Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1054 Naked Title Jade (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

The news of what happened in the Taimiao in the morning was immediately blocked, but it was impossible to block it...

At least not a Ma Xiong can block.

Among other things, even himself, there are many people in Linzi city who can ask things from him, so he still dare not not speak.

The first to know, of course, are those people who are very powerful in the Capital Inspection Office.

Chong Xuansheng's kind is closely related to the parties involved.

It wasn't the fastest time for the Li family to get the news, but it wasn't too slow either.

After Jiang Wang left for about half an hour, someone came in to report. The two-phase verification is exactly in line with what Jiang Wang said.

At that time, the old lady of the Li family was sitting in the front seat drinking tea slowly.

Li Zhengyan, Marquis of Destruction of the City, and Li Zhengshu are discussing this matter.

Since Li Zhengyan took the position of head of the family, the old lady rarely expressed her opinion on family affairs.

Apart from drinking tea, listening to operas, and occasionally beating Li Longchuan with a leading crutch.

It's just that the people below said that before Jiang Wang went to the Nine-Return Marquis Spirit Temple, before encountering an accident, he came out of the Spirit Temple of the first generation of Ruichenghou, and had just sacrificed to the first generation of Ruichenghou...

The old lady couldn't help but said again: "What a good boy."

Li Zhengyan and Li Zhengshu looked at each other and smiled.



After leaving Li's residence, Jiang Wang went back to Xiashan Beppu by himself.

No matter how changing the situation in Linzi at the moment, how many people are uneasy. One's own cultivation is the foundation of one's life. The achievements of the Yellow River Meeting are the stage of advancement.

Jiang Wang was always sober. Know what you want and go for it consistently.

Close the door and lock the room, and study the art of the fire realm by yourself.

He has to admit one thing.

Although he easily defeated Lei Zhangan, it seemed that he had an overwhelming advantage. But in fact, the progress of his Fire Source Totem is far inferior to Lei Zhanqian's Thunder Source Totem.

The power of the fire source totem is not enough to maintain a balance with the real fire of samadhi, even if the technique of the fire world has constructed an outline under his leadership, and he has tried his best to suppress the real fire of samadhi.

The qualitative gap needs to be approached by quantity.

So during this period of time, Jiang Wang had to allocate more practice time to the Fire Source Atlas. After all, it is also a powerful technique in one world, and it is not so easy to study it thoroughly.

Fortunately, his fire source totem is not a simple fire source totem, it has already been connected with the white bone lotus to form a scorching bone lotus.

The non-attributed star power can be transformed into all kinds of power, including totem power of course. With the blessing of the two phases, it is barely possible to balance slightly.

However, in order to meet the requirements of the Art of the Fire Realm as soon as possible, it is impossible not to put more effort into the Fire Source Atlas.

From day to night, during practice, time passed in a hurry.

Cultivation is of course hard.

When others are wearing clothes and angry horses, when others are spending time and drinking, always bury your head and trek forever.

Endure loneliness and loneliness, fight against the instinct of ease.

However, being able to practice with peace of mind is actually a happy thing in many cases.

The news of the Nine Returns to the Hou Ling Temple has already spread throughout the capital in undercurrents.

In Linzi that night, countless people were sleepless!



Today's Emperor Qi sits at court almost every day.

From Mao time to Chen time, two hours a day, rain or shine.

There is only one day off for bathing in ten days. So far, it has been fifty-five years.

Not hardworking.

Under his rule, the Qi State has become the undisputed overlord of the Eastern Region, with great vision in all directions and overseas.

Maoshi is the time when the early court begins, so in fact, it is still Yinshi, and the ministers participating in the court meeting have almost arrived. The court officials in the political affairs hall have even discussed today's political affairs in advance.

Even at the end of May, it was not yet dawn at Yinshi.

The great city of Linzi, dormant in the long night,

On the majestic square outside Ziji Hall, civil and military officials moved from everywhere like ants, slowly gathering together.

Then they lined up silently in line according to their respective ranks and ranks, waiting for the sound of the morning bell.

In the past years, countless officials have walked through this square, an unknown number of times.

But today, it's different.

If you look down from a high altitude, if your sight can not be obscured by the night, you should be able to see——

The "ants" gathered on the huge white stone square, regardless of their rank, circled a big circle very deliberately, leaving a huge gap in the square.

In the middle of the blank is a small black dot.

A little ant.

When the daylight gradually breaks through the boundless night, the world ushers in the dawn.


The Chaowen bell on the Observation Tower has already struck.

This sound is powerful and long, spread throughout the three hundred miles of the giant city of the overlord, making people hear it, clear their hearts, refresh their minds, and clarify their nature.

Linzi, a great city, then revived.

Two warriors with swords each held one side, and slowly pushed open the huge door of Ziji Hall.

Because it was still early and the sky was not bright enough, the red sun beads hanging on the dome of Ziji Hall were pouring bright light.

The magnificent hall is exposed in people's sight.

The civil and military officials filed in silently, and the lonely black spot on the square was still lonely.

Now, the sky has gradually begun to light up.

The world has become a little clearer.

Let the gaze go down again, let the gaze fall again.

You can see the kneeling figure that is getting clearer and clearer in the square.

It was a thin figure topless.

Wearing only a pair of trousers all over his body, his long hair was loose, and he was definitely kneeling on the square outside the Ziji Hall.

All the civil and military officials who came to court today, everyone saw him, and everyone seemed to have not seen him.

No one greeted him, no one looked at him more.

Some people are concerned, some are looking forward to it, some are worried, some are secretly happy...but they are all silent.

The person kneeling here is the Eleventh Prince of Daqi, Jiang Wuqi, the lord of the Palace of Longevity.

After taking off the fox fur that had wrapped him all year round, he realized that he was really thin.

On his bare back, the joints of the spine are almost completely exposed to the air, and only one word can come to mind-skinny.

"Cough cough, cough cough."

In the huge square, it was so quiet today that no one whispered. Only his occasional unstoppable cough, and some cold wind in the morning.

What a lonely cough.

In Ziji Hall, everything seemed to be the same as usual.

What should be done, what should be debated. But always...something was missing.

The two hours in the early morning court today are extremely difficult for many people.

The civil and military officials in the Ziji Hall are all pretending to be innocent, but who can have nothing else to do?

The Lord of the Palace of Longevity was involved in the assassination case. In any country or dynasty, it almost meant... countless blood.

It seems that one of the contenders is about to withdraw from the magnificent battle for the reserve position in Da Qi today. This is a major event involving the entire Qi country. No one can stay out of it.

Probably only the emperor sitting on the dragon chair is still the same as in the past years, without any waves.

The heart of the emperor is unpredictable.


Whether it is suffering or looking forward to it.

Two long hours passed, and the absent-minded performance came to an end.

Those political opponents who were most keen to argue in the past are inevitably not excited enough today. The officials who won the defense were not satisfied, and the officials who lost the defense were not depressed.

The eunuch Han Ling, the chief inspector of ceremonies, preached before serving His Majesty Dan: "Retire!"

From his point of view, all civil and military officials receded like a tide, poured out of Ziji Hall, scattered into the huge square, and flowed away in all directions.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that mass of blank space, and the black spot in the blank space.

His Majesty the Emperor of Daqi did not make a sound.

Han Ling also seems to have become a sculpture.

It shouldn't have been a long time, but it feels like it's been a long time.

The emperor got up.

Han Ling opened his mouth and was about to shout "Let's drive", but the emperor's hand suppressed it.

As the closest eunuch to Emperor Daqi, Han Ling did not look back from the beginning to the end, but his voice had already swallowed.

The emperor left the dragon chair and stepped down from Danbi.

At this time, it is the time of Chen, the moment of "Course Food". Common people generally have breakfast at this time.

It was already daylight.

The red sun bead hanging in Ziji Hall has already restrained its light.

The emperor walked out slowly, every step seemed to be stepping on the light of the sky.

When he finally walked out of Ziji Hall, he stood on the high steps.

In the huge Baishi Square, no one else could be seen, except Jiang Wuqi.

The topless one, kneeling on the ground, with loose hair, looking at him—his son.

"Subclass me!"

The emperor suddenly remembered what he had said.

So his eyes dropped.

First look at the huge white stone slab that paves the square in front of you, then at the knees that are close to the ground, then at the naked and thin upper body, and then at that handsome face—if you hadn’t waved a little For the lingering sickness, this face should be even better.

Jiang Wuqi, naked and hairless, knelt on the ground, unspeakably graceful.

The emperor looked into his eyes, and then at the piece of white jade in his mouth.

A treasure in the mouth is a funeral ceremony for nobles,

Jiang Wuqi means that he is already a dead person.

Jiang Wuqi should have been a dead person a long time ago.

As early as... when I was still in the womb.

It was a winter night in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng, and Emperor Qi personally led the army to defeat the ministers.

And Lei Guifei, Jiang Wuqi's mother, was assassinated in Daqi Palace when she was still pregnant with him. Before he died, he tried his best to protect his stomach.

When the strong man in the palace arrived, the assassin had already destroyed himself.

So far, it has not been found out who the murderer behind the scenes is.

When Emperor Qi rushed back, all he saw was Concubine Lei's body and the child who had been disemboweled.

Emperor Qi burst into tears and said: "Although my concubine abandons me, she never abandons my son!"

Hence the name Wuqi.

When Jiang Wuqi was still a fetus, he was wounded to death. That night, the strong man on duty in the palace sacrificed his life to save him, so he saved a chance of life.

But it's just a lifeline.

Even if Emperor Qi had the ability to penetrate the heavens and penetrate the earth, a baby who was born with deficiencies and just cut out would not be able to carry any of his means.

Since then, frost and poison have been fatal, and non-medicine stones can cure them. And the longer it grows, the heavier the frost poison will be, and the deeper its life will be. The director of Tai Hospital at that time concluded that the child would not live to be ten years old.

When Jiang Wuqi was nine years old, Emperor Qi wanted to reshape him and reshape his body, so as to use the royal secret method to eradicate the frost poison.

At the age of nine at the time, he only asked one question: "After the change, am I still Prince Daqi?"

The answer is naturally no.

No matter how much Emperor Qi loves him, it is impossible for him to exchange the flesh and blood of his other children.

So Jiang Wuqi chose to refuse.

He would rather die than live a mediocre life. Even if he, Jiang Wuqi, died, he would die as a nobleman of Tianhuang.

Otherwise, what was that woman, his mother, struggling for so long in the cold night?

Before he was nine years old, he practiced martial arts and kept fit.

After the age of nine, open the pulse and practice.

He was poisoned by Frost Poison, and Frost Poison will grow with his cultivation base, and the stronger he is, the faster he will die. But only by becoming stronger can he have a chance to change his destiny.

This is a paradox.

Either way, it should lead to death.

No one thought he would survive, but he survived.

Not only did he survive the catastrophe when he was ten years old, but he also survived to this day.

Not only did he survive to this day, but he also let the emperor personally supervise the building of the Longevity Palace for him, becoming one of the most promising people in Daqi to compete for the position of the crown prince!

He struggled from birth until now.

He was faltering as if he was about to die at any time, but after so many years of flickering like a candle in the wind, he was still flickering, but the light became more and more dazzling.

Jiang Wuqi knelt here today, indicating that he was already a dead man.

How could Emperor Daqi's heart of the Son of Heaven be without waves?

The Son of Heaven bears the order of the heavens to rule all the people, so he should be a loner by nature.

But can he really be emotionless?

The expedition in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng was the last personal expedition of Emperor Qi so far.

Since then, he has never been out of Linzi City.

His unpredictable heart, has he thought about the cold night of that year?

On the square in front of Ziji Hall, not a single courtier dared to stay.

The great eunuch, the palm print of the Supervisor of Rituals, stood silently beside the gate of Ziji Hall, even the sound of breathing was extinguished, without any sense of existence.

His Majesty the Emperor of Daqi walked down the high steps, walked up to Jiang Wuqi, stretched out his hand, and took away the white jade in his mouth.

Jiang Wuqi grew up soaking in medicine ponds since he was a child, and he was afraid of the cold. But today he was naked, kneeling outside the Ziji Hall, waiting to be punished.

Every gust of cold wind is more painful than cutting flesh with a knife to him who is poisoned by frost.

But his coughing stopped before the emperor came out.

He tried his best not to cough in front of the emperor.

Although over the years, that unbearable cough has become the only way for him to relieve his pain.

He is strong.

At this moment, he pursed his lips and said nothing, but tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

These tears are hot.

Emperor Daqi held the piece of white jade in his hand and looked at him quietly.

After being silent for a while, he asked, "Jiang Wuqi, did you order people to assassinate me? Did you send people to Jiufan Houling Temple to stain my name with blood?"

Jiang Wuqi said with tears: "Although it was not my son's fault, but... my son is guilty of negligence!"

The emperor said in a low voice: "The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. The crime of negligence is not a crime of death."

Jiang Wuqi propped his hands on the ground, lowered his head, choked up, "Father..."

Emperor Daqi flipped his hand, "I accept this piece of jade."

Then he flicked his big sleeves, turned around and strode away.

Han Ling hurriedly followed.

Shouted: "Get up~ drive!"

This sound spread far and wide in the huge square.

The two chapters are merged, and one of the chapters is to add 5,000 to the February monthly ticket.

It's gone in the early morning, everyone go to bed early!

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