Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1049 ? Self-restraint and self-suffering

Chapter 1049 Self-restraint and self-sufficiency

It's not so much that Zheng Shi is asking for an interrogation. It's more like condolences.

The closeness of the captain of Bei Ya is self-evident.

Of course, this is also related to Jiang Wang's innocence.

To this day, his background and most of his experiences that have been revealed to the public have long been no secrets to Qi's high-level officials.

He was able to obtain the title of Lord of Qingyang Town, which was the first step for Qi to accept him.

Contributing to Qi is Qi people.

Later, he was included in the list of the Yellow River Association, which meant that he was not only recognized as a member of the Qi people, but also able to be a representative of the Qi people at certain times.

As the pride of the country, he is qualified and should be treated preferentially.

This is also the reason why Jiang Wuyou and Chong Xuansheng could easily come to Beiya to meet him.

The period of time he sat in the Capital Inspection Office was enough for the green cards to verify his whereabouts repeatedly.

Since the "Master's Ritual", he has been practicing behind closed doors in Xiashan Beppu and has never gone out. Every word he said in the capital inspection office can be verified.

Although "Zhang Yong" said a lot to him when he was alone, and seemed to approve of him, but he really has nothing to do with the matter, and he really can stand the investigation.

Not only was he innocent, but he also deserved credit for fighting Zhang Yong.


If someone wants to deal with him, he witnessed "Cui Zhu Assassin" and "Zhang Yong's Weeping Shrine" both times as a witness, especially the last time, he spent a period of time alone with Zhang Yong... Do something Articles are still very easy.

In the investigation stage, there are plenty of ways to bury some evidence that Jiang Wang cannot refute.

That's why Jiang Wang was so careful and cautious in his words and deeds.

It was precisely because Jiang Wuyou and Chong Xuansheng were more aware of the seriousness of the problem that they came here in a hurry, in order not to give some people the opportunity to manipulate.

For Jiang Wang, who is already well-known in Qi, and who will definitely have a position in the top management in the future, Jiang Wuyou's competitors, if they have the opportunity, will they want to erase him?

Like Chong Xuanzun, who returned to the family forcefully, already knew that his property was in shambles, and Wang Yiwu was also sent to the death row... Would he want to do something?

None of these possibilities can be determined, but neither can we be defenseless.

Jiang Wang's visit to the Capital City Inspection Office today, the matter can be big or small, you can sit back and relax, or you can die without a place to die - if no one supports you.

But looking back, throughout the incident, the Deputy Inspection Envoy surnamed Yang has always shown goodwill.

Even Zheng Shi, the captain of Beiya, came to ease his heart in person.

Even if it is Ma Xiong, he can only be said to be doing business in a business-like manner, without making things difficult.

This is the wings have been born.

In Qi State, waiting for wind and waves, it is impossible to blow down Jiang Wang now.

On the other hand, when he left the inspection office, he ran into Zheng Shangming by chance—of course it wasn't really a chance encounter.

Although Zheng Shi, the captain of the Northern Yamen, just asked a few random questions, he didn't say anything else. But this goodwill, of course, has to be counted in the friendship between Jiang Wang and Zheng Shangming.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Zheng Shangming just greeted casually, and Jiang Wang also responded flatly.

It would be too fake for the two parties to ignore each other completely, after all, they only had a drink together not long ago.

When he passed by, Zheng Shangming's voice transmission sounded in his ears.

"The counterfeit Zhang Yong was discovered by Lin Youxie's catcher. He just pushed Cui Zhu when he was on the list of the Yellow River meeting. He is not the evidence of Zhang Yong himself. In order to protect her, Wu Lao did not disclose the matter. So Ma Xiong was asked to get someone..."

Zheng Shangming walked over steadily.

Jiang Wang's expression remained unchanged, and he followed Jiang Wuyou out.

But the heart is dark.

The sentence "Zhang Yong" said, "If you show a hair, you can be stripped out of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors." It should be here.

Lin Youxie has been staring at Zhang Yong, even after he joined the Longevity Palace, he didn't give up, at most it was a little more roundabout - and even approached Jiang Wang because of it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yong was forced to jump out without making a sound.

"Zhang Yong", or the forces behind him, did not hesitate to destroy Fengxian Zhang's family, painstakingly created such an identity as "Zhang Yong", and his plot must be far-reaching-in the future, if Fengxian Zhang reappears, he will immediately It is not impossible for a famous family with ulterior motives.

Its value is certainly not only used in the "crying temple".

But after his identity was exposed, given the position Zhang Yong climbed to at this moment, "Weeping Temple" is already the biggest thing he can do, and it is also the thing that can most damage Qi Jun's prestige.

Revisiting the matter from this perspective, I have to say that Zhang Yong's resolute choice, fierce means, and clear goal in an emergency are moving.

The power behind Zhang Yong is really shocking. A Cui Zhu, a Zhang Yong, eight poles can't beat each other, but they are all young talents with many potentials in Qi State, but they are determined to die, with the same will. People can't help but think - how many people like this are there? Which one will it be? How huge is the potential underwater force?

And Lin Youxie, who forced Zhang Yong to jump out in advance, is really admirable. Her cultivation level is not high, her combat power is not strong, and sometimes she is paranoid enough to make people frown, but her ability to handle cases... can only be said to be Lin Kuang's daughter and Uriel's apprentice.

Fortunately, I had already reached a settlement with Lin Youxie at that time, and he promised not to pester and investigate me anymore, otherwise she would rely on her efforts to track down Zhang Yong... The matter of "No Door to Hell" will come out sooner or later.

Chong Xuansheng and Shisi walked on the other side.

No need to look, Chong Xuansheng also knew that Zheng Shangming must have said something to Jiang Wang.

But given his city mansion, he wouldn't reveal anything, said a few words casually, and then got on the big sedan chair.

Fourteen is inseparable from him.

Just as Jiang Wang was about to follow, Jiang Wuyou's voice sounded: "Jiang Qingyang, take the sedan chair of the Palace."

She has a natural and unrestrained vigor, and she doesn't need anyone to wait on her, so she lifts the curtain of the sedan chair and sits in.

Palace Master Huaying himself didn't care, and Jiang Wang had nothing to avoid, so he bent down and got into the sedan chair.

It is worth mentioning that the sedan chairs of Huaying Palace are heavier than Xuansheng's special sedan chairs, and they are far inferior in terms of size and comfort.

It can only be said that Jiang Wuyou is not a person who seeks enjoyment.

Those who restrain themselves must have a long-term plan.

There are two people sitting opposite each other in the sedan chair.

Jiang Wang opened his mouth and said, "His Royal Highness..."

Jiang Wuyou raised his hand: "I'll talk about it later."

So there was no sound in the car.

Since Jiang Wuyou didn't intend to say anything now, Jiang Wang sat upright and practiced with his eyes closed.

Palace Master Huaying looked at the young man who had quickly entered the state of practice sitting across from him, and couldn't help but smile. Also close your eyes and enter the practice.

In a sense, they are actually a kind of people.

The area where the Beiya is located is quite prosperous, and outside the sedan chair is Linzi, which has already woken up.

The noise enters the sedan chair, but it is not heard inside the sedan chair.

The four bearers carried the sedan chair with steady steps and crashed into the crowd.


Monthly pass?


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