Red Heart Survey

Chapter 116 Respect

Jiang Wang and the others left the gate of the Criminal Investigation Department, and Shan Cha came out again, holding his hands behind his back and not saying a word.

"Boss." His confidants followed in a low voice: "Are we going to let these Taoist boys be so arrogant?"

"Isn't it because you are ineffective? Investigating individual cases has been slow, but there is no result! Otherwise, how can they intervene?"

Generally, only the cases that the Criminal Investigation Department failed to handle will appear on the honor list. This is to avoid ambiguity of authority.

"These Taoist disciples are spoiled and spoiled, and they know what to investigate?" The subordinate said disdainfully: "Let them go to work for nothing!"

Shan Cha didn't express his opinion, but called monk Diao Shaomei to come over and scolded him again, and then asked Jiang Wang about the details of his question before waving him to leave.

"We've always been the only ones who are arrogant. How can we be stepped on? Fenglin City Taoist Temple has become more and more unsightly since Dong A's stinky stone came." Shan Cha said coldly. Said: "Chief Ji is going to inspect the county recently, when his old man comes to Fenglin City, who are we afraid of?"

After all, his level is not enough, and he didn't know that Ji Xuan had already come, and was humiliated and left by Song Hengjiang on the Qingjiang River.

"That's right!" The subordinates echoed repeatedly.

Shan Cha snorted again and said: "The Zhao family moved to this city not long ago. They are so rich that they may not be innocent. In the past few years, they have been honest and filial. Let's just turn a blind eye. Now Zhao The surname Xiao'er is so arrogant, so check the details of his family. You can't help but check!"

Although the Criminal Investigation Division is only in charge of extraordinary cases, who has the final say if it is extraordinary or not?

Because there are overlapping areas of ownership, generally where the city lord is strong, the Criminal Investigation Department cooperates with the city lord. Where the city lord is weak, the criminal investigation department is independent.

But in Qinghe County, because of the strength of the head of the department, Ji Xuan, the criminal investigation departments in the major cities in the county basically have a little bit of autonomy, and everyone is well-fed and healthy.

"Your subordinate obeys!" His confidant couldn't help but smirked, and began to figure out how much soup he could drink along with him.


Diao Shaomei's evaluation of the task was in line with the procedures, without any selfishness, and there was no such thing as deliberate murder.

At least that's the result of Jiang Wang's investigation.

The mission at that time was caused by the murder of a family in Dujia Town.

No matter how judged from the traces at the scene, the murderer's cultivation base was no higher than the ninth rank Traveling Pulse Realm. Diao Shaomei rated this task as the eighth rank because of the uncertainty of Zuo Dao's whereabouts and the various events that happened in Fenglin city area some time ago, which has increased the risk space.

As for the Fenglin City Daoist Academy, there are two eighth-rank Zhoutianjing and three ninth-rank Youmaijing. With such a configuration, it is almost guaranteed to complete tasks of this level.

But it turned out to be the most serious battle damage for the disciples of Fenglin City Taoist Academy since Xiaolin Town. A total of four Taoist disciples died. You know, in previous years, there were only about ten disciples absorbed by the inner sect of Fenglin City Daoist Academy every year.

Every Taoist disciple is the foundation of the country. This is also the reason why the Fenglin City Taoist Academy attached great importance to this matter and sent Jiang Wang and others to investigate after the investigation by the Criminal Investigation Department failed.

Coming out of the Criminal Investigation Department, Jiang Wang's third stop was the land of the Zhang clan.

This is the result of discussions between the three, and their thinking is very clear.

From Fang Heling to the Criminal Police Department, Zhang Xizhi is next. That is, the captain in charge of that mission.

Although he is dead, his message is not dead.

Among his family and friends, there is still a Zhang Xizhi in his memory.

The Criminal Investigation Division is just to the north of the City Lord's Mansion, not too far from the City Lord's Mansion, and close to Qingmu Avenue.

From the geographical point of view, coming out of the Fang clan, first go to the Zhang clan, and then go to the criminal investigation department, which is relatively easy.

But Jiang Wang and the others still chose to detour, because the actual order is more important than the geographical order.

The Zhang family seems to be the head of the three surnames now, but when they walked into their clan land, they didn't feel any arrogance. On the contrary, the members of the Zhang family met along the way were very courteous, and after learning that they were disciples of the Taoist academy, someone took the initiative to lead them the way.

Jiang Wang and the others divided into three groups and went to Zhang Xizhi's house, Zhang Xizhi's best friend's house, and the patriarch's house respectively.

What Jiang looked at was the patriarch's house.

Going to Zhangxi's home will definitely get the most clues, and Zhao Rucheng is the person who will least lose these clues.

In terms of seniority, the patriarch of the Zhang clan should be Zhang Linchuan's grandparents, but he is not in the same line as Zhang Linchuan.

Of course, with Zhang Linchuan's current strength, he naturally belongs to the direct lineage. Even if it wasn't for his ambition, he would be the next patriarch.

Jiang Wang is a rookie who has gained a reputation in Fenglin City Taoist Academy. The patriarch of the Zhang clan specially took the time to help him sort out the relevant situation of Zhang Xizhi to support his mission.

The two chatted for a while, without much gain. Jiang Wang was about to leave when he suddenly heard a voice from outside. "Master Linchuan is back!"

Zhang Linchuan walked into the courtyard stepping on his voice, and first saluted the Zhang clan chief: "Linchuan, come and say hello to Grandpa Tang."

The etiquette is thoughtful.

The patriarch of the Zhang clan sat upright, raised his hand and smiled kindly: "You have worked hard in cultivation, and it is not easy to come back, so you don't have to come to see me every time."

"It should." Zhang Linchuan smiled and greeted Jiang Wang again: "Junior Brother Jiang, is this a guest at my house?"

Jiang Wang couldn't help it, he stood up early, and said with a wry smile: "Isn't he assigned a task? I don't know if it's the meaning of Vice President Song or the meaning of Dong Yuan."

It was impossible for him to ask Dong A about this, and Dong A would not talk to him. Dong A is the principal of the Taoist monastery, not someone's wet nurse.

"Oh?" Zhang Linchuan said with great interest, "Is there any difference?"

A big difference! If it is Dong A, it is important. If it was Song Qifang, then maybe he was looking for trouble.

"It's nothing." When it came to the friction with Song Qifang, Jiang Wang couldn't say more, so he said, "I came here empty-handed today, so it's inconvenient to bother me. After I'm done with this mission, I'll find Senior Brother Zhang for a drink next time."

"Okay." Zhang Linchuan smiled, and said goodbye to the old patriarch: "Grandpa Tang, then I will go home first."

The old man smiled and said: "Go, go, you kept your mother waiting for a long time, and you should blame me later."

The next time when adults don't have a specific time in their mouths is generally equivalent to no.


Zhang Linchuan came out of the patriarch's courtyard and walked to his home. Along the way, the clansmen who greeted him also nodded in response. It's just that the handkerchief covering his mouth has never been removed. The clansmen didn't mind it, they all knew his clean nature.

Zhang Linchuan's house is not too big, but the courtyard is surrounded by inside and outside, and it is by no means shabby. His father was known as a steward in the family. He didn't have many things to do, but he had a lot of money.

With Zhang Linchuan's current strength and future prospects, no one in the whole family will treat his family members badly.

Before entering the courtyard, servants greeted him.

"Master, you are back. Let's eat now? Master and Madam are waiting!"

As early as when he stepped into the clan's land, the home should have been prepared.

Zhang Linchuan nodded, and walked to the warming room where he had dinner.

Sure enough, his parents sat at the head of the dinner table and waited for him.

Zhang's father has an old-fashioned temperament. He is happy to see his son, but he doesn't show too much on his face. He just said indifferently: "Sit down."

Instead, his mother smiled at him, and moved a plate of perch to his place: "Linchuan, try it."

Zhang Linchuan walked to his seat, glanced at the stool, and couldn't help wiping the oil stains on it with a handkerchief—it should have been accidentally dripped when serving—then he rolled the handkerchief together and put it aside.

He soon heard his father's angry voice: "What's the matter with you? I said that Linchuan came back for dinner today, and I want you to order the servants to clean it up. You can't even clean a stool!"

The mother's voice was still aggrieved: "I cleaned it up several times inside and out..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Linchuan smoothed things over with a smile, "Let's eat."

A family of three sits and eats together, cutting the entire round table into three equal portions, with one person occupying a corner.

Respect each other as guests.

Thanks to book friend Ulie 123, book friend A Zhan, book friend Wu Qinghan, and book friend Wu Qinghan for their rewards!

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