Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1077 ? White Lantern

Chapter 1077 White Lantern

When the strong man who led the team to Guanhetai decided on Cao Jie, Jiang Wang had already made a decision to go to Xingyueyuan in advance.

The scorching bone lotus accumulating star power is his ultimate move, and it is impossible to abandon it. He is not arrogant enough to think that he is sure to be number one in the world. Moreover, you can also take the opportunity to ask Senior Guan Yan for advice.

The more profit, the more grasp.

His current state of mind is...

Have the confidence to be number one in the world, and do your best to fight for it. But also accept the possibility of failure.

Who can participate in the meeting of the Yellow River, which one is not the strongest selected from thousands of people? Which one is not the pride of the country?

There is no destiny.

Even in the Illusory Realm, he would sometimes lose to Swordsman Ning.

The so-called victory or defeat...

After standing on the viewing platform, those who lose will fall down, and those who win will continue to stand, it's as simple as that.

He is steadfast in his path, and he has lived up to the years along the way. He has defeated one opponent after another, and defeated one strong man after another, so he has reason to believe that he can become number one in the world!

This is called self-confidence.

Thinking that I don't need to care about anyone, that I will easily win the first place, and do nothing to prepare... This is called arrogance.

Of course, some people may have the capital of arrogance.

But at least Jiang Wang didn't feel like he had.

Cao Jie, who is in charge of the army of spring death, is undoubtedly one of the real big men in Linzi city.

Jiang Wang didn't know this big man at all, and he didn't have any way to contact him before departure.

Speaking of which, he also has some friends in Linzi, but they are all the second generation of sons, and they are far behind the real big men like Cao Jie. Even if you try your best to find the door, it's not worth it.

As for the way to participate in the meeting of the Yellow River, is it possible for Qi's team to stop and wait with him at Xingyueyuan overnight?

If he clarified the whole story, it might be possible.

But he didn't want to reveal too much about Xingyueyuan, about Guanyan, and about the Burning Bone Lotus.

Especially Master Guan Yan, the other party even settled the cause and effect with Xuankong Temple, obviously he has no intention of fulfilling the present world. I really want to make myself known to the world, there are many people in Xuankong Temple who can help, there is no need for Jiang Wang to promote him here.

Jiang Wang accepted his affection, and of course he would not make his own claims.

But going to Xingyueyuan at this time, the time is inevitably a little delicate.

The meeting of the Yellow River is about to begin, and the aftermath of the equal country is still unsettled...

Jiang Wang originally planned to come and go quietly, without disturbing anyone, and come back when the star power is full. But when I think about it, I feel something is wrong.

After discussing with Chong Xuansheng, the fatty's suggestion was very simple.

Just ask Jiang Wang to report to Zheng Shibao, the captain of Beiya, before setting off.

This suggestion gets better and better.

Reporting to the Capital Inspection Office is not the same thing as reporting to Beiya Duwei Zheng Shi.

The former is full of people, while the latter... is Zheng Shangming's father.

Reporting to Zheng Shi is equivalent to reporting to the capital inspection office, so there is no name problem in this trip.

As for this news, whether to spread it in a small area depends on how Zheng Shi himself weighs it.

As for Jiang Wang's interception of Cui Zhu at the Master's Ceremony, the Pingguo that has surfaced now may wait for an opportunity to retaliate. They have been attacked by Qi Ting one after another, and they probably need to do something to strengthen the hearts of the people in the organization.

If the equal country has plans in this regard...

With the means of the Metropolitan Inspection Office, it shouldn't be too difficult to turn Jiang Wang's departure into an operation to lure a snake out of its hole.

In other words, according to Zhong Xuansheng's suggestion, Jiang Wang reported to Zheng Shi that he was going to Xingyueyuan, not only did not consume Zheng Shi's favor, but gave Zheng Shi a favor.

And this can also guarantee Jiang Wang's own safety, and at the same time, he can accumulate star power without being affected!

I have to say that Chong Xuansheng's fat body is really not in vain.

Xu Xianggan said behind his back that his fat meat could probably match his brain's thinking... Jiang Wang felt that it was not completely unreasonable.

It couldn't be easier to report to Zheng Shi, although this Beiya captain is also one of the real power figures in Linzi, and it is rare to get close to him.

But our Lord Jiang, as long as he passes Zheng Shangming.

Thinking about it again, through Chongxuan Sheng, he can also get in touch with Chongxuan Chuliang at any time, and through Yan Fu, he can get in touch with former prime minister Yan Ping...

From this point of view, the circle is not bad at all.

I just don't know if Cao Jie has any children?

Of course, jokes are jokes, things still have to be done by yourself.

Jiang Wang told Zheng Shi through Zheng Shangming that he needed to go to Xingyueyuan to accumulate star power because of the particularity of the exercises he practiced. Speaking of it, this is also a preparation for the battle against the Yellow River... It is reasonable.

Then that night, as soon as he put on his cloak and black robe, he quietly left Linzi under the cover of night.

He also didn't forget to write a letter to Swordsman Ning after entering the Illusory Realm, telling him that he had something to do in the past few days and couldn't come to discuss. Said some polite words such as regret.

That's it.

Although it is said to be a low-key sneak, of course it is necessary to visit Qingyang Town.

He was under the sight of the Capital Inspection Office during his trip, so of course he had to stop by the fiefdom, especially to see the Zhengsheng Hall he ordered to build, so as to re-emphasize his sense of belonging to Qi.

At the same time, you can sneak around and observe in secret whether Fan Qingqing is paying attention - although he has already made a judgment that there is no problem, it is not a bad thing to observe more.

Because of the eyes on his body, Jiang Wang didn't expose his clothes - he didn't know how the strong men sent by the capital inspection office were paying attention to him, but they must be paying attention to him. Some things can be hidden if they can be hidden.

Fortunately, after developing the Shengwen Immortal State, his research on Rumeng Ling's voice is already higher than Fan Qingqing. It's not too difficult to avoid being discovered by Fan Qingqing.

In fact, Qingyang Town is developing very healthy now.

Jiang Wang himself became more and more famous and had more and more friends in Qi. The business of Desheng Commercial Bank is getting better and better. After such a long period of training, Dugu Xiaoxiao handles the town affairs with style. Now there is Fan Qingqing seriously assisting...

The Hall of Zhengsheng has almost been built, Fan Qingqing is obviously a smart person and knows what he should do.

Judging from Jiang Wang's secret observation, she didn't have any wrong thoughts, and she performed her duties dutifully. Having said that, even if she had some crooked thoughts, Dugu Xiaoke would not be so easily fooled.

Although it is said that Dugu Xiao's extraordinary path was guided by Zhu Biqiong at the beginning, but Dugu Xiao is not Zhu Biqiong.

She understood the cruelty of the world earlier.

Of course, the current Zhu Biqiong is not the previous Zhu Biqiong...

Along the way, many people and many things are changing.

Even the one who lays his corpse forward every day, isn't he now testing the sword with high spirits?

I don't know whether these changes are good or bad...

On the contrary, the lives of the people in Qingyang Town are getting better and better, which must be a good thing.

For this fief, Jiang Wang, as the lord, did not ask for anything extra. In fact, just this is enough for the common people to live and work in peace and contentment. Not to mention the vitality that Desheng Commercial Bank brought to this place, and the Rizhao County Governor's care for Jiang Qingyang's face.

After such a long period of development, Qingyang Town is now a well-known and wealthy town in Yangdi. Many people are struggling to move here, but they are only hindered by the system.

Jiang Wang didn't show up, but left here quietly.

Judging from his observation of passing through Yangdi this time, this land has been completely integrated into Qi State, and there are many ordinary people outing in the countryside.

Dangyang people are classified as Qi people, and life is indeed better.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the temporary position of governor of the three counties of Yangdi can be transferred to county guard.

This is a good thing for Tian Antai, Huang Yixing and Gao Shaoling. During the period of presiding over Yangdi's government affairs, they did not spend less time thinking.

Compared with Tian Antai and Gao Shaoling who have the support of their families, Huang Yixing's position is actually more stable. After all, as a surrender of the old Yang, he is a great comfort to the people of Yangdi when he is in office.

However, the former two can manage the county mansion as their own base. Huang Yixing, as a new minister of the Qi State, is almost impossible. At least in his generation, if he has no outstanding achievements, he definitely has no chance.



Xingyue was originally between Xiang Country and Xu Country, just pass from Qi Country and directly cross Xu Country.

After the fall of the Yang Kingdom, the Nine Kingdoms of the Sunrise were also prominent in the Eastern Region for a time. Later, after several conquests, there were only four kingdoms left: Yang, Zhao, Chang, and Xu.

After the Yang Kingdom was destroyed, the Sunrise Four Kingdoms became the Three Kingdoms. Xu Country is very honest and respectful to the overlord country. If Jiang Wang reveals his identity, he will be greeted all the way. Things like being shouted at by the soldiers of the city guards before are absolutely impossible to happen again...

But Jiang Wang didn't care about this, so he passed in a low-key way.

If it is not necessary, it is not his wish to show off his might.

Before Zhang Yong died, he said to Jiang Wang: "Maybe I should kill you in the state of destruction."

This shows that within the equal country, there must be hostility towards Jiang Wang. It's just that Zhang Yong himself is unwilling to move this hand.

He blocked Cui Zhu's way, and largely eliminated the influence of Cui Zhu's assassination case, and did not let Emperor Qi make a decision in a rage. Such a hero, even if he knew that he had made a wrong decision, he probably wouldn't look back...

Therefore, Jiang Wang's departure from the state of Qi this time may incur retaliation from Pingguo - if the inspection office in the capital city operates properly.

Strictly speaking, since Jiang Wang had already reported in advance, the danger of this trip was not great. On the eve of the Yellow River meeting, even if the Metropolitan Inspection Office decides to use Jiang Wang as bait, it will definitely provide adequate protection.

Otherwise, if Emperor Qi asks the responsibility later, who can bear it?

In the three battles of the Yellow River Meeting, a powerful country like Qi must not be absent, and they must compete for the first place in every game. If something happened to Jiang Wang, would Emperor Qi have to temporarily choose another person to join the battle?

I also went to the Hot Spring Palace, and pointed out the point of view, and now there are no people...

Peeling a layer of skin is light.

From now until the meeting of the Yellow River begins, it can be said that the arrogance of these countries is the most precious people in Qi. All their reasonable requests will be met.

At the critical juncture of preparations for the Yellow River Conference, perhaps all the contestants should stay in Linzi honestly, that is the best choice.

But if these prides of nations want to be more fully prepared and have more experience, who can stop them?

Don't say that Jiang Wang just came to Xingyueyuan, stayed for a few nights and then went back.

Over there, Ji Zhaonan also went out to sea, saying that he was going to sharpen his gun in the Lost Realm, but no one stopped him?

They are arrogance, fighters, and not prisoners.

Of course, among the three people who participated in the Yellow River Meeting, only Chongxuanzun stayed in the mansion for retreat...

With Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, he didn't think there would be any danger in this trip, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

In fact, Chong Xuansheng believes that as long as Pingguo is smarter, it is impossible to bite this hook. No matter how realistic the performance at the Metropolitan Inspection Office is, this hook is too straight...

If he flew straight all the way, at Jiang Wang's current speed, he could reach Xingyueyuan within a day. But in order to "hide his tracks", he walked for three days.

If he wanted to fly unimpeded on the territory of Xu Country, it would be impossible without showing his signboard as the Great Qi Tianjiao.

Jiang Wang is already used to such things as rushing.

Nothing more than rushing, practicing, rushing, practicing...

Nothing could be more normal.

But in the eyes of those who "watched" him in a certain way, the details of these three days were really moving.

Outside Xingyueyuan, on an unnamed hill.

The formation plate resting on the ground well concealed its traces.

Within the scope of the array, a man with a square face and slightly frosted temples asked, "How?"

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a compass inlaid with jade-dotted stars in his hand. Looking at a very serious person, he didn't care much about his image at this moment.

His eyes were still on the compass when he asked the question.

And the person he asked was thinner, with extremely high cheekbones, standing with hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, with piercing eyes.

After a while, he looked away, shook his head and said, "He has a talent that both Doctor Yi and Master Ji Tu admire, and he is willing to work so hard. If this Jiang Qingyang can't be famous in the world... then it is really unreasonable." .”

The person standing there is Li Yougui, a third-rank green brand in the Capital City Inspection Mansion. He once met Jiang Wangzhao outside the Taimiao Temple, and was once invited by Ma Xiong to check the clues in the Nine Returns Hou Ling Temple.

And the person sitting there was naturally the famous catcher Yue Leng.

He had already retired two years ago, and became an official with a first-rank official position. But he is very supportive of the work of Zheng Shi, the current inspection captain, and occasionally still participates in the actions of the capital inspection office.

At first glance, it seems that Jiang Qingyang went out alone, accompanied by two monks secretly, this ostentation has already surpassed all the young masters in Linzi City, it is really imposing.

Yue Leng stared at the compass, and said in his mouth: "Otherwise, why do you think I got him into the blue card? Hmph, at that time, I heard that some people complained about me, Yue, saying that I was serious about Xuan My thigh... now? He can go to the meeting of the Yellow River, but it is the glory of our blue card!"

Both of them stared at Jiang Wangzai, but they "stared" in different ways.

He relied on the compass and stayed close to it for a moment, while Li Yougui relied on his own eyes to observe carefully from time to time.

Although it was to lure the snake out of the hole, before the Yellow River meeting, it was true that nothing would happen to Jiang Wang.

Li Yougui praised: "The eyes that catch the gods are really amazing."

Yue Leng said casually: "At that time, the white lanterns were fighting for..."

He suddenly shut up.

Li Yougui didn't speak anymore.

The word white lantern seems to be some kind of taboo. Once it is announced, all words will be forbidden.

This chapter is two chapters merged.

It is 10,000 monthly tickets, plus 10,500 changes.

Tens of thousands of updates for four consecutive days, even if I have saved many days of manuscripts, it is indeed the limit...

I forgot one thing when I committed more than 10,000 words per day during the period of promise to block and push, that is, it takes time to revise...

The time required to practice ten thousand characters and six thousand characters must be different. So the writing time is even longer...

What a mistake.

When I finished this update and wrote a new chapter, I was a little dazed. Need to rest.

tentatively so...

There will be two changes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Pay off the debt depending on the status the day after tomorrow.

My plan is to write three chapters tomorrow, to cooperate with today's deposit, so that it can be updated for two days.

The day after tomorrow, I won’t write all day long, just get a good night’s sleep, go out for a walk, eat something good, play a few games, and relax…

I actually want to ask for a day off directly, without writing or updating, so that I can secretly rest for two days. But now I still have so many debts, asking for leave is like reneging on debts... I am so righteous and handsome, I can't do such things.

I had no choice but to work harder and squeeze out a day to rest...

The promise owes me a chapter, but let's take a break first.

O, that's what O planned.

May I relax physically and mentally, and wish you happiness too.

Of course, the monthly pass is still handed over to me.

Love you guys!


Temporary addition, thank the book friend Pure Entertainment Lin for becoming the silver alliance of this book!

Thanks to the book friend hello Bijian for being the leader of this book!

Thanks to the book friends who turned around and became the leader of this book today! (Shumeng's trumpet~)

Suddenly I don't have the confidence to rest... Ahhh, I will adjust my state as soon as possible!

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