Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1066 Good Teacher

"Whatever organization it is."

Chong Xuansheng grabbed an iron ball with his probing hand: "Since it's exposed, it will be crushed to death sooner or later!"

The muscle didn't exert any force, but the heavy mystery technique had already squeezed it into a discus shape, and he kneaded it again to squeeze it back into a spherical shape.

The truth about the "Equal Kingdom" has not been announced yet, but it has already been classified as a cult by Qi Ting.

The fat man has always been dismissive of all kinds of heresy. Given his background, he really didn't need to care about it, and he didn't need to face these things.

But Jiang Wang was inevitably a little wary.

The so-called "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well rope".

What's more, this equal country, judging from the information currently displayed, is already too strong. The organizational ability is far better than the Tao of Bones raging in Zhuangguo. Even in a hegemonic country like Qi, the foundation has already been laid.

Really terrible.

But then again.

Now is indeed the time when the country of Qi is in full swing. Even if it was the "Ping Ping Nation", which was able to do great things one after another, and could even link up with Shang Xia, this series of actions in Qi State ended in failure.

Cui Zhu was hindered by Jiang Wang, so he could only assassinate the king in advance... If there was no Jiang Wang, he would not be able to compete with Wang Yiwu.

Zhang Yong was forced to jump out by the Qi Guoqing card, and he also took the initiative to make the choice to maximize the value of his status... Weeping Temple.

It can be said that the Equality Nation is indeed a terrifying organization. Every member that has appeared so far, regardless of their level of cultivation, has extremely high quality, and under the existing conditions, they have made the "best" choice .

Even the existence of young and strong men like Cui Zhu and Zhang Yong shows that this organization still has an extremely complete talent training system - it is impossible for non-big forces to do this.

But that's all.

No matter how much preparation the "equality country" has, how powerful it is, and what actions it plans to do next, it can only be terminated now. With the military of Qi State in possession of a member of Shenlin, the only thing this organization can do is to complete the cutting as much as possible before Qi State pulls out all the information.

No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to compete head-on with Qi.

Although Jiang Wangzhong, Xuan Sheng and the others did not know how far the imperial court had reached in the investigation of the "Equal Country", they could only look at the results of this series of events... After the incident came to an end, not only did Qi State not experience any turmoil, but its power and influence became even stronger On the first floor, it seems to be catching up with the former Yang Kingdom.

As if to answer that sentence, there is nothing to fear when an ant shakes a tree.

However, looking at the world, if an organization like "Equality Nation" can only be regarded as a gnat, what is the current strength of oneself?

Jiang Wang smiled in his heart. As long as you keep going, time will eventually leave the answer.

Putting aside the miscellaneous thoughts, he took a step forward and was about to start: "You are using this heavy mystery technique incorrectly. I have been practicing with Chong Xuanzun these few days, and he doesn't use it like this!"

Chong Xuansheng made a long jump with one step, and retracted the iron ball with a vigilant face: "Don't worry about it, I practice differently from him!"

Jiang Wang's hand was hanging in the air, and he hated iron for being weak: "Why don't you listen to persuasion?"

"Whoever you like to persuade, I won't be fooled anyway." Chongxuansheng walked out without looking back: "Go, Fourteen, let's practice in another place!"

Fourteen followed briskly.

The courtyard was suddenly empty.

Jiang Wang could only let out a cold snort of unwillingness, and went back to his room alone.



Jiang Wang is not the only one who is a good teacher in the world.

Some taught blacksmiths to forge iron, some taught boatmen to row boats, some taught storytellers to tell stories...the list goes on and on.

Of course, Jiang Wang's focus is not on "being a teacher", but on the process of "being a teacher".

Some people are different.

Our Uncle Chongxuan, after thinking about it today, knocked on the door of his son's courtyard.

At that time, Chong Xuanzun was writing in the study, standing in front of the big black sandalwood desk, writing big characters.

The person stands, straightens his back, bows his head halfway, and with a swipe of a pen, there is a word "I".

I don't know what words I wrote earlier, they were all covered. But the next few pictures are all "I".

This word is written lonely and proud, and the outline is extremely sharp, with a taste that cannot be changed.

Uncle Chongxuan, a "celebrity celebrity" in Linzi's aristocratic circles, certainly wouldn't even understand this subtext. He knew that this word was an answer.

But he hesitated and hesitated before coming, and of course he wouldn't come back so quickly.

This is my own home.

He respects Uncle Xuan and is the head of a small family!

His eyes skipped over the desk, pretending to look at the layout of the study, and pretending not to see the big characters at all, he started the topic in a very casual tone: "It's very nice for you to greet your grandpa these few days. Perfunctory. Since I came back from the general stage, I haven't said anything."

Chongxuanzun smiled softly: "Didn't I come back too late for fear of disturbing Grandpa? Go tomorrow morning."

"That's not a reason either..."

Chongxuan Mingguang obviously had no confidence, and spoke in a weak voice.

Whoever it is, it is difficult to have enough confidence to stand on such a son who is the best in Linzi. Especially when you are not very good. Good guy, if everyone is an enemy, he can't hold a finger of his son.

He said lazily: "Your mother died early, and I have not restrained you since I was a child." (Actually, he only cared about playing by himself.)

"You can do whatever you want, and be with whoever you like. The girls of the Ruan family don't have to be liked by you."

Speaking of this, his tone became a little tougher: "Just one thing, your grandpa is getting old, you are not allowed to talk back to him!"

But immediately weakened again: "You can do one thing to your face and another to your back!"

After saying this, he glanced at the silent Chong Xuanzun again, and muttered, "I know your wings are stiff, and you probably don't listen to me very much. But as your father, I still have to say what I say."

When others call themselves "Lao Tzu", they are all barking their teeth and claws. On the contrary, as soon as the word came out, he immediately suppressed it, as if he was just supporting himself.

Chong Xuanzun sighed, put down the brush in his hand, and looked at him seriously: "Father, you are good at everything."

Chongxuan Mingguang snorted through his nostrils: "Let's just say it, what's wrong with it?"

He raised his chin slightly, looking very arrogant.

Scold, scold, make trouble, make trouble, I have seen a lot of the way of wanting to suppress and first raise!

In Linzi's aristocratic circle, there are few who look down on me, and I know it well! Is it necessary for them to think highly of them? Fuck him!

Talk about me, talk about me, talk about me! Your grandfather trained me from childhood to adulthood, and I didn't lose half of my meat! Still afraid of you little brat?

In his heart, he thought so.

But Chongxuanzun said with a smile: "There is nothing in the back. Just this sentence... you are good at everything."

Chongxuan Mingguang was silent for a moment, then curled his lips: "Just talk nonsense!"

Flicking his sleeves, he walked out disdainfully.

When he reached the door, he paused and raised his head even higher. step out the door.

Just left arrogantly.

Thank you book friend 20210309153856209 for becoming the leader of this book! (I don't know which big brother's trumpet it is?)

On behalf of Ye Qingyu, thank you book friend 20210304233251475 for the leader reward! (This is the trumpet of the leader Yang Saosao)

Thank you Mr. Yan for another alliance... (Mr. Yan, please take a break. I don't know how much more I owe you...)



The next update is at eight o'clock in the evening.

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