Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1173 The Immortal Sword

Chapter 1173 The Immortal Sword

The effect of the iron wall supernatural power overlaps with the alchemy supernatural power in terms of cooperating with Yan Luodian.

Lianxu is actually a supernatural power that Qin Zhizhen took off in the Fourth Inner Palace. Originally, before Lianxu failed to achieve it, when Qin Zhizhen encountered difficult enemies, he usually used the iron wall supernatural power as a barrier to serve Yama. Temple fights for time to evolve.

After picking off the Void Refining Ability, Qin Zhizhen developed it to a certain extent, so that the Temple of Yama can manifest in the void, and first of all remain invincible. For the protection of Yan Luodian, it is actually better than the iron wall.

The supernatural power of the iron wall gradually became a means for Qin Zhizhen to easily hide from others.

But it's not that the wall is weak.

In fact, as the supernatural power that Qin Zhizhen picked up in the First Inner Palace, his development of this supernatural power is particularly profound.

As before, I constantly received Bei Gongke's attack with my fist, Ren Er is ever-changing, and I cut it with one fist. It is to implement a part of the understanding of the iron wall supernatural power.

He practiced swordsmanship first, then boxing, and it was hard to meet opponents in both of them. After taking off the iron wall magic power, he once ruled the roost in boxing. Later, when he got the Void Refining Ability, the saber technique surpassed him again.

Refining void into sword, iron wall into fist.

It is beyond the reach of ordinary arrogance.

At this very moment, Qin Zhizhen called out an iron wall, which was impenetrable even by the most lethal nail!

There was a burst of mourning in the Qi State spectator team.

It's over!

At this time, who can not understand that Qin Zhizhen will soon evolve to the final stage of that terrifying supernatural power.

Since Jiang Wang couldn't break the iron wall, he could only passively wait for the final result, waiting for Qin Zhizhen to appear at his peak state and end the battle.

No one doubted that the real body of Emperor Yan Luo, who had evolved to the final stage, would not be strong enough.

How many rounds have the two supreme geniuses on the stage fought for this moment!

It can be seen that both of them regard this as the winner and loser, and they will not give in to each other.

Jiang Wang had the upper hand many times, but in the end it was Qin Zhizhen, who had the same glory of the five houses, with a stronger background and was superior.

At this moment, even Xu Xianggan, who was blindly confident, looked at Li Longchuan eagerly, hoping that Li Longchuan had insight into more details and told him that there was a different possibility.

But Li Longchuan shook his head slightly.

If he is given enough time, his Zhuwei supernatural power can indeed find the weakest place in the iron wall. But at the moment he is off stage and Jiang Wang is on stage, he cannot tell Jiang Wang any information. And the position where Jiang Wang's killing nail was struck... was far from the weakest point.

He even doubted whether Jiang Wang could penetrate the iron wall even if he found the weakest point.

Because the iron wall is actually flawless, the "weakest point" he sees is only relative.

Others felt that the killing nail was invulnerable, and he also recognized that Jiang Wang's incompetence was unmatched in killing power. But in his observation, the most frightening thing when the Killing Nail smashed through the Swallowing Thief's Overlord Body was actually the restraint of the "soul" by the Killing Nail. Look vulnerable.

The killing power of the killing nail is stronger than death and soul killing, not "sharp".

How many people's hearts have been affected by this battle.

Naturally, the Qi people were worried, and the Qin people were happy.

In this world, people have their own sorrows and joys, which are not connected to each other.

Only regarding the final outcome of this battle, many people have the same opinion in their hearts.

After all, it was the final stage of Qin Zhizhen, a cultivator from Tianfu, who worked so hard to evolve. The terrifying aura emanating from within the iron wall is gradually becoming real, which is really frightening.

But regarding the result of this battle, Jiang Wang disagreed with them!

The killing nail is impenetrable, and the defensive ability of the iron wall supernatural power is indeed hopeless.

The people who watched the battle were already desperate.

But the word "Wang" in Jiang Wang's name never ends.

The vicissitudes of life show the true qualities of a hero!

He raised his hand to take back the futile killing nail, but it didn't work as expected. He kept a distance, laid traps, and took precautions... trying to support Qin Zhizhen's next attack.

Instead, he smashed Qingyun with one step, stepped forward, and pressed his palm on the iron wall!

In Qin's spectator team, someone sneered: "The iron wall that even killing nails can't penetrate, does he want to break through with the palm of his flesh?"

But many more were silent.

Because the sneer has not yet settled down, people have already seen at this time, above the sky surrounded by the pillars of heaven and earth, suddenly the stars are dazzling!

It was as if a curtain of night had been pulled over by a man of God and covered the sky with stars twinkling on it!

It seems that there are billions of stars shining at the same time.

And all the starlight is falling towards Jiang Wang...

A huge funnel of starlight connected the green shirt and the night sky.

How do you know what is like in the vast world?

The starry boy!

People can even see that on Jiang Wang's back, where the cervical spine meets the spine, there is a gorgeous streamer coming out of his clothes.

The streamer also outlined a beautiful picture on the green shirt.

Below is the crimson spark, burning freely. On the top is the lotus flower of white bones, blooming to its heart's content.

The light of the spark is warm, the light of the lotus is holy.

Red and white complement each other, dye each other with shimmer, and are connected together in a wonderful way.

It is printed on Jiang Wang's back, captivating and admirable, as if crowning a god!

It's for the Burning Bone Lotus!

This pattern is so beautiful, dazzlingly beautiful, almost maddeningly beautiful.

In Muguo's spectator seats, Helian Yunyun could certainly feel Zhao Rucheng's nervousness, but at the same time, she also noticed that the Nun Yuzhen from Xiyue Temple, who was quite far away, trembled clearly just now.

Rucheng's sworn brother...does it have anything to do with Xiyue Temple?

Thinking about it, Helian Yunyun moved his figure forward again, blocking the possible line of sight connection between Zhao Rucheng and Yuzhen.

It's not that she has any worries about Xiyue Temple.

But her blue eyes could see that the nun Yuzhen was a big "threat".

Especially when it comes to robbing men.

She, Helian Yunyun, had to plan ahead and take precautions before they happened.

What people can see are the stars shining in the sky, the starlight flowing on the body, and the burning bone lotus as if crowning the gods.

What people can't see is that after Jiang Wangyi's palm was printed on the iron wall, the unceasing wind surging in his body, which is boiled under the blessing of billions of stars!

A total of six killing nails, connected end to end, lined up in the character "one", hit the iron wall fiercely!

The first killing nail was nailed into the iron wall and escaped in the form of frost and wind, and the second killing nail was nailed in immediately!

Go in again, and disperse into the wind again.

Then came the third, fourth...

After the sixth killing nail went deep, the frost wind that had escaped turned into a killing nail again, and followed closely behind!

And so on and on and on and on and on.

Under the blessing of the power of hundreds of millions of stars, it keeps going deeper and deeper, until a certain moment...


The unshakable and indestructible iron wall, Qin Zhizhen's strongest defensive power, collapsed in people's sight!

The iron wall has collapsed!

Was pierced by Jiang Wang's palm!

What kind of power is this?

People looked at each other, what kind of power is this? !

Is there a new result in the outcome?

The one who can compete with Huang Sheli of Jing State is now Jiang Wang of Qi State?

On the martial arts stage that witnessed the ancient times.

The tall and majestic iron wall, the indestructible steel fortress, collapsed like quicksand, and then disintegrated like smoke and dust!

Only the killing nails in a line continued to move forward with an indifferent sharp voice...


In the pervasive black smoke and dust, such a voice suddenly sounded.

Abrupt and decisive.

This voice is the collision of coldness and coldness, the resonance of killing intent and killing intent.

Those whose cultivation level is not enough but hear this sound, have the illusion of dying in a trance!

It seems that a catastrophe is imminent, and life is over!

call out!

It was a sharp and piercing sound.

Drilling through the air, it seems to have penetrated the hearts of the people.


People can only see a sharp light suddenly appearing in the black smoke and dust. The killing spikes in a line shot back at a faster speed than before!

He shot in front of Jiang Wang before stopping a little. Under Jiang Wang's control, it turned into a wisp of frosty wind and wrapped around his left finger.

The black smoke and dust from the collapse of the iron wall finally settled a little thinner at this moment.

People could already see Qin Zhizhen's tall and straight figure in the smoke and dust scattered all over the sky.

He was still standing there, still holding the black long knife in his hand, looking at Jiang Wang calmly through the black smoke and dust scattered by the iron wall.

He is still him.

He is not him.

At this moment he—

Wearing a flat crown.

There are two sections of hanging bars (liu) in the front and back, with soul jade as beads and clouds and smoke inside, which are the most precious twelve bars.

The upper body is wearing a black robe, a skirt (xun), wrapped in a plain gauze middle sheet, tied with a white belt, the lower body is wearing a yellow knee covering, and the feet are bare. (xi)

The shoulders of Xuanyi are woven with patterns of the sun, moon, and dragon; the back is woven with patterns of stars and mountains; the sleeves are woven with patterns of fire, Chinese insects, and ghosts.

The clothes are woven with the pattern of "twelve coats of arms".

These twelve patterns are the mountain patterns of the twelve mountains in the legend.

The middle single and the knee cover are also woven with four patterns.

In addition, there are black big and small ribbons, black jade hooks, and red jade pendants.

It looks imposing like a mountain, truly majestic and solemn.

It is the crown garment of the emperor Yan Luo!

The whole body, probably only the horizontal and vertical knife, still remains the same.

What is conspicuous and easy to see is that Qin Zhizhen has completed the final stage of the evolution of Yan Luodian, attributed all the power of Yan Luodian to himself, and briefly achieved the real body of Emperor Yan Luo!

The scene of Jiang Wang holding billions of stars in his body and breaking the iron wall with a killing nail is certainly shocking.

But it was a step too late.

Facing Qin Zhizhen like this, in the same situation, is there anyone in the world who can not be too late?

Perhaps Dou Zhao's Five Decays of Heaven and Man and Chong Xuan Zun Sun Moon Star's Three Wheels Zhan Wang Dao could do it, but they couldn't meet in the same place after all, so it can only be used as a guess.

The real body of Tianzi Yama, manifested with the supernatural powers of the Yan Luo Temple, is actually more powerful than the Dou Zhan Golden Body in terms of the strength of this body's blessing to combat power!

It is only because of the long evolution process and the manifestation of the weakness of Yan Luodian that the supernatural power of Yan Luodian is not higher than that of Dou Zhan Jinshen.

But the long evolution process has been gone by him, and the manifested Yama Temple is hidden in the void.

At least for now, at this moment, Qin Zhizhen has shown the real peak of combat power.

How strong he is, the killing nail that was beaten back may prove it!

The unparalleled killing power of Bu Zhoufeng, since he merged into the killing nail, once he makes a shot, the target has always been dodge or defeated, and he has never encountered the third situation. It was the first time, being beaten back by someone!

To everyone's surprise, under such a situation, Jiang Wang did not rush forward recklessly, fighting for a chance of survival. Nor did they quickly distance themselves and try to figure out a way to procrastinate.

Instead, he glared at Qin Zhizhen with his sword, and opened his mouth to reprimand: "Qin Zhizhen! Qin Tianzi is present, how dare you pretend to be the emperor and pretend to be the emperor?!"

On Jing Guo's preparation table, Huang Sheli opened his mouth, but he was speechless. Jiang Meiren knew that she couldn't beat her, and she wanted to find fault with Qin Zhizhen to abolish her martial arts?


It's so cute.

"Ming Tianzi is the son of the emperor, how can he overstep? Besides, Qin has never heard that there are people in the world who give up food because of choking, and who give up magical powers because of rituals!"

On the ancient martial arts arena, Qin Zhizhen said indifferently: "Jiang Wang, do you only have these methods?"

He said he didn't care, didn't care, and didn't overstep, but in fact he had to care.

Doesn't this just explain it bluntly?

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't want to judge the outcome with words, even if he scolded Qin Zhizhen so bloody that he couldn't answer back, when he should be beaten, he would still be beaten.

He just wanted to use words to shake Qin Zhizhen's emperor's heart at this time!

The emperor of Yan Luo is also an emperor, and he must have the heart of the supreme and the power of the supreme, so that he can gain the power of the supreme and grasp the power of the supreme.

But in front of Qin Tianzi, how could Qin Zhizhen be so virtuous, how dare he have a heart of supremacy!

When the person explained it, the momentum declined.

The effect of this sentence is better than a sword!

Of course, this is not enough to turn the situation around, but for Jiang Wang, this is an opportunity that he will never miss to weaken his opponent during the battle. It's like weakening the life and death judge with killing nails before, making Qin Zhizhen's real body of Emperor Yan Luo not perfect at this time.


Everyone saw that he was a step slower, making Qin Zhizhen successfully show his peak state. It can be said that there is no suspense about the outcome.

But Jiang Wang still wants to win!

The outcome is with him, and there will always be suspense.

It's nothing more than doing his best and giving his all!

Regarding Qin Zhizhen's sentence, Jiang Wang pressed his sword and said: "Come on! Even if you are as clever as you are, you can't cover up your rebellion! Today, on behalf of the emperor of your country, I will attack disobedient ministers!"

I don't know if the "Emperor of Your Country" he is talking about is the supreme being standing side by side with the Pillars of Heaven and Earth, or the wounded man watching the battle in the spectator seats!

Maybe only he knows, maybe Zhao Rucheng also knows.

At this moment, the black smoke and dust that filled the sky finally fell.

Qin Zhizhen, who was wearing Yan Luo's mian suit, glanced at Jiang Wang in the swaying of the Pingtian crown and pearls.

After this one glance——

There was no warning and almost no reaction time.

A black and bright blade is already facing him!


In the blink of an eye, Sauvignon Blanc lies in front of me!

And even with a sword, he was repelled by this knife!

His figure retreated extremely quickly, and he flew rapidly, and the imprints of the blue clouds under his feet appeared and disappeared.

He keeps flying upside down, upside down...

There is an ancient prohibition in this platform of the world.

The space on the stage is far wider than what people see.

But Jiang Wang was still cut to the edge of the Yanwu stage by this knife!

Even his back could already feel the obstruction of the ancient prohibition of Yanwutai!

Without this barrier, he would have been cut off from the stage.

I can't bear it at all, and the Immortal Technique of Pingbu Qingyun can't get rid of this terrifying power.

He leaned back and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Blood flowers bloom in the high vault.

On the ring stand, Zishu crossed his hands and put his fist on his chin. The green and tender fingers were tightly stretched together, exerting force on each other. As if this could bring Jiang Wang some strength.

When she was traveling in the overseas islands, she could always hear Jiang Wang's reputation. A young hero with unrestrained talent is certainly admirable.

But also just to appreciate.

Although she is innocent, she is the daughter of the Lord of Longmen Mountain after all. It can be said that "there are great scholars in talking and laughing, and there are no white people in dealing with each other". The so-called young heroes I have seen have not a thousand, but eight hundred.

Xu Xianggan boasted very much, saying that Jiang Wang is rare in the sky and unique in the world, and she only half-believes it.

Until later, everything she saw and experienced in the offshore islands made her see her faith, righteousness, affection, and compassion...

He not only has the talent to overwhelm his peers, but also has courage and tenacity. There is gentleness and kindness hidden in the bones, which is what my father often said, "the brilliance that makes a man a man".

From then on, she felt that Xu Xiangqian was always telling the truth, at least when it came to Jiang Wang!

And all along, all she saw was Jiang Wang overcoming obstacles, solving troubles one after another, and defeating opponents one after another.

He was beaten so badly that he vomited blood.

What she saw was only today.

Especially this is no better than the one he received before. At that time, everyone could see that Jiang Wang still had enough resistance to resist, and he did not show defeat.

And now everyone can see clearly that Jiang Wang's so powerless!

Really powerless?

Chong Xuansheng had such a question in his heart.

He will never forget, at Dongjiekou, in that clothing store.

When he was on the verge of despair, that person, that figure with the horizontal sword in front of him!

At that time, it was said that Wang Yiwu was the number one Heaven-reaching Realm since ancient times, and Tenglong must also be invincible.

But Jiang Wang said——

"I'll try to kill him."

Jiang Wang never promises lightly, he is not sure that he can do it, so he just said "try".

Although he only said "try", he also tried his best to try, and really almost killed Wang Yiwu!

If it weren't for the arrival of the God of War, there would be no such person as Wang Yiwu in the world.

Such Jiang Wang.

Was his resistance weak?

Chong Xuansheng is undoubtedly an extremely intelligent person, and even more so, a very rational person. But only for Jiang Wang, his "belief" is greater than reason!

As if in response to this overweight best friend.

On the ancient martial arts arena, Jiang Wang, who spewed out a mouthful of blood, turned around suddenly and blocked a sword!


A blade slashed at an angle, just slashed on the blade!

Sauvignon Blanc was slammed directly back onto his body, the blade was slanted and pierced half an inch into the flesh.

This is the first time that Sauvignon Blanc has hurt the sword master's body and drank the sword master's blood since it was forged.

There was a faint trembling sound as the blade flicked.

As if it were there too, whine of pain!

But Jiang Wang's whole body was chopped off again, flying from one end of the Yanwu stage to the other.

In fact, Qin Zhizhen was also surprised.

He was surprised why Jiang Wang could still catch his knife at this moment!

He was already faster than the limit, stronger than the limit, and he should have solved the battle with one blow, but he failed to completely succeed in two consecutive strikes.

Zhao Rucheng stared fixedly at the martial arts stage, fixedly watched...

Jiang Wang's sentence of crusade against Buchen has already made his eyes red!

Jiang Wang was fluttering in the light of Qin Zhizhen's sword, which made him wish to replace him even more.

He has obviously worked very hard, and he doesn't want to feel the powerlessness of Fenglin City again. He couldn't even count how many Yin Demons he had killed in Bianhuang. But why today, he was still defeated and unable to carry all that?

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Qin Zhizhen, who had manifested the real body of Emperor Yan Luo on the martial arts stage, suddenly swayed and almost fell down. The Yan Luo Tianzi Mianfu on his body is also caught in a trance between reality and fiction.

Ripples of void and reality visibly rippled around his body!

Zhao Rucheng's eyes lit up.

How could he not see, what does this mean?

Qin Zhizhen's power to refine the void has been exhausted! He can no longer control the power of the void, can no longer hold the connection.

Once it is completely exhausted, his Yan Luodian supernatural power will be completely isolated from the void, and he will no longer be able to contact him. In other words, he will be knocked out of the real state of Emperor Yan Luo!

Audiences from various countries in the ring stand thought that the victory and defeat had been settled, but they raised their hearts again.

Could this be the turning point in this battle?

Jiang Wang's struggle, which he refused to give up, finally gave him a glimmer of light, and waited until the moment when Qin Zhizhen's power to refine the virtual supernatural power was exhausted?

On the martial arts stage, Jiang Wang, who was cut into the air again and vomited blood again, also keenly sensed the opportunity.

What the audience can see, he will only see more and more carefully on the court.

Even when he was powerless and faltering, he was struggling to make up for his "knowledge" and looking for opportunities for victory or defeat.

So at this time, the people in the audience were shocked, but the people on the stage had already moved.

When the person was still flying upside down, he suddenly turned to Qin Zhizhen!

Because he didn't unload his strength with all his strength, the organs were also damaged.

But he didn't frown, and there was no pain in his eyes.

The man slashed his sword, going fiercely, only seeking life and death, and never turning back.

Veteran's Sword of Twilight!

The most tragic and bravest.

The most direct and decisive!

Jiang Wang even brought a sword, and he was already approaching in an instant.

But seeing Qin Zhizhen stand still suddenly, he looked at him indifferently.

From Tianling, a colorless ball of light jumped out.

This ball of light is in a trance, seemingly virtual and real.

There are thousands of streams of light, and each stream of light seems to have a profound story, which is worth exploring, and of course it is fascinating.

It is for supernatural powers, myriad transformations!

It is the so-called "all transformations from the heart".

This supernatural power can turn the light of supernatural power into any power.

Not just true energy, spells, and sword qi...

It also includes supernatural powers!

In the colorless ball of light, the stream of light whirled around and returned instantly, turning into a translucent light of alternate reality and reality, falling back into Qin Zhizhen's body, and injecting it into the seeds of refining the virtual supernatural power!

The Yan Luo Tianzi Mianfu on his body instantly solidified as before.

The ripples of void and reality around him immediately calmed down.

And he raised his hand with a knife!


Jiang Wang, who stabbed forward bravely, hurriedly returned his sword halfway through the collision, and was chopped off again!

This time, even the imprint of rising to the sky was no longer visible.

In Qin Guo's spectator seat, Gan Chang'an pressed his heart back in one breath.


No matter how persecuted Jiang Wang was, a person like Qin Zhizhen shouldn't have made such a mistake.

The last supernatural power that Qin Zhizhen hid was actually Wanhua...

This was something he didn't know beforehand.

What a desperate way.

After this battle, it will take Jiang Wang of Qi State how long it will take to recover his Dao Xin. Maybe it will never recover from a setback, and I don't know!

"Do you want him to admit defeat?" Ye Lingxiao suddenly asked through voice transmission from the audience.

"I don't think he would be willing." Ye Qingyu's voice tried to be calm.

"Don't worry." Ye Lingxiao said: "As long as he doesn't take the initiative to seek death, Yan Dao is strong enough to protect his life."

As soon as the Wanhua supernatural power came out, the so-called "turning point" had also been erased.

Qin Zhizhen declared his terror to everyone present with his strength with almost no weaknesses!

Even in Guanhe Terrace, where the arrogance gathers, he is one of the most dazzling people!

"I thank you."

Qin Zhizhen said indifferently on the martial arts stage that has experienced a long time.

He may have a more solemn tone, but in the state of Emperor Yan Luo's real body, he seems very indifferent to everything he says.

He was talking to Jiang Wang, and he seemed to be communicating with the Tianjiao who had shined on this martial arts stage in those historical years.

With that inherent tone, he said slowly: "Thank you for bringing me such a wonderful combat experience."

Wanhua Divine Ability finally replenished the power of Void Refining Divine Ability, so he raised his knife and finally drew the end of this battle: "What you see now is the unreserved, strongest me. I think , no matter how many years have passed, you should be proud of it!"

Very few people notice.

When Jiang Wang stopped the old general Chi Mu's sword to save himself, but was chopped off again.

With the long sword in his hand whining and the green shirt on his body, he closed his eyes!

His accumulation is already enough.

But he has been waiting, waiting for an opportunity, the most appropriate and perfect time.

Push away his fourth inner palace and get supernatural powers.

What is the most suitable time?

Now is the most suitable time!

On the platform of the world, in this meeting of the arrogance of all nations, he is facing the most outstanding and powerful inner monks in the entire world.

it's time!

When Qin Zhizhen said the first sentence "I thank you".

What flashed in Jiang Wang's mind was the majestic scene of him standing on the Suanni Bridge and looking down at the long river turning over like a giant dragon.

He actually came to Changhe many days ago...

That time, he was chased and killed by a real person in the world, and he was almost at the end of the road.

A certain sword that was conceived by inspiration was suppressed by life and death, and it has not been found so far. If it wasn't for the rescue of the bitter old monk, his story would have ended. Little is known about his life!

Just like a drop of water in this torrential river, there is no ripple for a moment!

Now when he came to Changhe again, he represented the overlord of the Eastern Region, competing with the pride of the nations as the number one in Qi territory.

When the stars shine, bloom your own light.

I have come to Changhe twice, and my mood is so different.

Time has moved, people have changed.

Only the long river is as vast and great as ever.

When Qin Zhizhen said the second sentence "Thank you".

What emerged in Jiang Wang's mind was the pillar of heaven and earth. It is the heaviness and greatness that he felt when he first climbed to Guanhetai. The long river of history is rolling in, as if spreading in front of him. How many magnificent stories, how many heroes... are all splashes in it, rushing in it!

Thousands of miles of long river, across the present world, there are many turbulent waves during it.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it has flowed like this again!

This ancient river viewing platform was born for the town's long river. Looking at the long river, but also experiencing history.

Named with greatness, walks with glory.

On this river viewing platform, the number one arrogance of all nations competes for honor with life and death.

Bet your bright life on a short battle.

Lin Xian swung his knife desperately, but still could only chew the bitter fruit of failure.

Bei Gongke tried his best, but he wanted to get one step closer to Qin Zhizhen, but he couldn't get it!

There is Dong Guobao who died for the country, and Yan Shaofei who returned the sword and abandoned the name of Kui Kui.

Bai Yuxia didn't accept the reputation of being lame, and would rather fight to the death.

That sympathy was ridiculed and looked down upon, but only when all the puppets and beasts died, and all limbs were severed, was he willing to lose!

Gan Chang'an was praised as "Chang'an at the age of eight", and he was a well-deserved arrogance in the world, but he received a slap in the face. Chu Ge heard about it again.

Naliang grew up in a pack of wolves, roaming freely on the grasslands, with a body close to a god, with awe-inspiring power, but he was almost beaten to death! Qi people cheered for this.

There is also a peerless battle between Dou Zhao and Chongxuan Zun, which is the pinnacle of the outer building!

Xiang Bei's unrivaled appearance is born with a vision, and can only be reduced to the background.

Zhao Rucheng pulled out the Son of Heaven sword and amazed the world, but he was also hindered by the journey of rebellion.

This is when the stars shine!

Among the brilliance, pursue the most radiant. When shining, only seek the most dazzling.

Needless to say about the splendid history, now is the moment to achieve glory!

The geniuses of all nations gather together, and when the wind and clouds meet, who will be the best?

Who is above the apex and is rising again?

Sauvignon Blanc is whistling! ! !

It was a tormented howl.

Its pain, its grievances, and its sadness are all in this sound!

Its persistence, its bravery, and its sharpness are also in this sound!

This sound reverberated in all directions, reached the sky, frightened the hearts of the murderers, and would also illuminate history!

There is no sound in the sword box.

If you get it, it will be known to the world!

Because the sword sound was so clear, and the sword light was so dazzling.

Everyone saw Jiang Wang flying upside down, his hand holding the sword.

All the muscles in his body trembled under the strength of Qin Zhizhen's sword. Only his hand holding the sword was stable and resolute, without any wavering!

Such a person.

You can't ignore him when he is most desperate and powerless.

Never can!

The situation on the field is moving, and the sword is ringing in the hand!

When Qin Zhizhen finished speaking the last sentence, completely supplemented the power of refining the virtual supernatural power with Wanhua supernatural power, and raised the long knife——

Jiang Wang opened his eyes!

At this time, the pupil of Qianyang has faded.

And what kind of eyes are these?

It is clear and peaceful, like a mirror, reflecting people's hearts. Like a clear stream, flowing alone in the mountains and forests.

It's so clean and so firm.

at this point……

Suddenly there is a sword light!

The streamer shines in the eyes!

In Jiangwang's five-fu sea that people can't see.

A crimson mansion, a black and white mansion, a frost white mansion, and three inner mansions hanging from the dome, reflecting each other's brilliance.


The fourth mansion finally appeared!

It was an azure, priceless mansion.

And with the ultimate freedom, the ultimate chic atmosphere.

And Jiang Wang's soul manifested, holding the Sauvignon Acacia sword spirit, stabbing straight with the sword...

The sword hits the gate of the inner mansion!

The Fourth Inner Palace burst open!

at this point.

The first inner palace evolved into a red sun, the second inner palace evolved into a black and white crescent moon, and the third inner palace evolved into a frosty white star.

The red flames that represent the real fire of samadhi, the black and white light that represents misguided paths, and the frosty white light that represents uncircumstant winds, at this time, shine on the sea of ​​five households together!

It seems to be rejoicing, as if it is boiling for joy.

He has supernatural powers and is also looking forward to this moment.

A plump, azure seed jumped out at this time!

The color is obviously free and unrestrained, but it is so bright that it is difficult to look directly at it.

Exudes almost endless sharp light!

When the third inner palace appeared, the first and second inner palaces disappeared.

When the fourth inner palace appeared, it was the three palaces that were shining with the light of supernatural powers.

Gein it's so different!

Only when the Tianfu is achieved, can the five palaces shine together, and the light of supernatural powers mix.

And the magic power of this fourth inner palace has not been fully revealed, it has already been called the Three Palaces Tongyao.

Haven't reached Tianfu, but saw the power of Tianfu!

Facing the high-hanging red sun, black and white crescent moon, and frost-white stars, the fourth inner palace evolved.

The azure mansion disappeared, and turned into a faceless man with fluttering blue shirt!

This person is tall and tall, holding a green blade in his hand. Without speaking or moving, there are thousands of auspicious colors and thousands of rays of light.

It's for supernatural powers, Sword Immortal!

"During the duration, the sword performs ten thousand tricks!"

The earth-shaking changes are all in the sea of ​​five houses, which are not seen by the world.

Outside the body, Jiang Wang had just opened his eyes at this time, and the sword was shining in his eyes, and he looked at Qin Zhizhen, who had manifested the real body of Emperor Yan Luo.

His chopped-off body just hovered.

The blood-stained green shirt was rattling.

The raging flames seemed to be released from the body, and burned outside the body.

Make a circle around the body, form a circle of fire, one inch away from the body, and flaunt it to your heart's content!

From head to toe, even the long sword in his hand, was wrapped in such brilliant lines of fire.

And strands of frosty white wind intertwined into a frosty white cloak, drifting behind him!

Fire is the real fire of Samadhi, and wind is the uncircumferential wind!

At this moment, Jiang Wang, with his eyes shining on the sword, his cloak bathed in fire, is stepping on the blue sky!

Indescribably brilliant, indescribably dazzling!

"And I just want to ask you."

He responded to Qin Zhizhen like this: "The question I'm going to ask you..."

Hanging high in the sky, with the long sword in his hand pointing obliquely at the ground——

"Do you have an answer ready?"

He didn't say it clearly, but his eyes had already told Qin Zhizhen——

On that question going forward, if there is no answer. I will kill you on this martial arts stage, in front of Zhenjun Yuxi!

His voice scattered all over the world, and those who heard it had the illusion that their ears had been cut!

But Qin Zhizhen, who faced Jiang Wang directly, only responded with a knife!

The darkness of night came rushing in.

As if to end everything.

But in the next moment, tens of thousands of sword lights have broken the night!

People saw that in the high vault, the sword and the knife collided again.

There seemed to be a moment of silence in the entire platform of the world.

Then there was the clang of gold and iron clashing, the ripples of terrifying power...spreading in all directions!

Immortal Sword vs. Emperor Yan Luo!

One fit and one split.

Separate the two sides of the martial arts stage, each hanging high in the air.

The Sword Immortal is in the east, and the Emperor Yama is in the west.

Destiny always has an unpredictable flavor, and their current position coincides with Eastern Qi and Western Qin.

Qin Zhizhen held the black long knife in his hand, and the bead on the crown of Ping Tian trembled slightly.

Behind him, a majestic black palace emerged, sitting in the void, awe-inspiring all directions.

That is the projection of Yan Luodian!

Today, he is the Son of Heaven, and he will determine the life and death of the world with a single blow!

Hades ordered people to die at the third watch, who would dare to keep them until the fifth watch!

And Jiang Wang lifted a streamer upside down, stepping on the clouds gracefully, with his back east and west.

There is a phantom of a sword fairy in green clothes, standing proudly behind him in the sky, unable to see his face clearly, but singing with great emotion.

The song says——

"Don't you see, the golden crow vibrates its feathers on the top of Mount Tai, and thousands of miles of rivers are crouching like dragons!"

The longing for sauvignon blah blah blah blah blah blah, Jiang Wang seemed to see again in front of his eyes, the mighty long river traveling eastward, traversing the present world.

Can't you see that the Golden Crow rises from the top of Mount Tai, and the thousands of miles of rivers meander like a giant dragon!

"Don't you see, the history has been smashed through the ages, and the beauty and white hair are all loess!"

The frosty white cloak fluttered, and Jiang Wang was silent for a moment. There are so many things, heroes, and beauties on this viewing platform from ancient times to the present.

Can't you see that the history books were blown to pieces in one breath, that is the dust of history since the ages, and the beauties and white hairs were finally buried in the loess!

"Life is only two breaths in a hundred years, and the flames of war continue to rise."

When Fenglin City was destroyed, it was only in a few breaths. Such a tragic image in the world seems insignificant to this world. How many people remember? How many people care!

A hundred years of life is in the long river of time, but life and death are two breaths. To the whole world, the calamity of the flames of war is just a small story... a small story that happened in a small corner.

"Love is infatuation, resentment is gone."

He has the weight of mountains on his shoulders, and a sea of ​​blood in his heart. No love!

If you love someone, treat them with all your heart, and if you feel resentment, leave them far away.

"I also have love to pay ruthlessness, and I also pay ruthlessness."

Fang Pengju, who was once regarded as a life-and-death brother, was driven by a pulse-opening pill to kill him because of his sense of urgency for the future and because of the jealousy of being unable to catch up.

The teacher who trusted him wholeheartedly deceived him with lies and sat back and watched the entire city be destroyed. This destroyed city was the hometown where he was born and raised. He had lived for more than ten years before, and all his relatives, friends, and familiar people were there!

And myself?

Jiang Wang thought. On the battlefield, he also drew his sword against the enemy without hesitation. In the face of the crisis of death, he also once caused troubles. He also ignored pleas once, and he was never lenient when he killed someone.

I have also given my true feelings to ruthless people, and I have also done that ruthless person!

"The road is difficult, the road is difficult, this body only goes to a higher place."

I am afraid that only Jiang Wang knows how difficult this journey is. But he will always move forward, always face difficulties and obstacles, and always go to a higher place.

Is life inherently difficult? Or is it only for a while?

It is not difficult to go forward, so I will take the most difficult path. This is my choice and my direction. I will always only climb to a higher place.

"Climbing to the sky and grasping the moon is not an exaggeration, breaking through the galaxy is the end of the world."

The day he defeated Wang Yiwu and made Linzi famous in the First World War also happened to be Jiang Anan's birthday.

He is famous all over the world, but he is far away from his sister.

In the brightest time, the loneliest.

Climbing to the sky and embracing the bright moon is nothing to praise. Breaking through the galaxy is probably the end of the world.

"I can't see anything in the human world, so what does this peak look like?"

Here, I can't see anything in the world even if I exhaust my eyesight. What does such a high peak look like?

Jiang Wang's gaze was very far away.

No one knows what kind of scenery he saw at this time.

But the phantom of the green-clothed sword fairy behind him has already sung to the last line——

"Every man draws his sword in anger, and the sea of ​​clouds surges for thousands of miles!"

You ask what the tallest mountain in the world looks like.

The highest mountain in the world, it is like a sword! A sword that pierces the earth to the sky!

When the man was angry, he drew the sword and rose.

This sword stirs up the sea of ​​clouds.

Vertically, this sword will form a mountain; if lifted, it will penetrate the sky; if it is straight, it will divide the world;

Jiang Wang, who was bathed in fire in his cloak, crushed Qingyun in one step under the brilliant sharp light.

Holding Sauvignon Blanc in your hand is like holding the highest mountain in this world, and with this sword, you will make the world stand out!

This is the sword of the ancient peak, all the power, all the power, all the determination, all the courage that Jiang Wang has accumulated along the way!

This sword just appeared.

Behind Qin Zhizhen, the phantom of Yan Luodian has been shattered!

This sword comes out.

The knife has been stabbed horizontally and vertically!


The world-renowned sword with a whole body like ink cut off with a whine from the middle of the blade!

The half-cut knife flew high, raised at a very high place, and shone with light.

And Jiang Wang, who is in the fire in his cloak, moves forward, and Sauvignon Blanc advances even further!

Ruxue's sword body fell into a clear light.

However, Yu Xi, the real king, had already made a move, stopping the castration of the sword and saving Qin Zhizhen's life.

But even so.

People were also horrified to see that after the clear light——

The roaring sword intent directly knocked out a huge hole in Qin Zhizhen's chest and abdomen, almost emptied his internal organs!

The famous Jiang Wangzhe in the world.

From then on, he can be called a sword fairy!





(For the 4D chapter, ask for a monthly pass!)

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord Eternal Silence!

Thank you book friend Liangyue Thirty for becoming the leader of this book!

Thanks to the leader evanschen for the new alliance rewarded! (It's the trumpet of Dameng Chen Zeqing...)

in addition……

Today I suddenly found out that I have already owed President Di's repost until December! !

From the beginning of this year to the present, I have taken a day off (that day was actually the second day of the foundation).

When I think that a whole year has passed like this, and I have no life other than novels, I feel quite bald...

So add more rules and adjust...

The update of the big alliance is still the same as before, and the ordinary leader will not add updates.

What is already owed will not be erased. Chapter by chapter will be passed.

When I pay off my debts, I'll be handsome again!

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