Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1143 Return This Sword

In so many battles at the Yellow River Meeting so far, this is the first time for Zhenjun Yu Xi to step on the stage of martial arts.

It's not that he can't control the battle situation in the audience, but to grasp the details more specifically while keeping the two Tianjiao. It is based on the attitude of being responsible for the Yellow River Conference and building persuasiveness.

This can also explain how fierce the battle between Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun was.

Who will win and who will lose?

That's the question all spectators in the ring are looking forward to answering.

On the martial arts stage, Chong Xuanzun, in fluttering white clothes, was exhausted to the point of exhaustion, his body was emitting a stench, and he was almost only half-breathed.

And Dou Zhao, who was wearing a gold-rimmed military uniform with a red background, was not much better.

The sun, moon, and star three-wheeled saber had cut off most of his neck, and almost finished beheading... The golden light scattered around him, and Dou Zhan's golden body had been chopped into pieces!

Qingguang, which contains extremely strong vitality, not only enveloped Zhong Xuanzun, but also enveloped Dou Zhao.

Yu Yi stood between the two of them, and did not announce the result for a while, and it seemed that it was difficult to decide the outcome.

After frowning for a while, he raised his head, but bowed his head to the Dharma portraits of Emperor Qi and Emperor Chu respectively, and saluted: "I thought that these two Tianjiao were evenly divided, so it should be considered as a tie. I wonder if the two emperors agree?"

With his strength, it is not difficult to see that both Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun have fallen into a deadly situation. If there is no external force to interfere, it will be the result of the same death.

That's why he made a decisive move and saved the two of them at the same time.

This is his responsibility to preside over the meeting of the Yellow River.

If he really ignores death, he will be held accountable afterwards.

Taking a step back, even if he really doesn't care, the two emperors who have descended from the Dharma will not sit back and watch such an arrogance die.


When both sides in the war are in a dead end.

The only criterion for judging the outcome is that which of the two will die first.

But even the strong Dao Yan could not come up with a convincing assertion.

Because of the speed at which death comes, there are too many things involved. Not just injuries, longevity, body, and even luck, but also the will, perseverance, and endurance of two people...

To convince everyone, the only way is to let the result continue until one of them really dies.

But when that time came, the other person was determined not to be able to keep it.

The five declines of heaven and man driven by the Dou Zhan golden body, and the slaying with the sun, moon and star three-wheeled sword as the carrier, are really remarkable.

These two young people are at the top level in all the previous meetings of the Yellow River.

I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune to meet each other on a narrow road today.

As the host of the Yellow River Meeting, he can only give the result of a draw. And the power to re-determine the outcome was handed over to the emperors of Qi and Chu.

If the two supreme beings feel that the outcome of this battle is more important, they can take a gamble to see who has a stronger fate than their own Tianjiao and the opponent's Tianjiao.

Time only passed for a moment, but it was long enough for the two supreme beings.

The purple dragon robe rolled slightly, and the voice as deep as the sea and as majestic as a mountain, encompassing everything, and unstoppable sounded: "That's what I said."

That indescribably precious voice, as if born supreme, said: "Good words."

So the outcome of this round was decided like this.

Until this time, people suddenly realized one thing——

That proud man of the Wei Kingdom seems to be about to win the championship!

It is not unprecedented for a country other than the six overlords to win the first prize in the outer court or inner court of the Yellow River Meeting. Although extremely rare, there have been a few cases.

But I'm afraid it's never been like this before. The two top talents are fighting each other to the brink of death, and it seems that they are unable to participate in the final battle to determine the title.

So much so that in the four-to-two match, the winner of the other match had no opponent at this time.

Since Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun are in a draw, any one of them fighting Yan Shaofei can determine the final result.

But in their current state, there is no possibility of fighting again immediately.

External force to help them recover does not conform to the rules of the Yellow River Association.


Is Yan Shaofei the leader of the outer buildings?

Many people have such a question in their minds.


this is a problem".

rather than a recognized result.

Because after witnessing the peerless battle between Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun at the level of the outer building, no one thinks that Yan Shaofei is qualified to be the leader of the outer building based on the strength he has shown now.

Although in terms of the rules, the direction of the final result seems to be obvious, as Xia Houlie, the governor of Jing Guoxiaoqi, said, luck is also a kind of strength.

But the state of Wei is not the state of Jing after all, and the strength of the two arrogances, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun, is visible to the naked eye and surpasses others.

Who can trust this leader?

It doesn't matter if there is controversy, the problem is that there is no controversy.

With Yan Shaofei's current performance, of course he is also worthy of the name of Tianjiao. His defeat of Jing Guo Tianjiao Zhongshan Weisun is also a solid record.

But the performance in these few games, he is indeed not as good as Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun, this is beyond dispute.

There are many controversial winners in the world since ancient times.

However, in the world, is there a leader who is obviously weaker than others?

Now the audience's eyes fell on Yan Shaofei.

Including Yu Yu, who is still carefully maintaining the vitality of Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun.

In any case, as the host of this meeting of the Yellow River, he must announce the result.

At this moment, Yan Shaofei was under the stage.

After defeating Zhongshan Weisun, he simply dealt with the injury himself, and then sat quietly in the audience, witnessing the entire battle between Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun.

The jade ring that hooped his hair had been destroyed in the previous battle, so his hair was loose at the moment.

The heaviness when he picks the red lotus with his sword, the joy when he urges his hair to be full of joy, the sadness when he uses the sword technique of God's wound...all are not reflected in his expression at the moment.

He is quiet and serious.

"I came to the meeting of the Yellow River. I originally wanted to compete with the heroes of the world. Even if I burned my body, I would like to be the first."

These words are not boasting, when he was fighting with Zhongshan Weisun, he had already burnt his life to fight.

Yan Shaofei took a deep look at Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun, then cupped his hands at Yu Yi and said, "Today I saw the peerless battle, and I realized how big the world is, how bright the sun and the moon are, and I dare not compete for the top spot!"

He sighed.

This sigh was calm and heroic: "Let's be the number three in the world!"

He is well-deserved of this decision.

But in the state of Wei, an explanation is still needed.

So he turned around again, and gave a deep salute to Wu Xun, the great general of Wei State. He took off the sheath of the long sword at his waist, turned it upside down, held it with both hands, and pushed it lightly.

"Before the expedition, I made an appointment with His Majesty to take back this leader for Wei Guo. Your Majesty will give me pride and do it for me. Now that my skills are not as good as others, I dare not say that I am the first. The previous agreement is broken, and this sword will be returned!"

The proud sword with its scabbard flew towards Wu Xun.

Yan Shaofei turned around and left just like that.

Leave behind the world leader who is at your fingertips; leave behind such a famous sword in the world;

He is not a minister of Wei, and did not serve the king, but a knight-errant in Wei.

So he has his pride and freedom, he has his choice and path.

Only, when he walked to the south entrance.

Wu Xun, the great general of Wei State, pushed back.

The proud sword flew out suddenly, crossed the distance easily, and hung on Yan Shaofei's waist again, without any fireworks.

Wu Xun's voice said: "The emperor bestowed the sword, and there is no reason to take it back. Although you are not the best in the world, you are the most proud of our country Wei. Who is this sword for you? It's a long way to go to the mountains, and I often think about my homeland Old man, don't forget this sword and this heart."

Yan Shaofei stopped in his tracks, bowed his head to Wu Xun, but didn't say anything else, just put his hand on the long sword, and strode away.

Listening to their conversation, people knew at this time that after this battle, Yan Shaofei was going to leave Wei.

I don't know where he's going and what he's going to do...

This is really a man with a great story.


I don't know who gave a loud cheer.

All of a sudden, there were thunderous cheers in the ring stands.

It is for Yan Shaofei to be sober and self-controlled, not to fight for the leader, so he hangs his sword and walks away.

It is also a gift of Wu Xun's sword to a hero, not to judge success or failure.

Of course, different people have different levels of thinking.

Yan Shaofei chose to hang up his sword and leave.

Maybe there are other considerations, maybe it's just his own pride.

The reason is only known to him.

But for Wei Guo, this is undoubtedly a very wise step.

Among all the Tianjiao in the outer building at this year's Yellow River Meeting, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun are completely unique, surpassing the other Tianjiao by a head.

No one is qualified to reach the top except them.

They fought so hard that they almost died together. If you, the arrogant of the Wei Kingdom, came up to pick a leader, who would be convinced?

Qi is not convinced, Chu is not convinced.

The world is not convinced.

Then, the interests represented by this "leader", can you, a Wei country that is not among the top six in the world, hold it?

If you don't have the strength to win the championship at all, but you win the championship in the end, then you are not worthy of virtue.

The so-called "virtue does not match, there will be disasters."

It was a misfortune rather than a blessing for Yan Shaofei to win the top prize under such circumstances.

So when he hung up his sword and left, Wu Xun readily accepted it.

Although Yan Shaofei had an appointment with Emperor Wei in Wei State earlier, and wanted to take back the first prize.

But the monarchs and ministers of the Wei Kingdom did not actually have this hope. In fact, their bottom line was to enter the main match, and their expectation was only the quarterfinals.

It was already a surprise that Yan Shaofei was ranked among the top four in the foreign building field.

In order to obtain the corresponding resources in a safe and secure manner, one has to prepare well.

Now that even the leader in hand has given up, who would have the nerve to embarrass your top four resources?

As for Wu Xun returning the sword to Yan Shaofei...

This Guanhetai is not only a meeting of the proud, but also a meeting of all nations.

It's not just Tianjiao who wants to compete for fame.

Why are so many Tianjiao swearing to the death, committing their promising lives to this short battle, betting on the martial arts stage?

Because they represent not only themselves, but also the country behind them.

Honor is sometimes more important than winning or losing.

Therefore, Bai Yuxia from Yue Kingdom refused to "pick up" a place in the main match.

Therefore, Cao Jie, the dignified real person, deliberately made things difficult for a small sympathy. It's not embarrassing to touch pity, embarrassing Xia Guoer.

Wu Xun is a dignified general of the Wei State, of course he understands this truth.

Wei Guozhi's reputation, he has to maintain it all the time.

Don't say it's just a proud sword that has been given long ago, even if there are ten famous swords in the world, he will give it away when it's time to give it away, without frowning.

When Yan Shaofei's back disappeared outside the pillar of heaven and earth.

Only then did people realize that another new problem had emerged——

Who is the leader of the outer buildings of this year's Yellow River Meeting?

Yan Shaofei, the only one who won the qualification, claimed to be number three in the world. There is no doubt that the number one can only be produced in Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun.

To some extent, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun represent two extremes.

They are two completely different types of arrogance.

Dou Zhao only picked one supernatural seed and one fighting golden body, but he developed it to the extreme. Relying on his outstanding combat talent, he has perfectly mastered the seven fighting styles, mastered swordsmanship, condensed the way of fighting, and achieved the supreme combat power of the outer building.

And Chongxuan Zun almost represents the highest achievement of the inner mansion of supernatural powers. He possesses the heavenly mansion, and the five mansions take off the five supernatural powers. Every supernatural power has been developed to the extreme, and by virtue of this, he has become an arrogance. After stepping into the outer building, he also possesses the top combat power of the outer building.

In terms of supernatural powers, no matter how strong the Dou Zhan Golden Body is, it cannot compare with Chong Xuanzun's supernatural powers of the Five Houses.

In terms of fist and foot weapons, Chong Xuan Zun and Dou Zhao... are not comparable at all.

Although his technique of smashing people with the sun wheel is precise and ruthless, it is really difficult to compare with the top Tianjiao. The fist of the five supernatural powers is also stronger than Dao Tu and the light of the five supernatural powers. Even his best swordsmanship failed to reach Gan Changan's level. It is only under the impetus of the supernatural power of cutting delusion, and controlling the sun, moon and star three-wheel saber, stacked with the power of heavy mystery, that it is as terrifying as the five declines of heaven and man.

Both sides are in the field of their own advantages, to achieve the ultimate.

Looking at all the performances in the entire Wailou field, they can be said to be on par.

Whether it is fighting will or fighting talent, there is nothing to criticize.

In the one-on-one confrontation, they also fought to the last moment and ended in a tie.

However, Wu Wu is second, how can there be a tie for the top in the world?

Yu Yi didn't think about it for long.

He rescued Dou Zhao, who was almost beheaded, and Chong Xuanzun, who was about to fail, dispersed his light, and stood with his hands behind his back.

He said to the crowd: "Yan Shaofei voluntarily gave up the competition and was willing to be third. Then Qi Guozhong Xuanzun and Chu Guodou Zhao are tied for second place in the Yellow River Huiwailou. This year's Wailou... has no leader!"

This is a somewhat regrettable, but also in line with the rules of the results.

As the host of the main game of the Yellow River Club, Yu Yu only needs to be responsible for the rules of the Yellow River Club.

In fact, purely in terms of rules, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun have already lost.

It was only because the Wei people knew how to advance and retreat that such a result appeared.

On occasions like the Yellow River Meeting, it is even more impossible to wait for Dou Zhao and Chongxuan Zun to recover from their injuries before fighting again.

Yu Xi's words came out of his mouth, which was the final outcome.

After saying this, he looked around for a week, and only said: "Tomorrow, the inner government will compete for the top spot!"

Then he turned around and disappeared on the martial arts stage.

On the martial arts stage, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun were lying on one side, both dying.

Based on the rules of the Yellow River Meeting, Yu Yu saved their lives, but it was impossible to expend a lot of energy to completely recover from their injuries.

This is the business of Qi and Chu.

Of course, there is no need for anyone to urge.

The performance of Chongxuan Zun and Dou Zhao today undoubtedly won everyone's respect.

Their future can also be expected to be dazzling, and they are all the treasures of their respective countries.

Almost as soon as Yu Chi left, the powerhouses of Qi and Chu countries rushed onto the stage of martial arts.

Cao Jie, the commander of the Great Qi Chun's dead army, carried Chongxuanzun off the martial arts stage, while Wu Xi, the commander of the Great Chu's evil face army, healed Dou Zhaolai on the martial arts stage.

In short, one is more important than the other.

Of course, Wu Xi quickly left with Dou Zhao, because Xian Nankui stepped forward and said that he would hurry up and determine the last place in the Neifu field...

However, after the battle of Tianjiao in the Wailou, the final selection of the quota did not attract too many people's attention.

Having already seen the extremely splendid scenery, it is really hard to arouse interest when looking back at the trials in Neifu Field.

Even Jiang Wang got up and left his seat, planning to recuperate and prepare for tomorrow's main game.

And at some point, the six supreme Dharma figures standing side by side with the pillar of Liuhe also disappeared.

Looking around, the pillars of heaven and earth are still in the middle of the two pillars, which is still in a trance, and it is not clear.

As for that Mr. Ao, he no longer exists, only the Chinese chair is empty.

Quite a feeling that the chapter is like a dream and a blank paper.



But when Chongxuanzun was carried off the martial arts platform by Cao Jun, a group of concerned people immediately rushed up from Qi State.

There were not a few people from Qi who came to watch the ceremony, such as Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, and the others, and it was inevitable that they were worried about their country's arrogance at this moment. It's pride and worry.

Wang Yiwu was the first to rush to Cao Jie's side. If he didn't know Cao Jie's ability, he would have wished to help him.

Chong Xuansheng held Chong Xuan Zun's hand emotionally, with tears in his eyes, and his voice was full of emotion: "Brother, I will take care of the family affairs. You have no worries!"

Zhong Xuanzun's injury almost healed on the spot.

I don't have a single chapter saved.

Now it is written on the same day and repaired on the same day. Allow me to make up for a few days.

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