Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1082 ?

Chapter 1082 "Buddha Fate"

Jiang Wang is not stupid.

He is very clear.

"Discussing the Tao" with the mysterious powerhouse of the Pingguo Kingdom today, and leaving a Sanskrit singing bodyguard for himself, Master Guan Yan must have consumed a lot.

Otherwise, with Master Guanyan's gentle disposition, he should have stayed to teach him about his practice.

A few words about Su Qiyun and Wu Quji were deliberately mentioned in the middle, probably because he didn't want him to think too much and feel guilty.

This is the heart of Buddha.

Today, he can't do anything. For Master Guanyan who is far away in the Senhaiyuan world, there is really nothing to repay.

It can only be practiced hard, as Master Guan Yan wished, to erect the holy building as soon as possible, and even to become a god as soon as possible.

Let yourself be less troubled by Master Guanyan...

Jiang Wang silently reflected on his decision to come to Xingyueyuan this time.

There is nothing wrong with the entire decision-making process, the only thing is... It should be said that they underestimated the importance that equal countries place on themselves.

According to common sense, to deal with Jiang Wang in the inner mansion, one supernatural power outer building monk is enough, and two supernatural power outer building monks are sure enough.

But judging from the unimaginable experience before, the person who took action in Pingping Kingdom was more than a supernatural power. Not to mention that there is a strong man guarding Xingyueyuan as a bridge...

The Metropolitan Inspection Office mobilized two Shenlinjing Qingpai to accompany them secretly, which can be regarded as fully prepared. But when danger occurs, they are completely ignorant.

But then again, with the mysterious means of the mysterious strongman in Pingping Country, if it wasn't for Xingyueyuan, where Master Guanyan happened to be watching, it's hard to say when he would be enlightened.

From this point of view, it was a blessing in disguise.

It’s just that I don’t know whether the muffled hum that I heard earlier belonged to the mysterious strongman in the Pingping Kingdom, or it belonged to the “bridge”...

He had memorized the voice.

If it's the former, you may encounter it in the future, so it's better to be on guard.

If it's the latter, catcher Yue Leng and that head catcher Li are on the hunt, so there may be some clues.

Carefully sorting out the whole process of being in distress, Jiang Wang could discover one thing - the mysterious strong man in Pingguo did not intend to forcefully kill him here. Instead, he wants to guide him and recognize the idea of ​​an equal country.

It seems that after Cui Zhu failed, he wanted to cultivate another "Cui Zhu" who could go to the Yellow River Meeting. That's why a strong player of this level is needed to make a move.

This discovery made Jiang Wang very disgusted. Originally because of "Zhang Yong", some sympathy for this organization had dissipated.

Cui Zhu's fanaticism and piety really moved him a little. The series of questions "Zhang Yong" confessed to him before his death, the pain, suffering, and anger that made him feel the same, made him think for a long time.


Now he can't help thinking.

Was the sacrifice of Cui Zhu and "Zhang Yong" really voluntary?

The beliefs and principles they carry out, the ideals they strive for at the expense of everything, are they really their free will?

Could it be that the mysterious strongman of the Equal Kingdom also "guided" their ideas, just as he did to himself tonight?

Jiang Wang couldn't know, but it was impossible not to suspect.

"It's a cult." He thought.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a loud shout: "Little Junior Brother!"

Jiang Wang almost drew his sword on the spot, but fortunately, his amazing willpower controlled his instinct.

He turned around to look, and sure enough, he saw a clean bald monk stepping through the air, looking at him with surprise on his face.

"Little brother!" Monk Jingli called again, very happy: "Are you here to find me?"

Jiang Wang had a headache, could this be the legendary Buddha's fate?

But Xingyueyuan is so close to Xuankong Temple, it is not completely unreasonable for Monk Jingli to appear here...

"This..." Jiang Wang was in trouble for a while, and didn't know how to address him properly.

He is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, no matter what you say, Monk Kujue saved his life, although he beat him twice... Well, after all, he is a real person in the world, so there is no need to talk about revenge, just treat it as a It's time to compete.

In short, based on the "friendship" between him and Kujue, it would be a bit unreasonable to keep a respectful distance from Monk Jingli and keep his mouth shut.

But you can't call him senior brother, can you?

"Just call me senior brother!" Monk Jingli reminded with a smile.

"Cough cough." Jiang Wang coughed twice, and directly skipped the address: "Well, I came to Xingyue to practice, and I have to leave now. What is this?"

Monk Jingli was elated: "I just meditated over there, and saw the wow-wah-wah stars scattered here and there. It was so beautiful, so I ran over to have a look. Unexpectedly, I met my little brother! It seems that the Buddha asked our teacher Brothers reunion... come, junior brother, and thank Faun with me!"

Then he came to take Jiang Wang's hand.

Jiang Wang had no choice but to put his hands together to deal with it quickly, and then said: "Thank you Buddha, thank you Buddha. By the way, I still have something to do. Let's take a step first, and I will treat you to dinner when I have a chance later!"

He really didn't know how to get along with this enthusiastic monk who regarded himself as a senior brother, so he had to take the best policy.

"Hey, little brother!" Monk Jingli stopped him, "What day?"

Jiang Wang froze for a moment.

Monk Jingli had already taken out a booklet from his arms, and pulled out a pen from nowhere, opened one of the pages, put on a regular posture, and smiled brightly at Jiang Wang, revealing two rows of snow-white Tooth: "Brother, someday you invite me to dinner, brother, make a note, so as not to miss the appointment when you get it!"

It seems that I can't say polite words to this monk in the future...

Jiang Wang thought about it, and said, "I'm a little busy recently, mainly because of the Yellow River meeting, and I can't get away. Wait until August, when you come to Zizi in August, I'll treat you to a vegetarian feast, how about it?"

"What day is it in August?" Monk Jingli asked again.

It has to be done now...

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "August 9th, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Monk Jingli made a note in a proper manner.

On a certain day in a certain year and a certain month, my junior brother invited me to a certain place for dinner.

Jiang Wang glanced at it, and found that the monk's handwriting was quite clean and neat, just like his own... How could he be the apprentice of the master Kujue?

Monk Jingli put away the booklet and scratched his head again, a little guilty: "We have to report first when we go to Qi State, especially in places like Linzi, which is very troublesome. I'm afraid it will be delayed..."

"Small things! I'll go to the Metropolitan Inspection Office to say hello." Jiang Wang, as a fourth-rank green card, naturally has the confidence to pat his chest. After solving this problem, he immediately said: "If there is nothing else, I'll go first!"

Monk Jingli turned his head to look in the direction of the Xuankong Temple, intending to pull his junior brother back to rest and enjoy some happiness, but now he really has something to do. This made him a little distressed...

Of course, after he turned around, he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Because Jiang Wang is gone.

Seeing him looking in the direction of the Xuankong Temple, he looked as if some yellow-faced old monk was about to jump out at any moment... Is there any reason for Jiang Wang not to run away?

Monk Kujue is much more difficult to deal with than Monk Jingli!

At least Monk Jingli didn't do anything...

Thanks to book friend Cui Shenzhou for becoming the leader of this book! (Compare your heart to the sky.)

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