Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1068 The Heroes of the World Should Know Me

"Huang Sheli, who fought in Jing's domestic prefecture, has four supernatural powers. The two supernatural powers that have been demonstrated in front of people are...

The most recent battle was with...

In this battle...

His father, Huang Fu, the great general of Huang Longwei, is known as "Monk Huang", and his family history..."

Looking at the extremely detailed information in his hand, Jiang Wang was a little amazed.

"How much thought did it take?"

Chong Xuansheng said from the side: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in all battles. Someone has to do this. However, Chen Zeqing is personally responsible for the intelligence work of the Yellow River Meeting. I didn't think it might be because of Ji Zhaonan." .”

Jiang Wang looked at it, and suddenly remembered something: "The information in my hand is so detailed, so there will be no less information about me in other countries, right?"

"Nonsense." Chong Xuansheng sneered: "You represent the country of Qi. Looking around the world, who wouldn't stare at you?"

After explaining a sentence, he said: "Why, you are not ready yet?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, and said, "It's okay. I should be known too."



The dividing line between "life" and "death" has been extending far away.

In the back is the boundless grassland full of vitality, and in the front is the endless desert of silence and darkness.

For the soldiers stationed at the "line of life and death", the most unbearable thing about the frontier desert may not be the "demon".

Because the demon tide has not happened for many years, sometimes a few lost Yin demons are a kind of fun.

So the biggest torment should be aimlessly waiting, and never letting go of vigilance.

The boringness of the frontier is unbearable.

Of course, only those who have never really experienced the magic tide will feel this way.

Yu Wenduo has been stationed at the "line of life and death" for three years.

It doesn't matter if it's gold-plated, or it doesn't matter how it looks, as a true blood child of the famous Yuwen family in the Mu country, he has indeed spent three years of youth in this place.

It is enough to set an example for the young nobles of the Mu country.

In terms of status and actual power, Mu Guo's true blood children are roughly equivalent to Qi's famous sons. But the name is not established by the name, but by whether the blood of the baby is close to the ancestor when the baby is born.

A child born of a slave may also be a true blood child. And a child of a nobleman may also be ordinary and not qualified to be named "True Blood".

Of course, if the child of a slave is true blood, he will not be raised by the slave, but will be raised by the mistress.

Those aristocratic women who can't give birth to true blood children usually maintain their noble status by adopting true blood children.

Generally speaking, the true blood children of the famous family in the Mu country can gallop on this boundless grassland to their heart's content.

The only thing that can restrain them is Cangtu God's will and the imperial court's orders.

Of course, in fact, the competition for resources among true blood children is also very fierce.

Grassland children are supposed to graze, hunt, and fight when they are born. If they want to lie in a tent and wait for the harvest, basically they can only harvest empty-handed.

In the tent matching the identity of the ten thousand husband, the braided Yu Wenduo sighed a little: "Zhao, my sister! I'm going back to the royal court!"

At this time, Zhao Rucheng was sitting in front of the brazier, skillfully cutting off the mutton with a knife, and stuffing it directly into his mouth, so that his mouth was full of oil.

He didn't need these foods to stave off his hunger.

However, if someone can go deep into the boundless desert, he can understand what a wonderful feeling this fresh taste of the world is.

After fighting in the desert for a long time, his long hair was very dry, and he didn't have much time to take care of it, so he simply cut it off.

Zhao Rucheng, with inch hair, added a bit of fierceness in addition to his unparalleled beauty.

What he was wearing was a gray leather gown, made of unknown leather, but it was very wearable. The boots are khaki, I don't know if it's the original color, or it was soaked in the desert.

At the moment, although she is eating and eating without paying attention to her image, and she is also dressed so inappropriately, there is still a kind of soul-stirring beauty.

This kind of beauty has nothing to do with gender, and it is beyond dress.

Yu Wenduo often felt that maybe Zhao Rucheng was the son of God. If it wasn't the Son of God, how could it be shaped so perfectly?

He repeated again: "The power center of the entire grassland, the Supreme Royal Court!"

Zhao Rucheng swallowed the large piece of mutton in his mouth, and while cutting off a piece, he said, "Then congratulations."

"Thanks to your help, I can have a good seat when I go back this time..." Yu Wenduo glanced at the bulging sheepskin bag on the ground, and paused mysteriously, but seeing that Zhao Rucheng was not excited, he had to accept it by himself. Go down: "Directly enter the divine cavalry!"

Only then did Zhao Rucheng turn his head and said with a smile, "Not bad!"

The divine cavalry that Yu Wenduo referred to was Cangtu divine cavalry, the strongest cavalry on the grassland.

Over the years, no matter how the top ten cavalry armies in the world lined up, the Cangtu Divine Cavalry was always number one.

This well-known number one cavalry army in the world is the honor of the children of the grassland.

The cavalry of the Cangtu Divine Cavalry is also respected by the herdsmen as the Cangtu Divine Knights.

Even if Yu Wenduo came from a famous family and is a true blood child, it is not easy to join this cavalry army.

Since getting to know Zhao Rucheng, the heads of Yin Demons that have been handed in continuously have played a big role in it.

"Yigai." Yu Wenduo considered his words: "After I leave, what are you going to do? I mean, do you still go into the desert to kill Yin Demon?"

Zhao Rucheng took a sip of kumiss and said, "I'm used to it."

Yu Wenduo thought for a while, and said: "I can arrange someone to continue to cooperate with you, and I will definitely be reliable. It's too late for that kid to be happy. But..."

He looked at Zhao Rucheng through the brazier and the roasted sheep: "My dear, you are as bright as the sun, do you want to live in a place like the frontier forever, bleak and gloomy?"

Zhao Rucheng shook the wine bag and said with a smile: "It's very happy to be gloomy, you don't understand!"

"Yigai, Yegai." Yu Wenduo shook his head and said, "There is a chance, and I can win you a chance. The meeting of the Yellow River! Do you know?"

Zhao Rucheng drank the kumiss without talking to each other.

Yu Wenduo moved his position and moved a little closer: "Now the quota for the Inner Palace has been decided, but his strength is not enough to convince the public! In my opinion, you are far better than him. I can help you fight for it." When you see the opportunity, push him down. Our Great Shepherd Empire has always respected the strong and despised the bloodlines. With your talents, you will surely have a bright future! This meeting in the Yellow River is your chance! Drago!"

Zhao Rucheng burped, and casually threw the empty wine bag aside.

Then he turned his head and didn't speak, just looked at Yu Wenduo with those three-point drunk, beautiful eyes.

Look at this prairie "brother" who has cooperated for so long.

Although he doesn't care about the situation in Muguo, with his wisdom, what things can't be understood?

Yu Wenduo touched his nose, knowing that his little tricks could not be hidden from others.

Although this Yegai fought day after day in the depths of the desert, it seemed that he only knew fighting and was a cultivator. But his eyes are bright! Like a goshawk soaring in the sky.

Yu Wenduo thought for a while, then simply opened up and said: "I won't hide it from you, Yegai. Our Yuwen family doesn't get along with the Jin family, and I don't like Jin Ge... But the chance is definitely real, as long as If you win against him, the spot in the Yellow River Conference will be yours, and I can swear to God Cangtu!"

Jin Ge is Muguo's internal monk who participated in the Yellow River Meeting, and he is the son of Jin Tandu, the master of the Iron Buddha.

Tiefutu is the second strongest cavalry army in the Mu country, and it is also ranked sixth among the top ten cavalry troops in the world.

The conflict between the Jin family and the Yuwen family goes back several generations.

In this year's Yellow River meeting, Jin Ge was able to represent Mu Guo in the inner court final match, but Yuwen's family had nothing to gain. It is said that after the royal court discussion, Grandpa was so angry that he beat a beloved horse to death at home.

Yu Wenduo thought, even if he can't compete with Jin Ge. Squeezing Jin Ge down is also a great thing.

But Zhao Rucheng just smiled, picked up a knife, and continued to cut the mutton: "I'm not interested in the Yellow River meeting."

Yu Wenduo said anxiously: "Win the Yellow River meeting, fame, status, beauty, you have everything!"

Seeing that Zhao Rucheng still didn't respond, he said again: "Don't you want to become stronger faster? If you win the Yellow River Meeting, His Majesty will reward you greatly, miraculous skills, secret techniques, divine can do whatever you want! "

Zhao Rucheng still smiled and said while eating meat: "Greed is the original sin, brother Yuwen. I have enough to drink and eat meat!"

"How can this be possible?" Yu Wenduo wanted to jump anxiously: "If you are an eagle, you should soar in the sky. If you are a horse, you should gallop on the grassland. From south to north, from ancient times to the present, heroes will only be silent For a while, you won’t be silent forever. Yegai, you believe me, you shouldn’t be unknown, you should be brilliant!”

Such inspiring words had no effect on Zhao Rucheng.

The hands don't stop, and the mouth doesn't stop. But it just ate meat and didn't respond.

"You're so anxious to death, Yegai." Yu Wenduo was so eager to persuade Zhao Rucheng that he was a little unscrupulous: "Aren't you remorse? You practice so hard, you should want revenge, right? As long as you win the Yellow River The Yuwen family can help you! Mu Guo can help you!"

Zhao Rucheng stopped as he wished.

But also stopped laughing.

The knife was stuck in the mutton, and Zhao Rucheng turned his head sideways again, looking at him coldly and without emotion.

The cold and cruel killing intent filled the military tent almost instantly.

Yu Wenduo felt that it was difficult to breathe, and his spine felt cold!

will die!

At this moment he suddenly had such a strong feeling.

He will be killed by this overly good-looking man in front of him, just like killing a yin demon, and like killing a sheep, he will be killed easily!


he thought to himself.

In so long of contact, he has never touched on this topic. It is because it is clear that this is probably the taboo of the other party.

They were able to maintain their cooperation for so long because Zhao Rucheng never asked for anything other than supplies, and he never asked about Zhao Rucheng's past.

But maybe it's about to return to the royal court soon, or maybe it's about to enter the Cangtu Divine Cavalry, and there is unconscious swelling in my heart.

He was actually stupid enough to say such words.

Am I going to die today?

Yu Wenduo, a true blood child of the famous Yuwen family in the Mu country, who is about to join the Cangtu Godrider, thinks so.

Zhao Rucheng looked at him, seeing that his hairs were standing on end, his eyes were full of fear, and then he said softly, "Yu Wenduo, don't think too highly of Yuwen's family, and don't think too highly of Mu Guo."

What's the meaning? Yuwen's family can't help him? Mu Guo can't help him?

Yu Wenduo's mind was in a mess, but his body suddenly relaxed.

Because Zhao Rucheng had already turned around and continued to cut the mutton.

It seems that nothing happened, it seems that everything just now is just an illusion.

Even Yu Wenduo himself felt that the feeling was not real.

He was having a good chat with his sister, how could he suddenly think of death? Haha, kind of ridiculous.

But... I can't laugh.

He was silent for a long time, and then said: "Actually, I really treat you like a ghost, maybe you don't believe me. I want you to go to the Yellow River Meeting because there is a reason to suppress Jin Ge, but there is also a part of the reason. Seeing you like this. I don't know what you've been through and never asked your story, but I do're in pain.

The blood of our grassland children is hot. You saved my life and helped me a lot. I may not be able to help you, my dear, but if you want, I want to help you. "

What Yu Wenduo said was that last winter night, when he was patrolling the line of life and death, he was assassinated. It was Zhao Rucheng who saved him at that time. Otherwise, he should have been thrown into the desert by now, and the others probably only thought that he was dragged away by the Yin Demon.

"Oh." Zhao Rucheng sighed suddenly: "I'm eating, you talk a lot."

However, Yu Wenduo grinned, and then squeezed this way kindly: "Actually, participating in the Yellow River Meeting is really beneficial and harmless."

Zhao Rucheng's attitude improved a bit, and he revived again: "My Yegai, you are so powerful, don't you want to fight against the heroes of the world? Don't you want to know who is the real number one in the inner palace? Qin Guoqin Zhizhen, Xiang Bei of Chu State, Jiang Wang of Qi State, Huang Sheli of Jing State..."

The knife in Zhao Rucheng's hand stopped again: "Who?"

Yu Wenduo blinked: "Huang Sheli, it's a woman."

Zhao Rucheng had no choice but to ask directly: "Who is this Jiang Wang?"

"A man from Qi State," Yu Wenduo said.

Zhao Rucheng flipped his hand, cut off a small piece of mutton, and put it in his mouth to chew slowly. There was a feeling of gnashing your teeth: "Is this how you do intelligence work?"

Only then did Yu Wenduo wake up suddenly: "Oh yes, I asked for information for you!"

He got up suddenly, walked a few steps quickly, rummaged through the desk, and found a book.

Turning the page quickly, he said: "Actually, there is nothing to pay attention to. The hero of the world, I just think you are the number one. How many people are there who dare to go deep into the boundless desert in the inner palace?"

He found the corresponding information, and read in a non-sensical tone: "Jiang Wang, was born in Fenglin City, Zhuangguo, in the western region. After the evil cult overthrew the city, he traveled eastward and entered Qi. He was one of the five victors in the Tianfu Secret Realm back then. For the first time, he came into the sight of the people of Qi. Then he made great achievements in the Qiyang battlefield and won the title of Qingyangnan. In Linzi, he fought against Wang Yiwu, the disciple of the military god's closed door, which made him famous. After that..."

Yu Wenduo was chanting, and suddenly found that his body had stopped cutting and eating meat without knowing when.

The man who shaved off his long hair and was still too good-looking.

Sitting in front of the huge brazier, for some reason, he suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahaha...hahahaha!"

"Yu...Yogai?" Yu Wenduo's voice hesitated.

And Zhao Rucheng laughed, he laughed so hard that tears flowed out of his eyes.

"You're right! You're right, Yu Wenduo!"

"The heroes of the world are listed, so I should have a place!"

Merge the two chapters.

Added changes to the 6,000 monthly pass and 6,005 monthly pass for the previous month.

Thanks to book friend Ash and Geng Creditor Organizing Committee for becoming the Silver League of this book. (I love all of you! For this book, you have paid too much. This fairy world, it is you who accompanied me to walk down. I hope we can go further together!)

Thank you Dameng for another silver Dameng with your surname Yan. (I love you, Brother Yan! But really, don’t give any more rewards, no one’s money comes from the wind. Your support is enough! Subscriptions are slowly getting up now, and there are also blocked tweets, and it will get better and better of. Thank you!)

Thank you book friend Dahong Orange Peel for being the leader of this book! (This is the trumpet of the orange peel, right?)

Thank you book friends for weeding and becoming the leader of this book! (I used to be the monthly ticket gold master for a long time, as I remember!)

Tweet today, thank you to all paying readers, and thank you to all readers who enthusiastically promote this book.

Whenever there is any achievement in the Chixin Sky Survey, many readers are happier than me.

What can I say?

I have nothing to repay but hard work.

Love you guys.

Today, from early morning to now, a total of five chapters of 4D updates have come to an end.

There will be more words with quality and quantity tomorrow!

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