Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1150 ?

Chapter 1150

In the spectator seats, Helian Yunyun sat gracefully.

At this time, she was quite dignified and majestic, watching the battle on the martial arts stage without saying a word.

In fact, she was pinching herself hard with her nails to keep herself from jumping up and cheering—after all, her mother, the great Empress of the Mu Kingdom, had already arrived here.

How to pursue Zhao Rucheng in private is her own business.

If you are shameless in front of the world...

The apple of the eye is likely to turn into a pill of mud under the feet.

So she is dignified, she sits firmly, unmoved by the wind.

Sitting next to her was a... nun wearing a bamboo hat and a black veil.

The thick black linen monk robe was so loose that people could not see his figure clearly.

Yesterday, Helian Yunyun was still sitting dignifiedly alone, so this nun in black who was tightly covered only came today.

I haven't spoken since the beginning, only when I saw Deng Qi's sword finger, I was a little surprised and asked: "You, Mu Guo, still have such a killing method with a deep Buddhist charm?"

It was inevitable that she would be surprised.

A kingdom of gods like Muguo is very resistant to external supernatural powers.

It is impossible for Confucianism to open an academy in Muguo, let alone Buddhism, which also has strong religious significance.

"My Great Shepherd Empire has a vast land and rich resources, the strong are like clouds, and the arrogance is like rain. Is there any way to kill?"

Helian Yunyun waved his hand indifferently: "It's not surprising."

On the opposite stand, Song Guo's Chen Siwu also frowned.

Tianjiao who can represent Muguo in the Yellow River meeting must be good. No matter how strong it is, it is acceptable.

Jin Ge, who was born in the famous Jin family, was already famous for his violent killing power. This Deng Qi can replace Jin Ge before the start of the race, and his strength is definitely not weak.

He will never underestimate.

Song Guo has no right to underestimate Mu Guo.

What made him frown was that Deng Qi had learned so many things. Up to now, neither the power of the divine religion nor the unique skills of any true blood family of Muguo have been shown, not even one of the well-known secret arts of the Muking family.

They used some unpopular, unpopular, and even unheard of secret killing methods.

Such as Geng Jin Jianqi, I know quite a few people. There are also many killing methods based on Gengjin sword energy.

But to be able to be so pure and sharp, and to use it to such a state of gathering and dispersing, and changing... Deng Qi's killing method is terrifying, but I don't know what it is called, and who inherited it.

And the little Wuxiang Sword Finger that he is using now has the magic of Buddhism and Taoism. It was created by a strong man who entered the Tao from the Buddha, but it has been passed down thousands of years ago.

Chen Siwu also saw the record in an ancient book before he was able to recognize it.

How many trump cards like this do Deng Qi have?

He himself is proficient in all six arts, and achieved Taoism with the five shooting rituals of "Bai Shi, Shen Lian, Shan Zhu, Xiang Chi, and Jing Yi". (yan)

It can be regarded as a well-read book, and the practice is very complicated.

But this Deng Qi, he can't see through it at all...

You can't see through the master's inheritance, and you can't see through the relying on it. It seemed that everything about this person was hidden under that weird bronze mask...

And the possibilities are endless.

He shook his head.

Facing such an arrogant person, Yin Wenhua has no chance.

Song Foreign Court did not enter the quarterfinals, and now Neifu Court will also fall to the first round of the main match.

The pressure on him suddenly increased...

Song Guo's strongest Tianjiao had already made a judgment outside the court, but Yin Wenhua himself of course disagreed.

In other words, no matter who denies him, he only asks his own Candle Sword for answers.

Deng Qi's Xiao Wuxiang pointed out the flower sword, instantly clearing the martial arts arena.

It was too late for Yin Wenhua to continue the Qingming sword's second change, so he directly held the Zhuming sword upside down!

The so-called "candle light in a dark room", this sword is the sword of burying one's head in classics, studying and seeking knowledge. Of course, he is also determined to forge ahead and be firm as the same.

It is listed in the list of famous utensils in the Song Dynasty.

He has used this sword to defend himself since he was a child, and he has long been connected with each other.

When Changfeng held his back, suddenly a blazing light shot up into the air, heading straight for Deng Qi.

The sword energy is like a rainbow!

The Qingming Sword has three seasons.

The first time you wait for Tong Shihua;

Now is the third time.

The sun is covered by the sun, and the Changhong runs through the top!

The sky is also opened, the distance does not exist, and the air is pierced through. The sword descends like a divine light, and in the eyes of the observers, there is only a brilliant and startling rainbow! Dazzling and eye-catching!


Deng Qi's five fingers that bloom like flowers are like playing the piano on a summer night, like playing a zither in autumn, and they are picking flowers in spring, which is very beautiful. Full of leisure. Unknowingly, he made a mistake and pinched that Changhong in his hand!

Nianhua five fingers hold Changhong.

The scene is so beautiful it's almost like a poem.

Intoxicating and amazing!

Flowers bloom and fade, fate arises and fate dies.

Xiao Wuxiang picked up the flower sword finger and crushed the sword Qi Changhong!

And at this time.

Deng Qi, who was strolling forward, and Yin Wenhua, who was striding forward, met in the middle of the martial arts stage!

Since the start of the war, there have been several rounds of confrontation. But it was the first time for them to bully each other to such a distance.

This distance is very subtle.

Candlelight Sword, the sword is three and a half feet long.

This is the distance that a sword can kill!

So as soon as the Qingming sword's sword Qi Changhong shattered, Yin Wenhua's sword momentum changed again, and he turned around and cut open with a sword!

The sword rises like a wild goose, and the sword sings like a black bird.

The air roared, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

Swan geese chirp, mysterious birds chirp, hundreds of birds sing!

The supernatural power of Kongming Jianxin not only greatly helps the practice of swordsmanship, but also has an immediate effect in the attack. The style is pure, whatever you want.

Bailujian also has three waiting times.

Wait for the swan geese to come, wait for the black birds to return, and wait for the flock of birds to raise their shame.

Yin Wenhua swung his sword three times, directly pushing the sword to its peak!

All of a sudden, a hundred birds sang together and flew around Deng Qi. Each other pecked and fell, overturned like rain.

The entire Martial Arts Arena was filled with the sword light of the Candle Bright Sword. The sky and the earth are filled with the sword energy of the Bailu Sword,

This sword simply destroyed the vision and wiped out the senses. People can only see the white dew and only treat the birds.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like a hundred birds facing a phoenix.

Those who are not phoenixes who are subject to the court will die!

The terrifying sword intent, sword energy, and sword light have completely enveloped Deng Qi.

But this is not the end.

The true meaning of this sword lies in...

"Flocks of birds store food for the winter solstice!"

So the real killer move is actually another sword of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword——

Winter Solstice Sword!

Yin Wenhua used the Bailu sword to build momentum, and the Winter Solstice sword as the winner. It is in line with the principle of succession of autumn and winter, and it is also the way of natural rotation.

If you have not thoroughly practiced the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword Code, you will definitely not be able to do this.

When the Bailu Sword reaches its peak, the power of that Winter Solstice Sword will be terrifyingly strong!

Truly achieve "one sword makes the winter solstice, and everything withers".

Back then, Yao Fu's battle for fame, the master of Longmen Mountain, was a sword that changed the world, turned midsummer into winter, and withered all his opponents.

Of course Yin Wenhua couldn't do that step, but he thought to himself that if he killed the world within three steps, it shouldn't be a big problem.

This is the lore potential.


Deng Qi's sloppy footsteps suddenly turned around.

He walked very strangely, obviously he took a step to the right, but when he landed, he avoided the surging sword energy and light, and stepped within three feet of Yin Wenhua!

What kind of footwork is this?

As soon as this idea came to Yin Wenhua's mind, he suddenly saw the phantom of a golden-winged roc flying towards him!

This bird feeds on dragons. Although it is not a phoenix, it is also safe from all kinds of birds.

Looking closely, it is a holy and brilliant golden sword finger!

Fast, too fast!

As soon as the eyes caught the finger, the sword finger of this style had already touched the forehead!

The white dew is not over, and the winter solstice is still to come.

The timing of this finger cutting in was perfect, interrupting Xia Dong's continuation and stopping the momentum of lore.

The severe pain spread in an instant.

Only then did Yin Wenhua feel the pain, and a cloud of clear light had already enveloped him.

Yu Yi made a move...

Yu Yi judged that he was in danger of death!

Yin Wenhua lost all his strength in an instant, and could only watch helplessly as the two sword-like fingers made of gold... were slowly pulled out from the wound between his eyebrows.

How can I lose?

he thinks.

I have mastered the twenty-four solar terms sword, which is unparalleled in the same situation.

Dou Zhao can push the world horizontally with the seven fighting styles, and Shanzhu's 24 solar terms sword is also the best in the world.

How could I...

Fell in the first round of the race.

Leaving home since childhood, abandoning the life of rich clothes and fine food, and studying in Longmen Academy. Practice morning and evening exercises every day, and never dare to slack off.

From a stumbling child, all the way to the present, he has become the pride of the family, and stepped on the Guanhe Terrace on behalf of the Song Dynasty.

Those cold nights practicing swords, those early mornings studying hard...

Is that enough to get here?

My twenty-four solar terms sword has only used four swords.

The owner of the mountain always said that there is even more arrogance among the arrogance, and there are mountains higher than mountains.

I'm here...

Yin Wenhua had a very cool feeling.

For some reason, the blood flowing from between the eyebrows...

It wasn't even warm.

Maybe it's because...


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