Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1099 Cranes

The word "fate" always has some illusory taste.


Legend has it that there is a supernatural power that can grasp fate as a thread and affect cause and effect. But after all, for all living beings, in many cases, they can't help themselves and can only resign themselves to fate.

Lin Zhengren didn't believe in the word "fate", he only believed in himself.

for example……

If he hadn't fought hard and risked his life to set up a trap, how could he have entered the secret realm of Huangliang?

That is one of the secret realms to which the Taoist sect belongs. There are so many vassal kingdoms waiting to be distributed, and they are fighting each other fiercely. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Guo's victory in the battle of Zhuang Yong and the rapid expansion of its national power, it would have been impossible to be allocated a quota.

And if it wasn't for Zhu Weiwo's treason, how could he get this spot?

If you say "fate", then it should be the "fate" of wishing you only me.

But in the end, it was Lin Zhengren's due "part".

So "fate" is a thing that bullies the weak and fears the hard. Whoever can win it belongs to him.

This time, Prime Minister Du Ruhui personally brought him to participate in the meeting of the Yellow River, which undoubtedly showed that Zhuang Ting attached great importance to the meeting of the Yellow River.

Emperor Zhuang, who had just won the battle of Zhuang Yong, urgently needed to prove the potential of Zhuang Kingdom at the meeting of the Yellow River. And this kind of potential deserves more support from Yu Jingshan and more resources allocated by Jingguo.

Zhuang Guo didn't send anyone to the outside building field and the unlimited field under the age of 30.

Because there is indeed no arrogance who is qualified to participate, and there is no need to try, showing ugliness is worse than hiding clumsiness.

But it's not just the Zhuang country, it's the case for most small countries.

Compared with those world powers, big countries, and regional powers, many small countries can only hope for the inner court. Even a regional power like Yong Kingdom is no exception.

Because of the combat power at the inner palace level, it is too much affected by supernatural powers. And the acquisition of supernatural powers, luck occupies a large proportion. Sometimes a powerful or extremely well-suited supernatural power can instantly raise a monk.

After arriving at the outer building, the exploration of "Tao" will test the country's heritage. If there is no strong person to lead the way, it is difficult to become a talent alone.

Not to mention the unlimited field under the age of 30. If there is no achievement, there is basically no need to play. And looking at the world, how many people can achieve God's presence before the age of thirty?

If resources are not enough, we must fight with our lives. And the word "desperately" is not just two words, it is true that many lives were lost, and this matter can be called "desperately".

It is precisely because the number of participants in the unlimited field under the age of 30 in the outer building has been far less than the number of people in the inner mansion.

That's why many people think that at the Yellow River Meeting, the Neifu Court is the most competitive session.

It doesn’t matter whether this conclusion is right or not. The important thing is that for many small countries, it is a good fig leaf—we all sent the nation’s arrogance to participate in the most intense battles of the Yellow River Conference.

For Lin Zhengren, this battle determined his development in Zhuangguo in the next ten years.

The more intense, the better.

But then again, to attend such a world-renowned grand event as the Yellow River Gathering, just him and Du Ruhui flying in the air is really not enough scenery...

Lin Zhengren is not vain, it's just that most of the time, ostentation can explain the strength.

When he was still in Wangjiang City, he never cared about the Lin family's property, what he saw was the National Dao Academy.

With the improvement of cultivation base and the expansion of vision, gradually, the Zhuanguo National Taoist Academy is nothing more than that... What he wants to grab is Zhu Weiwo's resources.

When he participated in the Huangliang Secret Realm, he had met Jing Guo Tianjiao before he knew what a spectacle is and what is a background.

However, Zhuang Guo is now thriving, and his peers have no rivals. For a long time, the resources are enough for him.

he thought again.

Perhaps a ceremonial team should be sent to Guanhetai, so as to match Zhuangguo's rising status.

But first of all, Du Ruhui was really too busy, so he didn't set off until today, and he had been working without sleep for several days before he was able to handle almost all the government affairs.

Secondly, there is really no need to add a ceremonial team to send a monk from the inner mansion to Guanhetai.

Besides, it would be better not to send a troop of honor to Jing Guo with a low brow and pleasing eyes...

Thoughts kept turning in his heart, but he didn't show half of it on his face, always maintaining a refined smile.

Say nothing else.

An old man with black hair and drooping shoulders, and a gentle and elegant young man, flew side by side in the air, neither fast nor slow, and still had a bit of a sense of immortality.

It is the virtuous and talented, the glory of Zhuangguo.

Being able to represent Zhuang Kingdom in the Guanhe Terrace today, I am already the number one genius in the Four Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers.

Lin Zhengren's smile was somewhat sincere.

Suddenly heard the sound of panic,

Lin Zhengren looked back.

But I saw four miraculous cloud cranes flying up and down, and then pulling a huge and extremely gorgeous car.

Five-color gemstones are used as wheels, and fragrant wood for nourishing the spirit is used as chairs.

Inlaid jade pillars, carved carved railings.

Embellished with beautiful beads, with light feathers as tassels.

The four cloud cranes beeped together, and the gorgeous car came to a sudden stop.

The strong wind that followed caused Lin Zhengren's bun to crooked. Great loss of grace.

After all, he couldn't be as calm as Du Ruhui, secretly using energy to stabilize his figure, there were some traces of it anyway.

But he didn't care about getting angry, and with his wisdom, he could of course guess who was coming.

Trying to maintain his elegance, he looked over with great grace.

In the extremely gorgeous car, sat two people full of fairy spirit.

The man's white clothes fluttered, his sitting posture was casual, his long hair was not combed properly, and an ebony hairpin was inserted obliquely. But the temperament is dusty, very chic.

On the recuperating incense wooden chair on the right, a woman is sitting with a tulle covering her face, but her clear and bright eyes cannot be covered.

Some beauties, even just a glance, can tell you...the reason why beauty is beauty.

But neither of them looked at him.

"Du Xiangguo is going to Guanhe Terrace?" said the man in white in the car.

"Going east at this time, naturally there is only one place to go." Du Ruhui smiled gently: "Master Ye, why is Yunguo also participating in the meeting this year?"

Ye Lingxiao smiled: "With my Qingyu's talent, I can attend the meeting if I really want to! However, Yun Kingdom has never been involved in disputes among other countries, so I just came to watch the ceremony."

Du Ruhui looked at the woman who was sitting upright and said nothing, and said with a smile, "That's natural."

Ye Lingxiao propped his elbows on his knees, with a handsome smile on his face, leaning over to look, his tone was very concerned: "Come to participate in a meeting with no hope, and you lead the team yourself. Why? Are you so relieved of Han Xu? "

His posture was originally a bit frivolous, but it was very logical and pleasing to the eye when he did it.

Du Ruhui still smiled back, but the content of his speech seemed very confident: "After losing the battle of Zhuang Yong, the death of real Han Yin, and the failure of cutting reefs, whether Yong can continue to maintain its position as a regional power is still a question. .Why should I be afraid of it in Zhuangguo?"

There's really nothing wrong with that.

Although Yongguo has the support of the Momen, from the current point of view, the support of the Momen is also very limited—otherwise, why would the reef cutting be blocked?


Ye Lingxiao put away the whispering gesture, and sat back: "The car is too small, so I won't invite you to go with it. Let's see you again at Guanhe Terrace!"

Lin Zhengren glanced at it with pity.

It's so's so spacious.

But when the crane sings, the car is already far away.

The chapter name was originally four characters, but in order to write the id of the all-digital brother, I had to cut two characters...

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