Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1178 ? Where Are You?

Chapter 1178 You Are Over There

Ling Xiao's secret place.

A three-foot-long one-horned cloud-patterned beast swooped down from a high altitude at a high speed. When it was close to the ground, it hovered suddenly, and then pulled back up, straight into the sky.

"Hee hee hee……"

The crisp laughter is like silver bells ringing and jade jade shattering, freely falling in the sky.

If anyone can take a closer look, they should be able to see a little girl carved in pink and jade sitting on the back of this strange beast.

Its small body is trapped in the long, cloud-like fluff. If it weren't for the crisp and sweet laughter, it would be hard for people to notice.

The only cloud treading beast in the world, it goes up and down in the air, and from time to time, a few clouds will roll over.

The girl's two little hands were each tightly clutching a handful of plush, and her little face was nervous and excited. Whenever I dive or lift, I feel nervous, and whenever I fly smoothly, I laugh out loud. A layer of faint cloud light surrounds her body, so that no matter how bumpy she is, she will not leave her back.

In this world, besides Ye Lingxiao and Ye Qingyu's father and daughter, there is only one Jiang An'an who can sit and play on the back of the cloud treading beast Ah Chou.

One big and one small are having a great time.

Ah Chou suddenly dodged his body, shrank his body, fell back into the pavilion, and gently sent Jiang An'an to the cloud stool.

"Someone is coming!" Ah Chou said in a low voice, "Level B combat readiness!"

There is only one cloud table and two cloud stools in the pavilion, with four winds passing through the ears and eight sides open.

Jiang An'an had a serious face, quickly sat cross-legged, and danced her two little hands in front of her body, but she was mobilizing Dao Yuan to complete the Dao technique.

And Ah Chou stood in front of her, and said solemnly: "You are still not familiar with Liu Yunsuo's seal. There is some delay between the third seal and the fourth seal."

Jiang An'an was obviously very obedient and hardworking: "Then I'll practice a few more times!"

Just at this time, a Taoist with a face of about fifty came over from the other end of the cloud corridor.

"I have seen Lord Tayun." The Taoist bowed and saluted.

Not everyone can call "A Chou", just like the name "Ye Xiaohua" is only spread in a small area.

As the unique beast of Lingxiao Pavilion, the people of Lingxiao Pavilion call it Lord Tayun, and the people of Yunguo even regard it as the god of protecting the country. Many people enshrine its portrait at home, thinking that it has the power to exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters.

Ah Chou nodded reservedly, which was regarded as a return gift.

Jiang An'an got off the cloud stool very politely, and said to the Taoist: "I've met Professor Hu."

Hu Lian, the Dharma instructor of Lingxiao Pavilion, took a look at her, then turned her gaze back to Zhenzong Yishou, and pleaded: "Master Tayun, it's time for An An to go to class."

"Ha!" Ah Chou shook his head: "Isn't An An already in class?"

Hu Lian looked distressed, and carefully reminded: "Before the suzerain left, you were asked to take care of An'an. As for teaching her Taoism, I was in charge."

"What's the meaning?"

Ah Chou jumped onto the cloud table.

At this time, its body was only as big as a puppy. Although it tried its best to look aggressive, it only felt fierce.

"Ah? What do you mean?" It asked angrily, "Are you stronger than me?"

Hu Lian quickly lowered her head: "That's not true. It's just..."

"Just what? What's just?" A Chou interrupted him: "You don't believe in my ability? Do you doubt me? Hu, you are so brave!"

It has been many years since I heard this "Little Hu", after all, Hu Lian is in his fifties no matter what.

But at the age of Lord Tayun, it is no problem to call him Xiaohu.

Hu Lian smiled wryly, "How dare I question you?"

He had to compromise and said: "Then let me test An An's learning results. After all, the responsibility lies. Even though you teach the Dharma personally, I have to understand the process."

What he said was reasonable, Ah Chou had no room for messing around, so he winked at Jiang An'an: "Let's show it to Teacher Hu!"

And immediately commanded: "Liu Yunsuo!"

Jiang An'an's ten fingers were intertwined, and he quickly completed the seal. A cloud-white "rope" that was scattered in the clouds suddenly flew out, and it was swaying between the two pavilion pillars.

"Well, not bad." Hu Lian nodded.

At the level of wandering monks, there is nothing to be picky about, whether it is the completeness of the seal or the smoothness of the Taoism formation.

"Then the next one..."

"Okay, okay." A Chou interrupted impatiently: "It's good after the inspection. It's getting late, you go back and rest. Don't stay up late when you are old."

"Ah, this..." Hu Lian showed hesitation.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?" Ah Chou seemed very unhappy, and the colorless water polo attached to his long tail swayed.

"The two surnamed Ye went out for a tour and left us at home. They had a good time, and we practiced from morning to night, ah, from morning to night, for such a long time."

It looked at Hu Lian and said, "I've worked so hard, what else do you want!?"

Hu Lian had no choice but to say: "My lord, you must remember the cloud stepping technique, let An An practice it well, this is the basis of our Lingxiao Pavilion's escape method..."

A Chou stared.

Hu Lian closed her mouth, turned around and walked back.

Xiao An'an looked at the back of Hu Jiaoxi going away, feeling a little apprehensive: "Chou Chou, isn't it good for us to do this? Although Hu Jiaoxi is usually brother said that strict teachers make outstanding students..."

A Chou curled his lips: "You are so short now, you haven't reached the time to become a master yet!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his body, jumped out of the pavilion, and transformed into his own body of three feet. Turning his head: "Come to play or not?"

Just as a smile appeared on An An's face, A Chou turned over again, shrunk down and went back into the pavilion.

"Level C combat readiness." It reminded in a low voice.

An An then immediately sat down again, and began to make spells absent-mindedly.

Not long after, a group of young monks huddled on a cloud cart and rushed over at a fast speed.

Jiang An'an took a closer look, and found that the ones on the cloud car were Senior Sister Wang, Senior Brother Mo Liang, Senior Brother Nasty, and Senior Brother Xie Ruixuan with a square face.

Dao Jue dispersed immediately, and Jiang An'an beckoned, "Here it is!"

Mo Liang took the lead, jumped out of the cloud cart, holding a silk book in his hand, and squeezed in front of Ah Chou: "Master Tayun, Guanhetai's latest battle report!"

A Chou glanced at it, and muttered: "Unlimited field titles under 30, real Jingguo Taiyu..."

It excited: "A real person?"

Over there.

The round-faced Senior Sister Wang grabbed Jiang Anan's hand: "Oh, slow down! This is the hand of a peerless genius, so you must protect it!"

Senior Sister Dawang smiled gently: "An An, tell Senior Sister, does your brother have a marriage contract?"

Jiang An'an blinked her eyes, and said blankly, "What kind of sex are you dating?"

"Cough!" Xie Ruixuan, who had an incomparably square face, suddenly approached with a smile all over his face, "My dearest Junior Sister An An, you can do anything! You can swim in the water flying in the sky, you should be more energetic!"

Ah Chou continued to look down, muttering something: "There is no leader in the outer building, tsk tsk. Qi Guo is doing well this time, the leader of the inner mansion, Jiang..."

Mo Liang, who was showing courteousness in front of Ah Chou, turned around and found that Jiang An'an had been surrounded by those people who were stalking him!

"What are you doing!?"

Mo Liang hurried forward, bumped Xie Ruixuan away with his butt, blocked the king's sight, slapped Xiao Wang's hand away, and protected Jiang An'an behind him, like a solitary guard protecting the lord among thousands of troops.

"Don't let your vulgarity pollute our pure and innocent An'an! An'an is still so young, how do you all flirt with each other, what do you look like? I'll let my elder brother know later, can I have some good fruit from you?"

He turned around, took out an oiled paper bag from his arms, and held it in front of Jiang An'an with both hands. With a flattering smile: "Sister An, do you want to eat crane legs? I just roasted them and they smell delicious!"





(A new volume is opened, titled "Fuyao".

Let us start a new journey together, go to a higher place of 90,000 miles, and take a look at the broader and more distant scenery! )

After thinking for a long time, I decided to open the book with this picture.

"I am here are there!"


Thank you book friends, I love to learn qaz and become the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend Ah Jun who has no money for becoming the leader of this book!


There will be more at eight o'clock in the evening.

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