Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1164 Emperor Sword

The spine is a dragon!

Even for ordinary people, it is the backbone of the whole body.

Before Daomai Tenglong, Tongtian Palace will be raised here.

The Sea of ​​Spines, also known as the Tongtian Sea.

The spine of the human body has thirty-three sections, one section corresponds to one heaven.

Every time a martial artist takes a step, he breaks through a layer of heaven.

Of course, this correspondence is the same as the correspondence between the five zang organs and the five mansions, which is relatively illusory and not specific.

But because of the existence of this correspondence.

Therefore, although no one has ever reached the end of martial arts, not even a martial artist who has reached the twenty-seventh heaven, the great martial artists firmly believe that there is still the supreme scenery of the thirty-third heaven.

The importance of the spine cannot be overstated.

Now, Zhao Rucheng has pulled out a brilliant long sword from his spine.

He held the sword vertically, standing in front of his body, the hilt pointed to the ground, resting on his lower abdomen, the tip of the sword pointed to the sky, and went over the black hair.

The sword was parallel to the bridge of his nose, dividing his perfect face into two equal halves.

After the bright light dissipated, people were able to see clearly what the sword looked like.

This sword is fully five feet long.

The spine of the sword is wide and thick, and the blade is split in two.

There are complex lines on the sword, which seem to be natural sword lines, but they are vaguely different figures, doing different things, pointing to all living beings.

There are only extremely narrow, black and bright fronts on both sides.

This sword is peaceful and noble.

It seems that there is no murderous intent at all, but it also ignores life and death.

This sword... is the Son of Heaven Sword!

The secret biography of the Great Qin Imperial Family.

In all ages, only princes could repair it.

Since Yingzhang killed Emperor Huai of Qin in Xianyang Palace, this supernatural sword has been lost.

At the beginning of the practice of this sword, it will disperse the dragon energy in Tongtianhai. Diving in the deep sea, the scales and armor are darkened, and the claws and teeth are all drawn.

After the cultivator's Taoism Tenglong and Tongtian Palace leave the spine, he gathers the dragon's energy and turns into a dragon, and the dragon dives out of the abyss to replace it.

In other words, for ordinary practitioners, after the Dao Mai Tenglong entered the Wufu Sea, the Tongtian Sea was already empty. The person who cultivates the Tianzi Sword still has a big dragon, which is raised in the Tongtian Sea.

Run the secret method every day, overturning the sky and the sea.

When the cultivator knocks open the inner palace, he sharpens a supernatural power seed as a sword tool, returns from Wufuhai to Tongtianhai, and fills it with dragon energy. In this way, it becomes the Tianzi Sword!

This sword system is based on the five elements, and its theory is based on punishment and morality; opening is based on yin and yang, holding is based on spring and summer, and walking is based on autumn and winter. This sword has no front, no upper lift, no lower case, no side to luck. Go up to the floating clouds and go down to the Jedi era. Once this sword is used, the princes will be conquered by the world!

Perhaps it was because he felt the supernatural sword of the Son of Heaven that Emperor Qin opened his mouth.

In other words, because of the birth of the supernatural sword, Zhao Rucheng's identity after Emperor Huai could no longer be concealed, and must be exposed to the eyes of the world.

Only then did Emperor Qin speak out.

The mind of the supreme being is as deep as the sea, and only he himself can know how to think about it.

The listener can only prostrate and listen carefully, trying to figure it out carefully.

"Difficulties and hardships, Yuru Yucheng."

Qin Tianzi's voice said: "What a Zhao Rucheng!"

There is no joy or sorrow in this voice, there is still only endless majesty.

A vast and boundless female voice, as tall as a cloud, answered, "Tianzi Qin is absurd."

Empress of the Shepherd Kingdom!

Tianjiao, who represented Muguo in the battle at Guanhetai, had already expressed his attitude of "devote himself to Muguo and fight for the country".

Then, as the Son of Heaven Mu, it is only natural for the Supreme Being to give him support.

These words are ordinary, but in the tone, it seems that Zhao Rucheng is really regarded as the pride of his country.

There is no word of maintenance, but every word is maintenance.

In the spectator seats, Helian Yunyun let go of his tightly clenched hands. Only then did I realize that my palms were soaked in sweat.

Even with her status and her degree of favor, she couldn't really influence the will of Emperor Mu. Just wait and accept.

And Zhao Rucheng, bet right!

Jiang Wang sat silently under the martial arts stage, feeling the coercion like mountains and seas cast by Qin Tianzi in just a few words. Feeling the determination and courage shown by my fifth younger brother, who was once a childish boy, now on the stage of the world.

The feeling in his heart is beyond words!

Qin Tianzi stopped talking.

Emperor Mu also fell silent.

A huge turmoil subsided for a short time.

It is unknown what kind of turbulent waves will be set off in the hearts of the spectators.

And the semi-finals in the Neifu court of the Yellow River Club is not over yet.

Zhao Rucheng kept saying that His Majesty saw Emperor Qin, of course it couldn't be facing Emperor Qin with a sword.

Even on this river viewing platform, when the world is watching, he still needs to be careful.

If you really dare to disrespect Emperor Qin.

No one can keep him.

When the emperor of the overlord country was angry, he could not stop destroying the mountains, nor could the water pouring down the river be calmed down.

So from the beginning to the end, he stared at Huang Sheli and his opponent at the Yellow River Meeting.

To illustrate with practical actions, he participated in an ancient duel that has been passed down by the human race for many years on this sacred river viewing platform.

Compete for courage, wisdom, honor.

He displayed this supernatural power of the Emperor's Sword as the first return gift to today's Qin imperial family.

In this way, "Your Majesty sees Emperor Qin".

And this sword was of course directed at Huang Sheli!

If he wants to be the best in the world, he must pass the semi-finals.

However, as soon as Lei Yinta's supernatural power came out, Huang Sheli was almost invincible.

All his swords and secret techniques were unable to break through the Leiyin Pagoda in a short time.

But Huang Sheli was able to attack with all his strength under the protection of Lei Yinta.

Bodhi's supernatural powers are not inferior to his consonant supernatural powers.

Huang Sheli's fighting talent will never lose to him, so in this case, he has little chance of winning.

So he resolutely pulled out the Son of Heaven Sword, and fought with the sword of supernatural power.

This sword was supposed to be reserved for the championship.

At the peak of the entire Yellow River meeting, use this sword to meet Qin Tianzi.

Winning the title with one sword, proclaiming to the world that he, Zhao Rucheng, will walk under the blue sky and white sun from now on... This is the real reward he imagined.

But the meeting of the Yellow River is worthy of being a meeting where the prides of the nations compete, and the stars are shining. He had only reached the semi-finals, and the Huang Sheli he met already made him have to use the Tianzi Sword.

Now that he has used the supernatural sword of the Son of Heaven, he has no reason to fail.

Holding the Divine Power Heavenly Sword upright like this, he strode forward.

At this moment, he abandoned the Great Five Elements Chaotian Step.

Holding the sword of the emperor, step on the majestic and righteous way. The front is the front, and the back is the back.

But the speed was even faster, one step was in front of Huang Sheli, and the sword fell!

When the Son of Heaven comes, all the people avoid the way!

The five-foot-long Shentong Tianzi Sword fell down, like a mountain crashing to the ground.

And Huang Sheli is the one who stood before the fallen mountain.

Welcome ten thousand people like a mayfly!

What do you mean by "straightness without front, lift without precedence, case with no bottom, and luck with no side"?

In front, above, below, around.

Nothing stands in the way!

Not because there is no one to stop, not because there is no power to stop.

But no matter who, no matter what power, can't stop it, doesn't exist, it's all "nothing"!

With a sword from the emperor, the princes were overwhelmed.

The supernatural power of the emperor's sword cuts forward with one sword——

The sound of thunder stops, and the light of thunder stops.

The supernatural thunder sound tower hanging above Huang Sheli's head collapsed!



ps: "This sword system is based on the five elements, and the theory is based on punishment..." - "Speaking of the Sword" Zhuangzi

Thanks to book friend iloveyouting for becoming the leader of this book!

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