Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1166 ?

Chapter 1166

Huang Sheli of the Five Mansions and Four Divine Abilities, her fourth divine ability hidden until the end, turned out to be a supernatural power like Ni Lu!

It actually has the great power to walk in the long river of time and reverse time!

Looking at the entire meeting of the Yellow River, it can be said that the arrogance of heaven is like a cloud, and the stars are shining.

All kinds of powerful supernatural powers are countless and complement each other.

But Nilv is still the only one of all the supernatural powers that has appeared in front of people so far!

There is no single supernatural power that can compare with it!

The moment Zhao Rucheng fell down, Helian Yunyun in Muguo's auditorium immediately stood up, but there was a figure who was faster than her——

Jiang Wang, who was in the audience, jumped onto the martial arts stage in one step.

Because Yu Yu has already intervened in the battle, the outcome has already been decided.

Although it hasn't had time to announce the result, Jiang Wang is not overstepping the rules.

He appeared next to Zhao Rucheng, kneeling on the ground, reaching out his hand to cover Zhao Rucheng's neck that had been smashed in half, but afraid of affecting the clear light, he trembled and dared not approach.

For some unknown reason, Yu Xi, who was still off the court, said lightly: "I can't die."

Then he proclaimed: "The winner, Jing Guo Huang Sheli!"

The outcome is fixed.

Zhao Rucheng lay on his back on the ground.

After he lost his ability to resist, the Divine Power Heavenly Sword had returned to Tongtianhai.

The imprint of the yellow-faced Buddha's smiling face on his forehead has long been washed away, but there is still a shallow dent, and the three blood lines winding down have not been wiped away, and have dried up at this time.

He has long hair. Amidst the neatness, there was a hint of ferocity.

Jiang Wang had never seen Zhao Rucheng like this.

It took two years to sculpt this face to perfection.

No matter where you go, no matter what you do, this face always wins more attention and wonder.

Once they acted heroically in Qingshan Town and rescued a woman who was molested by the evil boy. Dujian repelled Jiang Wang, who was helping Young Master Evil, and said something like a grass ring in the next life. Finally, he said to Zhao Rucheng, who didn't make a move, but only scolded Young Master Evil, "There is no way to repay a great kindness, but to die with your own body." Promise"...

No wonder Du Yehu always wanted to throw his fist at this face.

Now this face, this person, is staring blankly at the sky.

He was probably still thinking about how he lost.

This has nothing to do with wisdom, because he has already made a choice in line with his own wisdom during the battle. Smart people are often even more conceited. No matter what you think, you shouldn't lose.

Nilu's supernatural powers acted on the martial arts platform, and reversed the time between him and Huang Sheli.

But it didn't affect anything outside of the Yanwu stage... and it was impossible to affect outside of the Yanwu stage.

Not to mention the six supreme beings, just those strong men from various countries in the stands, who can Huang Sheli change the time?

It's just that those who are in it, those who are swept by time, are inevitably ignorant.

As the owner of supernatural powers, Huang Sheli wandered through time, while Zhao Rucheng, as the reversed person, still stayed at the moment when he swung the knife.

He couldn't understand why he was suddenly informed of his choice, and was beaten to death when he was caught off guard. You know, Huang Sheli suddenly called out the Leiyin Pagoda, and knocked on his face abruptly, he dodged to escape, but also lost most of his strength. Why at this time, it was completely controlled by the opponent...

Until I heard Yu Yu's announcement.

His eyes dimmed.

don't think about it anymore...

Victory or defeat is the result.

But the eyeballs moved.

Then he saw Jiang Wang.

That familiar, gentle, delicate and firm face, with sharp edges and corners that have been honed by time.

Unique style.

I have observed it quietly many times before, but at this moment, looking at it from such a close distance, this person is really handsome.

In terms of appearance, it can be ranked second among the Fenglin Five Heroes.

At that time, Jiang Wang was looking down at him, with concern and worry that could not be concealed on his face.

His eyes sparkled again.

"Ginger... ginger..."

Because half of his neck was smashed, even with the help of Yu Xi Qingguang to recover, it was still difficult for him to speak.


he laughed.

This smile is really charming.

This peerless handsome man was lying on the ground dying of serious injuries, with a miserable smile.

What a moving scenery this is?

Heartbreaking and intoxicating.

As the winner, Huang Sheli couldn't help but take a step to this side, but at least he remembered that he beat him like this... and retracted his legs embarrassingly.

Jiang Wang reached out and gently supported Zhao Rucheng's upper body, so that he could speak more smoothly.

"Sorry for what?" He asked softly.

He always does. For relatives and friends, always be tolerant. Been deceived and still believe. I have seen the darkness, but I am not stained by the darkness.

Zhao Rucheng closed his eyes slowly, then opened them again, looking at him.

With injuries on his body and a smile in his eyes.

"I said I was here to win the title, I said I was going to take on everything, I was bragging...I didn't do it."

Jiang Wang looked into his eyes and said nothing else.

Only said: "You have to know who is brother."

Zhao Rucheng then laughed again, and with a smile, he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood and spurted it out.

He wanted to turn his head, but he had no strength after all.

Blood sprayed onto Jiang Wang's green shirt.

This sense of powerlessness, not being able to control himself, made him suffer.


He obviously didn't allow himself to be powerless anymore!

Jiang Wang followed his sudden pained eyes, looked down, and said, "Like a plum blossom."

Zhao Rucheng's eyes seemed to be in a trance. In this trance, he saw the spots of blood spattered on Sange Jiang's green shirt, which really bloomed like a red plum blossom.

He wanted to laugh again.


At this moment, a very gentle female voice sounded.

Jiang Wang looked up, and saw a pair of blue eyes, very beautiful.

The owner of these eyes seems to be an extremely gentle woman. He even spoke softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing anyone.

"I'm Helian Yunyun, the princess of Muguo, Rucheng's friend."

A woman in a traditional prairie dress pointed at Zhao Rucheng in his arms: "I'll let someone take care of his injuries, okay?"

As she spoke, she squatted down on the other side of Zhao Rucheng, with a gentle and friendly smile on her face, and stretched out her hands, beckoning Jiang Wang to hand him over to her.

Yu Wenduo, who rushed up after him, was dumbfounded. When did our Highness Yun become so gentle? Gentle enough to send chills down the spine...

On the river viewing platform, the identity of this woman is naturally not false.

And she is a very smart woman, with a simple sentence, without any aggressiveness, she showed her willingness and ability to treat her, and dispelled Jiang Wang's resistance to the greatest extent.

But Jiang Wang still looked at Zhao Rucheng.

It wasn't until Zhao Rucheng returned affirmative eyes that he half hugged Zhao Rucheng and sent it forward...

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Yu Wenduo, who was full of braided hair, rushed to the front in two steps, slipped and knelt on the ground, eagerly stretched out his hand, took Zhao Rucheng over, and said boldly: "His Royal Highness, leave this rough work to me! Rucheng is my wife, I should also take care of him!"

Because he was afraid of affecting Zhao Rucheng's injury, Jiang Wang didn't dodge much, and let him carry him away—so eager that he almost seemed to be robbing him.

Jiang Wang looked at him with some uneasiness, and then looked at the Princess Muguo with blue eyes.

Helian Yunyun withdrew his hands without a trace, and slowly stood up with a gentle smile on his face: "It's the same for Yu Wenduo, they are also good friends."

Jiang Wang confirmed his eyes to Zhao Rucheng again, and he was relieved.

Seriously bowed to the princess: "My little five, I will trouble you."

Hearing the name 'Little Five', Helian Yunyun's smiling eyes became more gentle: "One family doesn't talk about two families, and it is right to take care of Rucheng. You can come to Mujie to see him later, just mention my name." Go unimpeded."

It seems that Rucheng has also experienced a lot in Muguo, and people treat him as one of his own...

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang felt more sincere in his gratitude.

He kept watching Helian Yunyun and Yu Wenduo go down the stage.




ps: A little easter egg.

Do you still remember Jiang Wang's first sentence when he met Zhao Rucheng after he narrowly escaped death in Sanshan City?

Thank you book friend Mo Xuren for becoming the leader of this book!

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