Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1106 ? In the Storm

Chapter 1106 In the midst of the storm

Jiang Wang walked over with a calm face and didn't care. He said he was looking forward to it perfunctorily, but he didn't even ask Xia Guo's name.

It can be said that the pride of a great country is so arrogant that it doesn't take its people seriously at all.

It made the eyes of Xia Guo's group burn with anger, but they could only watch. No matter what, it was impossible for them to fight Jiang Wang in the stands.

Lord Jiang had an arrogant face, but in fact he had already quietly sent a voice transmission to ask Qiao Lin. "Who was that person just now?"

Qiao Lin is a talkative guy, and correspondingly, he has a lot of sources of information. He can be said to be the "Bai Xiaosheng" in Qi's team.

"This person is the arrogance of the famous family of the Xia Kingdom, named Touch Min." Qiao Lin replied via voice transmission.

"Oh, so." Jiang Wang remained expressionless.

In fact, it has been secretly decided to focus on this sympathetic battle later.

This is called, crushing the opponent in terms of momentum, and paying attention to the opponent in battle.

This is the way to victory.

Jiang Wang chose an empty seat in the stands and sat down, and the ten Tianfu soldiers who came with him sat apart, forming a circle and guarding him in the middle.

A group of people occupied a large space, very conspicuous and arrogant.

Jiang Wang was still not quite used to this kind of domineering and domineering state, so he forced Qiao Lin to sit beside him.

The main task is actually to serve as a "storyteller" and help him introduce heroes from all walks of life.

Qiao Lin was also very clever. He had already obtained today's selection list, and explained to Jiang Wang who should not be underestimated and which battle was more important.

Eight martial arts arenas are competing at the same time, and the battles on each arena are very exciting. It is dizzying.

Even with Jiang Wang's current vision, it is difficult to distinguish the strong from the weak at a glance. I can only combine Qiao Lin's explanations and roughly screen these participants according to the national powers they belong to, and then observe the situation on the field to determine the battles I will focus on watching.

That sculptural soldier standing near the martial arts stage, with three golden throwing spears in his back, is one of Jingbajia's Shence Army.

Jing Bajia is powerful in the central region, and the two armies of Dou'e and Shence are both in the hands of Jing Guo's royal family.

Before the main match of the Yellow River Meeting, those responsible for maintaining the order of the competition were also soldiers of the Shence Army.

Jiang Wang didn't pay too much attention to them, but devoted all his attention to the field.

For every battle, he simulated in his mind with the secret technique of Rumeng Ling, substituted himself into the two sides of the battle, rehearsed the response he would make at that moment, and then compared it with the arrogances who were fighting.

Let's see who's response is better, why the fighters on the field choose that way, and which section this step is for...

It's very interesting.

Sometimes he responds completely differently from the monks on the field, but after two or three combinations, they lead to the same goal. Sometimes his response is better, and sometimes the choice of monks on the field surprises him very much...

It's wonderful.

Heroes from all over the world confront each other here, gathering winds and clouds, which makes the minds of the spectators excited.

A Confucian scholar writes like flying, ink marks jump out of the paper, condensing into birds and beasts, with hundreds of peculiarities, seeing the charm of the technique.

There is an ink man who controls the giant beast of the mechanism, rampages, and the sword is not injured. Swallowing gold and spitting fire, the power is astonishing.

There are soldiers cultivating evil spirits like tornadoes, swords coming out like banners everywhere, rushing forward like a horse stepping on a mountain, bringing people into the atmosphere of the battlefield alone.

A monk's sword plays the four seasons, spring, rain, winter and snow change seasons, making Sauvignon Blanc tremble in its sheath.

Someone is holding a dagger upside down, and his body is like a strong wind. When the wind rises, the battle will start, and when the wind stops, the victory will be decided...

so wonderful.

Jiang Wang couldn't take his eyes off it.

Seeing the long river, knowing the vastness, feeling the majesty, wanting to draw the sword and howling.

Set foot on Guanhe Terrace, see the changes of the past and the present, see how the years are like a song, and feel what is great.

To watch the heroes of the world is to be in the midst of the storm!


While Jiang Wang was immersed in the battle on the field.

From the south of the "Pillar of Liuhe", a group of people walked in.

The leader is a middle-aged man, dressed in white, handsome and extraordinary.

A few old men who looked like they were of good status were chatting and laughing around him, subconsciously falling behind by half a body.

The only woman walking side by side with him, with a light veil on her face, her eyes that were too clean, swept left and right at will...

Then she saw Jiang Wang.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to see it.

I don't know how many people are sitting in the huge ring stand.

But no one is as arrogant as this guy.

He travels alone with ten guards.

Nine guards surrounded it, and one guard guarded it closely.

A total of eleven people occupied dozens of seats!

Those guards all had expressionless faces, making no effort to hide their evil spirit.

In other places, such arrogance is not very conspicuous.

In Guanhetai, the place where heroes from all over the world gather at the meeting of wind and clouds.

It's a pity that there are not many people like this.

In detail, only the Tianjiao of the six great powers in the world can do this. The so-called powerful country in the world is naturally qualified to look down on the world.

And besides this guy...

For the Tianjiao of the six great powers in the world, there is no second person to pay attention to this selection event. So it seems that this person is extraordinarily abrupt.

Under the veil, she couldn't help pursing her lips and smiling.

She had seen this man draw his sword against the enemy, brave and fearless.

I've seen this man coax his sister patiently and gently.

I've seen this man walk down Baoxue Mountain alone with white hair...

I have seen his downfall, but also his determination.

Only Yu... It's the first time I've seen this person, so flamboyant, with such an "ostentatious" look.

She doesn't like people who show their teeth and claws, but because she knows that this person is not like this, she feels that this kind of "arrogance" is a bit rare, so it is a bit interesting.

It is really eye-catching to see that this person is surrounded by a circle of elite soldiers, occupying the boss position in the stands.

But if you look closely, you can still see his concentration.

Obviously, his mind is all on the martial arts arena, and he doesn't have much time to enjoy the feeling of "showing off his might".

Suddenly his wrist tightened.

It was her father, who was communicating with the high-level executives of several small countries, who grabbed her hand.

Take her to the stands on the right.

There was a voice in my ears: "I know you don't like Zhuang Gaoxian's choice. But one size counts. Zhuang Gaoxian, who can kill Han Yin, is not inferior to me in strength. Even if he hadn't Taking a risky battle and being seriously injured in Yong Kingdom, the real time to ascend to the cave may not be slower than me."

Ye Lingxiao talked and laughed happily with a few old people, and at the same time transmitted voice to the baby girl's ears: "Although we don't need to be afraid of them, we don't need to slap them in the face. We can protect Jiang An'an, but it's best not to put it on the bright side. So... don't look at him.

In this kind of matter, Ye Qingyu is still very obedient.

So she obediently withdrew her gaze and looked at the martial arts arena.

How exciting is the battle that the man watched so much?


Feeling something in his heart, Jiang Wang suddenly "pulls out" his eyes from the battle, and looks to the right.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, it was Daoist Ye!

Although the flamboyant Ye Lingxiao was next to him, he did not recognize Ye Qingyu at first sight, not through Ye Lingxiao's judgment.

He was very familiar with those clear eyes, and he was no stranger to that veil!

Jiang Wang was happy in his heart, and was about to get up to say hello, when a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ear——

"In order to protect your sister from being discovered by Zhuang Guojun and his ministers, you'd better stop staring at my daughter."

In this case, only the sound transmission led by a real person can ensure that the concealment will not be discovered.

Daqi Tianjiao Jiang, with a hot face, replied via voice transmission: "You misunderstood Ye Zhenren, I, I didn't stare..."

Ye Lingxiao's cold snort was quickly cut back: "It's better not to! Let's see how you fight!"

Everyone must have guessed it. The night is 4,000 words combined in two chapters.

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