Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1057: Emperor Qi is far away in the Eastern Kingdom

Being able to complete the passage of the army within two days is enough to show that these small countries between Qi State and Xia State have long been overwhelmed by Qi State.

No matter whether they are willing or not, they cannot resist any decision of Qi State.

It's probably the same as the previous Yang Kingdom, it just depends on when Qi Kingdom will fight—or keep it as the origin of Kaimai Pill.

However, after all, it was an expedition by means of the road, and the Qi State only dispatched one of Qi Jiu's strokes. It is definitely not realistic enough to say that it is going to destroy Xia in one battle.

But the mere capture of Jianfeng Mountain already possessed enormous political significance. Not to mention this war, it also easily suppressed the domestic situation and pacified a turmoil that had been planned for a long time.

For the rest, we just need to wait for the blue cards to slowly catch those dark shadows.

And Chong Xuansheng said: "Uncle said long ago that Xia Guo has been ready to move all these years, and there must be another battle between Qi and Xia. None of us thought that this battle would come so early. Maybe it is not a good opportunity at this time, but And it seems... it's the right time! As for whether it can really achieve the effect of beating Xia Guo, it still depends on how the battle will be fought in the end, "

Chongxuan Chuliang often deduces military strategies with Chongxuansheng. It can be said that Chongxuansheng's military capabilities are all passed down to Jitu.

As one of Qi's top generals, Ji Tu's sense of war is naturally not bad.

Then, Qi Tianzi's step has a third purpose... to beat Xia, curb the opponent's imminent ambition, and re-establish the political situation between Qi and Xia. And this, just killing a Hua Fangyu who has supernatural powers outside the building is definitely not enough.

We must still defend Jianfeng Mountain!

Come back to this big fight.

Although Xia State has long lost the prestige it had when it competed with Qi State, it is also one of the most powerful countries in the Southern Region. It competes with Wei State in the eastern part of the Southern Region, and each has its own outcome.

Of course, it is impossible to compare with the state of Chu, which has almost unified half of the southern region, but it is definitely not comparable to the state of Yang, whose ancestral temple has collapsed.

"Chunshi" is the second-ranked elite in Da Qi, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it is impossible for them all to rush into Xia Guo at the first time.

Therefore, it was only a vanguard army that broke through hundreds of miles and Jianfeng Mountain.

The death row camp led by Wang Yiwu was for this reason.

Wang Yiwu, a mere inner mansion, was able to slay Hua Fangyu, the guard of Jianfeng Mountain, which is already regarded as a proud performance. However, it was impossible to defend Jianfeng Mountain under the counterattack of Xia Guo's army.

How can this be done?

Can the follow-up army of the Spring Death Army catch up in time?

Jiang Wang couldn't figure it out, and even lacked information, so he just said, "Just wait and see what happens!"

It's the day, continue to practice.



For ordinary people, an ordinary day passes.

For those who work hard, twelve hours of struggle have passed.

The atmosphere in Linzili has become so fast, people were still in panic the day before, everyone secretly hid in the corner, discussing who is about to suffer bad luck and who can benefit from it...

But today. They are already the voices discussing the situation on the front line.

What "Cui Zhu Assassins the Lord" and what "Zhang Yong Weeps at the Ancestral Hall" previously disturbed the hearts of the people and made the government and the public uneasy.

But nowadays, it has been almost ignored by people.

"How can Ruoxia resist my great Qi soldiers?"

"We must capture Emperor Xia in the Taimiao!"

"That's not necessarily the case. It's probably just that the army passed by and slapped me twice."

"If you dare to stab my emperor, you will repay him with blood!"

What was surging in the city of Linzi was probably something like this.

Everyone is paying attention to another war between Qi Xia after 31 years. And the vast majority of Qi people are full of confidence.

Is Qi's political situation unstable?

A mere Cui Zhu couldn't even get a hundred steps in front of Emperor Qi.

After Emperor Qi treated heroes harshly?

How the descendants of the Marquis of Nine Returns lost their hereditary and irreplaceable titles is written like iron, but I can remember it clearly.

When the incident happened, there were turbulent discussions, and no one cared about that.

But when more important things happen, it is much easier to go back and calm down the matter.

With Chong Xuansheng's identity and background, he was of course one of the first group of people who got the news of the frontline battle report.

Jiang Wang also finally knew how a vanguard army in the Spring Death Army defended Jianfeng Mountain——

Great Qi Army God Jiang Mengxiong!

In the third hour after Wang Yiwu used himself as the frontier to kill Hua Fangyu, the general of the Xia Kingdom, and broke through Jianfeng Mountain, it was also the time when the Xia Kingdom's several charges were unfavorable, and the strong in the army were urgently called in to counterattack ...

Jiang Mengxiong, the military god of the Great Qi, climbed to the top of Jianfeng Mountain.

He punched down the abyss of hundreds of miles on the west side of Jianfeng Mountain, looked at Xiadu and said: "The emperor Qi is far away in the east, why should your country travel far? I am here to meet you, stab me!"


Alone to meet the siege of a real emperor and five real people in Xia Kingdom, and kill one real person on the spot!

At that time, it rained blood from the sky, and I felt sorry for the real people in this world!

The loss of a real person in this world is extremely huge!

In the national war that took place in the western region, once the real person Han Yin died, the war was almost declared over.

Although Xia Guozhi is far stronger than Zhuang Yong, it is difficult to bear such a loss.

The strong men of Xia who besieged Jiang Mengxiong had to retreat, and began to mobilize the army, intending to gather the strength of the army, so as to obliterate Jiang Mengxiong's body.

But for such a period of time, the main force of the Spring Death Army has arrived one after another.

Of course, there were also people who criticized angrily before the battle, saying that Cui Zhu assassinated Emperor Qi, but Xia Guo didn't even know about it.

What to say, "Xia Kingdom is a majestic country, how can it be based on assassination."

What to say again. "Xia Guo will carry out the assassination, and will not send a mere inner mansion."

What else to say... "Qi State is the overlord of the Eastern Region, how can one-sided words encourage unjust teachers?"

Jiang Mengxiong only replied: "I'm here today, don't ask other questions. You decide by yourself!"

Daqi Empire's attitude is very obvious - Daqi doesn't need to prove whether Cui Zhu is an assassin of Xia Kingdom.

But Xia Guo needs to prove that Cui Zhu is not Xia Guo's assassin!



But these things have nothing to do with Jiang Wang for the time being.

Because the period of burning incense for three days has passed, it is time to go to the hot spring palace.

In the three hundred miles of Linzi city, there are many legends.

There are all kinds of rumors. The origins also vary. Some are quite credible, and some are pure nonsense.

According to legend, in ancient times, where Linzi was located, there was a cold pond, which was so cold that it would kill you if you touched it.

At that time, there were strong men fighting in the sky, breaking the sky, and the blue sky dripped blood into the cold pool.

At this glance, the cold pool turned into a hot spring.

At that time, people named it "Tianquan".

It is said that bathing in this spring water can bring the gods to life.

Of course, Jiang Wang now knows that the so-called "Tianquan" in the hot spring palace is actually the Qi Guotai Hospital adding many top-level medicinal materials, prepared with secret methods, and matched with the hot spring that does have some aura.

It can't be said to be reborn, but it is quite effective to cultivate the body and spirit.

As for what after the heavenly bath, God's presence can be expected...

Non-royal children, who can be allowed to "bath in the sky", which one can't be expected from God?

Among the three people who came to the hot spring palace this time, Ji Zhaonan didn't know how long he had been here!

Thank you book friend Lvde just sprouted, old Buddha, come on, become the leader of this book!

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