Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1060

It was almost dark, and Churchill got out of the sedan chair, holding a brocade box, and hurried to the treasury.

After the guard outside the first gate verified his identity, he took a few steps, walked into the room, and began to apologize from afar: "Master Jiang, I'm really sorry, I've been waiting for you for so long! I'm in the palace asking for orders, It took a lot of time to get here!"

He is one of the eight eunuchs holding pens of the Rites Supervisor, and his status in the palace is no less than that of the other eight eunuchs. Only in this way can he be qualified to get the key to the treasury.

Although there is no comparison with Han Ling, the palm print eunuch, he is also a relatively high-level figure among the internal officials.

He apologized as soon as we met, and explained the reason for being late in a few words, which is very typical of his style.

Logically speaking, the internal official system has nothing to do with external officials, and he didn't have to be so polite to a fourth-rank green card. However, the title of "the pride of the country" is hard to say, and it is possible to reach any position in the future.

The treasury guard who guards the gate is not surprised, and he only has any thoughts in his heart.

Jiang Wang withdrew from the visualization of the technique of the fire realm, without the anxiety of waiting all afternoon, and smiled: "It's okay. I know there are some rules, and it takes time to walk."

The internal officer who appeared in front of him was a bit thin, but had mild features and a ruddy complexion. His cultivation base should be good, and his status in the palace would not be too bad.

Jiang Wang didn't look up and down rudely, but after a glance, he looked into his eyes calmly.

"It's great that you can understand!" Churchill said with a smile: "Then let's go in right away, so as not to delay your practice."

"Please first." Jiang Wang said politely.

Speaking of which, Qiu Ji has seen a lot of high-ranking officials and nobles and children from famous families, but it is still rare to see someone as calm as Jiang Wang.

He could see that the other party had no choice but to be gentle because of his lack of background. On the contrary, he has a firm self-confidence, as if he is ready to meet everything at any time, so he can be so calm.

As the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of etiquette, there are many opportunities to go out of the palace to do business. Among the people he met, there were also those who were born in poverty but became famous in one fell swoop. They often wanted to prove themselves one by one, especially those who couldn't bear the neglect.

Jiang Qingyang is really different.

But these thoughts were only in Church's mind.

After Church arrived here, he took out the seal and verified his identity. Only then could the second door of the treasury be opened. But I didn't see the gatekeeper, so I don't know where it is hidden.

After following Church, after entering, he saw an iron wall with all kinds of unnamed strange beasts embossed on it. There are lanes on both sides and corners.

They keep to the left.

What Church held in the brocade box was half of the order seal, and the other half was in the hands of the keeper of the "shuku", which needed to be transferred with the script issued by the supervisor of ceremonies. It took a lot of time" reason.

Jiang Wang followed the eunuch Bingbi and let him face various tests.

In short, it was very cumbersome to go around in a daze, and finally walked to the door of the corresponding surgery library.

After the seals of Church and the keeper of the Shuku were combined, the gate of the Shuku was slowly opened.

It is not as tall and grand as imagined.

There are only rows of stone shelves, with books of various materials, large and small, and of course there are some jade sticks, jade slips, bamboo slips and the like.

Sort them into categories and arrange them neatly one by one.

There is no dust, the collections here are regularly maintained, replaced, and supplemented, and the large and small protective circles here are enough to ensure their long-term preservation.

"This is where the inner-level art library is located." Churchy introduced aloud: "You can choose from it."

The guardian of this magic library is completely wrapped in armor, except for a pair of eyes, he cannot see anything else. He didn't speak, and just followed Qiu Ji and Jiang Wang silently, apparently just supervising.

Of course it is good to choose, but there are too many choices, enough to spoil the eyes...

Jiang Wang looked around for a while, but didn't see the type of secret technique he wanted.

Standing aside, Churchill suddenly smiled and said, "Before I came here, I had a little understanding of the techniques here. If Lord Jiang believes in me, you might as well tell me your request."

"It couldn't be better! I believe in my father-in-law." Of course, Jiang Wang had no reason to refuse, and immediately said sincerely: "I want a pupil technique."

Churchill smiled, and without hesitation, he walked forward until he reached the twenty-seventh row of bookshelves, and then he stood still and said, "These are pupil techniques at the inner palace level."

Jiang Wang came over to take a look, and found that the row of stone bookshelves were filled with all kinds of pupil technique cheats.

Regardless of books or jade sticks, it is naturally not allowed to read directly. For many practitioners, if they have seen it, they have learned it.

However, next to each pupil technique, there is a wooden sign, which roughly records the origin and general effect of the secret technique.

For example, in the bamboo slips in front of Jiang Wang, the wooden sign reads, "Acquisitions from Failing Yang, Yang Clan's Burning Blood and Red Eyes Neifu Chapter, the art of attacking and conquering."

What a wonderful fate...

Jiang Wang participated in the Battle of Extinguishing Yang, and won the title with his military merits. Now, in the state treasury of Qi State, I saw the cheat book of pupil art of the Yang royal family. It seems that somewhere, there is a kind of entanglement.

Of course, this pupil technique was not to his liking.

The secret arts of the Yang royal family are definitely not weak if they are weak. However, Jiang Wang's priority now is to choose the pupil technique similar to Li Longchuan's candle micro magic power, in order to cooperate with the fairy state of the voice and hear, and complete the "knowledge" part.

But there are so many secret techniques, one by one, but I don't know when...

Jiang Wang sighed in his heart, silently searching with his eyes.

Church, who was watching the words and expressions, smiled again: "What kind of pupil art does Lord Jiang need, or if you have any more specific requirements, you might as well tell me. I have a little understanding of this place."

Jiang Wang did not refuse this kindness. He had already thought about his own needs in his heart, and said directly: "I need the pupil technique that strengthens the insight ability. Under this category, priority is given to the pupil technique with more potential."

The requirement to have potential is naturally to prepare for the deduction of the podium. Although Jiang Wang has never learned the pupil technique, the pupil technique at the inner palace level may not be of great help to his current strength. So he thinks longer term.

The Daotai deduces the secret art to a higher level, and it also needs the secret art itself to have a certain potential. For low-level Taoism such as swallowing poisonous thorns, it will reach the peak when it is deduced to swallow poisonous flowers.

Churchill thought about it this time, then took three steps forward, clicked on the third row of the bookshelf on the left, "This door."

After walking forward for more than ten steps, I clicked on the fourth row of the bookshelf on the right, "This door."

Two steps forward, pointing obliquely at the top of the bookshelf on the right, "This door."

Finally, he stopped and said with a smile: "These three doors all meet your requirements. Considering the potential, the second door is the best."

Jiang Wang looked over one by one, and felt that the three pupil techniques introduced by him were really good, and they all met his requirements.

Anyway, with so many internal officials, Qiu Jineng could be one of the eight eunuchs holding pens who are the supervisor of ceremonies!

Where is this little understanding? He simply knows all the secret arts in the entire Inner Palace Realm Art Library.

With his identity and age, it is impossible to learn all the secret arts in the entire Inner Palace Realm Art Library. So he should have just memorized the brief information on those wooden signs.

The only value in doing this is probably to show favor to someone at this time.

Kesi Lijian has eight eunuchs holding pens and eight eunuchs accompanying the hall, all of whom are qualified to go out of the palace to handle affairs. Even if the emperor wants to reward someone, it may not be him who will lead the way.

It is precisely because this matter is so costly and difficult to benefit that it just shows Churchill's intentions. He has done so well in this kind of thing, so what about other things?

Jiang Wang admired in his heart and thanked him on his face.

These secret techniques can't be read right now, at best, they can only be compared with the simple introduction. From this point of view, the second pupil technique recommended by Church is indeed the one with the most potential.

Now that I have accepted Church's recommendation, I will look left and right, and I will appear to be very distrustful of people. Jiang Wang naturally wouldn't do that.

So he looked at the wooden sign of the second pupil technique, and he turned his head, ready to speak to the guard of the technique library to announce his choice.

At this moment, Churchill suddenly said, "Master Jiang, I have an opinion, would you like to hear it?"

Jiang Wang was also very polite: "It's my honor that father-in-law is willing to mention something. Please tell me."

Chu Ji rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "I personally think that the most valuable pupil technique in this surgery library should be the one behind me...but it may not meet your requirements."

"Eunuch Qiu introduced it, I must take a look." Jiang Wang said, and walked over.

From the beginning to the end, the guard of the surgery library didn't say a word, he stopped like a sculpture cast here, and didn't interfere with Jiang Wang's choice in any way.

Churchill smiled, half turned away.

And Jiang Wang followed his gaze and saw a fiery red bead placed on a stone tray.

This red bead is smooth and round, bright and uniform in color, extremely beautiful.

The wooden sign next to it reads: "One of the scattered inheritances of the Yang Kingdom, the pupil of Qianyang. Inner Palace Chapter."

As for the effect, the description is also very simple——

"Soul attack."

Only these four characters.

But these four words immediately caught Jiang Wang's eyes.

So far, Jiang Wang has only seen Wang Changji perform the secret art that can participate in the soul attack in the Inner Palace!

He himself has researched the Soul Concealing Snake, but it is basically only effective in exploring the inner palace. In real life and death fights, it seldom plays a role, and most of them are used by Jiang Wang to attract the opponent's attention.

In other words, as a killing technique involving the soul, the soul hiding snake is not qualified at all.

Jiang Wang took a deep breath. At this moment, of course, he has judged the value, any insight, microscopic... and put it aside.

Compared with the soul-killing technique, the insight-like pupil-like technique at the inner palace level is really of no comparative value.

Moreover, Jiang Wang's soul power is far superior to that of monks in the same realm, but it has been difficult to fully exert it, which is exactly suitable for this technique!

"Does it have a complete inheritance in the treasury?" Jiang Wang asked directly.

Churchill smiled and said: "There is also an Outer Building chapter. As for the chapter after God's Promenade, it has been lost... Whether it is in terms of potential or effect, it is the best pupil technique in the current library."

It doesn't matter if it is lost, since it still has the skills of God's Promenade level behind it, it means that it has the potential to reach God's Promenade or even a higher level.

The podium may be able to deduce it.

This is undoubtedly the best choice!

But Jiang Wang didn't make a decision immediately.

He took another look at the red bead that recorded Qianyang's pupil, forcibly moved his eyes away, looked at Church and said, "I don't know why my father-in-law helped me like this? Jiang Wangcai has little virtue. To be honest, it's a bit awkward at this time." Feel guilty."

There was some surprise in Church Ji's eyes, obviously he did not expect that at this moment, Jiang Wang could hold back his hand.

"Jiang Jueye, the pride of the country like you is going to represent Qi to participate in the war at Guanhetai." He smiled more sincerely: "If I can help you, I will help Daqi and I will also help you." Your Majesty, I don’t know how satisfying I am! This matter is not illegal, it’s just a matter of spending more time remembering, so why not do it?”

These words are really beautiful.

The most important thing is the sentence "no violation", which convinced Jiang Wang. This shows that even if Churchill asks for something in the future, it will be "not against the law".

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Then I will thank my father-in-law."

Churchill smiled without saying a word.

Jiang Wang said to the guard of the surgery library: "I choose the pupil of Qianyang."

The Warden of the Warehouse, who was covered in armor, spoke for the first time. When he was docking with Church before, he only checked the seal and didn't say a word.

"Please." His voice was dull, with a feeling of depression: "After you choose, this technique will be sealed for three years. Within three years, there will be no second person to learn it."

This is an advantage, no matter how powerful the technique is, the more people learn it, the less valuable it will be.

Gein has countless geniuses in the world, and the more it is spread, the faster it will be cracked.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything else, he reached out to hold the fiery red bead, and the power of the soul touched it a little, and the relevant records of the inner palace chapter of the pupil of Qianyang flowed in his heart.

He closed his eyes and felt it, and when he opened it, he was full of admiration.

Although it's just a glimpse, and it's far from being mastered, this Qianyang pupil has already surprised him. It is indeed a secret technique inherited from Yang Kingdom!

The Kingdom of the Rising Sun, which once ruled the Eastern Region, left behind a legacy, even if it was only at the level of the inner palace, it can be called wonderful. Compared with the art of concealing snakes from the soul that he groped for himself, it is really not the same.

Jiang Wang carefully put the red bead back into the stone tray.

The guard of the surgery storehouse didn't speak any more, he just put his palm on the stone bookshelf, and the stone tray unexpectedly closed into a ball, wrapping the red bead in it.

Then the whole stone ball began to "sink", sinking into the stone bottom frame like the water surface.

The next time it appears, it will be today in three years.

During this period, even if someone gets a reward and enters the library, they will not be able to learn the pupil of Qianyang.

Jiang Wang was very disciplined and did not investigate too much about the guards of the library. After learning the secret art of the dynasty, he followed Church and left the library.

The two returned by the same way, and as they walked, the guard of the surgery library disappeared.

Jiang Wang didn't know how he disappeared, and didn't want to know.

The Great Qi Empire is powerful in the Eastern Region, so it is naturally rich in the Eastern Region.

The value of all kinds of treasures in the treasury is immeasurable.

I don't know how many strong people are here.

Ask less, read less, hold on to curiosity, that's the truth.

Qiu Ji, as the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and Bingbi, has been here many times, but he still doesn't look sideways.

This is a good example.

Follow Church to walk out steadily, pass through one after another checkpoint again, and after repeated verification, he can come out of the treasury.

Out of the city in the city, it is still in the male city.

It was night in Linzi at this time.

The sky is full of stars, and the lights of Linzi City at night are like dragons.

The little eunuch who was waiting outside the treasury opened the car curtain early.

Churchill walked towards the sedan chair in the palace with his arms folded.

Jiang Wang followed two steps and said, "I really don't know how to thank my father-in-law for what happened today!"

The other party was one of the eight eunuchs holding pens in the Supervisor of Rituals. To be honest, he had no way to help him now.

Churchill didn't seem to take it very seriously, and looked back at him, only smiled and said, "Just make a good relationship."

Then he bowed and got into the sedan chair.

The small sedan chair in the palace has gone away.

Jiang Wang stood alone outside the treasury and was silent for a moment.

He looked up at the star-studded night, and went to Xiashan Beppu.

Speaking of it, every time I come to Zicheng, I am either busy with various things, or I practice behind closed doors. The sedan chair comes, the carriage goes.

He rarely had this experience of walking alone on the streets of Linzi.

Among the noisy crowd of people coming and going, he "swimmed" freely, chewing the secret of Qianyang's pupil silently in a bustling bustle.

This technique is inherited from the Dayang Empire, which dominated the Eastern Region and aspired to the top of the world. Although it is only a fragment of the inner palace, it is also very domineering and majestic.

At the beginning of its cultivation, it is necessary to attract the light of the scorching sun into the eyes at noon every day, supplemented by the power of the soul, and refine them into the eyes through secret methods.

Once it is accomplished, it can activate the power of Qianyang and make meritorious deeds in the battle at the level of the soul, which is extremely domineering.

Compared with the Fire Realm Art which is still being explored, the Eye of Qianyang, which has a complete practice method, is undoubtedly much easier to master.

It's a pity that it's not noon now, so I can't try it immediately.

Putting aside the secret of Qianyang Zhitong that he had studied carefully for a while, Jiang Wang did not relax, but continued the deduction of the technique of the fire realm.

Walking slowly like this, while immersing in the boundless mysteries of the magical world.



It was at this time that Chaoyu saw this young man walking among the crowd in the slowly passing carriage.

Seeing him strolling leisurely, he is so harmonious with the crowds on the streets of Linzi, yet he has an independent demeanor, like a star like a moon.

"Who is this person?" the person next to her asked aloud.

"Jiang Wang."

"The person who secretly learned your sword skills before the battle?"

Chaoyu lowered the curtain of the car window: "He is a man worthy of my knife."

There are lights in the world and stars in the sky. It is expected that both places are distinct.

The horse pulling the cart did not neigh.

In silence, the carriage drove to the outside of Linzi City.

The two chapters are merged, and one of them is the addition of five thousand and five monthly tickets for February.

No morning, good night everyone!

By the way, I'm about to fall out of the top 30, ask for a monthly pass!

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