Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1111 ? Let me help you

Chapter 1111 Let me help you

It wasn't until the final battle on the Yanwu stage that day was over that Jiang Wang regained his concentration immersed in the battle.

Only then did he realize that the stands on all sides were empty and there were not many people.

Immersed in the battle on the stage all the time, I didn't even notice when Ye Lingxiao and his daughter left.

However, Ye Zhenren said to be careful, and he couldn't go to say hello or something, so he had to do so.

Yunhe was too conspicuous in Guanhe Terrace, so he could only write letters after the Yellow River Conference.

Watched many battles today.

Through Rumeng Ling's simulation, he also fought many times.

Many of them have very exciting battles.

Of course, limited by his own strength and vision, as well as Rumengling's own limitations, it is impossible to reproduce every battle perfectly. But the splendor he saw can be reproduced one or two times.

After watching so many scenes, what impressed him the most was that apart from Lin Xian and Tuo Min, there was only one monk from the inner court of the Song Kingdom.

His name is Yin Wenhua.

The State of Song should be one of the countries closest to Guanhetai, and its location is in the southwest of Guanhetai.

This country only respects Confucianism and governs the country with "rituals".

As for Yin Wenhua, besides being a descendant of a distinguished family in the Song Dynasty, he also came from Longmen Academy, one of the four great academies in the world, and he was from the same school as Zhao Wuyan and Zi Shucha.

To the west of Longmen Academy is the State of Song, to the east is the State of Wei, and to the north is Guanhe Terrace.

In terms of the distance to Guanhe Terrace, Longmen Academy is closer than Song Kingdom.

It is said that when Guanhe Terrace was completed, it was a sacrificial oration drafted by a Confucian sage.

According to the legend, this Confucian sage concentrated his pen and used blood as ink to write a majestic prose with ten thousand characters. After writing the sacrificial text, he laughed three times and died.

And the sacrificial oration is thrown into the long river, and the majestic long song calms down the raging waves and stops the raging waves.

Later, in memory of his master, the disciple of this sage found a piece of unowned land in the south of Guanhetai, where he lived in a hut and talked about scriptures and lectures.

Many people came here admiringly to inherit the teachings of the sages.

This is the predecessor of Longmen Academy.

The four major academies in the world, including Longmen Academy, are the same as the Legalist Sanxing Palace, and they all forbid their disciples to be officials. In Qin it was Qin Confucianism, in Qi it was Qi Confucianism.

The same is true of the Mohist School, after coming forward to support the Yong Kingdom, there may be some changes.

Of course, the whole world is watching, and this process must be slow. Maybe there will be no fundamental changes, maybe it will go back to the beginning after a circle, maybe.

After all, with the size of the Mo family, it is too difficult to move.

Both Song State and Wei State are big countries, one on the west and one on the east, facing each other across the Longmen Academy.

Naturally, being influenced by Longmen Academy is also indispensable, but there are some differences in the degree of influence between the two countries.

The Song Dynasty only respected Confucianism and ruled the country with rituals. Naturally, the culture was very prosperous. Many officials in the country had studied in Longmen Academy.

The Wei State is more military-minded. Of course, the power of Confucianism in the country is not so weak as it is so close to Longmen Academy.

Speaking of which, among these secular schools of thought, only military strategists have spread the most thoroughly. They have no holy land of their own, but they have branched out into countless schools. There are few unified actions, but military monks can be seen in any country. Wherever there is a war, the inheritance of military training is absolutely indispensable...

Back to Yin Wenhua.

This person was born in a famous family and worshiped a famous teacher. He is a very typical son of a famous family, with a deep and stable foundation, almost no weaknesses, and a very comprehensive and orthodox combat system. Especially the twenty-four solar terms sword in one hand, which can be called superb.

It was the same monk who made Jiang Wang most excited to draw his sword in the audience.

A genius like this can calmly deal with almost any situation and any opponent, and he will have a greater chance to go further in the Yellow River.

For a small country like Lin Xian, the pride of heaven, relying on powerful supernatural powers and sword skills, the strong is strong. However, there is obviously a lack of reserves to deal with many accidents. A ghost-faced mouse bat suddenly knocked him down.

In comparison, Yin Wenhua's sword may not be as fierce as Lin Xian's hatchet knife, but if he is faced with the same unexpected situation, he will be able to resist one or two.

What is Fengyundi?

It was these opponents who let the long swords scabbard, so that Jiang Wang couldn't bear to be lonely, and just wanted to draw his swords to stir up the situation.

And this is just the early selection competition, many monks have not shown their full strength. What's more, the arrogance of those powerful countries in the world has not yet shown their faces.

Jiang Wang didn't feel afraid, he was only excited. I just want to participate in it, and I can't even wait.

Dominating the shoals is child's play after all.

To be called a hero among heroes is to be the most heroic!

When he left the Yanwu stage and walked with his back to the pillar of heaven and earth. He suddenly remembered that a long time ago, someone once said——"Our brother's sword will be passed down through the ages in the future."

He doesn't miss that person, but he remembers this sentence very much.

Once the best in the world...

He tightened the sword in his hand, and asked it in his heart: "Are you ready to pass on through the ages?"

In the scabbard made of Shenlong wood, Chang Xiangsi only responded with a long moan.



Shepherd Street.

Yu Wenduo, who failed to persuade Zhao Rucheng to go out and didn't want to go to Helian Yunyun for training, was drinking flower wine in hiding in Wenrou Township.

Those noble people who come to watch the ceremony, a large part of them, cannot do without ostentation and enjoyment.

Similar places do not exist on Zhimu Street.

In the sultry tent of aromatherapy, beautiful flame lamps swagger on the dome.

Yu Wenduo was talking with the girl verbally, entangled me endlessly.

With the other hand, she accompanied another girl to cross mountains and ridges, explore the principles of life, activate her five knuckles, and maintain her fists.

After three years in the frontier, he was both reasonable and healthy.

The door curtain was rolled up at this moment.

The evening wind blows in.

Yu Wenduo was shocked, turned around and cursed: "Who is your mother..."

Then he saw Zhao Rucheng standing quietly outside the door wearing a bronze mask.

The scolding words were naturally swallowed.

"Yi Gai."

Although it is June and July, the Guanhetai River is too windy, and the evening wind is especially not gentle, which makes people catch cold easily.

So Yu Wenduo hugged the two beautiful girls affectionately and selflessly provided his heat.

At the same time, he looked at Zhao Rucheng with a look of embarrassment: "It's not that I, Yu Wenduo, are not loyal enough, it's just that right now, it's not convenient for you, a famous flower, to have that..."

Zhao Rucheng only said: "There is something to do."

His voice... was cold.

Just like every time I just came back from the frontier.

Yu Wenduo immediately sat upright, put his hands back, and his face became serious: "You guys go down first."

The two girls who knew how to reason with Yu Wenduo were naturally very reasonable, and immediately avoided the scene of Yiyi saying goodbye, and left the room without saying a word.

When they left, they took the evening wind that swept into the room with them.

Aromatherapy curls up, intoxicating but empty tenderness.

Zhao Rucheng didn't speak immediately.

Yu Wenduo looked at him and said seriously: "Yigai, as long as you say it, as long as I can do it."

"Can I still play in the Yellow River meeting?" Zhao Rucheng asked.

Yu Wenduo was silent for a while.

"If you had said a few days earlier, there would be no problem on my side. I would have given you a chance to fight Jin Ge."

He shook his head bitterly: "The preliminary selection has already started, Yegai. I can't do it now, and the Yuwen family can't do it."

Yu Wenduo didn't ask Zhao Rucheng why he suddenly changed his mind, but this matter is indeed beyond his ability now.

The selection has already begun, and the Golden Crown Priest will not agree to another replacement. I will not give another chance to let my own people consume Jin Ge's energy.

The leader of any country will never agree to such a thing.

No matter how much the Yuwen family pays.

"I see." Zhao Rucheng said.

He didn't bother.

No one is responsible for anyone. What's more, this matter was indeed changed by his own orders day and night. Yu Wenduo has done his best.

He turned and walked out.

There will be other ways. he thinks.

But standing in front of him was a pretty woman.

Wearing a navy blue dress and a silver crown on his head.

She looked at him and laughed, like a crabapple blooming in the night.

"Do you want to participate in the Yellow River meeting?"

Helian Yunyun said: "I'll help you!"

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