Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1092 ?

Chapter 1092

The meeting of the Yellow River is "all countries compete, and they must win first".

It not only has political significance, but also has more practical considerations.

The world's top powers show the "future" at Guanhetai, and use this "future" to divide resources.

Combat strength at the level of Zhenjun is impossible to move lightly, and no one can be their "referee" except life and death.

A real monarch who is as aggressive and domineering as Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi Army, is actually rare.

How many countries dare to let their true monarchs go up to Jianfeng Mountain alone to meet the siege in the territory of the enemy country?

If it weren't for his extremely strong self-confidence and unparalleled dominance in the world, he wouldn't be able to do this.

Once the true monarch falls, it will be an unbearable and painful price for any country, and it will be an absolutely traumatic loss.

So even knowing that Jiang Mengxiong was strong, Xia Guo couldn't help but give it a try, and wanted to take the opportunity to surround and kill him in Jianfeng Mountain. If he can be killed, it may be the beginning of Xia Guo's counterattack on the Eastern Region!

Of course, the final result is already known to the world.

The meeting of the Yellow River only looks at the "future".

Because the current position of the great powers of various countries is already a manifestation of the "now" strength.

Another reason is that no matter how the "futures" fight to death, they are all under control and within limits.

"Jing and Mu share the Northern Territory".

These words are engraved in the hearts of almost every person in the Northern Territory.

The two powerful countries in the world check and balance each other, and join forces to fight against evil.

Probably because it has been ravaged by the demon tide for too long, the landforms of the Northern Territory are the most peculiar in the world.

The "line of life and death" that separates the boundless desert from the boundless grassland is different in Jing Kingdom.

Unlike the Shepherd Kingdom, the Jing Kingdom does not have such a vast grassland. What they "confront" the boundless desert are sharp-edged military castles on the plain like beasts.

Bianhuang's "death" remains unchanged.

The "life" of the human race is different from each other.

In Muguo, there is an endless grassland full of vitality.

In the state of Jing, this "life" is the "life" with swords and guns like forests.

In a military empire like the Jing Kingdom, war is nothing more than a normal thing.

Fighting with demons, fighting with people, all year round.

So when Xia Houlie, the governor of Xiaoqi, led a group of troops to "go out", many Jing people didn't even realize that this team was going to Guanhetai to participate in the battle.

Even if there are a lot of geniuses in this team, including the adopted son of Chimawei General Murong Fenwu, the grandson of Yingyangwei General Zhongshan Yanwen, and the beloved daughter of Huanglongwei General Huang Fu...

Because like Murong Longqie, Zhongshan Weisun, and Huang Sheli, the Jing Kingdom's elites often lead troops to fight.

The team left Jingguo and headed south all the way.

Zhongshan Weisun, who was wearing a fine attire, tactfully fell behind the team, so he didn't want to touch Xia Houlie's bad luck.

The Dajing Empire is a military court empire, and the entire country is ruled by a military court jointly formed by the Sixth Guard Army and the Seventh Guard Army.

For example, General Ying Yangwei Zhongshan Yanwen said he was a general, but he was actually a prince.

Zhongshan Weisun's status is similar to that of a prince.

These six guards, seven guards, and thirteen armies must have competition with each other.

But this time the people who went to the Yellow River Meeting were all the arrogance from the Seven Guards.

None of the six guards came out.

And Xia Houlie's Xiaoqi is one of the six guards.

The commander of the army ordered Xia Houlie, the governor of Xiaoqi, to personally lead the team, probably to balance the voice of the Sixth Guards Army...

It's a pity that when you go to an occasion like the Yellow River Meeting, you only look at the personal strength of the young Tianjiao. No matter how much fun there is, it is impossible to change the result.

Back to this trip.

Of course, Xiahou Lie would not argue with these juniors as the commander-in-chief of the brave cavalry, and even in order to show justice, he would work harder to ensure the smooth progress of the Yellow River meeting.

But his mood is naturally difficult to get better.

Anyway, Zhongshan Weisun tried his best not to hang out in front of the governor, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

That guy Murong Longqi was still discussing cavalry tactics with Xia Houlie there, really he is a kind-hearted and benevolent commander of the brave cavalry commander, love you as a talent?

Of course, the sourness in my heart is so sour. Zhongshan Weisun knew that at least he was not qualified to discuss cavalry tactics with Xia Houlie...

Inside Yingyangwei, he has far less soldiers and horses than Murong Long and Chimawei. The battles he has fought are far worse.

Although he is proud that he will not lose to anyone in the army, after all, he has not passed the test of war, and others will not think so.

Murong Long has already proved himself, but he hasn't yet.

"What are you thinking!"

A well-built woman, calmly driving the horse, came to the back of the team.

Under her control, the war horse took nimble little steps, extremely brisk.

This woman's facial features are deep and beautiful.

Her skin is a healthy bronze color, as smooth as water forging, as if the harsh environment of the frontier cannot affect her in the slightest.

Such a beautiful woman, with a bald name. That General Huang is really...

Zhongshan Weisun complained silently, with a gentle smile on his face: "I was thinking..."

He intentionally raised his chin towards Murong Longqie and Xia Houlie: "I don't know what are you two masters of war talking about?"

"Stop pretending to me, you really want to know, you won't go up to listen?" Huang Sheli said carelessly: "Let me ask you, is the surname Jiang convinced?"

Zhongshan Weisun blinked in embarrassment.

Jiang Zhaoyuan lost the competition for the number of places in the Inner Mansion, and he was very dissatisfied. He said that he didn't perform well, that something went wrong in his practice a few days ago, otherwise he would have to do something... In short, it was a scene when he was drinking with his friends.

But it happened to be overheard by Huang Sheli who was also drinking...

That was a world upside down...

The restaurant has been demolished.

Jiang Zhaoyuan lost for a while, so he had no choice but to admit defeat in despair. Not to mention the bad condition.

As Jiang Zhaoyuan's good friend, Zhongshan Weisun really couldn't say anything about it. Of course he knew that Jiang Zhaoyuan had just had a mouthful, but it happened that he was met by the righteous master, and he was not wronged if he was taught a lesson.

Huang Sheli snorted coldly: "It seems that I'm still not convinced."

Turn the horse's head and leave.

"Submit it. I'm done." Zhongshan Weisun hurriedly said.

Seeing the girl's posture, after returning home, she had to beat Jiang Zhaoyuan again.

He had no choice but to give in to his friend.

Huang Sheli then said: "He has nothing to complain about losing to the No. 1 Inner Palace in the world."

Zhongshan Weisun sneered in his heart.

What is the number one palace in the world, really has long hair and short knowledge! I know someone named Dugu Wudi, but I don't know how much better than you.

Of course, the person may have taken advantage of the loophole of the illusory realm, not the real inner palace...

Naturally, this taunt could only be in his heart, with his cultivation level, he needn't be afraid of Huang Sheli. However, that General Huang is notorious for protecting his weaknesses.

Today he hated Huang Sheli, that General Huang could do things like bullying the little by the big.

And the grandfather of Zhongshan Weisun is famous for his strict discipline...

It's all tears.

Everyone's life is different.

Zhongshan Weisun smiled gently: "If you want to come to this inner mansion to be number one in the world, no one is qualified except you, Miss Huang."

When I was called Zhao Tiezhu, I was free and happy...

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