Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1292 ?

Chapter 1292 Reserved for future rewards

Watching the figure in the sackcloth cloak drifting away on the red cloud.

Wuyan Lanzhu pouted: "What! His Majesty the Emperor distributes a lot of books to the tribe every year. Seeing how you stumble, I read more books than you!"

Of course, she couldn't tell her 'benefactor' this, so she could only complain in private.


Looking at the back again, she turned her horse's head dejectedly.

He muttered in his mouth: "I thought, if you are good-looking, I will ask you, I have cattle, sheep, horses and pastures, would you like to stay? If you are not good-looking, I will give you five The cow... well, you just left, is it good-looking or not?"

As she spoke, she slapped her mouth lightly: "Wuyan Lanzhu, Wuyan Lanzhu, how can you be so superficial?"

Immediately, he laughed brightly again.

Her cattle, sheep, and pastures are all preserved, and she doesn't worry about finding a good-looking man. The future is as bright as the sky at this time.



Jiang Wanghun didn't know that he avoided a "judgment" on his appearance, galloping on the endless grassland, he and the bay red horse were very happy.

So it is a few more days.

Guessing that when he was approaching the Supreme Court, he randomly found a herd of wild horses and released the claret horse.

He also secretly observed the contest between the Claret Horse and the king of horses, and helped the Claret Horse a little, witnessing its coronation, and then Shi Shiran left with a stick.

No matter it is cloudy, rainy or snowy, it is a good time to have leisure time.

Going east all the way, when the colorful pastures gradually return to blue color, there is a feeling of returning to the season in a trance.

Jiang Wang then knew that the center of the eastern grassland was approaching.

The blue sea in autumn is the feedback of the abundant vitality here. The growth and decay of vegetation are not suited to the greatest city on the prairie.

It's hard to describe the feeling of seeing the High Court for the first time.

It's like walking on a boundless road, when you suddenly raise your eyes, you have already seen the land of God!

The stretching tents are like a sea of ​​clouds, and the sea of ​​clouds falls on the blue sea,

The sky-blue flags flutter, and the eagle soars high in the sky... Gold, silver and precious stones adorn this place.

This is the city of gold, brilliant, brilliant, and blazing.

The boundless grassland often makes people feel lonely, because there is nothing to look around. In such a place, it is easy for people to feel their own insignificance.

But at the moment of seeing the Supreme Court, all the loneliness was dispelled.

What you see and feel is the most splendid world.

It is undoubtedly the center of this grassland, and you even feel that it may be the center of the world.

Jiang Wang looked at the city quietly, imagining how it would fly, how it would fly across the boundless grassland, and shine in the clear sky—what a great picture that is.

A knight came on horseback at this moment.

The eyebrows and eyes are distinct, and the appearance is quite majestic. Wearing leather armor with a scimitar hanging from his waist, judging by the attire, they are the royal tent cavalry guarding the supreme royal court.

Slow down when the distance is still far, so as not to surprise the horse, showing good qualities, and asked loudly: "Where did the guest come from?"

But instead of using "Moyer", he used the broader term "guest".

People in the Central Region often talk about "prairie barbarian" or "prairie barbarian", or it's not all derogatory terms. The people in the grasslands are aggressive, and it has become a habit among the various tribes to attack each other. It is really common for them to draw their swords at each other if they disagree. For a long time, knives were the biggest truth.

But after Jiang Wang entered the grassland in person, everything he saw and experienced was very different from the stereotypes he had heard.

Like that herdsman girl, sober, bright, lively and natural.

Just like this king's tent cavalry, they can be regarded as the elite among the grassland elites, but they are not arrogance in the slightest. He also greeted a foreign stranger with a smile on his face.

In all these details, it is reflected in the martial arts achievements of Emperor Mu today.

Jiang Wang doesn't mind being interrogated. To enter the Supreme Court, this kind of review is inevitable.

He responded aloud: "People from foreign countries have traveled to the grassland. I want to see the greatest city on the grassland, and I want to see the mirror of the sky."

"You made a very correct choice." The king's tent cavalry smiled proudly, but still asked in a businesslike manner: "Do you have a biography? Who in the local area will guarantee you?"

Jiang Wang was stunned: "Do you still want a local as a guarantor?"

"Inspection" is an identity document, which records name, gender, general appearance, and where one lives.

"Biography" is a travel certificate, which needs to be certified by the government of the place of residence. Record name, gender, destination. In addition, when passing through various important passes, it is also necessary to affix a seal on the document to prove that the journey is not sneaky, and the trajectory of the action can be checked at any time.

Ordinary people travel all over the world, without experience, it is difficult to move an inch.

Compared with ordinary people's travel, extraordinary monks are much simpler. No matter where you go, as long as you are not too presumptuous, you will basically not be blocked.

But the Supreme Royal Court is different, no one can play wild here.

Before coming to the grassland, Jiang Wang managed to get a set of identity documents. He is a Confucian student in Weiguo.

But the hurdle of "locals as guarantor" really stumped him.

The king's tent cavalry smiled: "Because of some well-known reasons, the review of entering the city will be stricter now."

The so-called "well-known reason", of course, Jiang Wang is not ignorant.

The optimism in the other party's words is a proof of the strength of this country.

The battle in Liyuan City is still going on, and Jing Guo will intervene at any time. But when any cavalryman of the king's tent talked about this matter, it was actually calm and breezy.

Thinking of the voice of the female emperor Gao Miaoru on the top of the cloud that he heard on the viewing platform, Jiang Wang couldn't help feeling awed.

If you want to stealthily sneak into the High King's Court, there are of course other ways. No matter how strict the King's Tent Cavalry checks, it is impossible for the Great King's City to be airtight. But at such a sensitive time, it is asking for trouble.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "Can you contact Zhao Rucheng for me, maybe Deng Qi? Just say that an old friend is visiting, and he should know who it is."

As the arrogance of the Inner Mansion representing Muguo in the Yellow River Conference, Zhao Rucheng's name obviously carries some weight in Muguo.

The king's tent cavalry looked at him and asked, "Can the guest take off the cloak?"

"It's not very convenient." Jiang Wang said, "Does it have to be picked?"

"Not really. If you are really General Zhao's friend, there will be no hindrance." The king's tent cavalry joked, "It's just that I'm curious. If you look fierce, I'll keep an eye on you. If you look kind, I'll just relax."

Jiang Wang:?

Are you prairie people so realistic?

No wonder Zhao Rucheng is doing so well here! Are you a general?

"Let Zhao Rucheng pick me up." Jiang Wang said.

"It's just a coincidence." The king's tent cavalry said with a smile: "General Zhao is leaving the front line of the original city, but he can't come to pick you up. Do you have someone else to protect you?"

Jiang Wang was both surprised and unhappy.

What surprised me was that Zhao Rucheng actually went to the front line. That was a battlefield that Jing Guo would join at any time, and the danger was really unpredictable.

The unpleasant thing is... since Zhao Rucheng is not in the Supreme Court, the guy in front of him is talking so much!

The king's account cavalry probably could feel Jiang Wang's mood, and quickly explained: "I am not teasing the guests, but my relatives and General Zhao are close friends. I heard that you are a friend of General Zhao, and I am very close to you. I'll play a joke on you."

"Really?" Jiang Wang asked quietly, "Who are your relatives?"

The king's tent cavalry rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Yu Wenduo, do you know? He and General Zhao are life-and-death friends. In the words of our grassland, it is 'Yogai'."

Thinking of the braided man who almost got into a fight with him on the Suanni Bridge, Jiang Wang curled his lips under the cloak.

He asked again, "Is there anyone at General Zhao's house?"

The king's tent cavalry smiled: "Your Excellency, you are joking, General Zhao entered the grassland alone, and has not yet married."


Jiang Wang didn't speak, turned around and left.

"Hey, the guests are not coming into the city?" the king's tent cavalry asked behind him.

Without looking back, Jiang Wang leaned on his stick in his right hand and shook the book in his left hand: "Since the old man is not in the city, I will leave the scenery here for another day to appreciate!"

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