Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1044 Ten years of downfall, a sum of revenge (ask for a monthly ticket!)

For fighting, Jiang Wang will never hesitate.

Almost at the same time that Zhang Yong stepped forward, he was already approaching with his sword.

Sauvignon Blanc glowed with a cold light, and drew a straight line across in front of Zhang Yong.

Celebrities are down and out, but they don't change their romance.

Ten years of down and out, a stroke of revenge!

This is Jiang Wang's down-and-out sword of famous scholars who has merged Chaoyu's ten-year hidden sword style.

When the sword is lifted, the cold light still turns, but when people approach, the cold light disappears.

And that horizontal line...has already landed in front of Zhang Yong.

The front line is life and death.

But at this moment, Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly widened!

Those were eyes as dark as the night.

He looked at the horizontal line, with eyes that concealed all emotion, looked at the horizontal line.

The night in his eyes quickly passed.

And as the night passed in his eyes, the horizontal line that Jiang Wang cut out disappeared.

It seems as if it has... melted into the night!

Jiang Wang, this is not an ordinary sword!

Even if it wasn't as good as Chaoyu's ten-year hidden sword kill, the killing power had skyrocketed, far better than the previous sword.

If this sword is facing Lei Zhanqian, Lei Zhanqian can only resist it by using Lei Xi, and it will not be easy.

Jiang Wang had been holding the sword for a long time, facing Zhang Yong, who hadn't touched him for a while and didn't know how deep he was, he directly slashed the sword that he had just practiced. Although he couldn't say that he was sure, he still had a certain degree of confidence.

But it was "melted" so easily.

Compared with Zhang Yong's performance in the Yunwu Mountain battle, Zhang Yong's pupil technique is simply a world of difference.

But Jiang Wang, of course, would not flinch.

His first sword didn't work, and he didn't tremble even a bit, he just stepped forward, crushing Qingyun within an inch.

Turning to Zhang Yong's side in a leisurely manner.

And he leaned forward halfway, his eyes became sharp in an instant. The relaxed feeling faded away, and transformed into a very oppressive posture, with the tip of the sword reaching his waist.

This sword is for veterans who are late and brave to fight to death alone.

Zhang Yong also turned his eyes, this time looking at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang obviously tried to avoid looking into his eyes, but Zhang Yong easily caught his gaze.


This feeling……

It was as if one's own gaze was condensed into substance, controlled by Zhang Yong's eyes, and the two gazes of the two people were connected together.

It was almost as if Wang Ao smashed the blood king's gaze with one punch!

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Yong can have the strength of Wang Ao, after all, Jiang Wang is far from being able to compare with the blood king. It's because the pupil technique is better at controlling the gaze, and at the same time, his pupil technique has indeed reached an unfathomable level.

Before Jiang Wang's eyes, a dark night appeared.

It was an endless, deep night. The remote fear is spreading infinitely.

The sword is still in the hand, and the momentum of the sword is still gathering, but the opponent is nowhere to be found!

This is not Bao Bozhao's supernatural power without light, it is not that the light is annihilated and thus plunged into darkness. It is a "dark night" that acts directly on the spiritual level.

There is a purpose to make you ignorant.

And Jiang Wang stepped forward, rather walking into the night!

Shravaka fairy state, open!

When the sight goes into the night, the mind affected by the eyes is also in the night.

But aurally in reality!

Thousands of voices come to court, I can hear them all!

In the world of night, there are only two heartbeats, and the voice is so clear.

The breathing of the two of them alone was gentle but flowed into their ears.

Jiang Wang's complexion remained unchanged, and he directly pulled the long sword horizontally here, and the famous scholar fell out with another sword strike.

Without hiding the sword and gaining momentum, the essence of this sword is of course not as good as before.

But in the face of Zhang Yong, who may be involved in the assassination of Qi Jun, Jiang Wang never intends to keep it.

Chong Xuansheng's reminder still rings in his ears, he is very suspicious that the other party is deliberately waiting here today to welcome him.

In this Palace of Protecting the Nation, there is solemnity and tranquility. After all, being in the Taimiao will make people relax their vigilance.

But at the same time, it is not the Emperor's Temple, and there will be no strong people watching.

Come to think of's really a very suitable place.

He ruined Cui Zhu's affairs, so Cui Zhu could only choose to assassinate. The forces behind Cui Zhu inevitably felt resentment towards him. So it is not impossible to find an opportunity to assassinate him.

So this time, there was a wisp of frost wrapped around the sword of Sauvignon Blanc!

The sword is on the line of life and death, but the wind blows out Wanshou.

Jiang Wang's sword was already a kill, but it didn't stop there.

In the Second Inner Palace, black and white lights also flashed.

Since there are only two people facing each other, I will see that my life and death have gone astray!

Judging from the blood flow, muscle collision, Dao Yuan rushing and other information, Zhang Yong at this time has a total of seven choices.

And go astray, make a left turn for him!

Jiang Wangjian's style remained unchanged, and he still oppressed the opponent with the help of celebrities. But Zhou Feng rose from the sword, and quietly transformed into a killing nail, nailing it straight to the right!

It should be over...

In a battle of this level, one wrong step is life and death.

Judging from the sound received by the saravaka fairy state...

The opponent is moving forward!

Misguided has failed! ?

Jiang Wang had this terrifying thought in his heart.

This is enough to make many monks lose their minds on the spot. The misguided path that is regarded as relying on has not achieved results when it should have done meritorious deeds!

But this did not affect Jiang Wang's battle.

He believes in wrong ways, but he believes in himself even more.

Pulling back Jianguang almost instinctively, stabbing straight in the face in a youthful and frivolous style!

This is the most ostentatious and arrogant sword among all Dao sword styles.

At this time, Jiang Wang's courage is most evident!

People are not frivolous and waste youth!


The sound of the long sword penetrating into the flesh.

What surprised Jiang Wang more than any of the results was...

Today, Zhang Yong has shown strong combat power, terrifying pupil skills, and even the ability to not be affected by wrong paths.

It was actually pierced directly into the heart by his sword!

In the sound of Zhang Yong's hard breathing, the night dissipated.

Jiang Wang faced him.

Looking at Zhang Yong's instantly pale face.

A kind of enlightenment arose in Jiang Wang's heart——

Zhang Yong had already made a decision to die here today.

He didn't know Jiang Wang's magical powers in advance, nor could he ignore the influence of misguided paths.

At that moment, his physical body did have choices, which were many choices instinctively preset in battle as a strong man.

But in his heart, there is only one choice.

As long as he dies, he only wants to die, so the wrong way will be invalid!

But... why?

Didn't he come here to ambush himself as Cui Zhu's accomplice?

Why do you want to take the initiative to die by your own sword?

Jiang Wang had many doubts in his heart.

And Zhang Yong's body suddenly began to disintegrate!

Disintegrate like Cui Zhu the day before yesterday!

A huge warning sign was born, Jiang Wang directly drew out his long sword, smashed the mark of Qingyun, and retreated!

In almost one step, he retreated to the entrance of the Lingci Temple.

But Zhang Yong, who had already begun to disintegrate his life and soul, did not pursue him.

"Ho ho ho, ho ho ho."

He just spat out blood foam and smiled so hard.

He doesn't seem to be as decisive as Cui Zhu, so his disintegration is not fast.

His hands began to disintegrate from the fingertips.

And he looked at his disappearing hand with sad eyes.

Jiang Wang had already decided to withdraw from the Palace of Protecting the Nation and go to the Emperor's Temple to move reinforcements. But for some reason, he slowed down.

"Look, you are kind."

Zhang Yong raised his eyes, looked at Jiang Wang who had retreated to the door, and smiled inexplicably: "You still have compassion for me."

"I don't quite understand." Jiang Wang was confused at this moment. If Zhang Yong came to the Palace of Protecting the Country today to avenge him on behalf of the forces behind Cui Zhu, why didn't he take action in this state? This should be his strongest state, and also his last chance.

He asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Why..." Zhang Yong said softly, "Yes, why?"

His expression was so sad.

Jiang Wang obviously didn't know his real identity, his story, or what he wanted to do.

But don't know why.

How sad!





(We had great results in February. I'm also in huge debt...  

But we've come this far, so hard, how can we stop?

This is not the end!

So in March, I continue to ask for tickets! Keep working hard!

Because of the lessons learned last month, and the fact that I am really powerless and still owe more than a hundred chapters to update... The monthly ticket plus update rules have to be adjusted.

This month, we use 5,000 as the base, and for every 1,000 votes, we will add a new chapter!

Come on come on brothers and sisters! Let's work hard together.

In February, we have already made the world know Shuanghua, and in March... please let the world know my name!

Ask for a monthly pass! )

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