emperor Qi. It is the only time in this life, at such a major ceremony, the opportunity to announce that "Cui Zhu assassinates Lord Qi". "

Jiang Wang had to admit that Chong Xuansheng's analysis made sense. It is hard to say that Cui Zhu's inevitable "compartment" will not be hostile to him.

After all, without him, Cui Zhu and Lei Zhanqian would have been able to compete, and once Cui Zhu got the qualification to go to the Yellow River meeting, and then performed well at the Yellow River meeting, it almost declared that he would go straight to the top in Qi. . It must be of great benefit to their plans.

But now he stopped before the name Jiang Wang, and could only give up his life and make a sound once.

"I try not to stay out of Linzi during this time." Jiang Wang said.

With his relationship with Chong Xuansheng, there is no need to be a hero, even if he is not afraid, those troubles can be avoided.

"In addition." Chong Xuansheng said: "Before you go to the meeting of the Yellow River, you can take some time to go to the Taimiao again to sacrifice to the famous heroes and generals who accompanied the sacrifice. This is the case for all expeditions."

Going to the Yellow River to compete with the arrogance of other countries, and the country of Qi will match it with the "gift of the master", so it can naturally be regarded as a very high-level expedition. As one of the representative figures, Jiang Wang, offering sacrifices to the famous generals of Qi is also a due ceremony. Of course, if Xuan Sheng didn't mention this rule, Jiang Wang would not know it.

"Do you need to be with those two?" Jiang Wang asked.

Of course he was asking about Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun.

Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "It's not necessary, go to your own."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Then I will go tomorrow."

He smiled and said, "Go for you!"

As the top famous family in Qi State, the first Marquis Bowang naturally had a place in the Hall of Accompanying Sacrifice in the Ancestral Temple.

Chongxuanzun didn't have to think about it, he must be going to sacrifice his ancestors.

The descendants of the first Bowanghou can naturally go to the Spirit Temple to worship at any time, but it is an honor to do sacrifices in the name of going to war for the country.

And Jiang Wang went for Chongxuan Sheng, just to let him not lose this honor.

Chong Xuansheng also laughed: "For things like offering sacrifices, it doesn't matter how many more halls you go to. Remember to pay homage to the first-generation Marquis of Chengcheng too... Your sister Fengyao will be very happy!"

Jiang Wang: ...

Although in private he was called Li Fengyao by that name, but it was a bit embarrassing to be mentioned by Chong Xuanpang.

When the army goes out to fight, the master will go to the Taimiao to offer sacrifices. This is a customary ceremony. As for which general or famous official to sacrifice, no one cares.

But which famous hero is more incensed, it can naturally show that his ability and meritorious service will be recognized by future generations of generals.

So Chong Xuansheng asked him to sacrifice a few more temples, which is considered a small favor.

Chong Xuansheng came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Chongxuanzun had just returned, and the people who overwhelmed Linzi would certainly not accept the decline of his status within the family. In contrast, Chong Xuansheng has too many things to deal with...

Going to Taimiao to offer sacrifices is just a simple matter. Sincere respect is enough, there is nothing to say.

What Jiang Wang cared about the most was Cui Zhu.

It's hard to say how much trouble Cui Zhu's stab could cause.

But from Jiang Wang's point of view, the current reign of Emperor Qi will not be shaken by this assassination.

Of course, the power behind Cui Zhu may have more unknown purposes.

However, what puzzled Jiang Wang was that Cui Zhu said "I have no regrets"...

Why do you want to tell him?

Just because they happened to be fighting at the time?



In addition to the daily practice homework, he was immersed in the research of "Fire Realm" for a whole day.

It is also burning incense and bathing, and then practicing all night.

When it was dawn, the framework of the "Fire Realm" was finally constructed... It was still very early.

At this time, it can already be thrown into the Illusory Realm, and it can be deduced by using the Daoist platform. Although the work must be huge, it is undoubtedly the easiest.

But Jiang Wang didn't intend to do that.

Only by slowly deducing this killing method by myself can I have a deeper grasp. Just like the eight-tone burning sea created by himself, which allows him to control it in advance, it may be more perfect if it is replaced by the first-class high-grade Taoism deduced by the Daotai, but he can only learn and use it step by step.

At least wait until the skeleton is solid before using the stage to plump up the flesh and blood—Jiang Wang will not admit that this choice does have something to do with the lack of "gong".

Jiang Wang stopped practicing for a while, and pushed the door out. Without any entourage, he went to the Taimiao.

It is reasonable to come to Taimiao to offer sacrifices before going on an expedition. Moreover, Jiang Wang was just in front of the Taimiao the day before yesterday, and was promised to be the pride of the country, so he was not stopped.

The two guards stood in front of the main gate of the Taimiao, their eyes fixed on each other. Jiang Wang came over without asking.

So he walked into the Taimiao quietly.

This is probably the quietest architectural complex in Linzi, perhaps only comparable to the cold Qingshi Palace.

All the guards on duty inside are the same as the two in front of the main entrance. Standing like a stone sculpture, people come to the front without blinking. But judging from the breath, everyone is a master.

Jiang Wang doesn't know if there are top strong men guarding here, but he won't be stupid enough to find out the answer.

Go inside in a solemn atmosphere, of course, you can't go to the main hall.

Jiang Wang walked away from it and walked into the companion hall.

The Fengtian Hall and the Huguo Hall are the two highest-standard accompanying halls in the Taimiao. One mainly worships the heroes who established the founding of the country, and the other mainly worships the heroes who established the restoration of the country.

Of course, the latter incense is naturally far better than the former. After all, before Emperor Qi Wu returned to the country, those meritorious families who founded the country, rebellious and dead, had already dispersed.

Most of the top famous families in Qi today rose after Emperor Wu returned to the country.

The first person Jiang Wang went to pay homage to was naturally the spirit shrine of the first Marquis Bowang.

Now the Chongxuan family is the most famous family in the Qi country, and the position of the first Marquis of Bowang has also entered the Palace of Protecting the Country, but the position is slightly behind.

Because when the Chongxuan family was in Emperor Wu's dynasty, they could only be regarded as emerging. When the Chongxuan clan received the title of Marquis of Bowang and became a top-notch family, it was a generation later than the Shimen Li clan.

The hero of the restoration of the country, like the first Marquis of the City, has his spiritual shrine at the forefront of the Palace of Protecting the Country.

There is already a heavenly incense in the spirit temple. It is said that this incense can inherit the will of the heavens and create a subtle connection between the spirit of the worshiper and the worshiped in the heaven and earth-it is hard to say whether it is true or not, and the price is extremely high.

Its aroma itself can also nourish the soul, but it is often used in sacrifices, which is not auspicious, so it is rarely used for cultivation.

Jiang Wang took three sticks, saluted them respectfully, and inserted them into the incense burner.

Judging from the situation in the Lingance Temple, Chongxuanzun should have come earlier—maybe that's why Chongxuansheng reminded him of this the next day, so that Jiang Wang didn't have to meet Chongxuanzun in private.

Looking at the statue of the first Marquis Bowang in the Spirit Temple, Jiang Wang couldn't help but think...

If the one in Qingshi Palace hadn't been abolished, or Chongxuan Futu hadn't stood with that one back then.

With the merit of destroying several countries in a row with Chongxuan Futu, plus the construction of the Pure Land of Futu in the Mystery Realm, and the contribution to the human race... No matter how you say it, there should be a place in the hall of accompanying sacrifices in this Taimiao, and it is not impossible to build a spiritual shrine possible.

Jiang Wang didn't feel too much, and after worshiping again, he turned to the Ling Temple of the Marquis of Cuicheng.

Given his relationship with the descendants of the Li family, he should indeed come to offer sacrifices.

When the ancestors of the Li family destroyed Xiongcheng with ten arrows, the power of the gods made future generations think about it, and they were infinitely fascinated.

That was no ordinary city, it was the city where the rebel army was heavily stationed. The first Marquis of City Destroyer used ten arrows to establish victory in the battle of restoring the country.

And the Shimen Li family has been passed down to this day, and its reputation has not declined.

After the proper worship, Jiang Wang was ready to leave.

But outside of the Shrine of the Marquis of Ruicheng, he glanced casually, and saw another shrine—similar to the Shrine of the Marquis of Ruicheng, but it was obviously much deserted.

Naturally, this can only be the spiritual shrine of the first Nine Returning Marquis.

Fengxian Zhang's hereditary title was taken away a long time ago, and it was cut again and again, and finally became unknown. However, the unworthy posterity cannot erase the merits of the first Nine Returning Marquis in saving the country.

In this Taimiao, the spirit shrine of the Marquis of Nine Returns has never been removed.

Of course, there are very few people who come here to worship. After all, from a long time ago, descendants of the Zhang family could not even find a place to stay in Linzi.

But... at this time, it seems that someone is offering sacrifices in it, and there is a faint fragrance of heaven's fragrance.

Jiang Wang looked around, but there was no one else there.

There are no guards in the Palace of Protecting the Nation, probably someone just came to clean it sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he stepped inside.

The two more merged. There is another chapter at 8pm~

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