Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1177 When the Stars Shine (Double request for monthly tickets on the last day!)

Xu Xiangqian's mood is complicated.

Jiang Wang repeated the herringbone sword in the peak state three times, without any deflection, without a single decline, and finally won the decisive battle without any dispute.

Picked perhaps the most important title in the entire history of the Yellow River Association...or at least the top three in history.

As the other pride of the two prides of Chasing Mashan, he is honored, and of course he should be cheered for it.

He's already exhausted...

But the fat man just swayed and jumped to the back.

Before he could open his mouth, his ears were almost deafened by the next loud noise!

It's really shameless, you can do this kind of thing, and you actually shout out using the usage of heaven and earth!

And it's so simple and so lacking in talent!

Mediocrity, superficiality and ignorance!

How to match the prestige of catching up with the two prides of Mashan?

In fact, he is so talented that he has already written a slogan for Jiang Wang's victory.

So he opened his mouth and waited to fight for it...

But it was immediately drowned in the overwhelming cheers.

In the entire Tianxiazhitai, Jiang Wang's name was being shouted everywhere!

Thank him for dedicating such wonderful battles one after another!

Thanks to him for inheriting the aspirations of the sages of the human race, showing off his martial arts in this Guanhetai, and using his undoubted strength to show Changhe Longjun what is the pride of the human race.

From the soul battle with Xiang Bei beyond the level of the inner palace, to the shocking battle with Qin Zhizhen Sword Immortal against Yan Luo Tianzi, and when he won the first prize, he defeated Huang Sheli three times with one sword in the countercurrent time.

Every game is full of weight, and every game is a top-level battle performance.

His talent, his will, his talent, his strength, deserved his name, he is truly number one in the world!

The cheers came and went, and lasted for a long time.

At this moment, Cao Jie got up directly from his seat, took out a rolled flag with both hands, held it high like that, and walked towards the platform of the world step by step.

"Jiang Wang!" He said loudly, "Let's unfurl the flag for me!"

The cheers that came from all directions, like a tide, also receded like a tide.

Jiang Wang stands alone on the platform of the world, accepting all eyes.

The weight of thousands of gazes is added to one body.

Envious, jealous, adoring, yearning...

From now on, he has to get used to it, because he is already the real No. 1 inner palace in the world!

He is the strongest monk in the inner palace among hundreds of countries and countless arrogances in this world.

It is the brightest star in the vast night!

He shines brightest when the stars shine!

He quietly watched Cao Jie approaching, and slowly approached the coiled purple flag.

The commander-in-chief of Da Qichun's death army, Cao Jie, a real person in the world, came out holding the flag in person.

He should know the weight of this flag!

Since Qi State established its hegemony, how many arrogances have died on the stage, and how many heroes have died without peace. This is the first name!

It's not that Qi is not strong, it's not that Qi's Tianjiao is not strong, and it's not that Qi's Tianjiao regrets his life.

It's just that when the arrogance gathers, everyone has a reason to compete for the top spot, and everyone is the ultimate arrogance who is one in a million. The outcome of life and death, sometimes only in an instant. You don't have to work hard to win, and you don't have to work hard to get to the end.

Competing for the top prize sometimes requires some luck.

Qi Guo's luck at the Yellow River Meeting was really not good enough, it was better than Chong Xuanzun, and Tianfu was invincible, but it also met Dou Zhao in this session and missed the title.

Jiang Wang also met Xiang Bei, Qin Zhizhen, and Huang Sheli in succession, which can be called the fate of death.

In fact, many Qi people have given up hope.

In the end, he was able to fight more and more bravely, and the more he fought, the stronger he became, overpowering the peerless arrogance and winning the first place, which is especially shocking.

Cao Jie approached, and the purple roll also approached.

Jiang Wang stretched out his hands and said solemnly: "Jiang Wang takes the flag!"

He took the flag and felt it weighed a thousand catties!

After Cao Jie handed over the flag, he immediately turned around.

Even if he is such a high-ranking and powerful person, he will not compete with the leader of the Yellow River Association at this time.

After stepping off the martial arts stage, Cao Jie saluted Yu Yi and said, "Thank you, Zhenjun Yu!"

Yu Yi also solemnly nodded his head slightly in response.

Then he stretched out his hand on the martial arts platform——

Right in front of Jiang Wang, streams of clear light condensed into steps, and the clear steps stretched infinitely towards the height of the sky, as if they were connected to the end of the sky.

The steps of the sky are in front of you.

Holding the flag in his hand, Jiang Wang stepped onto the clear steps and walked up step by step.

He walked faster and faster, higher and higher, and stepped into the sky. Gradually, in people's eyes, there was only a black spot left.

And the six sides surrounded by the Liuhe Pillar have quietly turned into a streamer curtain wall, and are no longer the corners of the dragon robes of the six supreme beings.

Jiang Wang walked higher and higher, farther away from those eager eyes, and farther away from the cheers.

Looking around, nothing can be seen except the heaven and earth pillars and the six streamer curtain walls.

There are only the clear steps under the feet, the purple flag in the hand, and the sauvignon blanc on the waist.

The higher you go, the more lonely you become.



He seemed to hear the roar of the long river.

But when I listened carefully, there was no sound again.

Er, it seemed that someone was reading something aloud, but they couldn't hear it clearly.

Gradually, these voices also disappeared.

He went up, up, up alone.

It is like a person walking forward in the long dark night, trying hard to carve out the first ray of light.

The first person to reach the top of the mountain gave birth to the first ideal of mankind.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a voice asked.

This voice is ancient and vast, as if it has passed through endless years, and it seems to contain everything in this world.

It is close to the ear, but far away in the sky.

"Jiang Wang!" Jiang Wang responded loudly.

The voice asked again, "What do you want to do?"

Jiang Wangdao: "The name of Kui has been picked, and the flag will be displayed in the sky!"

"It's over!"

A sigh, never to be heard again.

Jiang Wang looked up and found that he had reached the end of the Qingguang steps, and there was a round flag platform in front of him.


It looks like a river viewing platform that has been shrunk down many times.

The round hole left in the middle is also surrounded by six pillars.

Jiang Wang stood up the flag in his hand, inserted the flagpole into the round hole of the flag stand, held the flag with his right hand, and stretched it high!

That purple, supreme and noble flag fluttered in the sky like this.

A purple dragon stands proudly on the flag. The scales and claws are fully visible, the eyes are full of divine light, the dragon's head and tail are connected to form a ring.

In the middle of the ring surrounded by the purple dragon, there is a bright purple star, the most noble, the candle illuminates the world.

This is the Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner representing the Daqi Dynasty!

The moment Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag fluttered on the flag platform.

In the platform of the world, people can already see the pattern of Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang's flag on the curtain wall where Qi Tianzi's Dharma Xiang stands.

Surrounded by the entire Liuhe Pillar, the six curtain walls are all empty, with only a trance stream of light. The only side of the Eastern Qi Dynasty is now covered with banners representing the Great Qi Dynasty.

This is a great honor!

All the people present stood up and saluted to the curtain wall.

Cao Jie said loudly: "It's so strong, I'm Da Qi!"

All the Qi people shouted together: "Great, Da Qi!"

And at the end of the sky steps, Jiang Wang, who erected Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner, saw a spot of light falling from an indistinct place and imprinted on the center of his eyebrows.

What's this?

He didn't have time to think, the next moment, he had already returned to the platform of the world.

At that time, the sky steps had disappeared, and there was no sound from all around.

The Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag, which represents the Daqi Dynasty, is fluttering in Guanhetai!

Jiang Wang looked in Qi Ren's direction and said with a smile, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

He was greeted by endless cheers from the people of Qi.

There are countless kingdoms in the world, and there are countless arrogances. In the past ten years, there have only been these three top names.

This year there are only two!

Qi State has picked one of them!

Glory and glory, the world is hard to do again!

In the history books of the Qi State, such a sum will also be recorded-the fifty-fifth year of Da Qi Yuanfeng, July 12th. Here is Jiang Wang, a man from Qingyang Town, Daqi, who won the first prize in the inner mansion of Guanhetai, and is the flag of the national exhibition!

Not to mention how the Qi people are, how the leader is.

One glory after another.

As the host of the Yellow River Meeting, Yu Yi declared at this time: "The leader of the Neifuchang has been decided. Let's wait for tomorrow to continue the Tianjiao Meeting! Everyone..."

"Yu Zhen is so handsome!"

A voice suddenly fell.

On the stage, Jiang Wang suddenly turned around!

This voice came across the sky like a sharp sword, cutting the world and people's hearts.

It's too sharp.

It easily cut through the emotions that people are still boiling over for the title decision.

It cuts close to everyone's ears indifferently and mercilessly.

But for Jiang Wang, he was too familiar with this voice!

How many times howling in memory!

How many times it echoed in my ears!

Everyone followed the reputation, only to see——

From the northeast entrance, a young man in white clothes walked in.

His eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, and even long hair all give people an extremely sharp feeling.

And his eyes are warm, indifferent, and innocent!

It is hard to believe that such contradictory and complicated feelings are brought about by the same pair of eyes.

But this person just walked over and said to Zhenjun Yu Xi, "Why tomorrow?"

What does it mean?

People were astonished.

This situation, this situation, this situation, this statement, make people vaguely guess, but no one dares to be sure!

That is absurd and unbelievable!

"Li Yi!" The golden-crowned priest Namo Duo, with a startled expression on his face, said for the first time today at the Muguo preparation table: "You are actually Tai Yu?"

Li Yi, who is extremely passionate about swords and Tao, represents the highest achievement of Daojian in the world, how could he not know?

The Dao sword technique has already replaced the flying sword technique of the Xuanhe era, but until now, the Dao sword technique has gradually withered and belonged to the minority. This is also the evolution of the history of practice. As for Li Yi, he was once regarded as the only possibility for Dao sword art to regain its glory.

His man and his sword are extremely sharp, and he has had many brilliant deeds.

Even Namodo, the majestic golden-crowned priest, once met with him. Although he had not fought against him, he was known.

But Li Yi was born in a small country that has perished, when did he become a native of Jing country?

"That's right!"

Li Yi didn't speak. On Jingguo's preparation table, Xian Nankui, the commander of the Shence Army, had already stood up, and said with a red face, "Jingguo Li Yi, Daoist Taiyu Daoist! Five days ago, he was enshrined in Daluo Mountain!"

Being able to be enshrined in Daluo Mountain, there is no need to doubt Li Yi's background.

He originally walked the world alone, as if he was a real person in the world with no factions or distinctions. Now it seems that it is Jing Guo's dark son who spreads all over the world.

Jing Guo even abandoned the outer building and the inner mansion twice, but the representative of Tianjiao who was under 30 years old did not show up for a long time. During the entire meeting of the Yellow River, the people of Jingguo, whose eyes were above the top, were silent. From the beginning to the end, Xian Nankui sat alone on the preparation bench, lonely and without any sense of existence.

But as soon as he made a sound at this time, the world was shocked!

Show Jingguo's strength and arrogance!

A real person!

A real person enshrined in Daluo Mountain!

He turned out to be the arrogance representing Jingguo to participate in the Yellow River Festival, which is unlimited for under 30 years old! ! !

what does that mean? !

Xian Nankui looked around, and suddenly said with a smile: "Li Yi was born in the year 3890 of the Dao calendar. If you don't believe me, you can tell the difference by blood!"

In fact, he got the news very late, and the shock at that time was indescribable. But throwing that shocking feeling out now is... so refreshing.

Real people in this world can naturally see their age at a glance, but Li Yi himself is also a real person, so it is impossible for others to see his age. Throwing a drop of blood is not a problem, and it is enough to distinguish between true and false.

But no one asked for blood identification.

Because the six supreme beings were still present, so was Changhe Longjun. If Li Yi's age is false, it is absolutely impossible to hide it.

But what is this concept?

A real person who is less than 30 years old, this has directly broken the record in the history of practice!

He is the youngest real person ever recorded!

Standing on the stage, Jiang Wang heard someone exclaiming: "This is the first monk in history to become a real person before the age of thirty!"

Some people couldn't believe it at all: "It's only twenty-nine years old! How is it possible!?"

But Jiang Wang had only one thought in his mind——

I'm afraid more than that!

He will never forget the battle he "observed" in Zhenguanli.

That battle really opened up his broad understanding of the extraordinary world.

It was by inheriting the Kaimai Pill and Yueyue Key left by Zuo Guanglie that he stepped into the extraordinary world and started a new life.

But all the way to the present, looking back at Zuo Guanglie, I still feel that Tianjiao is dazzling.

Zuo Guanglie had already achieved the title he took off today when he was fifteen years old!

The longer you practice, the more you will know Zuo Guanglie's genius and strength.

He still can't master the fire that burns the city.

And be able to chop off Zuo Guanglie's head...

I am afraid that at that time, Li Yi had already entered Dongzhen!

That is to say, Li Yi is not the real Dongzhen who achieved at the age of twenty-nine, but at the latest at the age of twenty-seven, he has already become a real person in the world!

In comparison, Zhao Xuanyang and Chun Yugui of Jingguo are indeed not worth mentioning.

In contrast, the rest of the Tianjiao who are under the age of 30 and have unlimited fields...

It is also difficult to compare!

In the age when less than 30 years old, one would be regarded as the supreme arrogance.

At the same age, Li Yi achieved Dongzhen!

Cao Jie, who was still standing under the martial arts stage, narrowed his eyes.

five days ago?

At this point in time...

The battle behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters just ended not long ago.

It can even be accurately said that it was the second day after Tianjiao's death in Jing's domestic mansion!

In other words, after Tianjiao's death in the Inner Palace, Jingguo immediately activated Li Yi's secret. Just to ensure the title of the strongest Tianjiao!

A real person in the world can indeed do it.


A real person who is so young, so terrifying, and who has created history, has been hiding his identity all along, walking alone in the world, and his plans must be far-reaching.

Is it really enough for Jing Guo to throw him out now?

Maybe not only that, maybe there are reasons other than the Yellow River Meeting...

Cao Jie smiled and said nothing.

Regardless of whether Jing Guo is enough or not, Qi is enough!

The only two winners this year are shared by Jiang Wang and the youngest living real person in history...

Qi Jing is evenly divided!

This moment.

Xian Nankui's introduction was over, and Taiyu Master Li Yi continued to move forward.

"What do you mean... why tomorrow?"

Yu Xi looked at Li Yi and asked in confirmation.

Li Yi said calmly: "My time is precious, and I don't want to waste it on these people. I hope that today, in this scene, this matter can be resolved."

His voice was too calm, so it became sharper.

People were too shocked to speak.

Quite a few people were silently sizing up the expressions of the other unrestricted talents.

Ji Zhaonan had no expression on his face, and the spear on his knee was shining brightly.

Murong Long's eyes were cold and serious, and the unnatural murderous aura distorted the surrounding space.

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Lan'er's mouth, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Huang Budong finally stopped being in a daze, and only looked down at his right hand, bending down and raising his five fingers one by one. It seemed to be counting something, but no one knew what he was counting.

Cang Ming's face is still hidden in the cloak, but he has changed from sitting cross-legged to sitting upright. Five fingers facing the sky, thumb slightly bent, this is the pilgrimage gesture of the Cangtu Temple...

In addition to the Tianjiao of the five overlords, the performances of the other two winners of the main competition in the unlimited field are not the same.

Zhang Xun of Dan Kingdom had a resolute face and remained calm.

Chen Siwu in the Song Dynasty who became enlightened and shot five shots, slightly corrected the crown of Confucianism.

But Li Yi didn't look at these so-called strongest arrogances under the age of 30 at all, and still walked straight forward, and finally walked under the martial arts stage, looking up at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang, who was still on the independent stage, looked down at him.

Cao Jie looked over quietly, he was not worried that the other party would dare to attack Jiang Wang for no reason at Guanhetai. But even if there is any verbal or imposing oppression, he must not agree.

"Your name is Jiang Wang, isn't it?" Li Yi asked.

It doesn't mean that there is any rivalry.

Jiang Wang only replied with one word: "Yes."

"This is the second time we have met." Li Yi said lightly, "My sword trembled because of you just now."

He was just stating a fact without any special meaning.

But those who heard this sentence were inevitably surprised.

The youngest real person in the world, and the world's number one inner palace, did they know each other? It sounds like there is still a relationship. And... he said just now that his sword trembled because of Jiang Wang in the Inner Palace?

Such a statement, to many, is undoubtedly a great honor.

Jiang Wang looked peacefully, neither happy nor sad, just followed the way of the sword: "Long time no see."

To be precise, this was the first time he saw Li Yi's face.

But Li Yi's voice has echoed countless times in his memory.

He will never be able to forget this edge.

There is no doubt that the name represented by this person is the most impressive peak he has so far. This person is the goal he has been chasing with all his strength on the long road.

When he achieved the extraordinary, what he thought was that one day, if he was the same as Li Yi!

Li Yi didn't mean to exchange pleasantries, or in other words, he didn't understand what pleasantries were at all. He only continued: "I look forward to the third meeting, you can tell me why my sword sings."

Jiang Wang said it had been a long time, but it was only two years.

The first time we met, this was a dying beggar waiting to die. He doesn't allow him to live, he doesn't take him to death, he just does what he wants.

The second time we met, he was already the number one inner palace in the world, and his sword trembled with all his strength.

So he said, he was looking forward to the third meeting.

But at least for now, the No. 1 inner court in the world is still not qualified to give him an answer.

Jiang Wang still stood upright, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I also look forward to the third time I meet, I can give you the answer."

Many people probably thought that Li Yi was speaking politely, but Jiang Wang was too inflated after winning the championship.

But Li Yi never said polite words, and Jiang Wang really believed in himself.

Only the two of them know where and when they "met" for the first time.

Li Yi smiled.

This smile is like an innocent child, getting the answer he wanted.

But it quickly faded away.

Because it dissipated too decisively. Let this smile, apart from innocence, also have a taste of indifference.

This is a naive and heartless person.

He bent his index finger and clicked on the martial arts platform.

"Your battle is over, how about I take the stage now?"

It's a questioning tone.

Jiang Wang smiled: "Okay."

So he stepped down from the martial arts platform.

One in white and one in blue.

As soon as the two people went up and down, they staggered past.

It seems to be a handover of some kind of ceremony.

But many people also know that...

A leader has stepped down, and a leader is coming to the stage.

Now, Li Yi, who was dressed in white, was standing on the platform under the sky, facing the gazes from all directions.

There are quite a few people who like to wear white clothes and look good in them.

For example, Ye Lingxiao, the master of Lingxiao Pavilion, is unrestrained and unrestrained, extraordinary handsome, with an air of immortality.

Zhaonan, the master of the Shaohua Spear, fits the image of a white horse with a silver spear and a young general in a white robe that often appear in storytellers. He is truly unparalleled in style.

Chongxuanzun, who took away all the elegance of his peers, was different, as elegant as a nobleman in a troubled world, with a peerless elegance.

And Li Yi wore white clothes, giving people the impression that it was "simple".

The kind of simplicity without a trace of variegation.

He was so sharp, so purely sharp.

Just standing on the martial arts stage has already cut countless eyes.

Yu Yu, who was still in the audience, said in a low voice, "The Yellow River Club has its own rules. If other contestants agree, this seat will agree. If anyone disagrees, Taiyu, you'd better come back tomorrow."

Even if everyone knows that as soon as Li Denglindong really arrives, the Yellow River Club is unlimited for those under 30 years old, and the suspense has been lost.

No matter how arrogant Tianjiao is, the gap between Shenlin and Dongzhen cannot be crossed.

But the Yellow River Club still has its own rules, which need to be respected.

Of course, if all the participants agree not to waste time and start the battle for the title today ahead of schedule, that would be another matter. Just like Jiang Wang voluntarily giving up his recuperation time, he is also free to do so.

"They will agree. Because now is the only chance."

The youngest real person in the world said calmly on the stage: "If today is a war, whoever can take my sword, I will give up my title!"

Li Yi, the real person of Taiyu, set out his conditions.

One sword!

People were too surprised to know what to say.

But that's not all.

Li Yi on the martial arts stage turned around for a week with his flat, almost meek eyes.

It seems that at this time he finally started to look at his opponent, but there was clearly no one in his eyes.

"Who will come first?"

He asked, "Or, come together!"

He simply regards the heroes of the world as worthless!

But people can't help but think. Although it is really insurmountable when the gods come to the cave, if the seven strongest talents under the age of 30 can join forces... it may not be impossible to win!

Ji Zhaonan, who was dressed in white, was the first to stand up.

He was standing in front of Qi State's preparation table, staring at Li Yi on the martial arts stage with his star-like eyes: "I disdain to bully the few by the crowd. I can't do it when the gods face the truth. In today's battle, I thought Zhaonan was inferior to others, so I forfeited the match. But Li Yi."

The light of the Shaohua gun in his hand flashed: "How dare you humiliate me today! I will go to Dongzhen in the future, and I will continue today's battle!!"

A sound fell like a gunshot.

A life and death agreement has been made in the future.

The challenge at that time, no real king can save his life!

He carried the Shaohua gun and left the table alone.

Li glanced at the proud and lonely back, but didn't speak.

The second person to stand up and express his opinion was Jing Guo Murong Longqie.

"If there is something to be done on the battlefield, thousands of troops will be free. No matter what can't be done on the martial arts stage, two people should live and die."

He looked at Li Yi coldly: "The first name is yours. But on the road of cultivation, it is inevitable to come and go. On the road of life and death, you and I are treated equally. We will have a bright future!"

After all, he turned around.

Until this time, Jiang Wang, who had already walked to Cao Jie's side under the Yanwu stage, could feel some taste.

Is Ji Zhaonan afraid of death?

Is Ji Zhaonan afraid of losing face?


Standing on the viewing platform, he represented the Qi State in the battle of the Yellow River, but the first thing to consider was the interests of the Qi State.

So he left the promise for the future and left first.

Just like Murong Longqi at that time.

It has always been said that the meeting of the Yellow River is another form of war. The martial arts arena is also a battlefield.

But Murong Long emphasized at this moment that the battlefield is a battlefield, and the martial arts arena is a martial arts arena, but he wanted to erase the impression that "Jing Guo's power overwhelms the world".

In any case, besieging Li Yi on stage must not be done.

With so many arrogances present, if they really came to the stage to besiege Li Yi.

It is tantamount to encircling Jingguo under heaven.

Jingguo's defeat is also victory, and victory has the same momentum!

And Murong Long also chose to abandon the game, and told the world that Li Yizhi is strong, Li Yizhi is strong, and he is just an early step on the road of cultivation. This time, Jing Guo only won the title of chieftain, and there is no essential difference from the chieftain of Qi State.

Li Yi, or Jing Guo, represented by Li Yi, is creating a trend that will overwhelm the world.

And Ji Zhaonan Murong Longqi, even refused!

"Alas." Chu Guo Yelan'er sighed, almost breaking the hearts of the listeners.

She Shi Shiran stood up: "Ye Lan'er is deeply indebted to the emperor, so there is nothing to say. Jing Yitai and Yu are the chief executives, I will take the seat!"

Also turned around and went.

Huang Budong finally finished counting his fingers, stayed for a moment, and said in a daze: "I have no reason."

The whole person seemed to be even older, got up and left lazily.

As for Cang Ming, who is known as the envoy of God in this world, he withdrew his gesture of pilgrimage and left without saying a word.

Namoduo, the golden-crowned priest, announced on his behalf: "This battle Muguo forfeited the match. Jingguo forfeited two matches in a row, and we also forfeited one match. This is an explanation!"

His look was divine, his tone generous.

Even Chong Xuansheng, who had withdrawn from Fatianxiangdi, was also amazed.

Thinking that although he is as shameless as Chong Xuansheng, his courage is not comparable. How could he dare to put on such a shameless picture at the meeting of the Yellow River? It can only be said that Cangtu God's divine light shines, it is really powerful!

Seeing what Namodo said, it sounds like Mu Guo is much stronger than Jing Guo.

However, Jing Guo is not easy to refute. Although the nature is different, even though Jing Guo gave up two games in a row, it is precisely to accumulate the momentum at this time, and to captivate the world with one game...

But if we really want to talk about it, two games are indeed more than one...

The five major overlords hand over their hands and give up the title of the unlimited field.

Although it is Li Yidong's true cultivation, he is invincible under the age of thirty, but it also means "I won't play with you".

For these, Li Yi said nothing.

Tianjiao, the hegemon, left the arena one after another, so the so-called siege theory naturally ceased to exist.

Chen Si of the Song Dynasty sat upright at noon.

He was the first to win the crown, but he already had the will to die.

But after the Tianjiao of several overlord countries left the field one after another, there was a smile on his face. Shi Shiran said: "Taiyu Daoist is naturally worthy of the title. I am convinced. I should watch the ceremony in the audience and congratulate you !"

This is also an admission of defeat.

Now only Zhang Xun of Dan Country is left.

He can be said to be the least expected talent in the unlimited field, and it is difficult to win by himself in the main match.

But it was him who had fighting intent in his eyes.

As Li Yi said before.

At this moment, if he can receive a sword from this person... Dan Country will pick this leader!

Of course, the other hegemonic countries disdain to compete for the top spot in this way, and it is impossible for those few peerless arrogances to come to power with the goal of holding a sword.

But for Dan Guo...the temptation is too great!

It's almost a step of diving into the dragon's gate!

Zhang Xun gritted his teeth...

"Zhang Xun!" Dan Guoguo Minister Fei Nanhua looked at him and shook his head.

Zhang Xun was silent for a while, and the fighting spirit in his eyes finally receded.

Fei Nanhua turned his head to look at Yanwutai: "In less than 30 years, he is already in the realm of the real cave. The real Taiyu is worthy of this title! I, the pride of the Alchemy Kingdom, also choose to admit defeat."

If it is said that Jiang Wang created the record for the fastest victory in the history of the Yellow River Club.

Then Li Yi, the real person of Taiyu, not only broke this record, but also created the record for the fastest win in history.

Dressed in white clothes, come alone, the pride of the nations avoids!

Compared with God's Realm, there is indeed a crushing gap between the truth of the hole and the insurmountable gap.

None of the six supreme beings expressed their opinions, and no one at the scene was qualified to speak out. Yu Yi looked around for a week, and then said: "The title of Unlimited Field is won by Li Yi of Jingguo!"

The people of Jingguo, who had been suppressed for several days, naturally cheered.

Daoist Taiyu was born out of nowhere, crushing the audience, and won the championship without a single blow.

This deed will inevitably be engraved in history, and the people of Jingguo are proud of it.

Only Li Yi himself, who was standing on the martial arts platform at this moment, was still calm. There is almost no emotion in the eyes, as if all this has nothing to do with him.

He stands in the center of this world, but seems to be alone in the world.

Jiang Wang, who was in the audience, suddenly remembered the small... "Boom" that Li Yi yelled softly from Li Yi's mouth after Gongyangbai, Mo Jingyu and others left in Zhenzhenguan.

Feel his loneliness.

Xian Nankui coughed, and then said: "Li Yi! Spread the flag for me!"

Just like Cao Jie did before, holding a flag with both hands, he walked to the stage step by step.

Li Yi still didn't speak, took it with one hand, and threw it directly into the sky, as if throwing a spear towards the sky!

This flag is so far away that it doesn't need the steps of the sky at all.

And people can see in a moment that the curtain wall in the northeast direction erected by Emperor Jing is instantly imprinted with a picture of a flag.

It was a black dragon and a white dragon, the tails of the dragons were intertwined, the body of the dragon was curved, and the heads of the dragons each looked at one side, forming a circle together.

It's flying the dragon flag for the universe!

Amid the cheers of the people of Jingguo, Li Yi stood up and disappeared directly into the distance of Gao Qiong.

At that time, the dharma images of the six supreme beings all disappeared, and the Long River Dragon Lord who was sitting and watching the competition had also disappeared.

People are still cheering, regretting, and making noise...

The meeting of the Yellow River is over!

Jiang Wang stood in the audience, still thinking about Li Yi, about the promise of the third goodbye...

Suddenly, a group of people rushed forward.

Chong Xuansheng's, Li Longchuan's, Yan Fu's, Xu Xianggan's... everyone's smiling faces.

"Remember? Remember Jiang Wang? Remember what I told you?"

Chong Xuansheng's rare expression was excited, his fat face was flushed, and the red color seemed to be dyed into his eyes: "You will attract everyone's attention, and you will become the pride of did it! You did it! arrive!"

Xu Xianggan's forehead was shiny, and he laughed loudly: "Today we will catch up with Ma Shan and become famous all over the world!"

Yan Fu smiled warmly and said: "Before I came here, I had booked all the restaurants in Fengcheng, and set up a three-day banquet, and I couldn't help anyone to come to the table to celebrate your success. It's been a difficult journey, and now that the title has been picked, it should be Rest for a few days, wherever you go, let's get drunk!"

Zhao Wuyan gently pressed Zishu's shoulder, Zishu lowered his head and held back for a long time, finally raised his eyes to look at Jiang Wang: "You are so amazing!"

Some are celebrating, some are crying, some are cheering, and some are leaving alone.

Among the retreating Muguo team, Helian Yunyun asked with a smile, "Why don't you go and say a few words?"

Zhao Rucheng looked back, smiled and shook his head: "He has many good friends and a lot of bright future, he will never be unhappy again!"

"Zhao Rucheng!"

Suddenly he heard such a cry.

So I turned around and looked.

I saw Jiang Wang standing on tiptoe in the crowd, looking at him from afar, with his hands stretched like a trumpet, he asked loudly, "Who is brother?"

Zhao Rucheng's face was still pale from serious injuries, but he smiled brightly, put his hands together in front of his mouth, and shouted loudly: "You are!"

Jiang Wang asked loudly, "Who am I?"

Zhao Rucheng shouted repeatedly: "Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang!!! Brother Jiang!!!"

The two of them didn't approach each other, they just shouted at each other through the crowd.

It seems very childish...

But this kind of childishness is probably only possessed when you are young.

Beside Zhao Rucheng was Helian Yunyun, Princess of the Mu Kingdom, and next to her was a nun wearing a cloak.

There are too many sight lines imposed on him, and Jiang Wang can't distinguish them one by one.

Just smiling and nodding at them, it is considered as having asked.

Helian Yunyun returned a very gentle smile, the nun seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and nodded to him.

Jiang Wang made a gesture to Zhao Rucheng, indicating that he would see you tomorrow. This kind of gesture was also one of the things they fiddled with when they were in Fenglin City. Zhao Rucheng always had some childish and boring ideas. And they always laughed at his naivety while accompanying him naive...

Zhao Rucheng raised his hand to beckon, and then followed Helian Yunyun and the others to leave.

In the vast platform of the world, the sea of ​​people is scattered into many tributaries. Coming from all directions, it is also scattered in all directions at this time.

Jiang Wang turned around and saw a familiar figure outside the crowd.

He patted Chongxuan Sheng on the shoulder: "Ah Sheng, you take everyone back to Qi Street to drink and celebrate. I will come as soon as I say hello to my friends."

Chong Xuansheng knew that he still had a younger sister in Yunguo, so he had restrained his excitement at this time, and greeted the others to leave with a smile.

But Jiang Wang walked out of the crowd and walked in front of Ye Qingyu who was covered in a light veil.

Looking around: "Hey, where is Master Ye?"

Ye Qingyu looked at him with eyes as quiet as streams, and said: "We also shake hands."


Jiang Wang was a little puzzled, but he still stretched out his hand honestly.

Ye Qingyu gently held it, smiling eyes curved: "Congratulations, you are number one in the world."





【End of this volume】


(The difficult journey finally reached the end of the sky!

For the end of this volume, cast your precious monthly ticket! )

(Oh yes, tomorrow is the 8th. Zuo Guanglie's two-act episode will be online. Readers who subscribe to the starting point can watch it! The writing is not bad!)

Thanks to book friend sikxjskk for becoming the leader of this book!

Thanks to the leader of the new alliance who rode the bull to the south to reward!

Thanks to the lord, the white light, for the new alliance rewarded!

I will write a summary and reflections tomorrow.

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